Billy's Games
Billy's Games
Billy's Games
Alejandro Blue
Mary Pink
You wake up in a bright room with white marble floor and walls. The floor is litter with
broken toys some of them are missing heads. Some of them have broken arms and legs
some of them are hogpoged together.
o “HI my name is TIMMY and you all gotta play with me or Im gonna CRY!!!”
o I brought you here silly.
o What am I? I’m a kid that’s what I am.
o Give the character a nickname if they ask you what you are. If they ask a bunch
of questions pressure them to start playing.
If they don’t agree to play a terrible wailing sound engulfs their minds roll
a dc16 cha save on a success take 1d4 psychic damage on a fail take 2d8
psy damage
o The little boy runs down the hallway he gets 20 feet away from you before he
turns into mist and vanishes. you begin to hear a childish laugh in your ears.
o A long hallway with two doors at each end is a door. Leads to R3 and R9
o You enter a room with a green faux marble floor. The walls are made of a grey
o In the center of the room are two large statues with a sword in each hand.
o To the north is stone door with four animal masks hanging on the wall.
There is a Lion, Boar, Zebra, and a Vulture
Above the Lion a tapestry reads "I ate one of the boar's friends."
Above the Boar a tapestry reads "The vulture is lucky to be alive."
Above the Zebra a tapestry reads "My only friend starved to death."
Above the Vulture a tapestry reads "One of the others has no friends."
o You all hear a voice in our head that says “So who is my friend?”
o The answer: The Vulture
o If you put on a mask that isn’t the vulture you become. Blinded for 1 minute. And
the shield guardians come to life. Upon victor the door will open (R4). And the
wall to the northeast slides into the ground and reveals another room. (R11)
o Another Hallway long hallway. There is a series of poison dart traps. A dc15
investigation can identify the pressure plates that triggers the traps. If the trap is
triggered the party must make a dc17 dex check. On a success your fine on a
failure take 2d8 piercing damage
o At the end of the hallway is a door. (R5)
o Antoher Octaganal room. It looks like at one point it was someone’s laboratory.
There is a door to the East and one to the SE. There is a desk on the west wall
strewn with papers and bones. Some of the bones are human some are animal
and some spiral and bend in ways you’ve never seen before. On the SW wall
there are 4 human skulls.
o To the SE is a door. It is magically sealed with high level enchantment magic.
o On the NE wall there is a safe with a combo lock. Ton open the safe will require a
dc17 slight of hand. The code can be found with an investigation of the desk
o Inside the safe is a hand beastiery, key with a skeleton head at one end. The key
is enchanted and unlocks the door. (R12)
o The hallway ends in a door.
o This room appears to be a library books from the floor to the ceiling on a variety
of subject. Anyone who picks up a book must roll a d6
1: The title of the book is The art of summoning. The Books poofs and a
Merilith appears
2 Large Cainines: 2 Guardian Wolves appear
3 The Elements An Air Elemental
4 Hags gone Wild Annis Hag
5 Spells of the Nightbreed. Vampire Spellcaster
6 Book of locks 200 keys litter the floor. Requires a dc 19 inv to find the
right key or 1 hour to find the correct key
o This hallway has a chest. The chest requires a dc13 slight of hand to unlock the
chest. Inside are 4 viles with blue green liquid in each. Roll 1d4. 1-3 are healing 1
is poison. The poison can be detected with a dc 16 medicine check
o At the end of the hall is a door.
o Another octagonal room. This room
Rooms 10-13
o These rooms are all identical with a low standing pedestal in each room. Dc17
inv shows a green residue. A dc16 medice check say it’s a sleeping agent with
healing properties. If you stand on one pedestal nothing happens. if all four take
pressure at the same moment the gas is released and you fall asleep and are
healed of any afflictions and heal 6d4 hp.
o If a character isn’t in one of the floor disappears and you plummet through an
green opaque green smoke. Despite your fear and adrenaline rushing you feel
yourself falling asleep.
o When you wake in the room with you is a familiar visage. Its like looking in a fun
house mirror. The creature, might be a little taller than you are or a little wider, a
bigger head. Its distorted. And in a moment the creature attacks. Roll for
o Upon victory the inner most door opens. And at the center of the room is Timmy
o Yay you found me!! Congratulations now we can play new game! Night of the
living dead to win you just have to survive. In that moment a tornado of black
smoke erupts from the boy. The smoke fills the room. And in the next moment it
all vanishes. The doors are all gone. And before you is a gargantuan dragon like
creature. Dc16 Arcana or Nature Check. It is a Dracolich.
Well this was sad I guess I’ll turn your corpses into my new dolls