Exclusions From Gross Income
Exclusions From Gross Income
Exclusions From Gross Income
Angelo Suan
CONCON 2020-2021 1
TAXATION 1 | Atty. Angelo Suan
international sports competitions and tournaments 3. It must be paid or incurred in carrying on or which
whether held in the Philippines or abroad and are directly attributable to the development,
sanctioned by their national sports associations. management, operation and/or conduct of the trade,
business, or exercise of profession;
9. 13th month pay and other gross benefits (as 4. It must be supported by adequate invoices or
amended by the TRAIN Law) – exempted only up to receipts;
the extent of Php 90,000. 5. It is not contrary to law, public policy, or morals; and
6. The tax required to be withheld on the expense paid
10. GSIS, SSS, Medicare and Pag-IBIG Contributions or payable is shown to have been remitted to the BIR.
Business Expenses
Conditions for deductibility of business expense:
1. It must be ordinary and necessary- it forms part of
the normal operations of the business;
2. It must be paid and incurred during the taxable year;
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