Project Management 406
Project Management 406
Project Management 406
Assignment on
Project Management
Course Code: 406
[Executive Stocker]
Submitted to Submitted by
Name: Dipankar Mondal
Mohona Biswas
Assistant Professor Name: Tumpa Rani Dey
Dept. of management Reg:2015-22-20
Rangamati Science & Technology Name: Abuzafar Abdullah
University Reg: 2015-22-23
Name: Rahanuma Tasmin
Reg: 2015-22-34
Name: Tricha Chakma
Reg: 2015-22-47
Name: Opu Dey
Reg: 2014-21-0125
Creating a PERT Chart: A flowchart is used to depict the Project Evaluation Review
Technique. Nodes represent the events, indicating the start or end of activities or tasks. The
directorial lines indicate the tasks that need to be completed, and the arrows show the sequence
of the activities. There are four definitions of time used to estimate project time requirements:
• Optimistic time – The least amount of time it can take to complete a task
• Pessimistic time – The maximum amount of time it should take to complete a task
• Most likely time – Assuming there are no problems, the best, or most reasonable,
estimate of how long it should take to complete a task.
• Expected time – Assuming there are problems, the best estimate of how much time
will be required to complete a task.
Here are several terms used in a PERT chart:
Float/Slack – Refers to the amount of time a task can be delayed without resulting in an
overall delay in completion of other tasks or the project
Critical Path – Indicates the longest possible continuous path from the start to the end of a
task or event
Critical Path Activity – Refers to an activity without any slack
Lead Time – Refers to the amount of time needed to finish a task without affecting
subsequent tasks
Lag Time – The earliest time by which a successor event/task can follow a prior event/task
Fast Tracking – Refers to handling tasks or activities in parallel
Crashing Critical Path – Shortening the amount of time to do a critical task
Advantages of PERT:
1. It helps maximize the use of resources.
2. It makes project planning more manageable.
3. It’s useful even if there is little or no previous schedule data.
4. It enables project managers to better estimate or determine a more definite completion
Disadvantages of PERT:
1. In complex projects, many find PERT hard to interpret, so they may also use
a Gantt Chart, another popular method for project management.
2. It can be tedious to update, modify, and maintain the PERT diagram.
3. It entails a subjective time analysis of activities and, for those who are less
experienced or are biased, this may affect the project’s schedule.
Key Steps in Critical Path Method: The process of using critical path method in project
planning phase has six steps
The float time for an activity is the time between the earliest (ES) and the latest (LS) start time
or between the earliest (EF) and latest (LF) finish times. During the float time, an activity can
be delayed without delaying the project finish date.
The critical path is the longest path of the network diagram. The activities in the critical path
have an effect on the deadline of the project. If an activity of this path is delayed, the project
will be delayed.
In case if the project management needs to accelerate the project, the times for critical path
activities should be reduced.
The first of these is an activity that starts a network. The second ends a network. The third is
in the middle. Figure: 1.1 shows each of the three types of activities. Activities are represented
here by rectangles (one form of what in a network are called “nodes”) with arrows to show the
precedence relationships. When there are multiple activities with no predecessors, it is usual to
show them all emanating from a single node called “START.” When multiple activities have
no successors, it is usual to show them connected to a node called “END.”
a a
Start 1
b 3
(A) (B)
Figure:1.4: Sample of network construction
a c
b d
2 4
Start 1 (B)
b d
a c
Start f End
b d
(A) e
a 2 4 f End
Start 1 d 5
b 3 e
We begin with the node called “START.” Activities a and b have no predecessors, so we draw
arrows out of START to each of them (Figure: 1.4 A). As explained above, the arrowheads
show the direction of precedence. Activity c follows a, activity d follows b, and activity e also
follows b. Let’s add these to our network in Figure: 1.5 A. Now, activity f follows both c and
d. The action plan does not indicate any further activity is required to complete the task, so we
have reached the end of this particular plan. We thus draw arrows from activities e and f to the
node END, as shown in Figure: 1.6 A. Many of the project management software packages
will generate these networks on request.
Constructing the network, AOA version:
We begin with a node (event) called “START.” Activities a and b have no predecessors, so we
draw arrows labeled “a” and “b” from START and terminating in circle-shaped nodes
numbered “1” and “2” for easy identification (Figure: 1.4: B). Activity c follows a, activity d
follows b, and activity e also follows b. Let’s add these arrows to our AOA network, labeling
the arrows and nodes sequentially as we go (Figure: 1.5: B).
Note that activity f must follow both c and d, but any given activity must have its source in one
and only one node. Therefore, c and d must terminate at the same node. Erase activity d and
its node and redraw d to end at the same node that terminates c. We now add activity e
following b, and f following c and d. Because e and f have no successors, they will terminate
at the END node (Figure: 1.6 B).
The choice between AOA and AON representation is largely a matter of personal preference.
AON is typically used in the most popular PC-based commercially available computer
software, and AON networks are easier to draw. AOA networks are slightly harder to draw
because they sometimes require the use of dummy activities to aid in indicating a particular
precedence, via a dashed arc. A dummy activity has no duration and uses no resources. Its sole
purpose is to indicate a technological relationship.
A 20 4 2
B 20 0 0
C 10 4 2
D 15 25 5
E 10 4 2
F 14 4 2
G 4 0 0
H 11 5.4 2.32
I 18 28.4 5.33
J 8 4 2
the upper right of each of their respective nodes. These early finish times represent the earliest
times that the following activities can begin. Note that activity e not only requires the
completion of activity b, but also requires the completion of activity c, as shown by the two
incoming arrows. Activity cannot begin until all paths leading to it have been completed.
Therefore, the ES for activity e is equal to the EF of the latest activity leading to it, 20 for
activity b. Proceeding similarly, we see that activity j has two predecessor activities, d and e.
Activity d cannot start until day 20, (ES 20) and it requires 15 days to complete. Thus, it will
end (EF) a total of 35 days from the start of the project. Activity e may also start after 20 days
but it requires only 10 days, a total of 30 days from the project start. Because activity j requires
the completion of both activities d and e, its ES is 35 days, the longest of the paths to it. Activity
i has an ES of 24 days, the longest of the two paths leading to it, and END, the completion of
the network, has a time of 43 days. The remaining ESs and EFs are shown in Figure 8-16.
D 15,25
A 20,4
E 10,4 j 8,4
h 11,5,4
As can be seen, the longest of the paths through the network is a-d-j using 43 days, which
means that 43 days is the shortest time in which the entire network can be completed. This is
called the critical time of the network, and a-d-j is the critical path, usually shown as a heavy
line as in Figure 8-16. In a simple network such as our example, it is easy to find and evaluate
every path between start and finish to find the longest path. However, many real networks are
considerably more complex, and finding all the paths can be taxing. Using the method
illustrated above, there is no need to worry about the problem. Every node is characterized by
the fact that one or more activities lead to it. Each of these activities has an expected duration
and originates in an earlier node. As we proceed to calculate the ES and EF of each node,
beginning at the start, we are actually finding the critical path and time to each of the nodes in
the network. Note that activity has an ES of 24 days, and its critical path is b-g rather than c-h
which requires 21 days, or c-g.
Although we will assume throughout this chapter that we always employ the “as-soon-
possible” approach to scheduling tasks (“early start”), there are situations where other
approaches are sometimes used. One example is the simultaneous start, where all resources are
launched at the beginning. Another is the simultaneous finish, where a facility can be moved
to its next location once all the tasks are finished. Of course, delay early on in a project runs
the risk of delaying the overall project if some other activities inadvertently become delayed.
One important reason for using an “as-late-as-possible” approach, described below, is that it
delays the use of resources as much as possible, thereby optimizing the cash flow of the project,
but again at some risk of delay.
Slack (aka, Float)
We will now focus on the latest possible starting times (LS) for the activities. As noted in the
previous section, the ES for an activity is equal to the largest EF for its preceding activities. An
important question for the PM is this: What is the latest time (LS) activity i could start without
Refer again to Figure 8-16. The project has a critical time of 43 days. Activity must therefore
be finished by day 43, indicated by LF (latest finish time), placed at the bottom
right of its node. Also, activity it requires 18 days to be accomplished. Therefore, it must be
started no later than day 25 (43 – 18 = 25) if the project is to be complete on day 43. The LS
for activity is thus 25, placed at the lower left corner of the node. Because it cannot begin until
activities g and h have finished, the latest time (LF) for each of these is also day
25. The difference between the LS and the ES for an activity is called its float or slack. In the
case of activity, it must be started no later than day 25, but could be started as early as day 24,
so it has one day of slack. It should be immediately obvious that all activities on the critical
path have zero slack.* Zero slack activities cannot be delayed without making the project late.
For another example, consider activity f. Its ES is day 20, which is equal to the EF of its
predecessor activity b. The LS for activity f is 43 = 14 29. If f is started later than day 29, it
will delay the entire project. Activity f has slack of LS – ES = 29 - 20 = 9 days.
To find the slack for any activity, we make a backward pass (right to left) through the network
just as we made a forward pass (left to right) to find the critical path and time and the ESs and
EFs for successor activities. There is one simple convention we must adopt: When there are
two or more noncritical activities on a path, it is conventional to calculate the slack for each
activity as if it were the only activity in the path. Thus, when finding the slack for activity. For
example, we assume that none of i’s predecessors are delayed. Of course, if some activity, x,
had six days of slack, and if an earlier activity was late, causing the event to be delayed say
two days,
then activity x would have only four days of slack, having lost two days to the earlier delay. It
is simple to calculate slack for activities that are immediate predecessors of the final node. As
we move to earlier activities, it is just a bit more complicated. Consider activity. Remembering
our assumption that the other activities in the same path use none of the available slack, we see
that activity i must follow g, and that g follows activities b and c.
Starting with activity i’s LS of 25, we subtract four days for g (25 - 4 = 21). Thus begin no later
than day 21 without delaying the network. The ES for g is day 20, so g has one day of slack.
As another example, consider activity e. Activity e must be completed by day 35, the LS of
activity j. The LS for e is thus 35 – 10 = 25. Its ES is day 20, so activity e has five days of
slack. Table 8-3 shows the LS, ES, and slack for all activities. On occasion, the PM may
negotiate an acceptable completion date for a project which allows for some slack in the entire
network. If, in our example, an acceptable date was 50
working days after the project start, then the network would have a total of 50 – 43= 7 days
of slack.
Some writers and MSP differentiate between “total” slack or float and “free” slack or
float. Total slack is LF - EF or LS - ES as described above. Free slack is defined as the time
an activity can be delayed without affecting the start time of any successor activity. Activity h
could be delayed three days without affecting the start time of activity . Activity h has three
days of free slack and four days of total slack.