3 Reporte de Pruebas Ieee
3 Reporte de Pruebas Ieee
3 Reporte de Pruebas Ieee
This report records the results of the design tests made on Type EVP Station
Class surge arresters in accordance with IEEE Standard C62.11-2012 “IEEE
Standard for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1kV)”.
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practices, tests
performed on the Type EVP arresters demonstrate full compliance with the
relevant clauses of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/14
Separate reports provide details of the tests, according to the following table:
Insulation Withstand
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Insulation Withstand
INTRODUCTION: The following table lists the Type EVP arresters’ minimum
strike distance, 1.2/50 required and actual impulse withstand levels, and 60 HZ
required and actual wet withstand levels as defined in Sections of IEEE
C62.11-2012 standard.
CONCLUSION: All housings meet or exceed these levels of voltage.
Lightning Lightning 60 HZ 60 HZ
Strike Imp w/s Imp w/s Wet w/s Wet w/s
Arrester Distance Req’d Actual Req’d Actual
MCOV (in) (KVc) (KVc) (kVrms) (kVrms)
2.55 6.9 12 101 5 50
5.1 6.9 23 101 10 50
7.65 8.7 35 127 15 63
8.4 8.7 38 127 16 63
10.2 8.7 47 127 20 63
12.7 10.5 58 153 25 75
15.3 10.5 70 153 30 75
17 14.2 78 207 33 101
19.5 14.2 89 207 38 101
22 14.2 100 207 43 101
24.4 14.2 111 207 47 101
29 17.9 133 261 56 125
31.5 17.9 144 261 61 125
36.5 21.5 166 313 71 148
39 21.5 178 313 75 148
42 21.5 201 313 85 148
48 25.2 221 367 94 172
57 28.9 266 421 113 194
70 43.3 333 631 141 275
74 43.3 338 631 143 275
76 43.3 356 631 151 275
84 43.3 401 631 170 275
88 43.3 401 631 170 275
98 44.7 447 652 197 283
106 44.7 487 652 215 283
115 52 532 758 235 320
131 63.5 621 926 274 372
140 69 639 1006 282 395
144 69 664 1006 293 395
152 69 709 1006 313 395
180 80 842 1166 371 436
EU 1588-H-01.1 2
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-02.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
Discharge Voltage
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
IEEE Design Test Report
Discharge Voltage Characteristic
For each test sample, all measured voltages have been rationalized to the
lightning impulse residual voltage of that sample at nominal discharge current (10
kA 8/20), and the results have been displayed in graphical form.
Current Wave-
Magnitude shape Residual Voltage Oscillogram
Test Wave kA μs kV p.u. Number
10 1/2 14.583 1.09 34
1.5 8/20 11.32 0.846 1
8/20 3 8/20 11.903 0.889 4
Impulse 5 8/20 12.471 0.932 7
10 8/20 13.385 1 10
20 8/20 14.452 1.08 13
Switching 0.5 43/91 10.651 0.796 22
Impulse 1 40/86 11.05 0.826 25
EU 1588-H-02.1 2
Table 2: Measurements made on test sample 2
Current Wave-
Magnitude shape Residual Voltage Oscillogram
Test Wave kA μs kV p.u. Number
10 1/2 14.545 1.087 35
1.5 8/20 11.304 0.845 2
8/20 3 8/20 11.899 0.889 5
Impulse 5 8/20 12.465 0.932 8
10 8/20 13.38 1 11
20 8/20 14.436 1.079 14
Switching 0.5 43/91 10.651 0.796 23
Impulse 1 40/86 11.05 0.826 26
Current Wave-
Magnitude shape Residual Voltage Oscillogram
Test Wave kA μs kV p.u. Number
10 1/2 14.596 1.090 36
1.5 8/20 11.338 0.846 3
8/20 3 8/20 11.902 0.888 6
Impulse 5 8/20 12.479 0.932 9
10 8/20 13.396 1 12
20 8/20 14.478 1.081 15
Switching 0.5 43/91 10.651 0.795 24
Impulse 1 40/86 11.029 0.823 27
The results of the discharge voltage testing are shown graphically in the following
EU 1588-H-02.1 3
.5 microsecond data point
Discharge Voltage-PU times 10 kA 8/20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Current- kA
The values shown in this chart are all normalized to the lightning impulse residual
voltage at nominal discharge current (10 kA). These values (Per-unit Ures-chart) are used
to calculate the residual voltage characteristics (Ures-arrester) of assembled EVP series
arresters. For the cases of switching impulse and lightning impulse residual voltages,
the arrester residual voltages are calculated as follows:
Where: Ures-nom is the published maximum lightning impulse residual voltage of the
arrester, as verified by routine test at time of arrester manufacture.
For the case of steep current impulse residual voltage, the arrester residual voltage is
calculated as follows:
L’ is the inductivity per unit length (= 1 µH/m)
h is the length of the arrester (excluding the resistors since resistor inductance is already
included in the test measurements)
In is the nominal discharge current (= 10 kA)
Tf is the front time of the steep current impulse (= 1µs)
EU 1588-H-02.1 4
EU 1588-H-02.1 5
Sample 1, Oscillogram 1
Sample 2, Oscillogram 2
EU 1588-H-02.1 6
Sample 3, Oscillogram 3
Sample 1, Oscillogram 4
EU 1588-H-02.1 7
Sample 2, Oscillogram 5
Sample 3, Oscillogram 6
EU 1588-H-02.1 8
Sample 1, Oscillogram 7
Sample 2, Oscillogram 8
EU 1588-H-02.1 9
Sample 3, Oscillogram 9
Sample 1, Oscillogram 10
EU 1588-H-02.1 10
Sample 2, Oscillogram 11
Sample 3, Oscillogram 12
EU 1588-H-02.1 11
Sample 1, Oscillogram 13
Sample 2, Oscillogram 14
EU 1588-H-02.1 12
Sample 3, Oscillogram 15
Sample 1, Oscillogram 22
EU 1588-H-02.1 13
Sample 2, Oscillogram 23
Sample 3, Oscillogram 24
EU 1588-H-02.1 14
Sample 1, Oscillogram 25
Sample 2, Oscillogram 26
EU 1588-H-02.1 15
Sample 3, Oscillogram 27
Sample 1, Oscillogram 34
EU 1588-H-02.1 16
Sample 2, Oscillogram 35
Sample 3, Oscillogram 36
EU 1588-H-02.1 17
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-03.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 3/27/14
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Disc Accelerated Aging
TEST SAMPLES: Six arrester modules (three with the longest MOV disc and 3
with the shortest MOV disc) were tested.
TEST PROCEDURE: Tests were performed per section 8.5 of the IEEE C62.11-
2012 standard. Samples were placed inside a 115°C ±2°C oven and energized
at a voltage level greater than MCOV for 1,000 hours.
TEST RESULTS: Watts loss for each sample was measured at relevant MCOV
two hours after energization and at the completion of the 1000 hour test duration.
The table below summarizes test data.
EU 1588-H-03 2
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-04.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
Polymer Aging
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Polymer Housing Aging
The polymer housing accelerated aging tests were performed per Section 8.7 of
the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard. The purpose of this test was to verify the
electrical integrity of the arrester polymer housing after being subjected to 1000
hours in a salt fog environment.
A 115 kV MCOV EVP arrester (longest electrical unit) was assembled for this
Note: EVP was called PVN optima at the time of launch. The catalogue number
in the third party test report (PSCPVN011500) is an equivalent EVP011500.
The 1000 hour weathering test was performed per Section 8.7.3 of the IEEE
C62.11-2012 standard.
The test arrester successfully withstood the 1000 hour salt fog exposure test with
no evidence of surface tracking, erosion, or puncturing. Per Section 8.7.4, the
reference voltage change, as a result of the 1000 hour test, was less than the
allowed 5%. In addition, the partial discharge measured at the completion of the
test was less than the allowed 10pC.
The EVP Station Class arrester design successfully passed the 1000 hour salt
fog test, as defined in Section 8.7 of the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard.
EU 1588-H-04.1 2
ANNEX- Salt Fog Test
The following attachment confirms the successful completion of the salt fog
polymer aging test performed on the longest Type EVP electrical unit.
EU 1588-H-04.1 3
EU 1588-H-04.1 4
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-05.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
TEST PROCEDURE: The partial wetting contaminant was prepared per Section and the test procedure was performed per Section of the IEEE
C62.11-2012 standard. Prior to the application of contaminant (450 ohm-cm
resistivity), the arrester was energized at MCOV for 1 hour. After 1 hour of
energization, the arrester was de-energized and slurry contaminant was applied
over the entire surface of the bottom half of the arrester. After a 7 minute wait,
the arrester was energized at MCOV for 15 minutes, at which time the voltage
was turned off and the bottom half of the arrester re-sprayed with contaminant.
Within 5 minutes of de-energization, the arrester was reenergized at MCOV.
After 15 minutes, the arrester resistive component of current was recorded. After
30 additional minutes at MCOV, re-measurement of the resistive current
confirmed thermal stability at which time the test was completed.
EU 1588-H-05.1 2
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-06.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Internal ionization and RIV testing was performed per clause 8.10 of the IEEE
C62.11-2012 standard. The test was performed on a 180 kV MCOV EVP
The 180 kV MCOV EVP arrester passed test requirements per Section 8.10 of
the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard, as measured noise levels were within the 10 µV
RIV test limit.
EU 1588-H-06.1 2
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-07.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
Partial Discharge
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Partial Discharge
The polymer housing partial discharge test was performed per Section 8.11 of
the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard. The test was performed on a 180 kV MCOV
EVP arrester.
The arrester with grading ring was energized at 1.05 times MCOV. At 189 kV, the
arrester’s partial discharge level measured 6.5 pC, with an ambient 5.8 pC
background level.
The 180 kV MCOV EVP arrester passed test requirements per Section 8.11 of
the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard, as measured partial discharge levels were
within the 10 pC test limit.
EU 1588-H-07.1 2
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-08.0
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Switching Surge energy Rating
INTRODUCTION: Switching surge energy rating tests were performed per section
8.14 of the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard. Tests were performed per Station Class
arrester requirements. The main objective of this test is to claim an energy class
as per Table 13 of the above mentioned standard.
TEST PROCEDURE: The test sections were conditioned with six groups of three
current impulses corresponding to energy class F (11kJ/kV). The assigned
conditioning level testing was followed by two 65kA, 4/10 impulses, spaced 50 to
60 seconds apart. The prorated sections were then placed into an oven until the
temperature stabilized at 68°C.
After stabilization, test samples were subjected to long duration current impulses
(2000 to 3000 µs). Within 100ms from the application of the second discharge
the duty cycle rated voltage was applied for 10s followed by power frequency
recovery voltage for 30mins to demonstrate thermal recovery.
MCOV = 0.795*Vref;
Duty cycle rated voltage = 1.236*MCOV
MCOV of Sample ≤ 9.302 kV rms (calculated from measured Vref)
The targeted energy class for this design was Class F with a 2-shot energy rating
of 11 kJ per kV MCOV. As such, all test sections were subjected to 18 shots
having a 5.5 kJ per kV MCOV energy rating.
EU 1588-H-08 2
Figure 1: Conditioning impulse at class F
EU 1588-H-08 3
During the thermal recovery portion of the switching surge energy rating test, it
was discovered that the prorated test sections could not thermally recover after
exposure to the required Class F 11 kJ per kV MCOV energy discharges,
followed by 10 seconds at rated voltage.
The thermal recovery testing was repeated at the Class E 2-shot energy rating
level of 9 kJ per kV MCOV. Figure 3 shows an oscillogram of the energy
discharge followed by 10 seconds at rated voltage on sample 2, while Figure 4
demonstares the thermal stability of the test section during the recovery voltage
portion of the test.
Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the duty cycle and thermal recovery data respectively.
EU 1588-H-08 4
Elapsed Recovery It Ir
Time (KVRMS) (mAC) (mAC) Watts
0:00:00 9.59 -12.53 -11.82 48.25
0:00:30 9.62 -10.57 -10.26 40.55
0:01:00 9.56 -9.02 -8.65 35.68
0:02:00 9.59 -8.56 -7.94 33.22
0:05:00 9.56 -7.04 -6.78 28.32
0:10:00 9.56 -6.28 -6.06 24.75
0:20:00 9.54 -5.17 -4.73 20.71
0:30:00 9.57 -4.87 -4.55 19.12
Per the test evaluation procedure as specified in Section 8.14.5 of the standard,
the switching surge voltage of each test section was measured before and after
the energy surge duty testing. Table 3 summarizes the results of this testing.
Additionally, each test section showed no evidence of physical damage.
EU 1588-H-08 5
Sample 1 kA IR 1 kA IR % Change
no. Before(kVc) After (kVc)
1 22.866 22.553 -1.37%
2 22.900 22.419 -2.10%
3 22.883 22.410 -2.06%
4 22.874 22.444 -1.88%
The Type EVP prorated sections successfully passed the switching surge energy
requirements of Energy Class E as specified in Table 13 of IEEE C62.11-2012.
EU 1588-H-08 6
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-09.0
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Single Impulse Withstand rating test
TEST PROCEDURE: Test was performed on 10 of the longest MOV blocks used
in the EVP product line. The discharge voltage (10kA, 8/20) and the reference
voltage (at 9.5mA) were measured before and after the long duration impulses
for evaluation. Each sample was then subjected to ten groups of two long
duration impulses of 2.22 ms and a charge content of 2.66 C.
Figure 1 shows the long duration impulse waveform applied on each of the MOV
EU 1588-H-09.0 2
Vref @
Vref @
10 kA IR 10 kA IR % 9.5mA %
Sample No 9.5mA
Before After Change Before Change
After (kVc)
(kVc) (kVc) (kVc)
1 13.63 13.68 0.37% 8.39 8.56 1.98%
2 13.60 13.64 0.29% 8.39 8.55 1.84%
3 13.50 13.54 0.30% 8.32 8.46 1.68%
4 13.61 13.65 0.29% 8.39 8.54 1.76%
5 13.58 13.63 0.37% 8.34 8.51 1.95%
6 13.56 13.6 0.29% 8.36 8.52 1.84%
7 13.62 13.67 0.37% 8.40 8.56 1.86%
8 13.63 Failed - 8.38 Failed -
9 13.59 13.63 0.29% 8.37 8.55 2.12%
10 13.57 13.61 0.29% 8.36 8.54 2.14%
Table 1: Before and After Discharge Voltages and Reference Voltages
Conclusion: The test was successfully completed as per the IEEE C.62.11-2012
requirements. The change in discharge voltage and reference voltage were well
within 5% of initial value. The claimed single-impulse withstand rating for the
Type EVP arrester is 2.4 C.
EU 1588-H-09.0 3
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-10.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
Duty Cycle
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Duty Cycle
INTRODUCTION: The duty cycle testing was performed per Section 8.16 of the
IEEE C62.11-2012 standard.
TEST PROCEDURE: The prorated test section was energized at its rated
voltage and subjected to twenty 10 kA, 8/20 μs discharges spaced at 1 minute
intervals. Following the twentieth impulse, the test section was placed in an oven
at 68°C. After reaching 68°C, the sample was subjected to two additional 10 kA,
8/20 μs discharges. Within 5 minutes after the second high current discharge,
the sample was energized at the prorated recovery voltage. Watts loss was
monitored over a 30 minute period demonstrating thermal stability.
TEST RESULTS: The following data summarizes the results of the duty cycle
test. Figures 1 and 2 show the 1st and 20th shot performed during the rated
voltage portion of the duty cycle test.
Figure 1
1st Shot @ Rated Voltage
EU 1588-H-10.1 2
Figure 2
20 Shot @ Rated Voltage
Figure 3 shows the oscillogram for the 2nd 10 kA impulse applied to the section
during the recovery portion of the duty cycle test.
Figure 3
EU 1588-H-10.1 3
Figures 4 and 5 show the grading current through the test section at time zero
and 30 minutes, demonstrating thermal recovery has occurred.
Figure 4
Recovery @ Time = 0 Minutes
Figure 5
Recovery @ Time = 30 Minutes
EU 1588-H-10.1 4
Prior to and after the duty cycle test, the sample 10 kA, 8/20 μs discharge voltage
is measured. Table 2 summarizes this test data.
Table 2
10 kA IR Before kVc 10 kA IR After kVc % Change in 10 kA IR
27.63 27.82 +0.7
EU 1588-H-10.1 5
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-11.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
Temporary Overvoltage
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
EU 1588-H-11.1
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Temporary Overvoltage
TEST PROCEDURE: Per clause 8.17.3, each prorated sample was tested within
five of the six designated time ranges a - f, spanning over-voltage durations of
.01 - 10,000 seconds. Per clause, the tests were performed
demonstrating TOV capability of the design under "no prior duty" conditions. For
each TOV voltage setting, the test circuit applied voltage to the sample
(preheated to 67.7oC) for a time duration sufficient to exceed that claimed on the
"no prior duty" curve. TOV voltage was superimposed over recovery voltage such
that when TOV was removed, there was no delay prior to application of recovery
voltage. Recovery voltage was applied for 30 minutes to demonstrate thermal
stability. Per clause each prorated section was subjected to a “prior
duty” energy discharge corresponding to class E of the switching surge energy
test followed by a similar procedure of clause
EU 1588-H-11.1 2
The following curve plots the individual data points and curves of the claimed
TOV capability.
1.4 1.401
Per Unit of MCOV
1.3 1.302
1.25 1.259
1.1 1.106
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (sec)
Sample No % Change
Before (kVc) After (kVc)
1 26.802 27.148 1.29%
2 26.844 27.212 1.37%
3 26.928 27.000 0.27%
4 26.844 27.105 0.97%
Table 2: 10 kA IR Before and After – Prior Duty Samples
EU 1588-H-11.1 3
Sample No % Change
Before (kVc) After (kVc)
5 26.907 27.418 1.90%
6 26.781 27.283 1.87%
7 26.886 27.364 1.78%
8 26.844 27.23 1.44%
Table 3: 10 kA IR Before and After – No Prior Duty Samples
EU 1588-H-11.1
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-12.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Short Circuit Pressure Relief
INTRODUCTION: The short circuit pressure relief tests were performed per
Section 8.18 of the IEEE C62.11-2012 standard. The short circuit testing was
performed in the Powertech High Power Laboratory in Surrey, B.C. Canada on
April 1, 2011.
TEST PROCEDURE: To achieve the high levels of fault current from a limited
voltage source (5.6 kV), the samples were pre-faulted with the fuse wire, as
described above. The fault was initiated with the fuse wire, followed by the
application of the target fault current for each arrester.
Test Number 1 2
Arrester MCOV kVrms 61 24.4
Actual RMS kArms 62.3 0.6
Eff. Claimable kArms 63 0.6
Test Current
Peak kApeak 100 (Not measured)
Duration ms 243 1010
Heaviest part Soft g 864 0
outside circle Hard g 0 0
Duration of flames s 0 0
CONCLUSION: High current passed the test at a 62.3 kArms rating. Assignment
of 63 kArms rating is based on recognizing that the I2t=894x106 A2s achieved (due
to a longer duration of 1010 ms) is more severe than the target of I2t=794x106
A2s. Missing the exact target current is not uncommon due to the unpredictability
of the arc impedance, hence the increase in arc duration to help compensate for
any test mishap in not meeting the target current exactly (i.e. hedging with an
ultimately more severe short circuit event).
The 24.4 kV MCOV sample passed the low current short circuit test at 600 Arms
for 1 second.
EU 1588-H-12.1 2
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-13.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
MDCL and Moisture Ingress Test
Within 24 hours of the thermal cycling the arrester was once again tested in all
four principle directions for maximum deflection and residual deflection at
ambient temperature.
Next the arrester was subjected to the 42 hour water immersion boiling portion of
the test. Within the 8 hour time frame after this test, with allowance of the sample
to return to room temperature, the samples were once again electrically tested
for comparison to the initial measurements.
EU 1588-H-13.1 2
Table #2: Deflection during thermal testing
Angle of Max Deflection
Deflection at
Load Applied at Rated Load
Rated Load
[degrees] [mm]
0 45 2
180 46 3.5
270 43 1
90 43.5 2
CONCLUSION: The comparison of electrical values before and after the test falls
within the limits of the C62.11 standard and demonstrate strong seal integrity
under extreme conditions. The deflection values recorded, in combination with
the electrical values measured, demonstrate that the manufacturer’s claimed
mechanical requirements resulted in no permanent damage to the arrester.
EU 1588-H-13.1 3
IEEE Design Test Report
Report No. EU1588-H-14.1
Type EVP Station Class Arrester
Thermal Equivalency
This report summarizes the results of design tests made on the Type EVP
Station Class arrester design. Tests were performed in accordance with
procedures of IEEE Std C62.11-2012, “IEEE Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge
Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV).”
To the best of our knowledge and within the usual limits of testing practice, tests
performed on these arresters demonstrate compliance with the relevant clauses
of the referenced standard.
Date: 1/10/2014
Type EVP Station Class Surge Arrester
Thermal Equivalency
PURPOSE: The purpose of this test is to verify that the thermal cooling curve for
the Type EVP prorated section, when internally heated, will cool slower than that
of a full size EVP arrester unit.
PROCEDURE: The full size arrester and the prorated section were heated up by
applying a temporary overvoltage to the test samples. The test procedure is
defined in Section of IEEE C62.11-2005 Standard. The full size arrester
unit (72kV rated) was instrumented with (1) internal thermocouple located in the
middle of the MOV disc stack. The temperature of the arrester thermocouple was
monitored at 5 minute intervals to develop the arrester unit cooling curve. The
prorated section was instrumented with a single thermocouple and its cooling
rated was also monitored at 5 minute intervals. The cooling rate during the 1st 15
minutes was slower for the EVP section than the arrester. To assure thermal
equivalency, as allowed by the standard, the starting temperature of the section
cooling curve was raised from the targeted 140 ºC point (for the arrester) to 147.7
ºC for the prorated section.
SUMMARY: The following cooling curve confirms that the cooling rate of the
EVP prorated section is slower than that of the full size EVP arrester unit,
confirming the thermal equivalency of the prorated section to the full size
EU 1588-H-14.1 2
Arrester Vs Prorated Section corrected cooling
EVP Prorated Section preheated to 60+7.9
Temperature° C
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time- Mins
EU 1588-H-14.1 3