Lab 10
Lab 10
Lab 10
Submitted to,
Engr. Sajjad Hussain
Submitted by,
Bilal Ahmad
Sixth (6th) Semester
Date of Submission:
18th August, 2020
August 18, 2020
• Laboratory pneumatic classifier
• Sample
• Sieve shaker
• Set of sieves
Related Theory:
Pneumatic classifier is one of the most important equipment in the minerals and mining industry.
It is widely used in the mineral processing companies as a separator.
Introduction to Classification:
Classification is a method of separating mixtures of minerals into two or more products on the
basis of the velocity with which the grains fall through a fluid medium. Size of particle is not only
factor which determines the velocity of particle in a fluid medium but specific gravity and shape
of the particles also contribute towards velocity of particle in a fluid medium.
August 18, 2020
1 – First of all, take a feed sample and perform sieve analysis by using the sieve set.
2 – Once the sieving is done, determine the weights retained on each set of sieve, once done, then
mix the sample properly.
August 18, 2020
3 – Put collection lauders beneath the overflow and underflow tanks for collection of test products.
4 – Feed the sample which is to be tested into the pneumatic classifier through feed inlet.
5 – Once the separation is achieved, collect the courser and finer product.
We have performed classification test on given sample using laboratory pneumatic classifier. We
have also studied different parts of the laboratory pneumatic classifier and get familiarized with
working mechanism of laboratory pneumatic classifier.