Unit Ii-Flow Through Circular Conduits PART - A (2 Marks) (APR-05)
Unit Ii-Flow Through Circular Conduits PART - A (2 Marks) (APR-05)
Unit Ii-Flow Through Circular Conduits PART - A (2 Marks) (APR-05)
PART-B ( 16 Marks )
01. The diameter of awater pipe is suddenly enlarged from 350mm to 700mm. The rate of flow
through it is 0.25m^3/s. Calculate the loss of head in enlargement. (NOV’02)
02. Compare the rate of growth of the laminar boundary layer over a smooth flat plate in the
following cases.
Question Bank
05. A 20cm dia pipe 3km long transports oil from a tanker to the shore at 0.01 m^3/s .Find the
Reynolds number to classify the flow. Take viscosity μ=0.1Nm/s^2 and density(ρ) =900
kg/m^3 for oil (Apr 03)
06. A 30cm dia pipe of length 30cm is connected in series to a 20cm dia pipe of length 20cm to
convey discharge. Determine the equivalent length of pipe of diameter 25cm, assuming that
the friction factor remains the same and the minor losses are negligible. (Apr’03)
07. A pipe line carrying oil of specific gravity 0.85 changes in dia from 350mm at position 1 to
550mm dia to a piston 2 which is at 6m at a higher level If the pressure at position 1 and 2 are
taken as 20N/cm^2 and 15N/cm^2 respectively and the discharge through the pipe is o.2
m^3/s. Determine the loss of head and determine the flow.
08. The rate of flow of water through a horizontal pipe is 0.3m 3/s. The dia of the pipe is suddenly
enlarged from 25cm to 50cm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is 14N/m2. Determine
the i) loss of head due to sudden enlargement ii) Pressure intensity in the large pipe iii) Power
lost due to enlargement.
09. Water is flowing through a tapering pipe of length 200m having dia 500m at the upper end and
250mm at the lower end the pipe has a slope of 1 in 40. The rate of flow through the pipe is
250lit/s. The pressure at the lower end and the upper end are 20N/cm^2 and 10N/cm^2. Find the
loss of head and direction of flow (NOV’04)
10. A horizontal pipe of 400mm dia is suddenly contracted to a dia of 20mm. The pressure
intensity in the large and small pipe are given as 15N/cm^2 and 10N/cm^2 .Find the loss of
head due to contraction if Cc=0.62 Determine also the rate of flow of water. (NOV’04)
11. A pipe line 10km long delivers a power of 50kw at its outlet end The pressure at inlet is
5000KN/M^2 and pressure drop per km of pipe line is 50KN/M^2 . Find the size of the pipe
and the efficiency of transmission (Take 4F=0.02) (DEC’05)
12. The velocity of water in a pipe 200mm diameter is 5m/s the length of the pipe is 500m .Find
the loss of head due to friction if f=0.008 (DEC’05)
Question Bank
13. A compound piping system consists of 1800m of 0.5m, 1200m of 0.40m and 600m of 0.3m
new cast iron pipes connected in series convert the system to i) An equivalent length of 0.4m
dia pipe and ii) equivalent size of pipe of 3600m length. (DEC’07)
14. A 2500m long pipe line is used for transmission of power 120KW power is to transmitted
through the pipe in which water having a pressure of 4000KN/m^2 at inlet in flowing .If the
pressure drop over the length of pipe is 800KN/m^2 and f=0.006 find diameter of the pipe
Calculate the maximum power which can transmitted and the diameter of nozzle required.