EnduroShield For Solar Panels
EnduroShield For Solar Panels
EnduroShield For Solar Panels
EnduroShield® for Glass is a permanent non-stick, protective coating EnduroShield® is ideally suited for applying to glass solar
for use on all glass surfaces. Using state of the art nanotechnology, panels. The invisible coating protects the glass surface
EnduroShield acts as a permanent shield to seal the porosity of the from deterioration overtime and reduces both the
glass, allowing contaminants to reside on an easy to clean protective frequency and cleaning time of the surface. The coating
coating. The invisible coating, which is only two molecules thick, allows UV to pass through without interference ensuring
protects against staining and etching, making it an ideal solution for maximum performance is maintained.
glass installations.
Coating is UV stable
Accelerated testing of glass with an EnduroShield®
coating has been undertaken with exposure to alternating
“Life test conditions carried out on the EnduroShield coated cycles of UV light and condensation. Results show
glass was conducted at 85C and 85%RH. This was carried minimal or no change in the product’s efficacy.
out for 2000 hours. There was no observable decay of the
surface of the glass. The glass was placed in a solar Maintenance costs are significantly reduced
simulator which approximated 4.5 years in the field. No
As EnduroShield® creates a permanent non-stick coating
surface degradation was observed”
which greatly reduces the time spent cleaning; mainte-
“I see a definite plus to using EnduroShield on our glass nance costs can be reduced. EnduroShield® also protects
panels”. the glass from staining and etching, eliminating the need
for expensive glass restoration or replacement of panels.
R&D Engineer
Origin Energy - leading Australasian energy provider
PCT Global Pty Ltd
5/21 Bearing Road Seven Hills
NSW 2147 Australia
Tel: +61 2 9674 9299