Nama: Lailya Nur Istiqomah Jurusan: Sarjana Terapan Kebidanan Nim
Nama: Lailya Nur Istiqomah Jurusan: Sarjana Terapan Kebidanan Nim
Nama: Lailya Nur Istiqomah Jurusan: Sarjana Terapan Kebidanan Nim
NIM : P07124219040
“ WHO AM I ? “
My name is Lailya Nur Istiqomah. A name given by parents which means "settled
night light". I have lots of nicknames like liya, alya, aliya, nur, isty, qoqom and
many more. I am the eldest of 3 siblings. I was born on Thursday 01 November
My father was Mulyono, he was a private employee and my mother was named
Ristiyana Kusumawati and he was a housewife, and my first two sisters named
Muhammad Nur rifqi he was 10 years old with me and the second named Nur
Aini Azzahra who is now new 4 years old.
My religion is Islam as well as my parents and siblings. has blood type B which
my father passed down. I have wavy black hair but I thank God for wearing a veil.
Baby blue and baby pink are my favorite colors. the place that I like is that smells
of nature because when I see His creation my mood is calm and all the heavy
thoughts that are being felt can be reduced.
Regarding personality, I have a cheerful, friendly, and kind nature because I like
to help friends and enjoy hanging out. I am also the type of person who wants to
work hard in every job that I am working on so that the work can produce
maximum results. However, I also have some bad qualities. I am spoiled and still
selfish. Until now, I have tried to reduce those bad qualities by trying to learn
I have a hobby of looking for new things, aka kepo. And my free time is to read
books, enjoy nature, browse, and watch news with the aim of being able to
benefit from these activities.
I have been living in Jogja since childhood, especially Sleman. my first education
began in kindergarten and continued at SDN Karanganyar after which I continued
my junior high school education no longer in sleman but I stayed at the pesantren
and went to school at MTS nurul ummah which was located in the big city. I went
through the middle school years diligently, diligently and learned to recite the
lakyak of santri. I graduated in junior high school in 2015.
I continued my education at Angkasa Adisutjipto High School this time I did not
enter the pesantren anymore but returned to live in Sleman with my parents. I
was active in school in extracurricular schools such as Tonti, modern traditional
music, as well as acting in a school organization, ROHIS and positioned as a
treasurer section. I also went to school often to take part in competitions such as
religious competitions such as Qiroah and take part in marching races.
My hope is to make my parents happy, who have struggled to raise and educate
me. They always give enthusiasm, advice, advice and support to me both in
times of pleasure and sadness.