Manual Brosure CSG 120-2

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Oil-free compression

rotary screw compressors

CSG-2, DSG-2, FSG-2 Series
Flow rate up to 51 m³/min, Pressure 4 to 10 bar
Durable and clean-running for sensitive processes
Two-stage oil-free compression rotary screw compressors from KAESER not only impress with their intelligent component
layout, but also with their many innovative details – all of course with the renowned KAESER quality and distinctive, contem-
porary design. Whether for the semiconductor, foodstuff or automotive industries: our two-stage dry-running compressors
tirelessly prove that process-appropriate purity and cost-effectiveness really can go hand in hand – even under adverse

Long-term efficiency Efficiency as standard

Compressed air simply has to be available wherever and KAESER quality and expertise really count when it comes
whenever it is needed. KAESER oil-free compression to those all-important total system costs for asset invest-
rotary screw compressors are therefore built to last and to ments such as compressors or complete compressed
ensure many years of dependable performance. Compris- air supply systems. Lowest possible compressed air
ing tried and tested components that have been developed costs and maximum availability can be guaranteed only
as a result of KAESER's near century of experience in through a combination of perfect interplay between energy
mechanical engineering, KAESER compressors deliver efficiency and service / maintenance, and by viewing the
the durability and compressed air availability to meet even compressed air supply system as a whole.
the toughest of demands.

Innovation you can trust Right from the outset, these versatile systems were
Using all of the advantages that KAESER's advanced designed for maximum ease of servicing. Fewer wearing
Research and Development Centre in Coburg has to parts and the use of premium-quality materials ensure
offer, KAESER's engineers designed every detail of the reduced maintenance requirement, longer service intervals
two-stage oil-free compression rotary screw airend with and extended service life. Excellent component accessibil-
maximum efficiency and performance in mind. Further ad- ity as a result of generously-sized maintenance doors and
ditional system features include the use of fibre-free pulse a swing-out cooler are just some of the features that make
dampers and, with water-cooled compressor packages, an servicing so effortless.
integrated heat recovery module.

Energy-efficiency: the essential requirement

Potential energy-cost
savings up to 70% Investment and service costs account for only a small
part of a compressor’s total life-cycle costs. Since energy
Energy costs
accounts for the lion’s share of those costs, why not save
with KAESER Life-Cycle Management? KAESER has
Commissioning been committed to minimising your energy costs for com-
pressed air production for over 40 years. We also have the
Life-cycle costs bigger picture in clear focus when it comes to service and
Investment costs
maintenance, as well as maximum compressed air supply
Service costs


Drive systems.................................................................................................04-05

SIGMA CONTROL 2 and SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0...................................06-07

Service-friendly design...................................................................................08-09

Compressors with i.HOC................................................................................10-13

Compressors with air-cooling.........................................................................14-15

Compressors with water-cooling.....................................................................16-17

Heat recovery

Why recover heat?..........................................................................................18-19

Technical implementation of integrated heat recovery...................................20-21

Compressed air drying

Process technology - Overview......................................................................22-23

Compressors with integrated refrigeration dryer............................................24-25

Technical specifications

Compressors with air-cooling.........................................................................26-27

Compressors with water-cooling.....................................................................28-29

Equipment and options



CSG-2, DSG-2, FSG-2 series

Drive systems

Fixed speed, Variable speed,

fixed flow rate. variable flow rate.

Base load Peak load

Base load compressors from KAESER are designed to run Maximum flexibility and sustainability: thanks to their
at one optimal operating speed. Operating at the highest variable-speed drive motors, peak load compressors from
levels of efficiency, they deliver a constant air volume at a KAESER always deliver the exact volume of compressed
fixed motor speed, making them ideally suited for applica- air actually required. This means that they are particularly
tions with a constant or lightly fluctuating air demand. efficient in applications with a varying air demand.

Committed to meeting your objectives Committed to meeting your objectives

Base load compressors stand out for their functional, dura- Peak load compressors stand out for their extremely high
ble drive technology and supreme levels of efficiency. levels of flexibility when it comes to air delivery volumes,
guaranteeing a high level of efficiency across the whole air
delivery range.

Super Premium Efficiency IE4 Perfect teamwork – IES2

When it comes to base load compressors, SUPER In the case of compressors with variable speed control,
PREMIUM EFFICIENCY IE4 asynchronous motors motor and frequency converter must work together in har-
guarantee the highest possible efficiency levels, thanks to mony in order to operate efficiently. For this reason,
their well-established, durable technology and renowned KAESER selects SIEMENS motors with specifically-
service-friendliness. matched frequency converters so as to guarantee perfect
interplay at the highest levels of efficiency – IES 2.

CSG series

Combined with a high-performance frequency Resource-conserving and service-friendly

converter The synchronous reluctance motors fitted by KAESER are
The Siemens frequency converter has a control algorithm built specifically to conserve resources. Specially-formed
specifically adapted to the motor. With a finely tuned com- magnetic steel sheets replace aluminium, copper and ex-
bination of frequency converter and drive motor, KAESER pensive rare earth materials. This makes the drive not only
achieves the highest system efficiency class. highly durable, but also service-friendly.


Perfect interplay

SIGMA CONTROL 2: Optimum efficiency Integrated web server

The internal SIGMA CONTROL 2 controller ensures The SIGMA CONTROL 2 is equipped with its own web
efficient compressor control and monitoring at all times. server, making it possible to visualise compressor status
The large display and RFID reader provide easy commu- via intranet or Internet. Operational data and maintenance/
nication and maximum security. Variable interfaces enable alarm messages can therefore be viewed, with password
seamless networking capability, whilst the SD card slot protection, from any PC running a standard Internet brows-
makes updates quick and easy. er. This feature benefits users considerably by simplifying
operation and maintenance.

This powerful master controller provides efficient con- The SIGMA AIR MANAGER 4.0's integrated web server
trol and coordinated management of up to 16 pieces of provides visual display of all compressed air system data
compressed air supply equipment, whilst also monitoring in the form of HTML pages. The information is available
the associated air treatment components. The SIGMA AIR any time, anywhere, and can be visualised in real-time on
MANAGER 4.0 also ensures full compatibility of all KAES- all network-capable devices.
ER compressed air supply systems within an Industrie 4.0

...virtually maintenance-free

(1) Hydraulic inlet valve (2) Fibre-free pulse dampers

The hydraulically operated inlet valves in KAESER oil-free KAESER's new fibre-free pulse dampers keep pressure
compression rotary screw compressors are unaffected losses to an absolute minimum, help maintain consistent
by contaminants and condensate. This enhances their air quality and minimise unwanted vibrations. In addition,
reliability and ease of maintenance when compared to their fibre-free design reliably eliminates the possibility of
pneumatic valves. compressed air contamination.

Image: CSG 120-2 RD SFC W

...excellent accessibility

(3) Easy-access coupling (4) High-efficiency condensate separator

The electric motor directly drives the airend via a mainte- Thanks to its flow-optimised design, the newly developed
nance-free coupling, which virtually eliminates transmis- condensate separator reliably separates the condensate
sion losses. Since there is no need for complicated disas- downstream from the air coolers – with minimal pressure
sembly work, the easy-access coupling can be replaced loss.
quickly and simply.

Image: CSG 120-2 RD SFC W

Image: CSG 120-2 RD SFC, person shown 1.80 m tall

Pressure dew point (°C)


□ Full-flow regeneration □ Partial-flow regeneration -40

↓ Regeneration area: Hot air removes moisture from the desiccant 0 10 20 30 40 50

↑ Drying area: Moisture is drawn into the desiccant from the cold air
Coolant temperature (°C)

Full-flow regeneration in detail Drying even near the limit

The i.HOC (Integrated Heat of Compression Dryer) system The advantages of full-flow regeneration become obvious,
uses 100 % of the heat of compression from the second especially with increased coolant temperatures. KAESER
compression stage for drying purposes (full-flow regenera- rotation dryers achieve outstanding drying results, even
tion). This heat, which is produced in any case, is therefore without additional electrical heating of the regeneration air.
effectively available at zero cost.


Dependable pressure dew

points thanks to innovative
process engineering
The patented i.HOC rotation dryer from KAESER uses up to 100 % of the heat
created during the compression process. Thanks to this full-flow regeneration
method, these dryers deliver reliable pressure dew points up to an ambient tem-
perature of +45 °C – without any electrical heating or additional cooling of the
regeneration air! Air and water-cooled versions are available.

The benefits:

- Dependable sub-zero pressure dew points even at high ambient or

coolant temperatures.

- Pressure dew point stability even at lowest compressor load –

without any need for a partial load compensator.

- Available with pressure dew point control if required.

- Highly effective, simultaneous drying and heat recovery with water-cooled


Pressure progression bar (g)


Regeneration air


Radial fan

Perfect performance Pressure loss? On the contrary!

The i.HOC’s intelligent control ensures pressure dew point The radial fan in the base of the i.HOC equalises drying
stability, even with fluctuating flow rates and at partial com- process pressure losses as required, thereby guaranteeing
pressor loads. When commissioned, the target pressure maximum pressure dew point stability and quality - the
dew point is reached after just one rotation of the drum. pressure at the i.HOC dryer outlet is even higher than that
at the inlet.

Image: RD 130 rotation dryer

(1) Regeneration air inlet (6) Radial fan

(2) Drum (7) Demister

(3) Regeneration air outlet (8) i.HOC rotation dryer outlet

(4) Heat exchanger stage 2 (9) Drum motor

(5) Condensate separator (10) Pressure dew point sensor (optional)


Precision operation for efficiency and

low pressure dew points

Precision drum Variable-speed drum motor

The silica gel desiccant is bedded in a precision-manu- Drum speed is automatically adjusted according to actual
factured drum with exceptionally high run-out qualities. compressor performance, so as to regenerate the desic-
Incorrect flow within the dryer and the resulting pressure cant as effectively as possible. This is the key to ensuring
dew point fluctuations are therefore reliably prevented. consistently low pressure dew points.

Durable and efficient External condensate separation

Thanks to CFD optimisation, the flow-optimised radial fan The i.HOC system uses a highly efficient condensate
installed in the base of the dryer efficiently compensates separator downstream from the heat exchanger in the
for the pressure losses in the i.HOC cooling path. second compression stage, so as to separate the conden-
sate formed during the regeneration process outside the
dryer. This protects the drum from potentially damaging
water droplets.

Cleaning made simple Capable of operation in ambient temperatures up
Thorough cleaning of the air aftercoolers does not require to +45 °C as standard
the use of a crane – they can simply be swung out by Air-cooled machines operate dependably in ambient
a service technician. Cleaning can then be carried out temperatures up to +45 °C thanks to their durable and
quickly and easily beside the machine, without the risk of energy-efficient radial fan.
contaminating the interior of the compressor unit.

Dependable performance –
even under extreme conditions

The benefits:

- No cooling-water infrastructure is required.

- Meticulously designed machines with logical component

layout make maintenance and service work quick
and easy.

- The heated cooling air can easily be re-used for

space-heating purposes.

◂ Image: FSG 420-2 A

Outstanding durability through pre-cooling Energy-saving standstill fan

Highly effective pre-cooling with a stainless steel tube When the large radial fan in air-cooled units is switched off
cooler on the high pressure side ensures outstanding air as part of the transition to standby mode, the energy-sav-
cooler durability. Furthermore, this robust cooler combina- ing, temperature-controlled standstill fan reliably removes
tion also delivers comparably low compressed air dis- the remaining heat from the compressor.
charge temperatures.

Compact energy-savers

The benefits:

- Exceptionally low compressed air discharge temperature

thanks to high-quality separate air cooler.

- Load-dependent cooling-water control for optimum

compressor cooling and simultaneous efficient use of
cooling water.

- Compact and low-standing design.

Image: FSG 420-2 i.HOC W SFC ▸

Parallel heat exchanger Optimised water cooler

Both the low and high pressure stages of KAESER's water- KAESER’s water-cooled, oil-free compression rotary
cooled, oil-free compression rotary screw compressors are screw compressors feature highly efficient air/water heat
equipped with their own dedicated parallel heat exchanger exchangers. CuNi10Fe cooling pipes with internal star
for enhanced heat transfer. This optimised cooling conse- lamella fins provide optimum heat transfer and lowest pos-
quently improves specific power performance. sible compressed air discharge temperatures with minimal
pressure loss.

compressor controller

Water control valve Water volume

Clever control Permanent adjustment

KAESER’s water-cooled, oil-free compression rotary screw The important but time-consuming task of performing
compressors feature sealed water control valves that are hydraulic adjustment of both air coolers is carried out
actuated via the advanced SIGMA CONTROL 2 compres- permanently and automatically during commissioning and
sor controller, which precisely adjusts water volume to when the machine is in operation. Cooling performance is
meet actual load requirement. therefore optimally matched to the operating conditions.

Why recover heat?

In fact, the question should be: Why not?

You will not only reduce your company's primary energy

consumption, but also improve its CO2 balance.

Compressors with air-cooling

Compressed air users need to develop clever ideas
regarding the use of warm exhaust air from their compres-
sors. KAESER has the long-standing expertise to help
you with all you need to know in this regard and will stand
side-by-side with you every step of the way.

Compressors with water-cooling

Thanks to the compact heat recovery module integrated
into the compressor, generating hot water for production or
auxiliary heating purposes could not be simpler. Cost and
space-intensive external infrastructure is not necessary
with KAESER solutions and the amortisation period of
the heat recovery module is usually less than a year (see
example calculation below).

Example amortisation calculation

Inlet temperature 20 °C

Relative humidity 30 %

Cooling water inlet (primary) 20 °C

Cooling water outlet (primary) 80 °C

Compressor power consumption CSG-130-2 10 bar (g) 96.8 kW

Heat recovery potential relative to total power consumption 87 %

Recoverable heat capacity 84.2 kW

Annual operating hours 6,000 hrs

Kilowatt hours per year 505,296 kWh

Fuel costs 0.02 €/kWh

Annual fuel cost savings € 10,105

Amortisation period < 1 year

Amortisation period
< 1 year

Up to

Process, heating and service water Space heating with warm exhaust air
Compressor exhaust heat can be used to produce hot Heating made simple: thanks to radial fans with high
water with temperatures up to +90 °C, which can then be residual thrust, the reusable (warm) air from KAESER's
used for a wide range of applications. air-cooled rotary screw compressors can easily be ducted
away to spaces that require heating – usually without the
need for additional fans.

Technical implementation of integrated
heat recovery
Water-cooled version with heat recovery

outlet Optional

Cooling Cooling
water water
inlet outlet
Cold HR
water Hot

(1) Inlet filter (8) Heat exchanger (water/water)

(2) Low pressure stage (Stage 1) (9) Check valve

(3) High pressure stage (Stage 2) (10) Water control valve

(actuated by SIGMA CONTROL)
(4) Drive motor
(11) Pump
(5) Air cooler downstream from Stage 1 (air/water)
(12) Expansion tank
(6) Air cooler downstream from Stage 2 (air/water)
(13) Condensate separator
(7) Optional additional heat exchanger (air/water)
→ Version as plate-type heat exchanger (14) Integrated i.HOC rotation dryer

In two-stage oil-free compression rotary screw compres-
sors, some 90 % of the usable heat is processed through
the two air coolers (5) and (6).

KAESER therefore uses separate, high-quality heat

exchangers developed specially to meet heat recovery
requirements. The remaining 10 % of usable heat is
processed through the oil cooler and in the jacket cooling
system of the compression stages.

Versions with rotation dryer

outlet Optional

Cooling Cooling
water water
inlet outlet

HR Cooling
Cold HR water
water Hot inlet

Compressed air drying process - Overview

+3°C RMC 4 *)

Refrigeration dryer

-30°C RMC 3 *)

I.HOC rotation dryer

-40°C RMC 2 *)

Combination dryer

–70°C RMC 1 *)

Desiccant dryer

Residual moisture in the compressed air following drying. *)

RMC = Residual Moisture Class

Precision analysis essential
The required pressure dew point plays a significant role in determining the drying process, as well as the investment, service
and energy costs associated with compressed air drying.
It is therefore highly recommended to carry out a detailed system analysis. Unnecessarily high compressed air volume cre-
ates additional costs, which is something that we will gladly help you avoid!

Refrigeration dryer i.HOC rotation dryer

For oil-free compression rotary screw compressors, Integrated into the rotary screw compressor, the optional
refrigeration dryers are the go-to choice for delivering best i.HOC rotation dryer can reliably and efficiently deliver
possible energy efficiency and favourable investment costs pressure dew points down to -30 °C. The hot compressed
when pressure dew points down to +3 °C are required. air from the second compression stage is used to regener-
Pressure dew points below +3 °C are provided by desic- ate the desiccant.
cant dryers.

Combination dryer Heatless regenerating dessicant dryer

HYBRITEC dryers combine the energy-saving operation KAESER’S DC series heatless regenerating desiccant
of modern refrigeration dryers with the ultra-low pressure dryers deliver pressure dew points as low as -70 °C, even
dew points of desiccant dryers. HYBRITEC dryers can under extreme operating conditions.
deliver pressure dew points as low as -40 °C with excep-
tional efficiency.

Integrated refrigeration
KAESER refrigeration dryers ensure dry compressed air
that is perfectly suited for the intended application and all
flow rates. With these high-quality industrial machines, you
will be providing reliable protection against condensate
damage for your systems and processes, even under the
harshest of conditions (CSG series).

dp ≤ 0.1

Energy-saving drying
An integrated design, together with the generously-dimen-
sioned aluminium block heat exchanger, helps ensure a
minimal pressure loss of less than 0.1 bar. The energy-
saving scroll refrigerant compressor helps to achieve addi-
tional compressed air energy savings.

Excellent accessibility
All refrigeration dryer components are perfectly accessible
via the service door on the front of the unit. Dryer service
and maintenance work is therefore a breeze.

Image: CSG 120-2 T SFC A

Technical specifications

Air-cooled CSG packages

Rated motor Model Gauge pressure Standard SFC with synchronous reluctance motor
Flow Mass Sound pressure Flow Mass Sound pressure
rate1) level 2) rate1) level 2)

kW bar m³/min kg dB(A) m³/min kg dB(A)

CSG 55-2 6 Upon request 2270

37 CSG 55-2 T 8 5.4 2520 71 – – –
CSG 55-2 i.HOC 10 – 2985

CSG 70-2 6 7.77 2310 3.12 - 7.71 2360

45 3) CSG 70-2 T 8 6.69 2560 71 3.47 - 6.62 2610 71
CSG 70-2 i.HOC 9 – 3025 3.62 - 6.05 3080

CSG 90-2 6 9.62 2375 3.23 - 9.58 2360

55 CSG 90-2 T 8 8.8 2625 72 3.47 - 8.32 2610 72
CSG 90-2 i.HOC 9 7.67 3090 3.62 - 7.77 3080

CSG 120-2 6 12.92 2515 4.51 - 12.41 2400

75 CSG 120-2 T 8 12 2765 73 3.98 - 11.30 2650 73
CSG 120-2 i.HOC 10 10.43 3230 4.81 - 10.10 3120

CSG 130-2 6 12.92 2640 4.64 - 13.41 2480

90 CSG 130-2 T 8 12.88 2890 74 5.05 - 13.30 2730 74
CSG 130-2 i.HOC 10 12.85 3355 5.47 - 12.70 3200

Air-cooled DSG packages

Rated motor Model Gauge pressure Standard SFC
Flow Mass Sound pressure Flow Mass Sound pressure
rate1) level 2) rate1) level 2)

kW bar m³/min kg dB(A) m³/min kg dB(A)

DSG 140-2 8 13.18 3400

90 77 – – –
DSG 140-2 i.HOC 10 13.12 4500

6 19.2 9.46 - 20.79

DSG 180-2 3550 4150
110 8 18.4 78 8.51 - 18.56 79
DSG 180-2 i.HOC 4650 5250
10 16.1 9.54 - 16.43

6 23 8.68 - 22.45
DSG 220-2 3700 4300
132 8 21.6 78 9.51 - 21.8 79
DSG 220-2 i.HOC 4800 5400
10 19.1 9.95 - 19.5

6 26.1 9.36 - 27.66

DSG 260-2 3850 4450
160 8 26 79 9.62 - 25.44 80
DSG 260-2 i.HOC 495 5550
10 22.9 10.3 - 23.3

6 28.55 10.27 - 30.05

DSG 290-2 4000 4600
200 8 28.5 81 11.47 – 30 82
DSG 290-2 i.HOC 5100 5700
10 26 12.33 - 28

Air-cooled FSG packages
Rated motor Model Gauge pressure Standard SFC with synchronous reluctance motor
Flow Mass Sound pressure Flow Mass Sound pressure
rate1) level 2) rate1) level 2)

kW bar m³/min kg dB(A) m³/min kg dB(A)

FSG 300-2 6 29.4 5550

160 78 – – –
FSG 300-2 i.HOC 8 29.3 6750

6 37.3
FSG 350-2 5750
200 8 34.9 79 – – –
FSG 350-2 i.HOC 6950
10 29.2

6 45.7 14.79 - 44.56

FSG 420-2 5950 6550
250 8 42 80 16.63 - 40.57 81
FSG 420-2 i.HOC 7150 7750
10 37.1 18.48 - 36.54

FSG 450-2 6 45.6 6250

315 81 – – –
FSG 450-2 i.HOC 8 41.9 7450

6 - 16.94 - 50.7
FSG 500-2 6250 6550
315 8 50 82 18.41 - 47.53 83
FSG 500-2 i.HOC 7450 7750
10 45.6 19.88 - 43.57

6 16.94 - 50.7
FSG 520-2 7600
355 8 – – – 18.41 - 50.63 84
FSG 520-2 i.HOC 8800
10 19.88 - 48.59

Dimensions for standard and SFC versions

Model Dimensions


CSG-2 2490 x 1660 x 2145

CSG-2 T 2840 x 1660 x 2145
CSG-2 i.HOC 3140 x 1660 x 2145

DSG-2 3435 x 1750 x 2385

DSG-2 i.HOC 4270 x 1750 x 2385

FSG-2 3860 x 2075 x 2730
FSG-2 i.HOC 4630 x 2075 x 2730 W

Flow rate complete system as per ISO 1217: 2009, Annexe C/E, inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and inlet air temperature +20 °C, rel. humidity 0%
Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ± 3 dB (A)
CSG 70-2 SFC: Version with rated motor power 55 kW

Specifications subject to change without notice.

Technical specifications

Water-cooled CSG packages

Rated motor Model Gauge pressure Standard SFC with synchronous reluctance motor
Flow Mass Sound pressure Flow Mass Sound pressure
rate1) level 2) rate1) level 2)

kW bar m³/min kg dB(A) m³/min kg dB(A)

CSG 55-2 6 Upon request 2270

37 CSG 55-2 T 8 5.4 2520 64 – – –
CSG 55-2 i.HOC 10 – 2985

CSG 70-2 6 7.92 2310 3.03 - 8.03 2360

45 3) CSG 70-2 T 8 6.82 2560 64 3.03 - 6.98 2610 64
CSG 70-2 i.HOC 10 Upon request 3025 3.71 - 6.00 3080

CSG 90-2 6 9.78 2375 3.62 - 9.90 2360

55 CSG 90-2 T 8 8.97 2625 65 3.84 - 8.70 2610 65
CSG 90-2 i.HOC 10 7.83 3090 3.96 - 7.67 3080

CSG 120-2 6 13.07 2515 4.18 - 12.74 2400

75 CSG 120-2 T 8 12.15 2765 66 4.21 - 11.69 2650 66
CSG 120-2 i.HOC 10 10.58 3230 4.23 - 10.63 3120

CSG 130-2 6 – 2640 4.33 - 13.51 2480

90 CSG 130-2 T 8 13.03 2890 68 4.26 - 13.54 2730 68
CSG 130-2 i.HOC 10 13.00 3355 4.20 - 13.08 3200

Water-cooled DSG packages

Rated motor Model Gauge pressure Standard SFC
Flow Mass Sound pressure Flow Mass Sound pressure
rate1) level 2) rate1) level 2)

kW bar m³/min kg dB(A) m³/min kg dB(A)

DSG 140-2 8 13.18 3100

90 69 – – –
DSG 140-2 i.HOC 10 13.12 4200

6 9.46 - 20.79
DSG 180-2 19.2 3250 3850
110 8 70 8.51 - 18.56 71
DSG 180-2 i.HOC 18.4 4350 4950
10 9.54 - 16.43

6 23 8.68 - 22.45
DSG 220-2 3400 4000
132 8 21.6 71 9.51 - 21.8 72
DSG 220-2 i.HOC 4500 5100
10 19.1 9.95 - 19.5

6 26.1 9.36 - 27.66

DSG 260-2 3550 4150
160 8 26 74 9.62 - 25.44 75
DSG 260-2 i.HOC 4650 5250
10 22.9 10.3 - 23.3

6 28.55 10.27 - 30.05

DSG 290-2 3700 4300
200 8 28.5 75 11.47 – 30 76
DSG 290-2 i.HOC 4800 5400
10 26 12.33 - 28

Water-cooled FSG packages
Rated motor Model Gauge pressure Standard SFC
Flow Mass Sound pressure Flow Mass Sound pressure
rate1) level 2) rate1) level 2)

kW bar m³/min kg kg m³/min dB(A) dB(A)

FSG 300-2 6 29.4 5250

160 74 – – –
FSG 300-2 i.HOC 8 29.3 6400

6 37.3
FSG 350-2 5450
200 8 34.9 75 – – –
FSG 350-2 i.HOC 6600
10 29.2

6 45.7 14.79 - 44.56

FSG 420-2 5650 6250
250 8 42 75 16.63 - 40.57 76
FSG 420-2 i.HOC 6800 7400
10 37.1 18.48 - 36.54

FSG 450-2 6 45.6 5950

315 75 – – –
FSG 450-2 i.HOC 8 41.9 7100

6 – 16.94 - 50.7
FSG 500-2 5950 6700
315 8 50 76 18.41 - 47.53 77
FSG 500-2 i.HOC 7100 7850
10 45.6 19.88 - 43.57

6 – 16.94 - 50.7
FSG 520-2 6550 7300
355 8 – 77 18.41 - 50.64 78
FSG 520-2 i.HOC 7700 8450
10 50 19.88 - 50.57

Dimensions for standard and SFC versions

Model Dimensions


CSG-2 2490 x 1660 x 1965

CSG-2 T 2840 x 1660 x 1965
CSG-2 i.HOC 3140 x 1660 x 1965

DSG-2 3435 x 1750 x 2060

DSG-2 i.HOC 4270 x 1750 x 2060

FSG-2 3650 x 2075 x 2730
FSG-2 i.HOC 4475 x 2075 x 2220 W

Flow rate complete system as per ISO 1217: 2009, Annexe C/E, inlet pressure 1 bar (a), cooling and inlet air temperature +20 °C, rel. humidity 0%
Sound pressure level as per ISO 2151 and basic standard ISO 9614-2, tolerance: ± 3 dB (A)
CSG 70-2 SFC: Version with rated motor power 55 kW

Specifications subject to change without notice.

Complete system SIGMA CONTROL 2
Oil-free compression rotary screw compressor with two- Full-text display, 30 selectable languages; soft-touch icon
stage compression; condensate separator, condensate keys; “traffic light” style LEDs to indicate operating status;
drain and fibre-free pulse dampers for both compression fully automatic monitoring and control; Dual, Quadro and
stages; oil tank ventilation with microfilter, ready to oper- Dynamic control modes selectable as standard; SD card
ate, fully automatic, silenced. slot for data logging and updates; RFID reader; web serv-
er; interfaces: Ethernet; optional communications modules
for: Profibus DP, Modbus, Profinet and Devicenet.
Two-stage oil-free compression rotary screw airend with
integrated gearing and collection tank for gear oil. Rotors
Dynamic Control
feature durable coating. Both high and low pressure com- The dynamic control feature calculates run-on times based
pression stages feature jacket cooling; high pressure stage on the motor windings temperature. This reduces idling
with chromium steel rotors. times and energy consumption. Additional control modes
are stored in the SIGMA CONTROL 2 and can be called
up as required.
Precision gearing as per AGMA Q13/DIN Class 5 with
helical spur gears.

Drive motor Air or water-cooling available; radial fan with separate drive
motor; exhaust air discharged upwards.
Premium Efficiency IE4 drive motor, quality manufacture;
IP 55 enclosure protection, Pt100 temperature sensor Air-cooled version:
in windings; continuous measurement and monitoring of High-pressure side: aluminium cooler with stainless steel
motor windings temperature. tube pre-cooler. Low pressure side: aluminium cooler;
aluminium cooler for cooler oil.

Electrical components Water-cooled version:

Two shell and tube heat exchangers comprising coated
Ventilated IP 54 control cabinet, automatic star-delta steel jacket and pipes made from CuNi10Fe; one gear oil
starter, overload relay, control transformer. cooler.

Dependable oil reservoir venting

The microfilter in the oil reservoir venting system prevents
intake of oil-laden air. This is another key detail to ensure
that compressed air quality is reliably and efficiently main-
tained at all times.

(1) Microfilter
(2) Oil mist removal
(3) Ejector
(4) Return to gear oil reservoir

Options Model Air- Water-
cooled cooled

CSG-2 ● ●
Adjustable machine feet DSG-2 ● ●
FSG-2 ● ●

CSG-2 ● –
Silencer, air inlet opening
DSG-2 ● –
(Sound-insulated connecting links upstream from heat exchangers)
FSG-2 ● –

CSG-2 ● –
Cooling-air filter mats
DSG-2 ● –
(Protects the heat exchanger against heavy contamination)
FSG-2 ● –

Integrated heat recovery with pump CSG-2 – ●

(Compressor is equipped with a complete second auxiliary water system, including water DSG-2 – ●
pump. This protects the compressor against excessive temperatures.) FSG-2 – ●

Integrated heat recovery without pump CSG-2 – ●

(Compressor is equipped with a second auxiliary water system, without water pump. DSG-2 – ●
This protects the compressor against excessive temperatures.) FSG-2 – ●

Auxiliary heat exchanger downstream from air cooler, 2nd stage CSG-2 – ●
(Reduces the compressed air discharge temperature in compressors with heat recovery. DSG-2 – ●
Improves the pressure dew point for compressors with i.HOC). FSG-2 – ●

Integrated heat exchanger downstream from i.HOC rotation dryer CSG-2 ● ●

(Reduces the compressed air discharge temperature from the compressor in packages DSG-2 ● ●
with integrated i.HOC.) FSG-2 ● ●

CSG-2 ● ●
Pressure dew point measurement
DSG-2 ● ●
(Pressure dew point sensor installed.)
FSG-2 ● ●

Pressure dew point adjustment CSG-2 ● ●

(Controlled bypass around the stage 1 heat exchanger to improve pressure DSG-2 ● ●
dew point as needed.) FSG-2 ● ●

Pressure dew point control CSG-2 ● ●

(Pressure dew point measurement and controlled bypass around the stage DSG-2 ● ●
1 heat exchanger to improve pressure dew point as needed.) FSG-2 ● ●

KAESER hot air control

(Bypass around the stage 1 heat exchanger to increase compressed air temperature after CSG-2 ● ●
leaving the 2nd stage, as needed. No heat exchanger installed downstream from the 2nd DSG-2 ● ●
stage.) FSG-2 ● ●
Not available for packages with integrated rotation or refrigeration dryer.

Vibration measurement CSG-2 ● ●

(Monitoring of the bearings on the motor and compressor. Warning and fault levels are DSG-2 ● ●
programmed in the controller). FSG-2 ● ●

● Available
– Not available

The world is our home
As one of the world’s largest compressed air system
providers and compressor manufacturers, KAESER
KOMPRESSOREN is represented throughout the world
by a comprehensive network of branches, subsidiary
companies and authorised partners in over 100 countries.

With innovative products and services, KAESER

KOMPRESSOREN’s experienced consultants and
engineers help customers to enhance their competitive
edge by working in close partnership to develop
progressive system concepts that continuously push the
boundaries of performance and compressed air efficiency.

Moreover, the decades of knowledge and expertise from

this industry-leading system provider are made available to
each and every customer via the KAESER group’s global
computer network.

These advantages, coupled with KAESER’s worldwide

service organisation, ensure that every product operates
at the peak of its performance at all times and provides
maximum availability.

P-651/25ED Specifications are subject to change without notice. .6/19

P.O. Box 2143 – 96410 Coburg – GERMANY – Tel +49 9561 640-0 – Fax +49 9561 640-130
e-mail: –

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