Madni Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH: 2 Hijrih

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Madni life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH

2 Hijrih:
 In 2 Hijrih the command was given to face the Ka’bah (Masjid-e-Haram, Makah), instead
of facing Baitul Maqsad during Prayer (Salah).
 Sariyyah or Expedition of Abdullah bin Jahsh and the first booty in Islam took place in the
same year 2 Hijrih.

 The most significant battle of Badar fought in the same year on the 17th Ramadan, 2 Hijrih.
Muslims were 313 while Non-muslims Quraish were 1000. Abu Jahal was killed in this battle by
Mu’aaz and Mu’awwiz two ansaari youngsters. 70 of the disbelievers were killed and 70 were

taken captive. Only 14 Sahabaah were martyred. 6

were from muhajireen and 8 from ansaar.
 Prophet’s daughter Sayyidah Ruqayya passed away.
 Eid Salaah was performed for the first time.
 The command of Fasting in Ramadhan and Zakah was given in this year.
 Sadqa-tul-Fitr, the Salaah of Eid-ul-Adha and Qurbani were all make wajib in this year.
 In Zul-Hijjah Sayyidah Fatima was married to Sayyad Ali.
3 Hijrih:
o The battle of Uhud took place on 7th Shawaal 3 Hijrih. The army of disbelievers was three
thousand while muslims were thousand and Adbullah bin Ubayy and three hundred of his
followers deserted the muslims and returned to Madinah. The muslim army was left with only
seven hundred soldiers.Twenty two or twenty three disbelievers were killed and seventy muslims
martyred in this battle.

o Prophet married Sayyidah Hafsah and Sayyidah Zaynub.

o Wine was made Haraam
o Sayyidina Hasan was born
o The battle of Ghatafaan took place in Rabi-ul-Awwal. Du’thoor bin Haarith Muhaaribi marched
with an army of four hundred and fifty soldiers to attack Madinah. Prophet and his companions
came out of Madinah to confront him but they fled out of fear for the muslims and hid in the
mountains tops.
4 Hijrih:
o Incident of Bir-e-Ma’oonah happened in which a group of Prophet’s companions were martyred
by the tribes of A’amir, Ri’l, Zakwaan and U’sayya. Planned by Abu Bara A’mir misled Prophet
into believing that if a group of companions were sent to Najd to preach Islam. Prophet Muhammad
PBUH sent a group of companiions to Najd in the month of Safar 4 Hijrih. This group of
companions consisted of many Ulama and Quraa.

o The birth of Sayyidina Hussain

o Prophet married Sayyidah Umme Salmah
o Prophet instructed Sayyidina Zaid bin Thabit to learn the Jewish language (Hebrew)
5 Hijrih:

Battle of Khandaq (trench) or Battle of Ahzaab (groups) took place in Zil-Qa`dah 5 A.H. All the

groups (Quraish of Makkah, the Jews and Munafiqeen (Hypocrites)) gathered their forces and

decided to attack Madinah. An army of ten thousand fierce warriors, which later doubled, marched

towards Madinah to destroy the Muslims.

Sayyidina Salmaan Farsi suggested to make trenches around the city of Madinah. Then Prophet

Muhammad PBUH together with three thousand companions prepared to dig these trenches which

was 5 metres wide and 5 metres deep and about 8 kilometres long. It took the 6 days to complete

digging it.

The disbelievers placed Madinah under siege for almost fifteen days. The Banu Quraizah, whom

the Muslims feared, sided with the disbelievers and this increased their number.

Prophet missed his four prayers (Salah) on one day when disbelievers began throwing stones and

shooting arrows at the Muslims. Allah sent a hurricane against the disbelievers that it uprooted

their tents from the ground and overturned their pots that were over the blazing fire.

Banu Quraizah joined the disbelievers in the battle of trench and broke their agreement with

Prophet, So after the battle Muslims attacked them. They locked themselves in their fort for

twenty-five days.

6 Hijrih:
o In the beginning of Zil-Qa’dah 6 A.H, Prophet Muhammad PBUH tied ihram for Umrah and set
out towards Makkah with a large group of 1400 companions. Prophet camped at Hudaybiyya h
(name of a well about 25.5km from Makkah) because disbelievers of Makkah didnot allow
muslims to perform Umrah. Prophet sent Sayyidina Uthmaan to Makka to negociate with
disbelievers but rumour spread that disbelievers killed Sayyidina Uthmaan then Prophet took a
pledge (Bayt) for Jihad under an acacia tree, which is called Bay’at-ru-Ridhwaan. Later on they
learnt that this was only a rumour. The muslims and disbelievers agreed to sign a treaty. Allah
releaved Surah Fatah, wherein this treaty was termed as an open victory.

o Sayyidina Khalid bin Waleed and A’mr bin A’as accepted Islaam.
o Prophet sent letters to the kings of the world to preach and describe the message of Islam. A’mr
bin Umayya was sent to the king of Ethiopia (Najashi, Ashumah). Dihya kalbi was sent to the
emperor rome (Hiraql, Hercules), Abdullah bin Hudhayfah was sent to the leader of Persia
(Kisrah), Haatib bin Abi Balta’a was sent to the leader of Egypt (Maqowqas), A’mr bin A’as was
sent to the leader of Oman.
7 Hijrih:

o When Banu Nadheer was banished from Madinah because they has broken their treaty with
muslims, they settled in Khaibar but still encouraging neighbouring tribes to fight against muslims.
So in Muharram or Jumadul-Ula Prophet with his six hundred companions left for Khaibar. Allah
grant the muslims victory and they gained control over all the forts of the Jews. Sayyidinah Ali
played a great role in this Jihad.
o Prophet performed Umrah, which was missed the previous year when the treaty of Hudaybiyya
was signed.
o Prophet married Sayyidah Maymoonah.

8 Hijrih:

o Prophet sent Sayyidina Harith bin U’mair to Shurahbeel, the governor of Busrah with the invita tio n
of Islam. Shurahbeel reacted with aggression and killed Sayyidina Harith bin U’mair. So, in 8 A.H
Prophet sent an army of three thousand to confront Shurahbeel. Shurahbeel prepared an army of
nearly one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers. 3 muslims against 150 disbelievers. This battle
took place at Muta, a place in Shaam (Syria) 51.5km from Baitul Maqsid and close to the city of
Balqaan. Three leaders of muslims (Sayyidinah Zaid bin Haritha, Sayyidina Ja’far, and Sayyidina h
Abdullah bin Rawaha) martyred then muslims gained victory under commanment of Sayyidina
Khalid bin Waleed.
o Prophet Muhammad PBUH began preparing for Jihad, on 3rd Ramadhan 8 A.H after A’sr Prophet
with an army of ten thousand left Madinah towards Makkah. Allah gave command over Makkah
without fight and On Friday, 20th Ramadhan, Prophet made Tawaaf of the Ka’bah and broke all
the idols placed inside Ka’bah. Prophet, who was a mercy unto mankind addressed to disbelie vers
of Makkah as ” Today you all are free. There is no blame on you”. Prophet remained in Makkah
for fifteen days. Thereafter, returend to Madinah and appointed Sayyidinah I’tab bin Usayd as the
governor of Makkah.
o After the conquest of Makkah, the Arabs began entering into Islam in large numbers but two Arab
tribes (Hawaazin and Thaqeef) could not tolerate the rise of Islam and prepared to wage war against
the muslims and set out towards Makkah. Prophet gathered twelve thousand companions to fight
them. On the 6th Sawaal this army left Makkah and when they reached the valley of Hunain the
enemy attached the muslims from all directions. In initial stage muslims faced defeat but later on
muslims gained victory. Only four muslims martyred whereas more than seventy disbelievers were
killed. Muslims took possession of all their belongings among which twenty four thousand camels,
more than forty thousand goats and four thousand awqiya (490 kgs).
o After the Banu Hawaazin and Thaqeef were defeated in Hunain they took protection in the fort of
Taaif. Prophet followed them and approximately eighteen days they laid seige to the fort. Then
Prophet left and camped at Ji’rranah and handedover persons who were captured at Hunain on the
request of people of Taaif. After returning to Madinah, a delegation from Taaif came to Madinah
and accepted Islam.
o Thereafter, Prophet performed Umrah from Ji’rranah and returned to Madinah on the 6th Zul-
Qa’dah 8 A.H.

9 Hijrih:

o After returning from Taaif, Prophet remained in Madinah until the middle of 9 A.H. Prophet began
preparation for Jihad as he was informed that Hiraql (Hercules) was preparing an army at Tabuk
to attack the muslims after their defeat in Muta. In Rajab, Prophet left Madinah for Tabuk with
twenty thousand companions. Hiraql fled from Tabuk and no battle was fought. Muslim returned
after staying in Tabuk for fifteen to twenty days. This was the last battle that Prophet Muhammad
fought. Prophet returned to Madinah in Ramadhan 9 A.H.
o After returning from Tabuk, Prophet appointed Sayyidina Abu Bakr as the leader of Hajj and sent
him to Makkah.
10 Hijrih:

o Prophet left for Hajj on the 25th Zul-Qa’dah 10 A.H. and more than one hundred thousand
companions joined him. Prophet tied ihram from Zul-Hulaifah, six miles from Madinah. They,
reached Makkah on Saturday, 4th Zil-Hijjah. On the 9th Zul-Hijjah after reaching Arafaat, Prophet
delivered a very inspiring Khutbah (Speech) which was full of advice and wisdom. After
performing Hajj, Prophet remained in Makkah for few days and thereafter returned to Madinah.
11 Hijrih:
o After returning from Makkah, Prophet prepared an army on the 26th Safar 11 A.H. to fight the
Romans. Amongst the soldiers were many leading companions like Sayyidina Abu Bakr,
Sayyidina Umar, Sayyidina Abu U’baidah bin Jarrah and Prophet appointed Sayyidina Usama as
the ameer (leader) of this army. This was the last army that Prophet arranged himself. This army
had not yet left Madinah when Prophet fell ill. Prophet Muhammad PBUH thereafter passed away
and Sayyidinah Abu Bakr dispatched this army.
o On 28th Safar 11 A.H. Prophet visited Jannatul Baqee where he made dua for the inmates of the
graves. After returning home, he experienced a headache and from then onwards had a fever, which
lasted for thirteen days. In this condition Prophet left this world.
o On Monday the 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal, after the Zuhr Salaah, Prophet left this worldly abode and
went to meet his creator, Allah.
o Prophet was buried after two days, on Wednesday, at the time of sehri (early down). Prophet was
sixty-three years old at the time of his demise.

Important Events of Madina

The Prophet's entry into Madina ushers in a new phase for the divine message. Islam
gaining fresh followers began to assert its strength and soon started to spread out over
the four corners of the Arabian Peninsula.
In the previous chapters we have already noted that the Prophet was 53 years of age at
the time of his auspicious migration. In Madina he spent the remaining 10 years of his
life and it was here that other brilliant aspects of his immaculate personality became
fully manifest. The divine call now entered a decisive stage and many important events
took place in Madina, which eventually laid a firm foundation for the spread of Islam to
the furthest reaches of the globe. Here we shall study some of the major landmarks in
the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) and Islam at Madina.

1. The Building of the First Mosque

The entry into Madina was followed by the building of the mosque, the first-ever for the
Muslims who had just emerged from years of oppression in Makkah. It was one of the
most important landmarks for Muslims who now had a centre of their own for open
uninhibited gatherings, a school for learning the Qur'an and a headquarters for receiving
necessary instructions from their leader.
Gone were the days of secret underground meetings in Makkah, where the fear of
persecution had always weighed heavily for the faithful. Yathrib which from now
onwards was Madinat-an-Nabi (city of the Prophet) or Al-Madina al Munawara
(illuminated city), provided a free open atmosphere for the growth of the true faith.
Makkan immigrants mixed with the local populace, the 'Ansar' (Helpers), and cheerfully
started giving shape to Islam's first-ever mosque which would be known as Masjid-an-
Nabi (Prophet's Mosque). The building was soon constructed of clay and tree trunks
with palm leaves serving as a thatched roof. The Messenger of Allah himself took part in
the construction and the following year he enlarged its precincts to cover an area of
2475 square meters.
All Muslims enthusiastically assembled there for the daily prayers, which were led by
the Prophet himself. He used to deliver sermons there, teach the Qur'an and the laws of
Islam to the faithful, discourse with his companions, prepare them for 'Jihad' (holy
struggle) and would look into their problems and other relevant issues. Thus, the
Mosque was actually the headquarters of the first-ever Islamic State established by the
Messenger. It still stands majestically today, frequently enlarged and beautified
throughout the last fourteen centuries. The tomb of Prophet Muhammad (S) is situated
within its enclosure, and draws millions of Muslims from all over the world.
2. Fraternization
The second important step taken by the Prophet in Madina was the fraternizing of
'Muhajireen' (Makkan Immigrants) with the 'Ansar' (Madinite Helpers) in the bonds of
Islamic brotherhood. He fraternised each Muhajir with an Ansar, joining them together
as brothers in faith. And he himself clasped the hand of his beloved cousin Ali bin Abi
Talib (a) as the supreme symbol of brotherhood, fraternity and solidarity in the Islamic
Before proceeding further let us say a few words about the Muhajireen and the Ansar,
who formed the pillars of the Islamic State. Allah, the Exalted describes them in the
Qur'an as follows:
“And as for the first and foremost of the Muhajireen (emigrants) and the Ansar
(helpers), and those who followed suit in good deeds; Allah is pleased with them
and they are pleased with Him; and He has prepared for them gardens watered by
running streams, therein dwelling forever; that is a supreme triumph.” (9:100)
The Muhajireen as the name suggests were the Muslim emigrants from Makkah who
had followed the Prophet of Madina to safeguard their faith and to escape persecution
from the infidels. They had embraced Islam in its early formative years and most of
them had steadfastly endured severe pain and hardship in the way of liberty, truth and
On the other hand, the Ansar were the indigenous inhabitants of Madina, who believed
in the Message of Islam and rallied to the help of the Prophet. They welcomed him to
their city, and fought alongside him against the pagans of Arabia. It was their faith and
selfless devotion which cemented Islamic unity and brought many a glorious victory for
At the time of the H4ra most of the Muhajireen were poor and possessed nothing, but
the Ansar displaying the finest example of Islamic brotherhood, provided them with their
needs such as houses, money and food. They lodged them in their own houses, shared
their wealth with them and gave their daughters in marriage to the Makkan Muslims.
Such were the Muhajireen and the Ansar - brothers sharing food, clothing and
residence, and defending and helping each other as ordered by the Almighty. From
them we learn patience, self-sacrifice, fraternity, piety and devoted zeal to spread the
call of Islam to less fortunate people around the world.

3. The Islamic State

The other important event after the Hijra was the establishment of the Islamic State and
Government by the Prophet, who by applying the gradual unfolding of divine
commandments, moulded the hitherto ignorant Arabs into a real Islamic society.
Expounding the eternal miracle of the Holy Qur'an and setting his own divinely inspired
personality as a practical example, he firmly erected the pillars of justice and virtue. In
short, Prophet Muhammad (S) presented to the dark world seething under tyranny and
oppression, the most perfect ever constitution - spiritual, social and political and a key to
their salvation both in this mortal life and the hereafter.

4. Jihad
The next stage was Jihad or holy struggle, a thing not known in Makkah. It was the
natural consequence to the setting up of a state. Unbelievers, ever-intent to stamp out
the divine call but seeing Islam finely knit unto a secure state, resorted to arms, and the
Muslims had to follow suit to defend their faith, and according to Allah's injunctions went
out to do battle with the aggressors.
The first ever battle between Islam and blasphemy occurred in the second year of the
Hijra at a place called 'Badr' in which the new-found Islamic State, assembling a modest
force of only 313 Muslims defeated a vastly outnumbering army of disbelievers. The
victory led to many other battles and skirmishes with the Makkan infidels, who each time
came out in larger numbers to avenge their previous setbacks, but by Allah's Grace
suffered defeat after defeat at the hands of the faithful.
The victories brought strength and courage to the Muslims and helped facilitate the
spread of Islam and monotheism to the farthest reaches of polytheist Arabia.

5. End of Jewish Plots and Treacheries

Ever since the Prophet's entry into Madina, the treacherous Jews had vehemently
opposed him and his Islamic call, evoking memories of their hostility to the previous
Prophet, Jesus Christ (a), half a millennium ago. The crafty Jews entered into an
alliance with the polytheist Quraish in a bid to stamp out Islam. They conspired to kill
Prophet Muhammad (S) despite the fact that he was lenient towards them and had
treated them kindly, hoping to convince them of Islam's truth. But eventually as Jewish
plots and aggressions increased, he had no choice other than to take up arms against
them, in order to protect Islam and the Muslims. At the battle of Khaiber which is famous
for Imam Ali's (a) heroic exploits, the Prophet defeated them ending Jewish intrigues
and conspiracies in Arabia.

6. The Treaty of Hudaibiyah

Another important landmark in the Prophet's life and progress of the Islamic call was the
treaty of Hudaibiyah.
One night Prophet Muhammad (S) had a dream in which he saw that he and his
companions were entering the precincts of the Holy Ka'aba in Makkah to perform the
'Tawaf' (circumambulation), but the infidel Arabs were trying to obstruct their entrance.
Following the dream, he decided to go to Makkah with some 1,500 Muslims to perform
the pilgrimage. It was in the sixth year of the Hijra, and when the party arrived at a place
called Hudaibiyah, the infidels confronted them and blocked all routes to Makkah. After
some deliberations the infidels and the Prophet concluded a treaty, stipulating that the
Muslim party would for the moment go back to Madina, but would return the next year
for performing the pilgrimage. There were some other terms too.
As per the treaty the Messenger and his companions turned back to Madina, but the
next year the Prophet along with a group of Muslims entered Makkah - 7 years after his
historical migration - to perform the Umrah ritual (the lesser pilgrimage). Thus, his
dream came true, and it was another undeniable proof of his Prophethood.

7. The Conquest of Makkah

Next followed the great event in the history of Islam, that was the conquest of Makkah,
the then bastion of ignorance and disbelief. With it, idolatry was purged from the greater
part of Arabia once and for all, and Allah's Sacred House the Ka'aba was cleansed of
the filth of man-made objects. The event took place during the month of Ramadhan, in
the year 8 A.H. and Makkah was liberated without a fight. Almighty Allah instilled the
hearts of the idolaters with such fear that when Abu Sufyan, the leader of the infidels,
and his men, saw the Muslim forces they were struck with awe and meekly surrendered.
Thus the Messenger and his companions entered Makkah triumphantly, smashed the
idols, performed the Tawaf, and returned to Madina.
The conquest of Makkah and the purging of idols from Holy Ka'aba proved a great
victory for Islam. Following the event which is famous for Muhammad's (S) magnanimity
towards his archenemies, the Makkan pagans, who all accepted Islam, people started
embracing the true faith in multitudes.

8. Monarchs, Heads of State and Tribal Chiefs Invited

to Islam
Allah bestowed victory upon His Prophet in his many battles, and the Muslims were now
strong. Since the light of Islam had expelled ignorance from the greater part of the
Arabian Peninsula, the Messenger of Allah now felt it his duty to enlighten neighbouring
people about the truth of Islam. Accordingly he sent envoys to the Emperors of Persia,
Byzantine and Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and to other heads of state and tribes inviting them
towards guidance and reform. Some accepted, some gave polite 'diplomatic replies',
while some others such as Chosroes of Persia were arrogant enough to betray their
ignorance, by haughtily tearing the letters from the 'Mercy to the Worlds'.

9. Event of Mubahala
Among the messages which the Prophet (S) sent to kings and heads of state inviting
them to Islam, was the one addressed to the Christians of Najran in Yemen. On
receiving the letter the Christians refused to accept Islam but however decided to come
to Madina to challenge the Prophet and to defend their deviated belief in the divinity and
purification of Prophet Jesus (a).
In Madina, the Prophet presented them with proof and facts about Islam's eternal truth,
citing references from the previously revealed Scriptures, but the Christians' irrational
obstinacy prevented them from seeing the manifest truth. In the end the two parties
decided to meet at an open place and invoke divine curse and punishment upon the
lying side. Allah thereby ordered His Prophet to take along with him his immediate
family to the meeting ground for the Mubahala 1.
“And whosoever disputes with you concerning this after the knowledge that has
come to you, say: 'Come now, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and
your women, ourselves and yourselves, then let us earnestly pray for Allah's
curse upon the ones who lie.'“ (3:61)
The Christian elders came to the venue with their whole flock, and the Prophet as
ordered by Allah came with his immediate family members, namely: daughter Fatimah,
son in-law Ali and their two children, Hasan and Husayn. Never had the Christians seen
such enlightened visages before. The moment the Chief Priest beheld Prophet
Muhammad (S) and his noble family, he was filled with awe.
He realised that without doubt truth was with this blessed group of five and most surely
Allah will respond to Muhammad (S) and his family's invocation if they choose to curse
and destroy the Christians of Najran. Thus the Christians backed away from the
challenge of Mubahala, and wisely came to terms with the Prophet, pledging to pay an
annual tribute to the Muslims.

10. The Farewell Pilgrimage

In the tenth year of the Hijra, the Messenger of Allah (S) performed the Hajj
(pilgrimage), with all his wives and a fairly large number of his Companions.
He reached Makkah on the 4th of Dhul Hijja and was soon joined by Ali (a), who
hastened back from his successful missionary deputation to Yemen. During the Hajj
ceremonies, the Prophet addressed a great multitude from Mount Arafat, in words which
are eternal to this day in the hearts of believers. After praising the Almighty, he
expounded the laws and tenets of Islam and abolished all existing practices of the days
of Jahiliyah, charging the gathering to inform those not present and also to convey to
posterity his eternal message.
The famous tradition called 'Thaqalain' was part of this sermon and we reproduce it
below from 'Sahih Tirmidhi' for the benefit of our readers.
“I have been summoned (by Allah) and the moment is near for me to answer (to die). I
leave among you the 'Thaqalain' (two precious things): the Book of Allah and my
progeny; Allah's Book is like a rope extending from heaven to earth, and my progeny
are the Ahlul-Bayt. The Merciful informed me that the two will not part with each other
until they meet me at the pool (of Kawther in Paradise). I warn you against deserting
11. Ghadir Khum
After performing the Hajj, he bade farewell to his native Makkah and set out for Madina.
When the great procession reached the place from where the routes of the different
caravans coming from various points of Arabia normally parted, suddenly the signs of
divine revelation appeared and he stopped at a place called al-Juhfa near the spring
(ghadir) of Khum. The Archangel Gabriel came with the following verse in order to
impress the urgency of the divine command:
“O Prophet proclaim what has been revealed to you from your Lord, for if you do
it not, you have not conveyed His message; and Allah will protect you from the
(evil designs of) people...”Holy Qur'an (5: 67)
At once the Prophet ordered the whole party to be assembled, even summoning back
those who had already left, for he had an important message to be delivered.
A pulpit made of camel saddles was hastily set-up. Ascending it, he delivered a sermon
asking the people to be witness that he had faithfully performed the task of Prophethood
entrusted to him by the Almighty.
The multitude cried in one: “We bear witness O Messenger of Allah.”
He asked, who in their opinion was more worthy of obedience than their souls, to which
they replied that Allah and His Prophet know better.
Then he said: “O people! Allah is my Maula (Master) and I am the Maula (master) of
“Verily O Prophet of Allah”, came the unanimous reply.
Prophet Muhammad (S) then bent down and lifting up Ali bin Abi Talib (a) in his hands,
showed him to the vast crowd and proclaimed those famous words, which guaranteed
the continuation of divine leadership:
“For whomsoever I am Maula (master), this Ali is his Maula (master)...”
Thrice he proclaimed these words before descending the pulpit, relieved by having
performed the great task which would save the Ummah from going astray.
The great multitude of Muslims surged towards Ali bin Abi Talib (a), felicitating him on
his divine appointment. According to such famous scholars as Zamakhshari and Nasai,
the first one to congratulate and swear allegiance (bai'ah) to Imam Ali (a) was Umar bin
Khattab, who later became the second Caliph.
Gabriel descended again with another revelation, showing that the Almighty was
pleased with His Prophet for having excellently performed the great final mission to
“...Today have I perfected unto you your religion and completed upon you My
blessings and approved for you Islam as your religion...”Holy Qur'an (5:3)
This most important task ensured the continuity of divine guidance. Since the Prophets
were divinely appointed, so should be the successors or trustees of the Prophets,
especially so in the case of Islam, which is the final message to the human race.
All scholars and historians have testified that the event of Ghadir Khum 2 did take place,
and moreover books of Hadith are witness that on many and occasion, the Prophet had
emphasised his cousin's pre-eminence, over all other Muslims.

12. The Prophet's Death

Two months after his return to Madina, the Messenger of Allah fell ill, Madina wore a
look of gloom, because for a fortnight, the Prophet of Islam was confined in bed. The
dawning of 28th of the lunar month of Safar proved to be fateful, for on that day the
'Mercy to the worlds' although weak with fever made his way to the mosque to lead the
prayers, which also proved to be for the last time. Following a brief speech he returned
to the house and after giving necessary instructions to his divinely ordained successor
Imam Ali (a), he breathed no more. The sad day marked the end of final Prophethood.
Allah, through His last and greatest Messenger has revealed the perfect and the most
comprehensive set of laws for the entire human race, a constitution, which is capable of
catering to the needs of all generations till doomsday. Now the need for further
revelations will no more arise, for the Almighty in His Eternal Wisdom has embodied
each and everything in the Holy Qur'an and taken upon Himself the responsibility of
guarding it from interpolation. Moreover the Prophet practically showed the
implementation of divine laws.
The Qur'an together with the Prophet's Sunnah (traditions) is to remain a guiding light
for all mankind, and to ensure their correct meaning and application, Allah granted the
leadership of the Ummah to the Prophet's infallible household, the Ahlul-Bayt, who are
the torch bearers of guidance for all Muslims.
Prophet Muhammad (S) was laid to rest in his mosque, and an aggrieved Imam Ali (a)
performed the last rites of his noble cousin and father-in-law. He was survived by his
daughter Fatimah and her two sons.
Today the grave of the Prophet is the site of pilgrimage and veneration for Muslims from
all over the globe.
What lessons can be drawn from the life story of Prophet
The person being spoken of in the above paragraph is none other than Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H), whose stature in mankind’s history remains unparalleled even
to this day. His life is a beacon of light for the pious and God-fearing. In order to fully
grasp and comprehend how an orphan rose to become the greatest benefactor of
mankind, we need to study and focus on some of the primary lessons that can be
derived from his immaculate life.

1. Honesty in conducting trade

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) was extremely honest and trustworthy in his day to day
affairs. This was a rare quality in the era he lived, when merchants and vendors used
to swindle and deceive the consumers for petty profits. When he left on a trade
journey, his female employer at the time Hazrat Khadija (R.A) sent another employee
to accompany the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) to observe the way he dealt her goods. His
findings indicated that Khadija’s (R.A) business was being handled by the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) with utmost diligence and sincerity. Upon return, the Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) came bearing handsome profits on account of his honest dealings. This
unique characteristic of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) impressed her so much that later on
she sent him a proposal of marriage which ultimately Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

2. He upheld the truth at all times

Before that miraculous night when the Holy Prophet (P.B .U.H) was appointed as the
final Messenger, the whole city of Makkah called him by the worthy names of Al-
Sadiq, Al-Amin (The Honest, The Trustworthy). This not only placed the people’s
firm belief and trust in him but when he finally began to preach the religion of God,
people adhered to his attestations.

3. His focused approach and dedication towards his holy mission

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was so focused on his mission to propagate the word of
God that he was ready to bear every hardship that came his way. When the affluent in
Makkah came to realize that he was becoming popular among the masses, they chose
to offer him incentives so that he gave up preaching the message of Islam. He was
offered worldly possessions such as wealth, status of the chief of Makkah and
marriage to the most beautiful woman at the time. Yet he remained steadfast towards
his purpose and remarked ,”Even if they place the sun in my right hand and the moon
in my left, I will not renounce my mission until I die or God fulfills my mission for
4. His compassionate attitude turned enemies into friends
The Prophet’s message was not well received by all. Those who were too engrossed in
idol worship refused to listen to his voice of reason and logic, started causing him
physical pain and injury. His own Uncle Abu Lahab’s wife scattered thorns in his path
yet he never responded back but simply changed his course. A woman used to throw
trash on him every day when he walked past her house but the noble Prophet
(P.B.U.H) never rebuked her instead when one day the woman did not show up to
throw trash at him, it prompted him to visit her house. Finding her ill and bed ridden,
he was kind to her and inquired after her health. The woman was thoroughly ashamed
of her actions and repented at once, accepting Islam. This is how the prophet used his
merciful trait to conquer his enemies and convert them into his well-wishers.

5. His modest attitude as a ruler

Despite being the ruler of Makkah and beloved of his companions, the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) never distinguished himself from his companions. He ate what they ate, he
dressed as they dressed and used to talk to them in a courteous way. His charisma was
entirely based on his friendly and loving attitude that charmed everyone around him to
no end.

6. Leading by example
He was always a role model and example for his followers. In the famous battle of the
Trench, the Muslims were outnumbered and awfully short on supplies. Hunger and
suffering were common during those times. A companion once came to the Prophet
(P.B.U.H) and complained regarding his hunger and pointed to a stone fastened
around his stomach to prevent hunger. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) lifted his shirt and
pointed towards not one but two stones fastened to his own stomach.

7. His sense of merit

He came as a liberator of all the oppressed and the victims. Hazrat Bilal (R.A) was an
Abyssinian slave due to this fact alone, he was looked down upon as well as subjected
to harsh treatment and ridicule. Upon joining the fold of Islam, he became a
distinguished personality for all times as being the first Muslim to announce the call to
prayer (Azaan) atop the Ka’abah. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (R.A) inflicted serious
damages, time and again in skirmishes on the Muslims yet when he repented and
chose to accept Islam, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) made him a respected commander of the
Muslim army and addressed him with the title Saifullah (Sword of Allah). Hence, a
sense of merit and logic was always present in all the judgments of the merciful
prophet of mankind.

8. Putting to use everything for good

after the battle of Badar, when the Muslims captured many prisoners of war, the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) ordained that all prisoners who were unable to pay
their ransom could obtain freedom if they taught ten Muslims to read and write. This
fact alone shows the wisdom of the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his willingness to adopt
anything that was beneficial and good for his people. This act of the Holy Prophet’s
(P.B.U.H) also goes to show how much importance and emphasis he laid on

9. A simple life with little regard to worldly possessions

A man of humble means and behavior, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) adopted a simple
and modest lifestyle. Despite being the conqueror of Makah, he did not take to
worldly treasures or possessions. The night of his passing, the great Prophet’s house
did not have oil to light a lamp. Such was his greatness that his regard for this world
was nothing as compared to the spiritual world.

10. Pleasant disposition and cheerful manner

The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was a man of high spirits and lofty character. One if his
sayings are, “Even a smile can be charity.” He was always respectful of the old, caring
towards the weak and loving towards the children. His wives and daughters took great
joy in his company as did his companions. He used to spread a sheet of cloth in
respect for his daughter Fatima (R.A) and foster mother Halima Saadia (R.A) every
time they paid him a visit. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) was known not to decline anyone’s
request for anything at any time.

Muslims are fortunate to have a role model and perfect guide in the form of the Holy
Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H). Achieving the same level of success that he did is
impossible but the purpose of his life was for us to study, learn and implement his
virtues in order to succeed in this life and the afterlife.

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