Factors Affecting The Implementation of Green Procurement: Empirical Evidence From Indonesian Educational Institution

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Factors Affecting The Implementation of Green

Procurement: Empirical Evidence from Indonesian
Educational Institution
Ilyas Masudin1a, Bangalie Summah1b, Fien Zulfikarijah1c, Dian Palupi Restuputri1d
Abstract. This paper reported the factors affecting the adoption of green procurement in Indonesian educational
institutions. A quantitative method is used to understand the effects between variables on green procurement
implementation. Data from respondents working on the procurement divisions from higher degree institutions in the
province of East Java, Indonesia, are collected in this study. The results indicated no significant effects on middle
management staff, awareness, and corporate responsibility on the implementation of green procurement in
educational institutions. At the same time, there is a significant impact of green supply approaches such as ISO
certification and eco-design product strategy on adopting green procurement.

Keywords: Green procurement, awareness, educational institutions, purchasing

According to Min & Galle (1997), green

I. INTRODUCTION 1 procurement is defined as the buying of eco-
Over the past period, procurement activities' friendly goods and services as well as selecting
role has developed towards a more strategic contractors and establishing environmental
prerequisites in a contract. Zsidisin & Siferd
approach because of increasing demand to
concentrate on main processes while (2001) provided a comprehensive definition of
subcontracting most non-key ones (Giunipero green procurement as "Environmental purchasing
and Pearcy, 2000, Lawson et al., 2009). This for an individual firm is the set of purchasing
approach has caused a paradigm shift of a policies held, actions taken, and relationships
significant part of the production activities formed in response to concerns associated with
the natural environment. These concerns are
beyond firms' borders. That procurement function
contributes to a growing effect on the natural related to the acquisition of raw materials,
environment (Zsidisin and Siferd, 2001). Green including supplier selection, evaluation, and
procurement originates from the notion of development; suppliers' operations; inbound
preventing pollution-related principles and distribution; packaging; recycling; reuse; resource
activities. Green products or services use fewer reduction; and final disposal of the firm's
products. Green purchase compares price,
resources, and that they are developed to serve a
lengthy duration to lessen their effect on the technology, quality, and the environmental effect
environment from life a cycle to disposal (Min of the goods, services, or contract. Green
and Galle, 1997). procurement rules can be applied to every
company regardless of sizes, such as small,
medium, and large companies. Its activities can
1 be as easy as purchasing renewable energy or
1 Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of recycled office papers or exclusively concerned
Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan
with establishing environmental regulations for
Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang 65145, Indonesia
suppliers and contractors. Therefore, green goods
a email: masudin@umm.ac.id and services contain common effects on people's
b email: bangaliesumah@gmail.com health and might have increased safety standards.
c email: fzulfikarijah@yahoo.com
d email: restuputri@umm.ac.id
Whereas some "green" products or services may

corresponding author have a massive upfront cost, yet they save
revenue over the life of the goods or services
Submited: 18-04-2020 Revised: 24-09-2020 (Min and Galle, 1997).
Accepted: 13-12-2020

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

Meanwhile, green procurement is significant process method to prioritize the relative

because top international organizations such as importance of dimensions. Their result discovered
the United Nations (UN), African Development that supplier management performance is vital in
Bank (AfDB), and International Bank for implementing green procurement management.
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) have This implies that calling for suppliers to abide by
incorporated issues of the environment into their specific environmental standards may encourage
procurement guidelines. Green procurement them to innovate and, within that process, also
programs can minimize costs, waste, increase improve their products’ quality, features and
resource efficiency, impact manufacturing reduce costs (Chiou et al., 2011).
business, prices, available services, and company's However, several studies on green
attitude. It also enables countries to meet multi- procurement, such as Yen & Yen (2012); Min &
lateral agreements like the Kyoto Protocol and Galle (1997); Bjorklund (2011), focused their
Rotterdam Convention (NyachombaMachira and researches on manufacturing and found different
Juma, 2016). Stock (1992) confirmed that green results. But there is no study on the analysis of
procurement could improve an organization's factors of green procurement implementation in
financial position through waste reduction and an educational institution. Therefore, this paper
liability expenses, preserving resources, and seeks to contribute to the existing literature and
improving the overall public image of a company. fill the knowledge gap on green procurement
Zhu and Sarkis (2004) posited that suppliers' implementation elements in educational
pressure significantly influences implementing the institutions. This study will consider four key
green supply chain through research. In effect, factors: top management support, awareness,
close collaboration between suppliers and buyers corporate social responsibility (CSR), and
can promote the effective implementation of approach to green suppliers in implementing
green procurement activities. In procurement green procurement in educational institutions.
activities, suppliers must consider the critical The rationale is to examine how these factors can
disposition of materials and components brought lead to a successful implementation of green
into the company. That heads of procurement procurement in Indonesian educational
should search for upstream partners of the supply institutions. Following this introduction, section
network to minimize waste and offer two of this paper will review significant literatures
environmentally friendly goods. For instance, on green procurement. This literature review
suppliers such as transport services and goods helps to develop one hypothesis and a theoretical
suppliers can positively impact the company's framework. Section three describes the research
green procurement activities and drive green method, and section four describes data analysis
supply network management (Walker and and the results from testing the hypotheses.
Devine-Wright, 2008). Finally, section five concludes the paper and
Thus, organizations are gradually managing makes a recommendation for future research.
their suppliers’ eco-friendly performance to
ensure that they supply goods and equipment II. LITERATURE REVIEW ON GREEN
that are eco-friendly and are manufactured using PROCUREMENT
green activities (Dubey et al., 2013). Min & Galle
Wallace & Omachar (2016) conducted a study
(1997) investigated a study on "green purchasing"
on the effects of green procurement practices on
to determine significant factors affecting
operational efficiency at an airways organization.
suppliers' business selection and the main
Using descriptive research, the results of their
obstacles to green procurement ideas. They
findings indicated that an organization procures
discovered that the extremely rated barriers to
environmentally compatible products that are
effective green procurement implementation
sourced from credible suppliers that provide
were cost and revenue. In another study, Hsu and
quality goods of green manufacturing enhanced
Hu (2008) used the fuzzy analytic hierarchy

Masudin, et al./ Factors Affecting The Implementation of Green Procurement … JITI, Vol.19(2), Dec 2020, 186-197

environmental consciousness through reuse, an information communication infrastructure

recycle and refurbish. The result also established a system that allows suppliers to participate, which
strong relationship between suppliers and the increased their contribution to 29% of
company. This is because both parties' production organizational performance.
efficiency engages the green procurement Yang & Zhang (2012), in a survey of 144
practices to offer their customer's Chinese companies, researched factors of green
environmentally friendly goods by green purchasing practices of Chinese using factor
packaging practices, waste prevention, and analysis, SPSS software, and regression analysis.
energy savings on low energy-consuming goods. The results revealed that leaders' support would
In another study, Nadeem et al. (2017) examined boost green purchasing practices, and
driving indicators for implementing sustainable environmental management costs will hinder
procurement behavior and practices in the Chinese enterprises' green purchasing practices.
Pakistan public procurement department.
Top Management Support
Employing a descriptive research design revealed
Top management participation in green
that awareness and organizational commitment
procurement means an increased motivation on
to change and approach to green supplier and
collaboration as an essential requirement for
products were positively related to sustainable
supply network coordination. They must
public procurement implementation.
recognize the essence of collaboration (Ireland &
Moreover, Khidir et al. (2010) investigated a
Bruce, 2000) and approve supply chain
study on the examination of four drivers, such as
management principles by providing the needed
regulation, customer pressures, social
resources (Marien, 2000); and be actively involved
responsibility, and expected business benefits for
in the collaboration. Stuart (1993) states that
green purchasing adoption among environmental
supplier partnership development relies on top
management system (EMS) 14001 certified
management support. Increase the level of
companies in the Malaysian manufacturing sector.
support in knowing key supplier activities and
Using a mail survey technique, the result of their
materials can be useful in influencing suppliers'
findings asserted that green procurement is
activities (Walton et al., 1998). External
explicitly affected by drivers such as regulation,
collaboration can be achievable through
customer pressures, expected business benefits,
competent leadership (Andraski, 1998). Thus, top
and firm ownership. The result further states that,
management support is a significant driver that is
though the Malaysian firms show a high social
very powerful and very positive for the
responsibility level, it does not constitute a
implementation of green procurement practices
genuine driver for these firms to adopt green
(Sandberg, 2007).
procurement. In a similar study, Nderitu & Ngugi
(2014) researched the effect of green Awareness
procurement practices on organization A critical factor that can drive efficient
performance in the manufacturing industry, citing implementation of green procurement practices is
the case of East African Breweries Limited. awareness and acquaintance with guidelines,
Adopting descriptive, inferential statistics, the policies, and laws linked to green purchasing
results discovered that the manufacturing sustainability (Nadeem et al., 2017). According to
industry's performance contributes to more than Sun et al. (2012), green procurement awareness
one factor and that green procurement attributes may influence its implementation in a sustainable
contribute to performance. Also, the staff way for both companies and states.
members' competence in green procurement Environmental awareness has often been a key
concepts was an essential contributor to the factor of green sustainable performance, which
effects of green procurement attributes to has the potency to better implement green
organization performance. Furthermore, East procurement (Zuo & Zhao, 2014). Accordingly,
African Breweries Limited had already established availability and awareness of green procurement

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

guidelines and documents are a pathway towards the forefront of public awareness and has
improving and applying sustainable measures become a must-have or hygiene factor for most,
(Testa et al., 2016). if not all, organizations. In another context, the
Procurement officers of companies are Commission of the European Communities (2001)
expected to abreast themselves with the laws, states that CSR is "the voluntary integration, by
guidelines, and policies connected to contracting organizations, of social and environmental
and tendering for sustainable procurement (Lin et concerns in their commercial operations and their
al., 2015). They must also follow governmental relationships with interested parties." Companies
regulations to enhance sustainability needed by very well understand that their procurement and
governance authorities (Amann et al., 2014). supply chain activities profoundly affect their
However, the violation of procurement laws can reputation and long-time success. Conversely,
lead to heavy fines imposed by government they are often held responsible for promoting
stakeholders. In effect, to increase compliance and protecting the environment, health, and
with sustainability, procurement officers' safety rules of employees who manufacture their
awareness training may serve as a vital influence goods despite whether they are direct workers or
on sustainable green procurement work for their suppliers (Cruz & Wakolbinger,
implementation (Geldermann et al., 2007). Thus, 2008). CSR has received more comprehensive
awareness of green procurement practices can research coverage in the recent past; for instance,
transform procurement officers' mindset, which Carroll (1991) stated that CSR includes economic,
can impact the speed of sustainable legal, ethical, and humanitarian expectation tied
implementation behavior (Tsipouri, 2015), to companies by the society at a certain point in
specifically in educational institutions. time. Therefore, organizations are obliged to
improve their environmental performance to
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
respond to the community's requirements.
Today, corporate social responsibility (CSR)
has not only become a popular research Approach to Green Suppliers
discipline, but it is now evident in many To effectively adopt green procurement,
companies’ corporate mission and value access to green goods and services is a significant
statements (Cruz, 2013). Regardless of its long- component in the implementation process
time presence, CSR application as a sustainability (Nadeem et al., 2017). Certification obligations
approach in supply chain management has only like ISO 9000 and ISO 140001 drive businesses to
been visible in the last five years. In effect, there adopt sustainability measures to manufacture
has been persistent pressure on companies from sustainable goods and services (Zhu et al., 2012,
stakeholders, consumers government, non- Zhu et al., 2013). This standardized environmental
governmental organizations (NGOs), and local management systems (ISO 14001) certification
communities to implement CSR across their contains regulations on product life cycle
supply chain (Ciliberti et al., 2008). assessments, environmental labeling of products,
CSR involves a variety of things such as ethics, carbon disclosure projects, and sustainability
environment, sustainability, equality, and fairness. reporting schemes (Srivastava, 2007, Büyüközkan
It is something that, in recent years, has come to and Çifçi, 2011).

Masudin, et al./ Factors Affecting The Implementation of Green Procurement … JITI, Vol.19(2), Dec 2020, 186-197

In a survey study conducted by Zhu, Geng &

Sarkis (2013) on 193 Chinese government
officials, their result findings revealed that
regulations and incentives motivate the
implementation of sustainable green
procurement practices. Manufacturing firms are
required to implement sustainable environmental
practices in response to environmental policies
set by regulatory organizations such as states or
international institutions (Scott, 2008). Such rules
and regulations about environmental
sustainability can force companies to ensure
required transformations into their production
structure and activities by offering green products
and services (Powell and DiMaggio, 2012).
Besides, suppliers' awareness about the laws and
guidelines of contracting and tendering of
sustainable products also plays an essential part
in implementing sustainable procurement
because eco-friendly companies will encourage Figure 1. Research Framework
their suppliers to have environmental
certifications (Nadeem et al., 2017). According to H4: Green suppliers significantly affect green
Vermeir & Verbeke (2004), purchasers may procurement implementation in the
sometimes be willing to procure sustainable educational institution.
products, but due to the inadequate accessibility
of green products, they cannot translate into III. RESEARCH METHOD
buying behavior. Nadeem et al. (2017) argued
that to inspire suppliers for green products, and This green procurement implementation study's
regulatory organizations can offer an inducement research objects are the universities located in
to suppliers and producers who follow standard Malang, East Java Province, Indonesia, with more
guidelines like tax exemptions, follow standard than 100 employees. The top and middle
guidelines like tax exemptions, import duties management in the University are selected for
exemptions, discount in sales tax, and investment this study. This study's population is 108 staff
tax allowances to boost sustainability. comprised of top and middle management
Based on the above discussions on top employees working in the higher degree
management support, awareness, CSR, and educational institutions. A sample of 60
approach to green suppliers, the researchers respondents was targeted for this study from
hypothesized that: both staff and middle management levels.
H1: top management support affects significantly A quantitative approach is used in this study
green procurement implementation on the with instruments of statistics package for social
educational institution sciences (SPSS 20) and using Exploratory Factor
H2: awareness affects significantly green Analysis (EFA) to examine whether the factors
procurement implementation on the derived from the EFA fitted the drivers as
educational institution analyzing theoretically in the literature on the
H3: CSR affects significantly green procurement analysis of factors that influence green
implementation on the educational institution procurement implementation in educational
institutions. The quantitative approach involves
generating numerical form data, which can be

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

Table 1. Variable operating definitions

Variables Indicators
Top management support:  Resource/support: tools that aid green procurement
These denote the degree to which senior implementation
management understands green procurement's  Staff training: given skills on green procurement
critical role and is personally involved in its implementation and sustainability
Awareness: the knowledge that something  Familiarization of green procurement policies: an
exists or understanding a situation or subject is acquaintance of green procurement processes
now based on information or experience. In  Knowledge of regulation: understanding the laws
brief, it is the state of being conscious of governing procurement activities either from government
something. stakeholders or purchasing organization
CSR: involves a variety of things such as ethics,  Ethics: moral conduct or behavior acceptable to society
environment, sustainability, equality, and  Health and safety: denote the wellbeing of either an
fairness (Fairtrade, 2009). organization's employees or the people of a community
in which an organization operates.
 Environmental sustainability:
Approach to green suppliers: this involves  Certification (ISO 9000 & ISO 14000, EMS):
suppliers' integration of green strategy in their accreditation of companies with environmental
supply chain activities. management systems (EMS) certificate
 Eco-design: Design of products for reduced consumption
of material/energy, design of products for reuse, recycle,
recovery of material, design of products to avoid or
minimize the use of hazardous materials

subjected to rigorous quantitative analysis Approach to green suppliers’). The definitions of

accurately and rigidly (Kothari, 2004). There are variables and framework of the study are shown
four green procurement implementation factors, in Table 1 and Figure 1.
such as top management support, awareness,
corporate social responsibility, and approach to IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
green suppliers. The use of self-administered
Quantitative Data Analysis: Descriptive
questionnaires collects data from the target
respondents. In this study, ten questions about
The 60 respondents who were selected in this
green procurement implementation questioned
study are working in the educational institutions
to the respondents, and scale items will be
in Indonesia. Most respondents are working at
measured on a 5-point Likert scale, where one
higher degree university with the middle
denotes Strongly Disagree, 2 Disagree, 3 Less
management of positions such as the head of
Agree, 4 Agree, and 5 Strongly Agree. Questions
school, head of a department, superintendent,
in this term are focused on the factors of green
and staff supervisor. The mean values for each
procurement implementation. These questions
dimension of the variables ranged from 3.50 to
involve top management, awareness, corporate
4.06 on the Likert scale of 1 to 5. In general, these
social responsibility, and approach to green
results indicate that the questions in the
suppliers in implementing green procurement.
questionnaires related to the factors of the
One hypothesis was developed based on the
adoption of green procurement in their institution
research model plan framework.
have been responded to positively. The first
Theoretical framework dimension of middle management support gets
The research investigates the analysis of four an average score of 3.63, which proves that most
identified factors of green procurement (Top staff working in the educational institution agree
management support, Awareness, CSR, and that middle management's support is critical for

Masudin, et al./ Factors Affecting The Implementation of Green Procurement … JITI, Vol.19(2), Dec 2020, 186-197

green procurement adoption in their workplace. Moreover, the variable of the approach used as a
The support should be regular staff training and standard when applying green procurement such
facility (resources) related to green procurement as ISO certification and eco-design has the
activities. Furthermore, the dimension of highest mean value than the other variables
awareness in implementing green procurement, (4.03), which justifies that most staff understand
the average value obtained by this dimension of that those dimensions would impact significantly
3.84 indicates that the staff believes that they on the application.
should be familiar with the knowledge and
Evaluation of Measurement Model
current green procurement regulation.
This research model consists of four latent
The dimension of corporate social responsibility
variables, namely green procurement
(CSR), which has an average value of 3.97, shows
implementation, middle management support,
that the CSR dimensions are perceived in a
awareness corporate, social responsibility, and
positive mind by respondents that impact the
approach to green suppliers'. Evaluation of the
implementation of green procurement.
measurement model is a step to test the validity

Table 2. Statistics descriptive

Variable Dimension N Mean St. Dev Min Max
Green procurement Green procurement
60 3.91 0.94 2 5
implementation implementation
Middle management Resources/support 60 3.76 0.99 1 5
support Staff training 60 3.50 0.87 1 5
Familiarization with green
60 3.70 0.88 1 5
Awareness procurement policies 3.84
Knowledge of regulation 60 3.98 1.03 1 5
Ethics 60 3.90 1.00 1 5
Corporate social
Health & safety 60 4.06 3.97 0.93 2 5
responsibility (CSR)
Environmental sustainability 60 3.96 1.01 2 5
Certification (ISO 9000 &
Approach to green 60 4.00 1.28 1 5
ISO 140001 EMS) 4.03
Eco-design product 60 4.06 0.95 2 5

Figure 2. Path Diagram

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

and reliability of a latent variable. awareness, corporate social responsibility, and

approach to green suppliers' variables are
Validity Testing
declared valid.
Validity testing, or better known as convergent
validity, is used to determine whether an indicator Table 4. Convergent validity: AVE
is valid in measuring variables. The loading factor
Variable AVE
Green procurement implementation 1.000
Table 3. Convergent validity: Loading factor
Middle management support 0.743
Loading Awareness 0.768
Variable Dimension
factor Corporate social responsibility 0.839
Green procurement Approach to green suppliers 0.920
GPS 1.000
Middle managements R1 0.927
Support S1 0.792 Table 5. Composite reliability and Cronbach Alpha
F2 0.827 Composite Cronbach's
Awareness Variable latent
K2 0.924 reliability alpha
E3 0.890 Green Procurement
1.000 1.000
Corporate social Implementation
H3 0.941
responsibility Middle Management
ES3 0.917 0.852 0.671
Approach to green C4 0.961
Awareness 0.868 0.708
suppliers E4 0.958
Corporate Social
0.940 0.904
shows convergent testing validity. The indicator is Approach to Green
0.958 0.913
said to be valid if the loading factor is more Suppliers
significant than 0.6. The concurrent validity test
results are presented in Table 3.
Reliability Testing
Based on the table above, it can be seen that
Parameters that can be used to test the
the green procurement implementation, middle
reliability of indicators in measuring latent
management support, awareness, corporate
variables are composite reliability and Cronbach's
social responsibility, and approach to green
alpha. The test criteria state that if composite
suppliers variables have a loading factor value
reliability is greater than 0.7, and if Cronbach's
greater than 0.6. It means that the indicator is
alpha is greater than 0.6, the variable is declared
declared valid in measuring variables. Next,
reliable. The calculation results of composite
convergent validity is performed using the
reliability and Cronbach's alpha can be seen
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value. For
through the summary presented in Table 5.
convergent validity, to be seen through loading
Based on the table above, it can be seen that
factors, Average Variance Extracted (AVE) can also
the composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha
be known. An instrument is said to meet the
values on the green procurement
convergent validity test if it has an Average
implementation, middle management support,
Variance Extracted (AVE) above 0.5. The results of
awareness, corporate social responsibility, and
convergent validity testing are shown in Table 4.
approach to green suppliers' variables are greater
Based on the table above, it can be seen that
than 0.7 and 0.6. Thus, based on the calculation of
the green procurement implementation, middle
composite reliability and Cronbach's alpha, all
management support, awareness, corporate
indicators that measure green procurement
social responsibility, and approach to green
implementation such as middle management
suppliers' variables produce an Average Variance
support, awareness, corporate social
Extracted (AVE) value greater than 0.5. Thus, the
responsibility, and approach to green suppliers'
indicators measuring green procurement
variables are declared reliable.
implementation, middle management support,

Masudin, et al./ Factors Affecting The Implementation of Green Procurement … JITI, Vol.19(2), Dec 2020, 186-197

The goodness of Fit Model Hypothesis Testing Direct Effects

The goodness of fit model is used to determine Testing the direct influence hypothesis is used
the magnitude of the ability of exogenous to test whether there is a direct influence of
variables to explain the diversity of endogenous exogenous variables on endogenous variables.
variables, or in other words, to determine the The test criteria state that if T statistics> T table
extent of the contribution of exogenous variables (1.96), then the significant impact of exogenous
to endogenous variables. The goodness of fit variables on endogenous variables is stated. The
results of hypothesis testing can be known in
Table 6. The goodness of fit Model Table 7.
The influence of middle management support
Variable R-square
on green procurement implementation produces
Green procurement implementation 0.783 T statistics of 1.533. The test results show that T-
2 2
Q = 1 – ( 1 – (R square ) ) statistics <T-table (1.533 < 1.96). This means that
Q2 = 1 – ( 1 – (0.783)2) = 0.613 there is no significant influence of middle
management support on green procurement
model in PLS analysis is performed using the implementation. This result is relevant to the
coefficient of determination (R-Square) and Q- findings of the study by Carter and Jennings
Square. predictive relevance (Q2). (2004) and Blome et al. (2014). They found that
R-square value from the analysis using top management is more significantly and
SmartPLS software obtained a value of 0.782. This directly related to the green procurement
can show that the formation of a model from application instead of middle management. This
green procurement implementation research can is because the procurement activity is a logistics
be explained well by the middle management activity that must be decided by top
support, awareness, corporate social management. After all, it involves a large
responsibility, and approach to green suppliers' investment for a long time horizon. In addition,
variables with a value of 78.3%. In comparison, procurement will also include a strategic decision
21.7% is contributed by other factors that are not to award the type of contract to the supplier,
discussed in this study. whether long, medium, or short term, which can
Q-Square predictive relevance (Q2) is 0.613 or only be decided by top management (Reck and
61.3%. This can indicate that the middle Long, 1988, Walker and Brammer, 2016).
management support, awareness, corporate The effect of awareness on green procurement
social responsibility, and approach to green implementation yields T-statistics of 0.808. The
suppliers' variables have an overall contribution test results show that T statistics < T table (0.808
to green procurement implementation of 61.3%. < 1.96). This means that there is no significant
In contrast, the remaining 38.7% is contributed by effect of awareness on green procurement
other variables not discussed in the study. implementation. Moreover, the influence of

Table 7. Hypotheses testing

Path T
Variable exogen Variable endogen
Coefficient statistic
Green procurement
Middle management support 0.138 1.533
Green procurement
Awareness 0.103 0.808
Green procurement
Corporate social responsibility 0.173 1.542
Green procurement
Approach to green suppliers 0.520 4.960

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

corporate social responsibility on green the adoption of green procurement. The results
procurement implementation produces T show that top management should take more
statistics of 1.542. The test results show that T responsibility for the adoption of green
statistics < T table (1.542 < 1.96). This means that procurement rather than imposing it on middle
there is no significant effect of corporate social management. The involvement of top
responsibility on green procurement management in strategic decisions such as green
implementation. The findings of this study are in procurement would affect the staff initiative
line with the results of Carter and Jennings (2004). (awareness) on their consciousness of green
They found that there is no significant procurement implementation. The relationship
relationship between individual values of between the variable of corporate social
purchasing staff on purchasing social responsibility on green procurement has
responsibility. It is likely due to the capability of indicated no significant correlation. This finding is
the organization in implementing green affected by the size of the institution. The large
procurement. Large institutions tend to have the size of the institutions would have more
capability and ability to implement green capabilities to develop procurement staff's
procurement policies to their procurement staff consciousness on the adoption of green
divisions (Michelsen and de Boer, 2009). procurement. Finally, the adoption of green
The effect of approach to green suppliers' on procurement in educational institutions would
green procurement implementation resulted in T affect other processes and stakeholders ethically
statistics of 4.960. The test results show that T to consider environmental issues in their
statistics > T table (1.96). This means that there is activities. For further study, firm size as a separate
a significant influence of approach to green variable that affects green procurement would
suppliers' on green procurement implementation. help academics and practitioners understand the
The result of this study is supported by Blome et problems in more detail and complex.
al. (2014), which indicated that there is a
supportive relationship between green REFERENCES
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