Mercy: How God Deals With Our Sin
Mercy: How God Deals With Our Sin
Mercy: How God Deals With Our Sin
Lent is also National Migrants’ Christ, your Son, who lives and
Day. Jesus’ cross portrays very reigns with you in the unity of
well their sacrifices and their the Holy Spirit, one God, for
Your ways, O Lord,
their families. Inspired by the 2
All — Amen.
liturgy, let us pray for and
reflect on the plight of millions THE Liturgy are love and truth
Let us pray for all people on First Reading (Gn 9:8–15) (Sit)
the move so that they will not God promises that never again
to those who keep
pleasure and material gains but
P — A reading from the holy C — That our Church leaders P — Give us the right
Gospel according to Mark continue to be committed in disposition, O Lord, we pray,
All — Glory to you, O Lord. their concern for the poor, to make these offerings, for
especially among the migrants with them we celebrate the
THE Spirit drove Jesus out into and their families, we pray: (R) beginning of this venerable
the desert, and he remained and sacred time.
in the desert for forty days, C — That our civil leaders do
their best to serve the people Through Christ our Lord.
tempted by Satan. He was All — Amen.
among wild beasts, and the entrusted to them, mindful also
angels ministered to him. of their responsibility to take Preface
After John had been care of the migrants and their (The Temptation of the Lord)
arrested, Jesus came to Galilee families, we pray: (R)
proclaiming the gospel of God: C — That overseas Filipino P — The Lord be with you.
“This is the time of fulfillment. workers be continually All — And with your spirit.
The kingdom of God is at accompanied by God as P — Lift up your hearts.
hand. Repent, and believe in they work and live in foreign All — We lift them up to the
the gospel.” lands especially in moments Lord.
— The Gospel of the Lord. of temptation to abandon their P — Let us give thanks to the
All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus religious and cultural values, Lord our God.
Christ. we pray: (R) All — It is right and just.
P — It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to
give you thanks, Lord, holy
Father, almighty and eternal
God, through Christ our Lord.
By abstaining forty long
d ay s f r o m e a r t h l y f o o d ,
h e c o n s e c ra t e d t h r o u g h
his fast the pattern of our
Lenten observance and, by
overturning all the snares of
the ancient serpent, taught
us to cast out the leaven of
malice, so that, celebrating
worthily the Paschal Mystery,
we might pass over at last to
the eternal paschal feast.
And so, with the company
of Angels and Saints, as we
sing the hymn of your praise,
without end we acclaim:
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord The Lord will conceal you All — Amen.
God of hosts. Heaven and earth with his pinions, and under
are full of your glory. Hosanna P — And may the blessing
his wings you will trust. of almighty God, the Father,
in the highest. Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord. Prayer after Communion and the Son, (†) and the Holy
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) (Stand) Spirit, come down on you
and remain with you for ever.
Acclamation (Stand) P — Let us pray. (Pause) All — Amen.
Renewed now with
All — When we eat this Bread heavenly bread, by which faith Dismissal
and drink this Cup, we proclaim is nourished, hope increased,
your Death, O Lord, until you P — Go in peace, glorifying
and charity strengthened, we
come again. the Lord by your life.
pray, O Lord, that we may All — Thanks be to God.
learn to hunger for Christ,
THE communion rite the true and living Bread,
The Lord’s Prayer and strive to live by every BE A PRIEST OR
word which proceeds from A BROTHER OF
All — Our Father… your mouth.
P — Deliver us, Lord… Through Christ our Lord.
All — For the kingdom, the All — Amen.
If you are a Grade
power and the glory are yours
12 student, a college
now and forever.
THE concluding rites student, or a young
Invitation to Peace professional, male,
P — The Lord be with you. single, and interested
Invitation to Communion All — And with your spirit. to become a priest or
(Kneel) a brother involved in
Solemn Blessing the apostolate of social
P — Behold the Lamb of God, communication, we
behold him who takes away P — Bow down for the blessing. invite you to journey
the sins of the world. Blessed (Pause) with us.
are those called to the supper
of the Lamb. May bountiful blessing, O Visit our websites:
All — Lord, I am not worthy Lord, we pray, come down or
that you should enter under upon your people, that hope
my roof, but only say the word may grow in tribulation, virtue
be strengthened in temptation, subscribe to our sambuhay
and my soul shall be healed. digital missalette
and eternal redemption be For inquiries and orders:
Communion Antiphon assured.
(Cf. Ps 91[90]:4) Through Christ our Lord. (02) 8895-9701