E20231225 Christmasmidnightb

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Year 37 No.

35 The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) December 25, 2023

Mass during the Midnight — White

o not be afraid,” the of our existence. Our First
angel Gabriel assures Reading proclaims: “For the
Mary, upon announcing to her yoke that burdened them, the

that she will give birth to the Son pole on their shoulder, and the
of God, a daunting vocation for rod of their taskmaster you have
an insignificant rural maiden. smashed... For a child is born to
“Do not be afraid,” the angel us… [the] Prince of Peace” (Is
Gabriel comforts Joseph in 9:3-5).
his dream, reassuring him that God has not only shown
Mary, though pregnant, has solidarity with us by assuming
remained faithful to him and, our humanity, becoming
by the power of the Spirit, now vulnerable to sin and evil. God
bears the Messiah, entrusted to is indefatigably laboring to
his care and protection. And on establish his Kingdom of justice
the eve of Jesus’ birth, the angel and peace, of fullness of life for
proclaims to the shepherds, all.
petrified by the heavenly vision
Communion. Third, God is
and intrusion, “Do not be
redeeming the world by drawing
all humanity to share in God’s
Why not? First, because divine life.
Gabriel assures Mary that God
The Second Preface of the
has blessed her among all
Nativity of the Lord proclaims,
women and is with her directing
“He has appeared visibly… so
her life. Second, because God
that, raising up in himself all
is transforming their lives. From
that was cast down, he might
the margins, Mary, Joseph, and
restore unity to all creation and
the shepherds are brought to
call straying humanity back to
the center of God’s unfolding
the heavenly Kingdom.”
salvific plans. Third, through
their free responses, God is Tonight, we celebrate the
redeeming the world. The birth of Jesus Christ amid so
repercussions of their obedience much suffering, corruption,
to God’s will extend into the and violence. We fear the
whole world, encompassing all destructive powers of nature
of history. that can wash away all we hold
dear. The millions of OFWs
Tonight, the angel also
reassures us not to be afraid. by Fr. Manoling V. and casuals fear the temporary
Francisco, SJ nature of employment and the
Presence. First, because uncertainty of their future. The
God is Emmanuel. God has poor and weak fear looming
embraced our human condition whom we now hold in our arms
and whose cheeks we kiss. hunger and sickness, enduring
and has graced our world with homelessness and joblessness.
his presence. Cyril of Alexandria writes: Tonight, as we adore the Christ
The early Church Fathers God “became human… bore Child, let us bear in mind that
locate redemption not primarily our nature, reshaping it to share God has approached us first,
in the cross of the Christ, but in in his own life… we have come to assure us that amid suffering
the Incarnation of God. For the to be partakers in the divine and evil God is with us; that in
infinite abyss separating God nature… for we have the Father the hidden ways of grace, God
and us has been bridged by himself with us through the is transforming our lives, and
Jesus, God in human form. For Son.” that God whose desires cannot
the invisible God has become Transformation. Second, be thwarted is drawing all the
visible, the ineffable God, God is not only with us, but is world into eternal communion
accessible in the baby Jesus transforming the negativities with him.
have mercy on us; you take dominion is vast and forever
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES away the sins of the world, peaceful, from David’s throne,
Entrance Antiphon (Ps 2:7) receive our prayer; you are and over his kingdom, which
(Recited when there is no opening song.) seated at the right hand of he confirms and sustains by
the Father, have mercy on us. judgment and justice, both
The Lord said to me: You
are my Son. It is I who have For you alone are the Holy now and forever. The zeal of
begotten you this day. One, you alone are the Lord, the LORD of hosts will do this!
you alone are the Most High, —The word of the Lord.
Greeting Jesus Christ, with the Holy All—Thanks be to God.
(The sign of the cross is made here.) Spirit, in the glory of God the
Father. Amen. Responsorial Psalm (Ps 96)
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. Collect R—Today is born our Savior,
Introduction Christ the Lord.
(These [or similar words] may be
P—Let us pray. (Pause)
used to address the assembly.) O God, who have made this E. C. Marfori

most sacred night radiant with

   
P—On this most holy night, the splendor of the true light,          
Jesus the Savior is born to give 
grant, we pray, that we, who To day is born our Sa vior,
joy to the world and to save us have known the mysteries of
from sin. his light on earth, may also F C
  

 
Th o u g h a l m i g h t y a n d delight in his gladness in
powerful, God strips himself heaven.
of his glory and makes himself Who lives and reigns with Christ the Lord.
small. This God-incarnate is you in the unity of the Holy
the one we welcome tonight. Spirit, God, for ever and ever. 1. Sing to the LORD a new
He is our Emmanuel, our All—Amen. song;/ sing to the LORD, all
God-with-us. you lands./ Sing to the LORD;
bless his name. (R)
Penitential Act THE LITURGY 2. Announce his salvation,
P —Brethren (brothers and
OF THE WORD day after day./ Tell his glory
sisters), let us acknowledge First Reading (Is 9:1–6) (Sit) among the nations;/ among
our sins, and so prepare all peoples, his wondrous
ourselves to celebrate the Long ago, the prophet Isaiah deeds. (R)
sacred mysteries. (Pause) foretold the birth of a child who
would be the Messiah and Prince 3. Let the heavens be glad and
P—You were sent to heal the the earth rejoice;/ let the sea
contrite of heart: Lord, have of Peace. Tonight, we witness the
fulfillment of that prophecy in and what fills it resound;/ let
mercy. the little child born in a manger, the plains be joyful and all
All—Lord, have mercy. Christ the Lord. that is in them!/ Then shall all
P—You came to call sinners: the trees of the forest exult. (R)
Christ, have mercy. A reading from the Book of 4. They shall exult before the
All—Christ, have mercy. the Prophet Isaiah LORD, for he comes;/ for he
P — You are seated at the comes to rule the earth./ He
right hand of the Father to THE PEOPLE who walked in shall rule the world with
intercede for us: Lord, have darkness have seen a great justice/ and the peoples with
mercy. light; upon those who dwelt his constancy. (R)
All—Lord, have mercy. in the land of gloom a light
P—May almighty God has shone. You have brought Second Reading (Ti 2:11–14)
have mercy on us, forgive them abundant joy and great The apostle Paul tells us that, in
us our sins, and bring us to rejoicing, as they rejoice response to the grace of salvation
everlasting life. before you as at the harvest, offered through Jesus Christ, we
All—Amen. as people make merry when must reject godless ways and live
dividing spoils. For the yoke a just and devout life.
that burdened them, the pole A reading from the Letter of
All — Glory to God in the on their shoulder, and the rod Saint Paul to Titus
highest, and on earth peace to of their taskmaster you have
people of good will. We praise smashed, as on the day of BELOVED: The grace of God
you, we bless you, we adore Midian. For every boot that has appeared, saving all and
you, we glorify you, we give tramped in battle, every cloak training us to reject godless
you thanks for your great glory, rolled in blood, will be burned ways and worldly desires and
Lord God, heavenly King, O as fuel for flames. For a child to live temperately, justly,
God, almighty Father. Lord is born to us, a son is given us; and devoutly in this age, as
Jesus Christ, Only Begotten upon his shoulder dominion we await the blessed hope,
Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, rests. They name him Wonder- the appearance of the glory
Son of the Father, you take Counselor, God-Hero, Father- of our great God and savior
away the sins of the world, Forever, Prince of Peace. His Jesus Christ, who gave himself
for us to deliver us from all “Glory to God in the highest R—Lving God, hear our prayer.
lawlessness and to cleanse for and on earth peace to those
himself a people as his own, on whom his favor rests.” C—That the Church and her
eager to do what is good. —The Gospel of the Lord. leaders may continue to be
—The word of the Lord. All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus visible signs of your peace
All—Thanks be to God. Christ. among men and women of
good will, we pray: (R)
Alleluia (Lk 2:10–11) Homily (Sit) C —That civil and political
All — Alleluia, alleluia. I Profession of Faith (Stand) leaders may imitate your Son
proclaim to you good news who emptied himself of power
of great joy: today a Savior is and glory, sought the weak
All — I believe in one God, and the lost, and gave up his
born for us, Christ the Lord. the Father almighty, maker of
Alleluia, alleluia. life for the salvation of all, we
heaven and earth, of all things
pray: (R)
visible and invisible.
Gospel (Lk 2:1–14) I believe in one Lord Jesus C—That those whose hearts are
P—A reading from the holy Christ, the Only Begotten Son hardened by sin may realize
Gospel according to Luke of God, born of the Father the value of living in peace
All—Glory to you, O Lord. before all ages. God from God, through the reception of the
Light from Light, true God Sacrament of Reconciliation,
IN THOSE days a decree went from true God, begotten, not we pray: (R)
out from Caesar Augustus made, consubstantial with the C —That the poor, the sick
that the whole world should Father; through him all things and infirm, the lonely and
be enrolled. This was the first were made. For us men and for homeless, and the sorrowful
enrollment, when Quirinius our salvation he came down may find hope and joy with
was governor of Syria. So all from heaven, (All kneel at the the coming of the Savior, we
went to be enrolled, each to following words) and by the pray: (R)
his own town. And Joseph too Holy Spirit was incarnate of C —That our brothers and
went up from Galilee from the the Virgin Mary, and became sisters who cannot be with
town of Nazareth to Judea, to man. (Pause. Stand.) their families tonight­­—doctors
the city of David that is called Fo r o u r s a k e h e wa s and nurses in hospitals, migrant
Bethlehem, because he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, workers abroad, soldiers on
of the house and family of he suffered death and was duty, prisoners in jails­­—may
David, to be enrolled with buried, and rose again on the all experience the comfort
Mary, his betrothed, who was third day in accordance with of your presence through the
with child. While they were the Scriptures. He ascended generosity and companionship
there, the time came for her to into heaven and is seated at of other people, we pray: (R)
have her child, and she gave the right hand of the Father.
birth to her firstborn son. She He will come again in glory C—That the Lord may welcome
wrapped him in swaddling to judge the living and the to the joy of Paradise those
clothes and laid him in a dead and his kingdom will who have gone ahead of us,
manger because there was no have no end. we pray: (R)
room for them in the inn. I believe in the Holy Spirit, C—Let us pray for the urgent
Now there were shepherds the Lord, the giver of life, concerns of our community
in that region living in the who proceeds from the Father and our personal intentions
fields and keeping the night and the Son, who with the (pause). We pray: (R)
watch over their flock. The Father and the Son is adored P—Heavenly Father, tonight we
angel of the Lord appeared and glorified, who has spoken rejoice at the birth of your Son.
to them and the glory of the through the prophets. As we celebrate his humanity,
Lord shone around them, and I b e l i e ve i n o n e , h o l y, let him be our light, joy, and
they were struck with great catholic, and apostolic Church. peace.
fear. The angel said to them, I confess one Baptism for the We ask this through Christ
“Do not be afraid; for behold, forgiveness of sins and I look our Lord.
I proclaim to you good news forward to the resurrection All—Amen.
of great joy that will be for of the dead and the life of the
all the people. For today in world to come. Amen.
the city of David a savior THE LITURGY OF
has been born for you who Prayer of the Faithful THE EUCHARIST
is Christ and Lord. And this Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
will be a sign for you: you P — Through his Only Begotten
will find an infant wrapped in Son, Jesus our ‘Emmanuel,’ P—Pray, brethren…
swaddling clothes and lying let us present to the Father All—May the Lord accept the
in a manger.” And suddenly our deepest hopes, fears, sacrifice at your hands for the
there was a multitude of the and longings. Trusting in his praise and glory of his name,
heavenly host with the angel, faithfulness and compassion, for our good and the good of
praising God and saying: we pray: all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P —May the oblation of this
day’s feast be pleasing to you,
O Lord, we pray, that through
this most holy exchange we
may be found in the likeness
of Christ, in whom our nature
is united to you.
Who lives and reigns for
ever and ever.
Nativity of the Lord I:
Christ the Light
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, Invitation to Peace May the God of infinite
almighty and eternal God. Invitation to Communion goodness, who by the
For in the mystery of the (Kneel) Incarnation of his Son has
Word made flesh a new light of driven darkness from the
P—Behold the Lamb of God, world and by that glorious
your glory has shone upon the
behold him who takes away Birth has illumined this most
eyes of our mind, so that, as we
the sins of the world. Blessed holy night, drive far from you
recognize in him God made
are those called to the supper the darkness of vice and
visible, we may be caught up
of the Lamb.
through him in love of things illumine your hearts with the
invisible. All—Lord, I am not worthy
that you should enter under light of virtue.
And so, with Angels and All—Amen.
Archangels, with Thrones and my roof, but only say the
Dominions, and with all the word and my soul shall be P —May God, who willed
hosts and Powers of heaven, healed. that the great joy of his Son’s
we sing the hymn of your glory, Communion Antiphon (Jn 1:14) saving Birth be announced
as without end we acclaim: to shepherds by the Angel,
The Word became flesh, and fill your minds with the
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord we have seen his glory.
God of hosts. Heaven and gladness he gives and make
earth are full of your glory. Prayer after Communion you heralds of his Gospel.
Hosanna in the highest. (Stand) All—Amen.
Blessed is he who comes in P—And may God, who by the
the name of the Lord. Hosanna P—Let us pray. (Pause) Incarnation brought together
in the highest. (Kneel) Grant us, we pray, O Lord the earthly and heavenly
our God, that we, who are realm, fill you with the gift
Acclamation (Stand) gladdened by participation of his peace and favor and
in the feast of our Redeemer’s make you sharers with the
All—When we eat this Bread Nativity, may through an
Church in heaven.
and drink this Cup, we honorable way of life become
worthy of union with him. All—Amen.
proclaim your Death, O Lord, P—And may the blessing of
until you come again. Who lives and reigns for
ever and ever. almighty God, the Father, and
All—Amen. the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
THE COMMUNION RITE come down on you and remain
The Lord’s Prayer THE CONCLUDING RITES with you for ever.
P—The Lord be with you. All—Amen.
All—Our Father… All—And with your spirit.
P—Deliver us, Lord… Dismissal
All—For the kingdom, the Solemn Blessing
power and the glory are yours P—Bow down for the blessing. P—Go forth, the Mass is ended.
now and forever. (Pause) All—Thanks be to God.

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