A Complete Line of UAS: We Enable Faster Decision Making

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A complete line of UAS Making
The map display gives the operator
a visual overview of all vehicles and
missions. The map supports point
and click for mission planning and
commanding vehicle and sensors.
Maps and elevation data can be
imported from all conventional file
types, such as GeoTiff and DTED.
Maps and elevation data can also
be downloaded live from WMS and

Search zones
When it comes to planning search
areas, let SkyView do the math.
By entering requirements, camera
parameters and flight restraints,
SkyView will automatically gener-
ate an optimized mission to fulfill
the requirements

No-Fly Zones
Import and export Fly Zones or No Fly Zones to
the map, to make sure the operators don’t plan
missions inside restricted areas. Positions of all ac-
tive vehicles are monitored in real time, warning
the operator if a vehicle enters a restricted area.
SkyView - GCS
NATO STANAG 4586 compliant
The choice of many operators all over the world

• SkyView GCS is a ready to use software • Convoy-operations - The FX10’s auton-

for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). omous control options have been de-
Based on STANAG (STANdardization signed with convoy operational capabil-
AGreement) 4586 that allows shared ity in mind. The ground control station
command and control of unmanned (GCS) gives the operator the ability to
aircraft systems. Innovative presenta- plot a convoy’s route and command the
tion and intelligent sensor manage- aircraft to keep a desired distance from
ment let the operator focus on what’s the convoy. During flight, the operator
really important, to ensure full interop- is always free to manually control the
erability with allied forces. flight path in order to survey points of
• Robot Aviation’s Portable-GCS is an interest outside of the planned route.
easy to use portable ruggedized solu- Furthermore, new routes can be en-
tion, which allows a single operator tered at anytime and situation.
to handle all tasks related to flying an • The GCS also provides the operator
unmanned aircraft in harsh environ- the ability to orbit points of interest,
ments. It has a standard operating ca- perform search patterns, and receive
pability of up to 8 Hours. The display live-imagery. The SkyRobot video can
is very powerful and allows the oper- be received on the ground by a large
ator to use it in full sunlight. The built- number of stationary or mobile remote
in data modem and compact antenna video terminals.
makes UAV communication setup very
simple. It also contains a video server,
to easily convert your analog video into
digital form.
• One Ground Control Station for all
Unmanned Vehicles. SkyView GCS can
be used with all unmanned vehicles,
including fixed wings, helicopters and
ground vehicles. The user interface
consists of several displays, and the
layout is fully customizable. Different
display setups can be used for different
vehicles, and switching between preset
layouts is a one-click operation. This
ensures that only the relevant informa-
tion, regardless of vehicle complexity,
will be displayed for the operator.
EO/IR - High performance
sensors with tracking
SkyRobot™ FX10
Portable UAS
Hand-launched Aerial Surveillance
• Robot Aviation’s FX10 is a highly portable,
hand-launched and fully autonomous Un- Payload specifications
manned Aerial System (UAS) designed for
Electro-Optical Sensor
professional surveillance applications.
• 720p HD-Resolution
• 40x Zoom Ratio -
• Capable of being launched within minutes, • 60° to 3° and 1,5° (narrow digital)
the aircraft is built around a composite Thermal Sensor
airframe and features a retractable gy-
Resolution: 640 x 480 pixels
ro-stabilized EO/IR gimbal. The long-en-
durance electric propulsion system gives Range performance
the aircraft a flight time of up to two hours. • EO detection-range, vehicle size target 8500m
• IR detection-range, vehicle sized target 1500m
• EO detection-range, man sixed target 3500m
• The UAV can be programmed to fly an • IR detection-range, man sized target 550m
automatic mission via a point-and-click
graphical user interface or can be directed
Points the camera to track an object (moving and
manually throughout the course of the op- fixed) within the camera’s range, ensuring the point
eration. of interest never leaves the view
• The Ground Control Station (GCS) is a
Displays the geo-location of the object on the screen
ruggedized workstation that provides
long-range (20km) communications
and video link, allowing operators to
direct the flight of the aircraft, control
the gimbal, and using the network en-
abled integral part of the solution that
can seamlessly pass information by
way of its STANAG 4586 compliant Eth-
ernet protocol.

• FX10 footprint is extremely small, and

1 person can easily operate the whole

Endurance 2hrs
Communication range 20km
Wind resistance 22kts
Payload capacity 1kg
Weight 6.5kg
Wingspan 2m
Endurance 4hrs
Communication range 60km
Wind resistance 30kts
Payload capacity 3kg
Weight 13kg
Wingspan 3m
SkyRobot™ FX20
Electric UAV
Catapult-launched, medium-range fixed-wing drone

• The FX20 is a high-performance medi-

um-range UAS that can be operated by
a crew of two and transported in a small
truck or van.
• Thanks to its design it has extremely low
energy consumption. As a result, the all
electric flying wing can stay in the air up
towards four hours per flight, and scan an
area of 100,000 acres for human intruders
in one flight.
• A portable launcher allows for run-
way-independent operation, with recov-
ery conducted either by net or skids.
• With efficient, low noise operation, pro-
vided by its all electric propulsion, the FX20
meets FAA regulations for small UAS.
• Equipped with HD & thermal sensors,
providing high coverage, a GCS that can
control multiple UAVs and convoy-func-
tions, the FX20 is a very eager partner for
your surveillance missions.
• The FX20 carries an advanced EO/IR pay-
load with multiple-axis stabilization,
and is capable of providing radio commu-
nications relay support.
• Thanks to its long endurance and range
of 360km, installed Mode-S transponder,
the pilot-view camera and the ability to
stream live video up to 60km away, the
FX20 is ideal for demanding BVLOS (Be-
yond Visual Line of Sight) missions.
Robot Aviation is adapting SKYROBOT ™ FX450 first response teams depending on wireless
to aid emergency response efforts. communications to carry out their work.
The UAS contains telecommunications equip- • New deployable LTE technology installed on
ment along with cameras, radar and other FX450, effectively forming airborne cell towers
sensors useful to support search and rescue ef- enabling extended cellular coverage to thou-
forts in harsh conditions far from regular rescue sands of users.
services. From the air SKYROBOT ™ FX450 can • FX450 deployed high speed 4G services is a
both locate and monitor people in distress while highly cost-efficient way to provide a tactical
extending mobile phone, Ideal for extending edge for military and first responders but can
mobile connectivity in a disaster area or war- also be used by commercial operators to pro-
zone it can provide connectivity to soldiers and vide 4G access in areas with limited connectivity.
SkyRobot™ FX450
Long endurance UAS
Broad Area Surveillance / Emergency support
The FX450 is a highly versatile and fully autonomous Payload Flexibility
Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) developed to provide • The FX450 is designed with capability in mind,
a unique balance between advanced capabilities and multiple payload locations as well as electrical
operation in challenging environments. The FX450 sys- interfaces are incorporated in the basic design.
tem is based on a high-performance aircraft that can • A balanced design margin for the on-board
be fitted with a wide variety of payloads tailored to electrical generator and space available for
meet specific user requirements. attachment of equipment provides a large
• The FX450 has considerable low energy con- selection of available payload options. Robot
sumption and gas emissions, as an example Aviation is jointly working with many payload
the FX450 can be airborne for 20 hours, cover- manufacturers to ensure that we continuously
ing 5,500km2 per flight, and will only consume stay aware of the evolutionary sensor technol-
100 liters of fuel during such mission. It is a high- ogy development.
ly cost-effective solution compared to manned • Its open architecture allows for integration of
aircraft with the same size payload and perfor- advanced and customized payloads, Geo-ref-
mance. erenced and multi target-tracking EO/IR, Vari-
• The SkyRobot FX450 is pre-programmed to fly ous Radars and multi/hyperspectral sensors
missions automatically via a point-and-click are just a few to be mentioned.
graphical user interface and can also be direct- • We have concluded that threat detection can
ed manually throughout the course of the oper- be made fast and efficient using our FX450 UAS.
ation should it be desired. The system can navigate defined areas and col-
• The FX450 is fitted with a high-bandwidth en- lect images/video/data in real time to provide
crypted communications link for line of sight decision makers with precise information lead-
transmissions up to 200km distance, in addition ing to quick action on potential threats.
it also have SAT-communications that provide • With the use of a purpose driven design, sim-
upwards non-line of sight communications. plifying logistics and maximizing the UAV oper-
• A flight endurance of 20 hours, providing a ational limits, FX450 is changing the way intelli-
range in excess of 2500km, make this rugged gence is acquired and distributed.
platform an ideal choice for prolonged and per-
sistent ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance and Recon-
naissance) missions.

Endurance: +20 hrs

Speed range 40 to 100kts
Communication 200 km LOS /2500km
range SAT-Com
Payload capacity up to 30kg
Weight 200kg Broadband
Wingspan 7,2m Core-net
SkyRobot™ FX-Y
Electric VTOL UAS
Coaxial six-rotor multicopter
The newest FX-Y is the result of our aspiration to
provide Armed Forces with a VTOL UAS capable
of performing aerial surveillance of surface
activities during both, daylight and darkness,
in a typical worldwide military field operating
conditions, providing NATO compliant interop-
It is a complete system, based on a ruggedized
six-rotor VTOL air-vehicle. Integrated with vari-
ous payloads and a secure ground control station,
it is a complete solution in a very easy managed
and operated system. It is topped off with a state
of the art encrypted communications link which
includes soldier-comms relay functionality.
It is supported by the integrated logistics support
Technical specification
required to operate and maintain the system
throughout its lifetime. Robot Aviation team has Endurance: 40min
worked hard to create a system that is safe to Speed range 40 to 100kts
use, same time providing the highest level of mo- Communication range 10km
bility at a competitive cost. Payload capacity 1.5kg
FX-Y is built on extensive field experience and our
Weight 10kg
NATO STANAG expertise on command and con-
trol of multiple sensors in controlled environment. Controls Preplanned
The system provides stabilized live video and Autonomous
metadata with geo-reference and auto-tracking. & stabilized manual
A complete line of
unmanned systems
Beginning in 2008 Robot Aviation has
developed and perfected a complete line
of UASs. With state of the art technology
and a visionary mind-set, the company has
build a complete squad of UAVs suitable
for every situation and flying conditions.

FX10, a high-mobility system, at only 6kg. It

is hand launched within minutes, and able
to stay airborne for 2 hours, with a payload
of thermo and video cameras.

The FX20 is a flying-wing with optimized

design for 4 hours of endurance. It can pro-
vide radio-communications relay support
as well as day-and-night surveillance with
its onboard EO/IR cameras.

The largest system is the FX450 with its

200kg, a high-tech system capable to cover
2000 km of range, carrying multi-axis sta-
bilized payloads, with real-time broadband
connectivity to the ground. The FX450 is
a canard design engineered to provide
+20hrs persistent support for demanding
security and surveillance needs.

The newest SkyRobot, the FX-Y is a result

of the aspiration to provide the Norwegian
Armed Forces with a VTOL UAS capable to
perform aerial surveillance of surface ac-
tivities during both daylight and darkness,
in typical worldwide military field operating
conditions, providing NATO compliant in-

The Robot Aviation product line has mis-

sion requirements ranging from the Arctic
with its extremely challenging conditions,
further down to the hot and dusty desert
regions and with a high interest for mari-
time duties around the equator, a genuine
Global Capability from Eggemoen, Norway.

Robot Aviation,
Flyplassveien 26, 3514 Hønefoss, Norway
+47 902 61 259

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