English 7 - Lesson 2
English 7 - Lesson 2
English 7 - Lesson 2
It’s useful for reading tasks or It’s useful for answering exam type
texts that don’t need a lot of questions which asked for True or False
detailed information. or to discover facts.
Specific speed
reading techniques
How to Skim
1. Read the title.
2. Read the introduction or the first paragraph.
3. Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.
4. Read any headings and sub-headings.
5. Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.
6. Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.
7. Read the summary or last paragraph.
How to Scan:
1. State the specific information you are looking for.
2. Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the
For example, if you were looking for a certain date, you would quickly read the
paragraph looking only for numbers.
3. Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the
information you are looking for.
4. Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.
EDITHA M. FELERINO Master Teacher II Lawang Bato NHS
Activity 1. Mysterious Sound
Directions: Skim and scan the figures, graph, short poem and answer the
questions after each.
1. What values does the 2. Based from the pictures, what do the
picture show? pictures tell us to do?
Directions: Skim and scan the news and other forms of reading materials and
answer the questions that follow.
“All the decisions of the IATF (Inter-Agency Task Force on the Management of
Emerging Infectious Diseases), whether or not to graduate to the next regime, in the case
of Metro Manila to MGCQ (modified general community quarantine), is always dependent
on data. We will look at the case doubling rate, we will look at the critical care capacity,”
Roque said at a press briefing.
EDITHA M. FELERINO Master Teacher II Lawang Bato NHS
Directions: Scan the picture to answer what is asked of you to do.
EDITHA M. FELERINO Master Teacher II Lawang Bato NHS
5. How many cats are there?
6. How many pairs of slippers are there?
7. Is there an air conditioner? If yes, where is it?
Directions. Scan the following dictionary entry and other images below and
answer the questions that follow.
1. The picture shows Bayanihan or 1.9
2. Two
2. The picture shows how to prevent us
from getting covid- 19. ( answer may 3. Yes, It is located beside
vary} the aircon.
3. Dreams
4. Skimming tends to be
4. Fly
used to read only what is
5. Snow
6. Broken winged –bird
7. There are more females who are 5. analyses
victims of bullying than male.
8. The news is about the plan to tighten 6. Three
the quarantine measures in Metro 7. Divert, entertain
9. If the number of persons infected with 8. C
corona virus increases.
9. C
10. It depends on the data released by ITIF.
11. General Community Quarantine 10. D
12. More than 12 million
13. Lenient
14. 4
15. 2014
16. Corri van de Stege
17. Creative Gate Way
18. 4
19. 238-244
20. 4
EDITHA M. FELERINO Master Teacher II Lawang Bato NHS