Midterm Examinations of

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Republic of the Philippines


San Juan, Mexico, Pampanga



Name: Syrah V. Mercado Date: December 14, 2020

Program: Bsed3-A Score: _________________

General Instructions:
 Read and understand each statement carefully.
 Strictly follow the format
o Font Style : Bookman Old Style
o Font Size : 12
o Spacing : 1.5 No space in between
o Margin : 1” All
o Deadline : December 14, 2020 | Monday | 5:00pm
 Refer to the Rubric for bases of Grading
 Attached your Answer together with the RUBRIC
 Submit your answer via Google Class and FB Messenger

The following our guide questions for your Movie Review

First Impression
1. How did the film make you feel? What aspects worked well, and which didn’t (think
about writing, direction, cinematography, acting, editing and soundtrack)?
It has very emotional soundtrack and fully understanding movie, A short movie that has a full
of lessons and you can enjoy it. Maybe, you are experiencing the character of Jin. It is fully
detailed short film story but it didn’t have ending. The director or writer in this short film has
have an amazing critical thinking. You can understand it and take an emotional thinking in
this movie.
2. To what extent did it fit with your expectations, or did it subvert them in some ways?
I expect the movie was boring in first, but it subvert into emotional ones. I expect that it
is all about English lesson, I didn’t expect that it has a sad story or heart-rending story.
3. What causes the major turning points in the narrative come?
I except to pass an exam but Jim pass a video revealing that his wife admitting that he
is the one who killed his wife. Mr. Robert was a friendly teacher but we know on that
story that he is suffering depression or sadness.
4. Does the world of the film work like the real world? If not, what are the differences?
We experiencing this, We, Future teacher, Maybe we are in the start of our journey but
we all experiencing that you need to be an formal teacher even you are struggling most
painful experience in the world, even you are in the middle of depression, you need to
do your job well. You need to be an efficient teacher even your enemy is your student. It
is the saddest part of the teacher, even you are experiencing a depression or suffering
sadness you have to be happy and normal in front of your students.
5. How does the film end? Is everything resolved? How? If not, why not?

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It has no ending or satisfying ending, Robert went to the house of Jim but I think Jim is
no longer on that place. He hang the story on that Robert knew the killer of his wife and
just like that. He hang the story based on your emotional thinking, I think we should
end the story based on or own understanding.
6. How would you describe the main characters? What are their goals? What problems do
they face?
Robert was a English teacher and Jim is the student, They have a tutorial lesson
knowing Jim’s planning to reveal himself that he is the killer of his wife. The wife of
Robert, Robert has married, Jim is the student.
7. What choices do the characters make? What motivates them? What are the
The movie is based on a story that is very basic and short. This film is not for those who
are searching for a deep understanding or the creation of complex characters. This is a
film for those who often want to take a step back and appreciate easy, beautifully
visualized stories. The pace of the film is strong, and you never feel hurried or bored.
The twist at the end is well done, and it's a good short story all in all. The movie was
motivates by the English Teacher which I think the director is Jim, who experiencing
the struggle of emotional experience.
8. What do the main characters learn about themselves, and how do they change?
In first, Robert was a peaceful doing his job, A tutor, English teacher but suffering a
depression, His wife is dead, So, as a human, We experiencing a sadness or anxiety
when your love one is died, So, A peaceful teacher turned into sarcasm because he
already know who’s the killer of his wife.
9. Whose point of view does the camera represent?
Jim was the point of view, Jim was a poor grasp of English, The short story pointing
Jim point of view, presenting that he is the killer of Roberts wife
10. How is our attention drawn to particular images? How are particular visual elements
used as symbols or metaphors?

11. How does the film’s editing contribute to the meaning of the film?
12. How does the film handle the underlying themes (morality, politics, religion, sexuality,
happiness, freedom, love, spirituality, identity, etc.)?
13. Are there are religious themes or connections? How is faith treated (if at all)?
14. What is the view of reality? Is there any place for God or other spiritual dimensions to
life? Is impersonal fate used as a substitute for God?
15. What is the view of humanity? What does the film say about the nature of human
beings? What does the film say about communities and families?
16. How is the image of God within human beings seen in this film? How is human
rebellion against God expressed?
17. What is the view of knowledge? How do characters know what is true (experience, logic,
intuition or revelation)? How do they make decisions? Where do they find wisdom?

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18. What is the view of morality? What does goodness mean? How do characters make
moral decisions? What are the characters’ values, and are these the same as the film’s
19. What do human beings most need in life? Does the film identify any universal problems
confronting human beings? What do humans need in order to flourish? What does it
see as the point of life? What substitutes for God are there in the film?
20. What good insights into life are there in the film? What does it get wrong? How might it
affect viewers?

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

Instructor Academic Chairperson Director

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