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Nama : Prof. Drs. Subanar, Ph.D.

Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki

Status Perkawinan : Menikah

Tempat dan Tanggal lahir : Trenggalek, 31 Agustus 1951

Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia

Pekerjaan : Dosen Jurusan Matematika


Alamat Kantor : FMIPA UGM, Sekip Utara

Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55281
Telp: 62 274 902360, 62 274 513339
Fax: 62 274 565379

Alamat Rumah : Pogung Baru D-26

Jl. Kaliurang Km. 5
Yogyakarta Indonesia
Telp: 62 274 565379
HP: 08164264792

Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi :

ƒ Sarjana Matematika (Drs), Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Indonesia, 1976.
ƒ Doktor Statistika (PhD), University of Wisconsin, United
States, 1987.

Bidang Spesialisasi : Statistika Matematik

Analisis Wavelet
Regresi Nonparametrik
Metode Bootstrap
Neural Network
Award Penelitian :
1. Hibah Tim Pascasarjana, 2004–2006 (Ketua Peneliti)
2. URGE Batch IV, 1999–2001 (Anggota Peneliti)
3. URGE Batch II, 1995–1999 (Anggota Peneliti)
4. Award Basic Science, 1993 (Ketua Peneliti)
5. Award Basic Science, 1991 (Ketua Peneliti)

Pengalaman :
1. Ketua Organizing Committee GMU-SEAMS (South East
Mathematical Society), Yogyakarta, 1995.
2. Sekretaris Steering Committee GMU-SEAMS (South East
Mathematical Society), Yogyakarta, 1995.
3. Pembicara Tamu, Asian Mathematical Conference, Nachorn
Ratchasina, 1995.
4. Sekretaris SEAMS (South East Mathematical Society),
periode 1996–1998.
5. Pembicara Tamu, GMU-SEAMS (South East Mathematical
Society), Yogyakarta, 2000.

Keanggotaan Profesi :
1. South East Mathematical Society (SEAMS)
2. Bernoulli Society
3. Institute of Mathematical Statistics
4. International Statistical Institute

Pengalaman Penelitian :

Tahun dan
No. Judul
Sumber Dana

1. Neural Network dan Pemodelan Statistik 2004–2006

untuk Peramalan pada Data Finansial. Hibah PASCA

2. Sequences and Function Spaces : Theory 2000 – URGE

and Application of Their Operator and Batch IV DIKTI

3. Henstock-Kurzweil Integrable Functions 1998 – URGE

and Their Applications. Batch II DIKTI
Publikasi Ilmiah :

No. Judul publikasi, jurnal/seminar Tahun

1. Some Comments on the Theorem Providing 2007

Stationarity Condition for GSTAR Models in the
Paper by Borovkova et al. Journal of The Indo-
nesian Mathematical Society (MIHMI), Vol. 13,
No. 1, pp. 44-52. (ISSN: 0854-1380)

2. The Optimal Determination of Space Weight in 2006

GSTAR Model by using Cross-correlation
METHODS: Journal Devoted to The Mathema-
tical and Statistical Application in Various Fields,
Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 45-53. (ISSN: 1693-5098).

3. Model Selection in Neural Networks by Using 2006

Inference of R2Incremental, PCA, and SIC Criteria for
Time Series Forecasting, JOURNAL OF QUAN-
TITATIVE METHODS: Journal Devoted to The
Mathematical and Statistical Application in
Various Fields, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 41-57.
(ISSN: 1693-5098)

4. Uji linearitas tipe Lagrange Multiplier dengan 2006

ekspansi Taylor untuk deteksi hubungan nonli-
near pada data time series, Journal of the Indo-
nesian Mathematical Society (MIHMI), Vol. 12,
No. 1, hal. 17-32. (ISSN: 0854-1380)

5. The Effect of Decomposition Method as Data 2006

Preprocessing on Neural Networks Model for
Forecasting Trend and Seasonal Time Series.
dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.
27-41. (Terakreditasi: SK Dirjen Dikti No. 34/DIKTI/Kep./2003)
Lanjutan :

No. Judul publikasi, jurnal/seminar Tahun

6. Model Building in Neural Networks for Time 2006

Series Forecasting by Using Inference of R2
Incremental and SIC Criterion”, Proceeding of
The 2nd Information and Communication Techno-
logy Seminar (ICTS), ITS, Surabaya, August
2006, pp. 408-411. (ISSN: 1858-1633).

7. The Impact of Linearity test on Forecasting 2006

Indonesian Inflation by Using Neural Networks,
Proceeding of the International Conference on
Mathematics and Statistics (ICOMS), Bandung
Islamic University, Bandung, July 2006, pp. 565-
574. (ISBN: 978-979-16363-0-8)

8. A Comparative Study of Forecasting Models for 2005

Trend and Seasonal Time Series: Does Complex
Model Always Yield Better Forecast than Simple
Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri, Vol. 7,
No. 1, pp. 27-41.
(Terakreditasi: SK Dirjen Dikti No. 34/DIKTI/Kep./2003)

9. Modeling of Financial Data by Using Feed 2005

Forward Neural Networks, Proceeding of the
International Conference on Applied Mathematics
(ICAM05), ITB, Bandung, August 2005.

10. Monte Carlo Simulation Study of The Neural 2005

Network Linearity Test for Time Series,
Proceeding of the Fourth Asian Mathematical
Conference (AMC2005), National University of
Singapore, 20-23 July 2005.
Lanjutan :

No. Judul publikasi, jurnal/seminar Tahun

11. Feedforward Neural Networks Model for Fore- 2005

casting Trend and Seasonal Time Series,
Proceeding of The 1st IMT-GT Regional
Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their
Application (IRCMSA), Parapat, Lake Toba,
North Sumatera, Indonesia, 13-15 June 2005,
pp. 425-434.

12. Optimization of Backpropagation Algorithm of 2005

Feedforward Neural Networks for Regression and
Time Series Modeling, Proceeding of The 1st
IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics,
Statistics, and Their Application (IRCMSA),
Parapat, Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia,
13-15 June 2005, pp. 415-434.

13. The Neural Network Linearity Test for Time 2004

Series Modeling, Proceeding of the International
Conference on Statistics and Mathematics and Its
Applications in the Development of Science and
Technology, Bandung Islamic University,
Bandung, 4-6 October 2004, pp. 217-222.

14. Partially Linear Model With Heteroscedastic 2003

Errors, Proceeding of SEAMS – Gadjah Mada
University, International Conference on
Mathematics and Its Applications.

15. Convergence Theorems for the Henstock Integral 2003

Involving Small Riemann Sums, Real Analysis
Exchange, Vol. 29.
Lanjutan :

No. Judul publikasi, jurnal/seminar Tahun

16. Interval Konfidensi Bootstrap untuk Rata-rata 2002

Winsor, Forum MIPA, Universitas Gadjah Mada,

17. Weighted Spline Estimator in Semiparametric 2000

Model, Proceeding of SEAMS – GMU, Interna-
tional Conference on Mathematics and Its

18. Weighted Spline Estimator in a Partially Linear 1999

Model, Proccedings of the SEAMS – GMU,
International Conference 1999 on Mathematics
and Its Applications, page 61-70.

19. Some Problems on Minimax Estimation, Procee- 1998

ding Second Asian Mathematical Conference,
World Scientific, Singapore.

20. Pendekatan Bayes Untuk Estimator Spline Terbo- 1998

bot, Majalah Ilmiah Himpunan Matematika
Indonesia (MIHMI).

21. Weighted Spline Estimator, Bulletin of the Inter- 1997

national Statistical Institute, Vol. 51, page 333-

22. On Minimax Linear Estimation Under Restricted 1997

Parameter Sets, Bulletin of The International
Statistical Institute.

23. Sifat Asimtotik Estimator Spline Terbobot, 1997

Majalah Ilmiah Matematika dan Pengetahuan
Alam, UGM, Vol. 7, hal. 23-36.

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