Muhammad Zaini Matondang: Curriculum Vitae
Muhammad Zaini Matondang: Curriculum Vitae
Muhammad Zaini Matondang: Curriculum Vitae
IC Number Passport Number Age Date of Birth Sex Race Marital Status Religion Health
: 02.5016.251282.003 (Indonesia) 51-275681 (Green Card Brunei) : U382837 : 28 years 9 months : 25 December 1982 : Male : Indonesian : Single : Moslem : Excellent
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND (1988 - 1989) (1989 - 1995) (1995 - 1998) (1998 - 2001) (2001 - 2005) : Kindegarten Darul Arafah Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia : Elementary School N 0608027 Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia : Junior High School SLTP N 15 Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia : Senior High School SMU N 6 Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia : 1st Degree in Mathematics, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia.
(Dec. 2006 May 2008) : Master of Science (Computer Science - Research). Department of Modeling and Industrial Computing. FSKSM-UTM Skudai, Malaysia. (Dec. 2008 present) : PhD student in (Computer Science - Research). Department of Modeling and Industrial Computing. FSKSM-UTM Skudai, Malaysia.
SKILLS / COMPUTER LITERACY Operating System Programming Software : Windows XP / Vista/ 7 : MATLAB, Pascal, C++, Java Programming : MS-Office, LaTeX, SPSS, Adobe Photoshop.
PUBLICATIONS / RESEARCHES Studi Imprimitifitas Digraph Irregular (A Study of Un-primitivism Irregular Digraph). Undergraduate Thesis. Universitas Sumatera Utara. North Sumatera Indoensia. 2005. Bukti Kombinatorial Bagi Matriks Irreducible. (Combinatorial Proof for Irreducible Matrix). Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika dan Statistika 2005, Universitas Andalas Padang, 6 Agustus 2005. Three-Dimensional Visualization of Two-Dimensional Data: The Mathematical Modeling, Proceeding of the 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, 13 - 15 June 2006, Penang, Malaysia. Vol. 4: Computer Sciences and Applications. Ed. by Yahya Abu Hassan, Adli Mustafa and Zarita Zainuddin. Development of Intelligent of Solid Modeler based on Artificial Intelligence Technique (Research Project), January 2007 June 2008.
Development of Solid Modeller: A Review on The Representation and 3D Reconstruction, Proceeding on the 5th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Engineering 2007. 18-19 May 2007. Universitas Andalas Padang, Padang. A New Framework in Interpreting Two-Dimensional Line Drawing, Proceeding on the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2007. 17-19 June, 2007. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of A Single Two-Dimensional Line Drawing with Neural Network Approaches, Proceedings of the 3rd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications, 5 - 6 December 2007, Penang, Malaysia. Computational Approach in Validating Reconstructed Solid Model Based on Approximate Depth Value. Proceedings the 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA 2008). Pp. 687 694. 23 -26 June, 2008. CAIRNS-Queensland Australia.. Hybrid Computing Algorithm in Representing Solid Model. International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) Volume 7, Issue. 4, Pp. 418-425, October 2010. Deriving hidden Junction for Solid Model Reconstruction using Neural Network. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (ICGST AIML). ICGST-AIML Journal. Volume 8, Issue II, December 2008. ISSN: 1687 4846. Transformation of Engineering Sketch to Valid Solid Object, Proceeding of international conference of The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference and The 11th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of International Foundation for Production Research. Bali. Pp. 2707 2715. 3- 5 December 2008. Solid Model Reconstruction using Neural Network and The Mathematical Representation. Master Thesis. UTM Skudai. Malaysia. 2009. Soft Computing in Optimizing Assembly Line Balancing. Journal of Computer Science. Volume 6 Issue 2. Pp. 141 162, 2010. ISSN: 1549 3636. Learning Curve as a Multi-Objectives Optimization Technique in Assembly Line Balancing. Journal under reviewed by European Journal of Operational Research Elsevier 2010. A Mathematical Model for Arbitrary Data of a Reconstructed Learning Curve Based on the Goodness of Fit. Journal under reviewed by International Journal of Computing INFORMS 2010. Learning Curve Model Reconstruction using Neural Network with Back Propagation. Journal under reviewed by Management Science 2010. A Hybrid Framework for Validation of Two Dimensional Line Drawing based on Line Labeling and Graph Coloring Algorithm. Proceeding of the 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Network and Computing (ICINC 2010). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26 - 28 November, 2010. Edt. Ms. Zhang Yushu. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1076K-PRT. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8270-2. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Vol. 2. pp. V2-49. Included in the IEEE Xplore, and indexed by the Ei Compendex and Thomson ISI (ISTP).
CURRENT RESEARCH/PROJECT (January 2009 December 2010) : Human Performance Parameters Predictions and Learning Curve Reconstruction in Assembly Line Balancing. FRGS Project under MOHE. (June 2010 February 2011) : Validation Algorithm for Labeled Line Drawing Based on Graph Coloring. FRGS Short Project under MOHE.
(January 2011 December 2011) : Bayesian Statistic and Neural Network for Pattern Recognition and Prediction
WORKING EXPERIENCES (Sept. 2005 Dec. 2006) (March 2006 May 2006) (March 2006 May 2006) (Aug. 2006 Dec. 2006) (January 2007 June 2008) (June 2008 Dec. 2008) (January 2009 Dec. 2010) :Research Assistant, FSKSM, UTM Skudai Johor Bahru Malaysia. : Lecturer (Temporary) Institut Teknologi Medan. North Sumatera, Indonesia. : Teaching Assistant (Temporary) Univesitas Sumatera Utara. Indonesia. : Department of Education (Contract) PT. Perkebunan Asam Jawa. North Sumatera, Indonesia. : Research Student, FSKSM, UTM Skudai Johor Bahru Malaysia. : SPB, Center Advance Software Engineering, UTM City Campus, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. : Research Student, FSKSM, UTM Skudai Johor Bahru Malaysia under vote 78366 by MOHE Malaysia.
EMPLOYMENT (January 2011 Present) Current Salary : Lecturer at International Graduate Studies College : >> BND5000.00.
PROFESIONAL MEMBERSHIP / CO-CURICULUM ACTIVITIES Organizer on The 1st IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, and Their Application 2005 at Lake Toba, Parapat Indonesia Organizer Family Day Night 2007 for Indonesian Student Society Universiti teknologi Malaysia Participant on MATLABR & SimulinkR Day 07, Free Seminar on the MATHWORKS FAMILY OF PRODUCTS, 12 June 2007. Sheraton Subang Hotel, Malaysia. Research methodology Workshop 2nd and 5th July 2007, Organized by Faculty of Computer Science and Information System, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai. Organizing Committee (Vice President) on Musyawarah Besar Anggota Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia, 21st July 2007. Univeristi Teknologi Malaysia. Participant of 1st International Workshop On Hybrid Soft Computing in Engineering, ICT and Social Science 2007. 3rd December 2007. Perkasa Ballromm, Sofitel Palm Resort, Senai, Johor. Workshop on: Writing Paper and Publish on International Journal. 8 March 2008. UTM Skudai, Johor Baharu, Malaysia. Workshop on: Fuzzy Classifier for Pattern Recognition and Classification by Prof. Dr. Anca Ralescu, 4 March 2010. UTM Skudai, Johor Baharu, Malaysia. Workshop on: Writing and Journal Preparation for High Impact Factor Journal, 5 May 2010. UTM Skudai, Johor Baharu, Malaysia.
SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Neural Network Calculus Linear Algebra Introduction to Programming Computer (Literature) Matrix Theory Statistics Graph Theory Computational Mathematics
HOBBY Sports: Futsal, Badminton, Swimming, Traveling and Tracking. Reading and Research, Supervising, Teaching.
OTHER SKILLS Language Skill (spoken and written) : Indonesian, Malaysian and English
Internal Prof. Dr. Herman Mawengkang Head of Department Postgraduate Studies of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences University of Sumatera Utara Medan Sumatera Utara - Indonesia E-mail:, Phone: +62811605879 Dr. Saib Suwilo Head of Department Department of Mathematics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan Sumatera Utara - Indonesia E-mail: Phone: +6281361758722 Dr. Ikhwan Jambak Senior Lecturer Department of Modeling and Industrial Computing Faculty of Science Computer and Information System Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310, Skudai Johor Baharu - Malaysia E-mail: Phone: +60167753414 External Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ishak Desa Senior Lecture Department of Modeling and Industrial Computing Faculty of Science Computer and Information System Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310, Skudai Johor Baharu - Malaysia Email: Phone: + 60123548568 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohamad Salihin Ngadiman Senior Lecturer Department of Modeling and Industrial Computing Faculty of Science Computer and Information System Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310, Skudai Johor Baharu - Malaysia E-mail: Phone: +6075532394