Some Results From A New Time-Domain Bilge Keel Force Model: Applied Physical Sciences Corporation
Some Results From A New Time-Domain Bilge Keel Force Model: Applied Physical Sciences Corporation
Some Results From A New Time-Domain Bilge Keel Force Model: Applied Physical Sciences Corporation
Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability Workshop
implicitly capture this memory effect, in that the techniques: a) high Reynods numbers, b) low
data used in the Morison equation depends on the Mach numbers, and c) sharp edges which fix flow
history of the flow through the Keulegan- separation locations. It is the author’s opinion
Carpenter parameter. For the situation with that the community would be better served if
forward speed, either URANS calculations or an “lifting forces” were clearly differentiated from
unsteady lifting surface theory that explicitly deals true “viscous” forces.
with side edge vortex shedding and the correct 5) For large roll angles, which are the most
accounting for unsteady shed vorticity is important to consider when considering ship
necessary to capture this memory effect. The safety, bilge keel interactions with the free surface
memory is dependent on all of the past motions of are a distinct possibilty, even to extent of partial
the ship and the incident waves, not just roll or complete bilge keel emergence. It is almost
motion. certainly more important to try to account for this
3) It is common to recognize that bilge keels effect, at least approximately, than to get into
contribute to the added roll moment of inertia of protracted arguments about the correct functional
the ship. It is also common to assume that this form of the bilge keel damping for high roll
contribution is constant and may be easily angles so that low roll angle data may be
estimated from the added mass of a 2D flat plate. extrapolated to high roll angles.
However, if one uses a zero speed bilge keel force 6) Many of the considerations above argue
model based on the Morison equation, then the for a time-domain treatment of the bilge keel force
effect of shed vorticity on the bilge keel added problem, in order to handle the inherent non-
mass (ship roll moment of inertia) is implicitly linearities and memory effects. Much current
included because of the dependence of the inertia effort, including the author’s, is in this direction.
coefficient in the Morison equation on the However, recognizing the usefulness of
Keulegan-Carpenter parameter. In the case with frequency-domain seakeeping calculations, it
forward speed, the situation is more complicated would be worthwhile to see if current and future
and the added moment of inertia of the bilge advancements in time-domain calculations could
keels, like the lifting forces which contribute to be transferred to the frequency domain, perhaps
roll damping, are in fact dependent on the history using harmonic balance techniques.
of the motion because of the unsteady shed
4) It is typical within the ship motion
community to refer to any force that cannot be In (Greeley 2010a) a new time-domain bilge keel
modeled in a potential flow sense with a single- force model was presented, which was developed
valued velocity potential as a “viscous” force. to be incorporated into the US Navy’s new
This implies, especially to newcomers to the field, seakeeping / maneuvering in waves code
that these forces can only be addressed in the TEMPEST (Belknap 2010). The main constraint
context of RANS or URANS calculations. on this new force model, besides the obvious
Obvious examples are the side force and yaw requirement for maximum accuracy, was that it
moment on a yawed ship hull, and the forces on execute quickly so that the final TEMPEST code
bilge keels. This is tantamount to ignoring all of could run in near real-time. This obviously meant
the excellent work for calculating lifting potential that URANS approaches could not be considered.
flows about arbitary bodies done by John Hess In the end, a hybrid time-domain force model was
and others, starting in the 1970’s (Hess 1972), developed that is based on the relative motion
which became the main aerodynamic design tool between the bilge keel and the water (as described
for airplanes until Euler and RANS techniques above), and consists of two components:
supplanted them because these new techniques 1) For zero or low forward speeds, where
could deal with Mach numbers approaching or the unsteady angle of attack of the bilge keels
exceeding 1. In fact, many (but certainly not all) exceeds 45 degrees, the force model uses the
situations in ship hydrodynamics are perfect for Morison equation with the empirical database for
the application of lifting potential flow flat plates in unsteady flow presented by Sarpkaya
Session 8 Basic Theory & Roll Damping – Intact and Damaged Ships
(2006). Two different techniques were developed corresponding CFD results, done using CFDShip-
and evaluated for determing the Keulegan- Iowa. These results were presented at model scale
Carpenter parameter from the relative motion so that the experiments and CFD computations
history, which is a necessary input to the could be compared directly; we have done our
Morisson equation database. example computations at ship scale, but we
2) For those situations with forward speed present the results in terms of non-dimensonal
where the angle of attack of the bilge keel is 45 coefficients so that model and full size results may
degrees or less, Bollay’s theory (Bollay 1936) for be compared directly. The major results that we
low aspect ratio wings was extended for unsteady will use for comparison are roll decay coefficient
flow with an arbitrary distribution (in time and versus average roll angle and roll period versus
space) of normal and tangential onset velocities to cycle number, as shown in their Figure 9
the bilge keel. The vorticity, which is assumed to (reproduced below as Figure 1).
be continuously shed from the side edge (as well
as the trailing edge) of the bilge keel according to
Bollay’s theory, is rigorously accounted for in an
unsteady lifting surface fashion, and the full non-
linear Bernoulli equation is used to compute the
forces on the bilge keel. This model has been
demonstrated to closely replicate URANS force
results, even at an unsteady angle of attack of 24
The final bilge keel model (Greeley 2010b)
contains the above two modules, all appropriate
logic to switch between the force modules as
appropriate, and a model for the unsteady pressure
forces (due to bilge keel action) acting on the hull
surface (which uses the exact shape of the hull
adjacent to the bilge keels). In addition, the final
model includes an approximate but physically-
based model for the change in bilge keel forces as
a bilge keel emerges from the water, and a model
for the slam forces on the bilge keel as it re-enters
the water.
This new bilge keel force model is currently
being implemented into TEMPEST by the Fig. 1: Decay Coefficient and Roll Period for DTMB
TEMPEST team, so no results are yet available Model 5415 (from Miller 2008) (scale ratio = 24.84)
from the new bilge keel model actually used with
TEMPEST. We present below some computations The excellent match between CFD and
using the new bilge keel force model for a ship experiment (at the higher roll angles) allows one
rolling in calm water. to have confidence in the contributions of the
bilge keels to the motions, as determined by the
difference in CFD computed motions with and
EXAMPLE CALCULATIONS without bilge keels. From the data presented, we
The case chosen for the example calculations can pick off the difference in roll decay
presented here is the U.S Navy pre-contract DDG- coefficient due to the bilge keels, and the
51 hull form, as represented by NSWCCD model difference in roll period due to the bilge keels.
5415. This hull form has been widely studied For convenience, these values have been
around the world. In particular, Miller (2008) has converted to equivalent linear damping
presented calm water roll decay measurements (at coefficients b44 and added moment of inertia
Fr=0.0 and Fr=0.280) for Model 5415 and coefficients a44, and we present here their non-
Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability Workshop
dimensional forms as recommended by Himeno the last complete roll cycle in the calculations.
(1981): Both the normal pressures on the bilge keel and
a the computed pressures acting on the nearby hull
a44 ' 44 2 (9) were used to compute the bilge keel roll moments,
to be consistent with the previously mentioned
CFD computations. A typical plot of the
b44 computed roll moments (for the starboard bilge
b44 ' (10) keel only) is shown below.
B 2
( I 44 a44 )
b44 c44 M (t ) (11)
Session 8 Basic Theory & Roll Damping – Intact and Damaged Ships
Proceedings of the 12th International Ship Stability Workshop
component, the equivalent linear damping is a center of gravity (regardless of added mass
strong function of roll angle. effects) also requires a re-examination.
The development of the bilge keel model referred
to in this paper was done initially with support
from NAVSEA SE/TA funds (James Webster,
Program Manager) and later support from ONR
(Dr. Pat Purtell, Program Manager). Dr. William
Belknap and Dr. Arthur Reed at NSWCCD were
the technical monitors for the development of this
bilge keel model. Simmy Willemann and Brian
Petersen of APS assisted with the calculations
shown in this paper. The opinions expressed here
are those of the author.
Fig. 4: Variation in Bilge Keel Parameters with Roll
Period (full scale) REFERENCES
Session 8 Basic Theory & Roll Damping – Intact and Damaged Ships
Miller, R.W., Bassler, C.C., Atsavapranee, P. and Sarpkaya, T. and O’Keefe, J.L. (1996), “Oscillating
Gorski, J.J., (2008), “Viscous Roll Predictions for Flow About Two and Three Dimensional Bilge
Naval Surface Ships Appended with Bilge Keels Keels”, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic
using RANS”, 27th Symposium on Naval Engineering, Vol. 118, February 1996.
Hydrodynamics, Seoul, Korea, 5-10 October 2008.