(Beta Vers) Sarulla Geothermal Field Report
(Beta Vers) Sarulla Geothermal Field Report
(Beta Vers) Sarulla Geothermal Field Report
Arranged by Group 7
A.Muhammad Athallah Naufal 101319027 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Nadia Samudera 101119006 Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Evalyn Geraldin Mesah 101119031 Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Muhammad Rafif Athallah 101119053 Dept. of Geophysical Engineering
Arihon Siahaan 101319004 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Nida Salsabilla 101319051 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Muhammad Sayyid Anwar 101319074 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Nadya Aisha R 101319101 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Muhammad Aditya Revaldo 101319128 Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Ali Assegaff 101218109 Dept. of Geological Engineering
Ismail Suny Pardede 101219002 Dept. of Geological Engineering
Luqman Abdul Hakim 101219022 Dept. of Geological Engineering
Muhammad Reyhan Al-Ghiffari 101219046 Dept. of Geological Engineering
Inadha Davina Ramadhan 101219074 Dept. of Geological Engineering
Rizkiya Hamni Lubis 101219103 Dept. of Geological Engineering
2. Introduction
As time goes by, people's energy needs are getting bigger. Energy is an essential entity
needed so that humans can carry out their daily activities. Without the existence of energy, all
human activities cannot be carried out, such as for transportation needs, infrastructure
development, and others. Indonesia as a research country has a very large population, which is
followed by a large amount of daily energy needs. In addition, Indonesia has a strategic
geographical location so that it has the potential for unique and abundant natural resources.
Geographically, Indonesia is in the area of the Pacific Ring of Fire or the Pacific Ring of
Fire, which is the meeting point for the three tectonic plates of the world, such as the Indo-
Austalia Plate, Eurasian Plate and Pacific Plate. Therefore, Indonesia is a country prone to
disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. However, these characteristics
bring positive blessings for Indonesia, where there are many geothermal sources from the
existence of volcanoes.
One of the geothermal energy sources that has major development in Indonesia is the Sarulla
Geothermal Field (330 MW) located in North Tapanuli District, Pahae Jae Subdistrict, located
in Silangkitang Village and Namora Village. Geographically this subdistrict is in position 10
20'- 20 41 'North Latitude and 980 05'- 990 16' East longitude which is an area with potential
for promising Natural Resources. This area is interesting for exploration, to see rock type
beneath its surface. Through this report summary, the researchers will present information on
the main topic of the Sarulla Field geothermal system, which will be followed by the discovery
history, geological characteristics and geophysical studies.
3. Methodology
In compiling this summary report, the researchers used the literary review method on related
scientific papers on the Sarulla Field, which discusses the historical and development side,
geological aspects and the determination of the geothermal system, and geophysical studies
that are specialized in magnetic methods. Compilation of the report starts on 18-27 October
New era of
Game changer
Resource Commercial for geothermal
Early exploration energy converter
discovery renegotiation development in
technology in
c. Commercial Renegotiations.
The Asian financial crisis that hit Indonesia postponed the Sarulla project, Unocal continued
to complete the resource feasibility study, and submitted a Notification of Reserve
Confirmation to PERTAMINA in 2000, Unocal finally agreed to pull out from the Sarulla
project in the third quarter of 2003, and sold its interests and rights to develop to PLN for $60
million. In 2004, PLN opened an Independent Power Producers (IPP) bidding process for the
Sarulla development rights, and in 2006 the Medco-Ormat-Itochu Consortium the tender to
develop the project and Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc. joined the consortium in 2007.
Sarulla Operation Limited (SOL) as the operating company for steam resource development,
and construction and operation of plant facilities under the framework of a Joint Operating
Contract (JOC) with the concession holder, PERTAMINA Geothermal Energy (PGE), a
subsidiary of PT PERTAMINA in April 2013. On March 28, 2014, the Consortium signed the
financing agreements with a syndicate comprised of the Japanese Bank for International
Cooperation (JBIC) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) plus six commercial lenders.
There are stages of geological survey exploration, namely the mapping process which
includes lithology mapping, alteration processes, structural geology and placement, sampling
and analysis of 280 samples. After the exploration survey was carried out, Unocal has drilled
a total of 13 deep exploration wells scattered in the Namora-I-Langit, Silangkitang and
Sibualbuali fields. In Namora-I-Langit there are four wells being drilled and all of them are
very productive, meet many people and have a high permeability distribution which is not
directly controlled by the Great Sumatra Fault. The wells all produce fluids with temperatures
in excess of 260 ° C, with a maximum rated temperature of 276 ° C.
B. The Presence of Manifestation in Sarulla Field
The presence of manifestations is very important in determining the potential for geothermal
energy. The manifestation of geothermal energy is formed due to a unique geological process
in the formation of geothermal sources. Manifestation is a surface symptom that can indicate
geothermal potential in the area, indicating that the hydrothermal fluid has come out through
the openings in the area.
Geographically, Sarulla Field is in an area of Sumatra which has tectonic activity,
characterized by the discovery of faults in the area. Manifestations of the geothermal system in
the area are fumarole, hot spring, and caldera. In explaining the manifestation of geothermal
sources in the Sarulla Field, we share the explanation in four forms of geothermal systems that
represent great energy potential.
The first manifestation can be seen in the Sibualbuali System. At Sibualbuali volcano, 19
areas of fumaroles, mud pots, and other acid-sulfate thermal features are distributed over an
area of about 45 km2, mainly along faults of the Sumatra fault system. The second
manifestation can be seen in the Donatasik System. At this system, gas seeps and fumaroles
occur east of the valley and within the Hopong caldera. The spring waters are generally similar
to spring waters in the Silangkitang area, but have higher magnesium content and have
equilibrated at lower temperatures.
The third system is the Silangkitang System, where there is a series of hot springs and
fumaroles is located along the margin of the Sarulla graben, near the village of Silangkitang in
the central part of the Sarulla contract area. The last system is Namora-I-Langit. The Namora-
I-Langit volcanic complex consists of two broad coalescent volcanoes made up of andesitic to
rhyolitic lavas and tuffs dated at 0.75–0.16 Ma. Associated with this complex is an extensive
array of surface thermal features comprised primarily of fumaroles and acid sulfate springs,
but also including neutral chloride–sulfate–bicarbonate hot springs, gas seeps, and numerous
warm bicarbonate springs covering an area of about 30 km2.
The existence of these manifestations clearly represents the potential of the Sarulla Field
area as an economical area in terms of geothermal energy production. In strengthening the
potential for geothermal energy production, of course, periodic analysis of complex parameters
is needed to predict the regional economy in exploiting it.
Fig.5: Fumaroles in Sibualbuali Source: Fig.6: Hot Spring in Silangkitang Source:
Pergamon Sarulla Operatons Ltd
Several places in the area of study are susceptible to land subsidence because of their loose
lithology of steep slope and very steep slope. The tectonic activity and earthquake,
although on a small scale, frequently happened. These will really trigger the land subsidence.
Zone of stability of the ground motion along the Tarutung-Sepirok can be divided into
4 zones (dir. GTL, 1982), which is based on geological conditions (the physical aspect/ rock,
lithology and geological structure), landscape (slope and shape of the surface), content
water, and soil precipitation, land use, and vegetation cover, namely:
1. Stable zone: This zone trends almost no ground movement, generally in the area nearly
flat (slope 5%) or in the occupied areas hard and compact rocks;
2. Relatively stable zones: the region occupies a little steep - very steep (5 -> 70%) with
the physical condition of the soil having erosion potential. This condition can be
controlled with reforestation, water usage settings, and using dry farming.
Vegetation in this zone is generally good, consisting of forests, forest cover,
reforestation, and plantation areas. Hydrology is in good condition and land
use is generally dry. Sometimes, debris slides happens on a local and not
widespread, for example on the sides of steep slopes or river basins;
3. Unstable zones: the region occupies a slightly steep to a very steep (15 - 70%); almost
without any vegetation (consisting barren land, scrub, and farming); the use of
slightly damp soil with high water content. Sometimes, indications of the latest
ground movement can be found. New ground movement occurred in several places
and the old ground motion was unstable. If rainfall increases, the ground motion may
occur on a rather broad region;
Ground movement occurs in very diverse dimensions with widths ranging from 3 to
100 meters long and 5 to 120 meters. The most common ground movement occurs
on a steep slope with poor drainage. In addition, the physical nature of the
bedrock slope, weathered soil, and rainfall also affect ground movement. In some
places, the barren land with perennial crops will greatly hinder the development of
ground movement in the study area. Rocks found in the study area mainly consist of rocks
produced from volcano eruption and meta-sedimentary rocks (Map III-2). The rock series from
old to young ages are as follows:
a) Tapanuli group
The Tapanuli group was formed from inseparable sedimentary rock and weakly
metamorphosed rock. This type of rock sediment is very diverse, which is generally immense
(not stratified), sandy, and contains fragments of clastic from a schisst, quartzite, and limestone.
Based on the stratigraphic position and fossil analysis, this group is estimated from the age of
Carbon-Early Permian. Along the east wing of Sarulla Graben and Batang Toru, this Tapanuli
group is difficult to be classified into formations because the rock constituents are generally
pebbly mudstone which is vast, unstratified with classic fragment of schisst, quartzite, vein of
quartz, granite, and limestone. The size of classic fragments might reach > 80 cm with mineral
content and varying rock kinds, generally has color from light bluish grey pale to black. In
addition, this rock often shows the existence of crack with various directions. In several parts,
this massive wacke is still experiencing interbedding with rock from kluet formation. However,
domination of the existence of wacke is more increased to east direction, as found in the area
of study. Whereas weakly metamorphosed rock consists of green schisst and homfels that are
partly found in partition of intrusion and often contains a vein of quartz. Sometimes, this rock
also contains rock kinds that are similar to the kluet formation with more coarse grain and not-
spread metaargillite. In Tarutung road, the Tapanuli group is represented by the kluet
formation, from the age of Late Carbon-Early Permian, which consists of wake volcaniclastic.
c) Toba Tuff
Toba Tuff that is found in the area of study generally takes the form of volcanic
sediment. It consists of sandy tuff, crystal tuff, and pumice tuff. Sometimes, insertion
of volcanic breccias is found among the tuffs. In several places, this tuff may contain
quartz and mica. Near the source of hot spring water, it is caolinized very strongly. However,
the lower part of this rock generally is strong, often contains light grey matrix of glass
shard with quartz crystal, biotite, sanidine, hornblende, and plagioclase. It also contains
elements of minor minerals, namely apatite, magnetite, ilmenite, hypersthene, allanite,
and zircon. Ignimbrite is getting finer to south, west, and east. Bemmelen (1939, 1970)
mentioned the existence of late quarter volcanism, which is very wide, varied with the
Barisan Axial Zone. Very wide ignimbrite was formed at the north side that is recognized as
Toba Tuff. Toba Tuff was formed at east and west of Sarulla and Tarutung Graben. It is shown
by the existence of fiamme, the less number of small scale horizontal layers on areas
which have lower reliefs. This indicates that the sedimentation is caused by ash flow (Smith,
1960), which is estimated from Late Pleistocene. The wide aperture is found west of Sarulla
and Tarutung Graben, sometimes separated by existing valleys.
d) Toru Formation
This formation occupies the widest part of the project area. It generally consists of
tuff sand, does not have layers, is relatively soft, and is sometimes silty. The existence
of a diatomae horizon is very general. The Toru formation has very various positions of rock
slope, which may be caused by movement of Toru Fault. This formation is found all along
the road from Tarutung to Sipirok in km 23 and 31 m, with thickness of its weathered
soil of 0.5+3 m. It is sandy silt with whitish brown, really porous, and fragile. This
formation is covered by alluvial sediment from the river, which also often contains reworked
Toba Tuff sediment.
e) River Alluvium
Alluvial sediment of the river as the youngest sediment is estimated to be from recent
age. It comprises free gravel, sand, silt, clay, some peat, and carbonate clay. This
sediment is formed in the fluviatil to lakustrin environment. In Graben of Tarutung
and Sarulla, this rock often contains cracks of Toba Tuff and Toru Formation, dacitic
and andesitic tuffs, lava, mudflow, ignimbrite, rhyolitic vault and andesit of gap eruption.
In the Fault zone of Toru-Asik in Sipirok, this sediment contains mud, with rock generally
consisting of semi-consolidated alluvial fan, locally comes from gravel conglomerate,
and bad isolated sand, in fluviatil and coluvial sediment environments. The map of the
geology of study area is shown in Map III-2.
Top layer with value k = 0.0035 x 103 SI, 0.0059 x 103 SI, 0.0061 x 103 SI at depth ± 5
up to ± 40 meters. This body layer is defined as a type of pyroclastic species including
sedimentary rocks from volcanic eruptions. The second layer consists of a body having k =
0.0277 x 103 SI, 0.0241 x 103 SI at a depth of ± 8 up to ± 85 meters, geologically this layer is
identified as andesite lava rock which is a volcanic eruption product. This layer is a rock cap
zone (supporters) that serves as a barrier to the loss of geothermal steam. While the third layer
consists of a body with a value of k = 0.2437 x 103 SI at a depth of ± 65 to ± 90 meters,
geologically this layer is identified as basalt rock. The geomagnetic sectional value at (figure
3) is linked to rock type susceptibility values table by Thelfrod where the andesite rock
susceptibility (0,0100-0,0500) and geological data of the research area to determine the
subsurface rock structure. The value of the andesite's magnetic susceptibility is at 0.0200 -
0.0400. So, based on the geophysical studies, this field has magnetic anomaly value in range
34,4358 nT to 144,788 nT and sedimentary rocks, andesite lava rock, and basalt rock. Layer
that contains andesite lava rock is known to be a cap rock zone.
4.4 Component of Geothermal System in Sarulla Field
After conducting a geoscience study on geological and geophysical studies in the Sarulla
field through literature studies, the next step is to identify the geothermal system found in the
Sarulla Field. In general, there are four geothermal systems, including heat source, reservoir
rock, discharge, and recharge fluid. In discussing the geothermal system at Sarulla Field, the
researchers explained the specifics of each geothermal system. Here is the explanation.
A. Heat Source
Heat source is a system of interactions between rocks that have potential as a heat source,
have a relative depth of 2-7 km, and are multiple intrusion rocks that interact with magma
beneath the earth's surface. In a heat source system, the entity is also affected by certain
geological phenomena.
On a regional scale, the position of the Sumatra fault zone and the volcanic arc are similar,
although it has been pointed out that the two features are not coincident, but rather intertwine.
Because of the similar orientation of the two features, it is possible that the location and
geometry of the Sumatra fault system are controlled by the position of the volcanic arc. The
reason for this presumably would be that higher heat flow and local magma accumulations
along the arc produce a linear zone that is weaker than the surrounding crust.
Based on the results of a literature review, it is possible that the heat source rocks that
interact with magma in the fault are Late Paleozoic meta-sedimentary rocks, which including
limestones, argillites, and graywackes comprise the oldest widely distributed rock unit in
Sumatra. These are part of the Sundaland craton, believed to have been accreted to the Eurasian
margin during Triassic time. These strata are overlain by Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments,
meta-sediments and mafic volcanics, and are intruded by Late Cretaceous granitic rocks.
B. Reservoir Rock
Like the petroleum system, the geothermal system also has a reservoir rock component.
Reservoir rocks are all types of rock that have porosity and permeability, both primary and
secondary. On of the system in Sarulla Field is Namora-i-Langit. Reservoir rock in Namora I-
Langit has a depth of 1000-1500 km from the surface. Reservoir rock types from Namora I-
Langit are rhyolitic and dacitic volcanic rock overlying basement rock. Based on its constituent
components which include felsic magma or magma containing felsic minerals. so it has high
viscosity. consequently, the heat possessed by this type of magma is relatively long-lasting
compared to mafic magma.
C. Discharge
Discharge Area is defined as the area of fluid discharge from under the earth's surface. The
presence of discharge areas is usually found in the form of manifestations, such as fumaroles,
geysers, hot springs, and others. In the Sarulla field, several manifestations were found. The
first manifestation can be seen in the Sibualbuali System. At Sibualbuali volcano, 19 areas of
fumaroles, mud pots, and other acid-sulfate thermal features are distributed over an area of
about 45 km2, mainly along faults of the Sumatra fault system. The second manifestation can
be seen in the Donatasik System. At this system, gas seeps and fumaroles occur east of the
valley and within the Hopong caldera. The third system is the Silangkitang System, where there
is a series of hot springs and fumaroles is located along the margin of the Sarulla graben, near
the village of Silangkitang in the central part of the Sarulla contract area. The last system is
Namora-I-Langit. The Namora-I-Langit volcanic complex consists of two broad coalescent
volcanoes made up of andesitic to rhyolitic lavas and tuffs dated at 0.75–0.16 Ma.
D. Recharge Fluid
Recharge fluid in geothermal system also known as the meteoric fluids. The researchers
define the recharge fluid as the fluid which entering the geothermal system through hydrology
cycles. One of the system that observed in this report is Namora-i-Langit System (NIL).
Geothermal field NIL was observed as a distributed high permeability system and identified as
a high-temperature liquid system (> 250 ° C) and high gas (> 1 wt% in the fluid reservoir and
~ 7 wt% in wellhead). All wells show concentrations of Na, K, Cl concentrations below 1100
ppm in total liquid with a pH range from acid to alkaline, mineralogy is found here. And not
controlled by the Sumatran fault. Two geochemical models are proposed to explain the origin
of fluids and flows in NIL, namely 1) condensation of geothermal vapor and H2S oxidation
and dissolution in shallow oxygenation of groundwater, and, 2) magmatic dissolution gases
into shallow oxygenated groundwater and rebalancing with reservoir rock and mixing with
neutral chloride salts.