Rozdział 9 MiniMatura Grupa A

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Rozdział 9 Imię i nazwisko: 

MiniMatura Wynik/50
Grupa A Klasa: 



1 Połącz początki zdań z właściwymi zakończeniami. 4 Zakreśl poprawne formy czasowników.

Podano cztery dodatkowe zakończenia. One evening last week, I 0 had read / was reading
0 The portrait A was too short. They didn’t have time a collection of short stories, when I suddenly 1 was realising
1 The plot to play all their hits. / realised that I 2 saw / had seen one of them before.
2 The review B in the collection were too similar to I couldn’t remember where. I 3 looked / was looking at
3 The gig each other. a few other books in my bookcase but it wasn’t there.
4 The interval C was too realistic. The actress wanted Finally, I remembered. It was my story. I 4 wrote / had
5 The editor it to make her look younger! written it for a competition a few years earlier. I 5 forgot /
D was too scared to publish the news had forgotten all about it.
story. /5
E was too short. I couldn’t get to the 5 Uzupełnij luki poprawnymi formami przeszłymi
toilet! czasowników podanych w nawiasach.
F shows too many soap operas and
By the time the concert 0 finished (FINISH), most of the
reality TV shows.
audience 1 (LEAVE). The band 2
G was too critical. It wasn’t as bad as it
(RELEASE) their fifth CD last year. The reviews they got were
the worst they 3 (HAVE) until then, although
H was too far away and I couldn’t see
some of their reviews since then have been even worse.
the band.
I were too noisy to hear what the While the actors 4 (RELAX), the director
actors were saying. watched the scenes they 5 (FILM) earlier.
J was too complicated. I couldn’t /5
follow it at all.

2 Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym słowem. Pierwsze litery 6 Wybierz odpowiedź, która najlepiej uzupełnia dialog.
tych słów zostały podane. 0 X: What did you think of the article?
Chasing Mavericks is a film which is 0 based on a true story. Y:
It 1 t the story of Jay Moriarity, a surfer. It is A   I only read the headline.
s in California, where Jay lived, and most of B  It was based on a true story.
the action takes 3 p in the ocean. It’s C  I enjoyed the first chapter.
a wonderful story and is definitely worth seeing although it 1 X: Do you mind if I change channels?
does have a sad ending. All the 4 c are Y:
excellent, especially Gerard Butler who 5 p A  Of course, go ahead. B  I’m afraid not. C  Not at all.
the role of Jay’s surfing instructor, Frosty. 2 X: Shall we go to the new exhibition at the gallery?
A  I’m not very keen on art. B  I’m not very good at art.
3 Uzupełnij słowa. Każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze. C  I’d prefer to see some art.
0 They should m a k e this book into a film. 3 X: Did you prefer the film or the book?
1 I’m not very keen on a _ _ t _ _ _ t paintings. Y: I liked them both.
2 What a shame the s _ _ _ _ s has finished. I watched X:
every episode. A  Me neither. B  I did. C  So did I.
3 I like most films but I don’t like r _ _ _ n _ _ _ comedies. 4 X: Is it alright if I watch this DVD?
4 I’d like to be a s _ _ l _ _ _ r and make things from Y:
rubbish that I find. A  No, you don’t. B  Of course, go ahead.
5 I buy a daily newspaper but I usually only read the C  Actually, I do.
_ r _ _ _ page. 5 X: What did you think of the comedian?
/5 A  To tell you the truth, I didn’t finish it.
B  In my opinion, the lyrics were a bit unoriginal.
C  To be honest, he wasn’t very funny.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy
MiniMatura Rozdział 9 Grupa A

3 Simon
A  doesn’t want to appear in the tabloid newspapers.
B  disapproves of Jed’s lifestyle.
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą,
zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśllitery A, B, C lub D. C  tries to get the group to concentrate on their work.
D  makes a joke to try to stop the argument.
The four members of the band were arguing. There was 4 Karl was worried that
nothing new in this. They often argued. They argued about A  the tour wouldn’t attract any new fans.
money, clothes, the future…everything, in fact, apart B  new fans would think they weren’t very good.
from music which they all seemed to agree on totally all C  old fans would stop liking the group.
the time. Today’s argument concerned a new subject – D  they wouldn’t sell many tickets for the tour.
advertising. Not advertising their own albums. That was
the record company’s problem. This argument concerned 5 Andy’s new song
using their songs in advertisements. The drummer, Jed A  had been written for the new tour.
was totally opposed to the idea claiming that it would B  was well received by the other band members.
destroy the band’s reputation for honesty and integrity. C  had already got a name before the others heard it.
Simon and Karl were unsure. They could understand
D  was recorded that day.
Jed’s arguments but the sums of money offered were
ridiculously high. Illegal downloading had hit their CD
sales hard and, although they still made a good living from
touring, that might not last forever. The group probably SŁUCHANIE
would. They would be the reverse Rolling Stones, playing
smaller and smaller concerts as they got older. Selling 8 TRACK 10 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę Lisy i Mike’a.
tracks for adverts could allow them to relax a little and Odpowiedz na pytania (1–5). Zaznacz znakiem (7)
concentrate on other projects such as film music. Andy odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.
was totally sure and was trying to convince Jed. “It’s for a
car that we all like. It’s the car that you own. It’s not as if Who… Lisa Mike
we’re using our song to sell washing powder or something 1 hasn’t seen the film yet?
we all disapprove of.”
Jed wasn’t convinced. “So, what next?” he asked “Shall 2 offers the other person something?
we go on a reality TV show or sell our stories to a tabloid 3 is very busy at the moment?
newspaper?” Simon tried to lighten the mood. “I don’t 4 criticises someone else?
think a newspaper would pay much for your private life,
Jed!” Meanwhile Karl tried to get the others back to work. 5 has to meet someone soon?
Their new tour of Britain was due to start in a week’s
time. They’d sold thousands of tickets and a lot of new
fans were going to see them for the first time. People
who knew them would forgive a poor performance but PISANIE
newcomers would think that the band was always like
that and wouldn’t come back for more. 9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne.
The four of them stopped arguing and picked up their
W twoim mieście są tylko dwa małe stare kina. Władze lokalne
instruments. Instantly, the atmosphere changed. Andy
played a few notes of a new song he was working on. chcą zastąpić je nowoczesnym mulitipleksem. Wielu ludzi się
Jed nodded his head enthusiastically. It sounded great. It sprzeciwia, ponieważ stare kina są piękne. Na swoim blogu:
wouldn’t be ready to play in the upcoming concerts but • przedstaw sytuację czytelnikom, którzy o niej nie słyszeli.
it would be good to have some new material ready for • wyraź swoją opinię na ten temat.
their next recording. There wasn’t much time to write on
• uzasadnij swoją opinię.
the road. Andy played the notes again and Jed and Simon
joined in. Karl listened carefully. “Has it got a title?” he • zasugeruj kompromisowy sposób rozwiązania sytuacji.
asked. “Not yet” said Andy. Karl listened again and Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów.
then started singing. The lyrics weren’t perfect but they Długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.
expressed what he thought when listening to the music. At
least a few of the words he sang would make it to the final
song. They always did. This was the chemistry that made
Old v New This week’s blog is about a new idea
them so perfect together. Why couldn’t that chemistry
extend from music to other areas? from the local council.

1 The band members 

A  only argued about money.
B  often argued about advertising. 
C  never argued about music.
D  argued with their record company. 
2 Jed does not want If you agree, or disagree, with me, please leave
A  to earn more money. a comment below.
B  to allow the band’s songs to be used in adverts.
C  people to know what car he had.
D  to be the drummer anymore. /10

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE LONGMAN Repetytorium maturalne z języka angielskiego – poziom podstawowy

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