Traffic Management in An Intercontinental City: Istanbul Seyma Ulucay ISBAK Inc., R&D Department, Istanbul Turkey

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Seyma Ulucay

ISBAK Inc., R&D Department, Istanbul Turkey


Istanbul is the greatest metropolis in Turkey, a dense, cosmopolitan and historic city with a rich
cultural and architectural heritage. Managing the city is the responsibility of the local government, and
that includes making transportation safe and efficient for drivers, passengers and pedestrians. To
those ends, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) has invested on a variety of traffic management
solutions and ISBAK Inc.(Istanbul Transportation Telecommunication and Security Technologies
Industry & Trade Inc.), which is an affiliated company of IMM, has implemented these solutions and
introduced to the public.

Recently developed technologies and communication facilities enabled IMM to accelerate

improvements in traffic management. During the last seven years, it has allocated considerable
resources to transportation issues: ~400 traffic cameras, ~350 road sensors, 35 weather observation
sensors, 7 variable message boards and ~150 electronic violation detection systems have been
mounted on Istanbul’s highways and two dedicated centers for controlling and directing traffic and
operating all traffic equipment have been constructed.

This paper covers “Data Retrieval/Storage,” “Traffic Control,” “Software Development” and “Internet
Applications” topics and describes the development in traffic management in Istanbul with the
technologies that have been developed by ISBAK Inc. and used by the Traffic Control Center (TCC) of
IMM and the public.


Istanbul is a cosmopolitan city straddling two continents and one of the world’s most outstanding
cities. Like other megacities, Istanbul has needed to meet the challenges of maintaining transportation
accessibility as it continues to grow as an important international metropolis with 13-million-
population. Traffic management therefore has become a critical issue, and building and operating an
infrastructure for effective traffic observation and management have been the primary responsibility
of IMM. On the other hand, ISBAK Inc. is a subsidiary company of IMM who is the executing arm of
IMM in traffic and transportation related projects.

Before assessing the progress in the field of transportation, the statistics in the following table gives
brief background information about Istanbul traffic:

Metropolitan Surface Area 5,389 km2

# Daily Trips ~21 Million
# Vehicles ~2,6 Million
# Cars 1,6 Millions
# Vehicles in Traffic 1,7-1,8 Million
Vehicles Added to Traffic ~400 vehicles/day
Total Road Network 25,000 Km
# Daily Trips Between 2 continents ~1,3 Million
Avg. Travel Time between Asia- 72 minute
Europe by private car
Avg. Travel Time by private car 49 minute
Car ownership rate 133 cars / 1000 people
Table 1: Transportation Statistics

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) use up-to-date technologies to gather data to support the
largely automated management of traffic. ITS applications in Turkey were first encouraged by Istanbul
Metropolitan Municipality’s Directorate of Traffic and implemented by ISBAK. ITS encompasses a
broad range of wireless and wire-line information, control and electronics technologies; and when
integrated with the transportation infrastructure, these technologies monitor and help manage the
flow of Istanbul’s 20 million daily vehicle trips. By increasing the efficient use of existing road capacity,
these ITS applications are intended to reduce congestion, decrease traffic accidents, and enhance
regional productivity.

Due to its geographical position, Istanbul has two bottlenecks on its two bridges (Fatih Sultan Mehmet
Bridge and the Bosporus Bridge) which connect two continents: Asia and Europe. This constraint
requires cutting-edge ITS applications to solve traffic related issues in Istanbul. Figure 1 shows the
outer and inner view of Istanbul with main arteries and bridges over Bosporus.

Figure 1: Geographical Position of Istanbul


Istanbul is a continuously developing city in terms of new road and infrastructure construction. This
affects the decision of the type of equipments which collect traffic data from the field. Traffic cameras,
road sensors and weather observation sensors are the major data sources for TCC.

Instead of loop sensors, IMM prefers non-invasive microwave radar

sensors to obtain traffic flow information such as average speed, the
number of vehicles and their classification, and the occupancy of roads
from up to eight used defined detection zones. These customized sensors
are mounted onto road poles that are seven meters from and seven
meters up the road and can measure up to 60m (200ft) away [1].

RTMS (Remote Traffic Microwave Sensor) is a traffic sensor that detects

vehicle presence and calculates traffic parameters for multiple lanes,
without being affected by weather conditions such as fog, snow, rain,
winds or sunlight. The RTMS transmits low-power microwave signals with
a changing frequency and forms an elliptical footprint on the road surface.
Any non-background targets will be detected.

Accumulated traffic information is transferred to a GPRS modem via RS-

232 serial port and transmitted to a TCC server through GPRS network in Figure 2: Radar Sensor
short-time pre-defined message periods which – 60 seconds on highways
or 300 seconds on arterial streets close to signalized intersections. The data consist of Volume (total
number of vehicles), Occupancy, Average Speed and Classification (up to four user-defined groups
according to vehicle length) for each detection zone. Occupancy indicates the percentage of the time
period in which a zone is occupied. At the end of each message period, buffered data are transmitted
and internal counters of the detector are cleared. There are approximately 350 road sensors on
Istanbul highways.

The traffic cameras that are mounted to 400 critical points have a 360-degree rotation. Cameras are
located on the top of 20 meter-high poles. Central arteries’ traffic situation is observed in real time.

Camera systems have integrated Pan/Tilt/Zoom features. It is possible to make the necessary
adjustments via their web-based interfaces. After encoding the analog video between 150k and 400k,
it is converted into digital video and transferred to TCC via 1Mbit or 2Mbit capacity G.SHDSL line.
In TCC’s server room, encoded videos are decoded in order to obtain high quality videos. Afterwards,
these videos are multiplexed in order to be transferred to other related centers.

The damage resulting from severe weather conditions can become even greater if necessary
precautions are not taken in a timely manner. Fog and sight distance data, wind speed and direction,
temperature, road surface temperature and road fluid thickness data are obtained from weather
observation sensors via GPRS network.


All types of raw data is collected in TCC and preprocessed before publishing to the public. This
preparation is run on different types of servers in TCC’s server room.

Collected road sensor data are received in binary format which

needs to be parsed, processed and finally stored to the
databases. Relational Database model is preferred due to its
easy and fast querying capabilities.

Not only the computational processes, but also interpretation is

necessary since the same data may refer to different meanings
in different characterized highways. For instance, while 50 km/h
implies runny traffic on southern coastal roads in Istanbul, it
refers to heavy traffic on main highways. A plenty of algorithms
and methods are applied to implement web-based and mobile
applications such as coloring the density map and travel time by
using these data.

Taken pictures of the cars that violate the red light or drive
through safety lane are also sent to TCC and saved in databases.
Since the IMM has legally no right to punish violations, officers
from police department submit the fine to the drivers as they see
the pictures of violations via Electronic Violation Detection
System (EDS) of TCC. Figure 3: Violation fine sample


Processed traffic information is published via various ITS applications such as:

- Traffic Density Map,

- IMM Mobile Traffic,
- TCC’s web site (,
- Variable Message Signs,
- Lane Control Systems
- Call Center

Traffic Density Map:

The Internet is a powerful and indispensable communication tool for traffic control in Istanbul.
Traffic Density Map represents various categories of information using an easily understandable,
vivid, interactive and elegant graphical user interface. It is a color based digital map that
represents current average speeds obtained from RTMS’s, weather condition data and video
snapshots from traffic cameras. It automatically refreshes itself every minute to renew the map
with updated data. It is represented by red, orange, dark green and light green colors according
to pre-defined average speed ranges. TCC presents three sequenced camera images in order to
clarify the movement of traffic flow. These images are renewed in every minute. Statistical and
graphical presentation of the traffic speed changes during a defined period is also available in this
map. Any computer connected to the Internet can use the Traffic Density Map; no special
software is necessary.
Figure 4: Traffic Density Map

IMM Mobile Traffic: “IBBCepTrafik” enables drivers to access real time traffic information from
everywhere. IBBCepTrafik is a mobile application that people access over mobile phones. Updated
real time traffic camera images can be viewed over mobile phones, and the Traffic Density Map
allows drivers to see current traffic density information. Users select their starting and destination
points and can access real time camera images and traffic information, including estimated travel
time for the selected path. In addition, TCC publishes alerts over IBBCepTrafik application
regarding negative situations affecting traffic, such as accidents or road excavation work.

This application has easy access to current traffic information and can work on all GSM carriers'
network in Turkey. In order to install IBBCepTrafik, the mobile phone needs to be JAVA

Variable Message Signs: VMSs inform drivers about traffic conditions such as traffic density,
accidents, road excavation works, weather conditions and other situations which affect traffic and
direct drivers to alternative routes.

On Istanbul highways, there are currently 7 VMSs. Traffic messages sent to these VMSs are
manually updated by traffic operators who are the personnel of TCC. By using customized
software, the operators add, delete or update messages that are to be displayed. The
transmission environment is either GPRS or G.SHDSL network.

Call Center: TCC broadcasts to 15 TV and 32 radio channels 75 times a day and 3500 calls each
day. Call Center operators inform other units and agencies about traffic breakdowns and accidents
and update VMS messages according to current traffic conditions. They also inform drivers and
passengers during their travels, guiding and directing them to reach their destination in shorter
time. Call Center has recently initiated an application about received calls. Usually, 80% of the
incoming calls are due to the questions about the availability of two bridges. Therefore, a
recorded voice system is embedded to the responding system of calls. An operator records his
voice in every 15 minutes during rush hours. The drivers can optionally listen to this record and
hence they are not redirected to operators. It reduces duplications of responses of call center
operators and increases the throughput. The number of incoming calls is 5000 in 2009 and 6500
in 2010 while it is 3500 currently although it is expected to be 7000 calls daily.


There is a wide usage of all traffic applications in Istanbul since the number of total vehicle is 2.6
million, the number of daily trips between two continents is 1.3 million and 400 new cars are added to
traffic daily. There is also a common standpoint which leads the traffic to be more complicated: Asian
side is more appropriate and confortable to live although most of the business offices are located in
European side of Istanbul. Since there are only 2 bridges that connect two continents, the high
demand and congestion on these bottlenecks needs to be resolved and managed by public authorities.
- There are totally more than 1.000.000 individual users of IMM Mobile Traffic in Istanbul. In
2009, the total number of connections for the application is 10.5 million and in 2010, it is 16.5
- TCC’s official web site has published traffic information since 2006. After being advertised on
VMSs, TV channels and the 2006 CeBIT Eurasia Exhibition, daily utilization of it has increased
and currently takes 1 million hits per day.
- Hard shoulder violations are reduced 84% and red light violations are reduced 77% since
2007 by Electronic Detection System.
- TCC’s Call Center receives approximately 3500 calls where 7000 calls are expected per day.

The information available to drivers through all ITS applications plays an important part in ensuring
the best use of Istanbul’s available traffic infrastructure. Estimated travel times, calculated on the
basis of road sensor data, indicates that although alternative routes are often longer in distance,
drivers are reaching their destinations in less time. Consequently, a smaller amount of air pollution is
generated for the same trip. Another benefit is presumably that drivers who spend less time stuck in
traffic jams experience less stress from traveling in Istanbul.


Since the year 2000, many infrastructure improvements have been made to facilitate mobility
throughout the city. As the city has grown, there has been exponential growth in the number of
vehicles in use, and though it is difficult to demonstrate that average travel times have been reduced,
common sense suggests that the implementation of these information technologies has reduced travel
times as compared to what they would have been without it.

There are too many factors which affect Istanbul’s traffic such as weather condition, the day of the
week (Monday mornings and Friday evenings), special big events etc. On the other hand, due to its
geographical position, Istanbul has two bottlenecks on its two bridges which connect two continents:
Asia and Europe. This constraint requires cutting-edge ITS solutions to solve traffic related issues in
Istanbul. Thus, IMM carries out many projects through its subsidiary companies. In this context,
ISBAK Inc. is in charge of developing and implementing ITS solution on behalf of IMM.


[1] EIS – Retrieved November 27, 2008 from


Seyma ULUCAY, a Computer Engineer, is a graduate of Istanbul Yildiz Technical University Computer
Engineering Department (2005). After graduation, she worked for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Traffic Department’s Traffic Control Center as a software engineer for three years. She is an MCP
(Microsoft Certified Professional for Windows Vista) and MCSA (Microsoft Certified System
Administrator for Windows Server 2003). She has earned a Master’s Degree at Boston University’s
Metropolitan College Computer Science Department in Boston, MA. She is currently working for ISBAK
Inc. in TCC.

Computer Engineer, M.Sc.
Traffic Control Center
Phone: +90 212 449 4978

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