Kontribusi Tefa THD Lulusan
Kontribusi Tefa THD Lulusan
Kontribusi Tefa THD Lulusan
The purpose of this study is to determine (1) implementation of teaching factory in
SMK N 5 Surakarta, (2) contribution implementation of teaching factory in preparing
graduates to enter the world of work student of SMK N 5 Surakarta, (3) constraints faced in
the implementation of the teaching factory and efforts were made to overcome.
This research is a qulitative and strategis used are descriptive study single rooted.
The source data consisted of informants, dokuments, places, and events. The sampling
technique used was purposive sampling. The technique of collecting data through interviews,
observations, and document analysis. The validity of the data used was the triangulation of
sourch (data) and method. The data analysis technique used is interactive model analysis
technique which include data reduction, presentation of data, and drawing conclusions.
The results showed that (1) implementation of teaching factory in SMK N 5
Surakarta implemented through three stages of production processes, marketing processes,
and evaluation. (2) Contribution teaching factory implementation among others to increase
knowledge, skills, experience, and student discipline and cultivate students' professional
attitude. (3) In the implementation of teaching factory, the SMK N 5 Surakarta having some
problems, among others (a) execution time teaching factory are very few, (b) no special place
teaching factory implementation, (c) number of teachers still lack, (d) the role student is less
maxsimum, (e) the organizational structure. The efforts of the SMK N 5 Surakarta to
overcome these obstacles (a) enjoy free time students, (b) additional space for the
implementation of the teaching factory, (c) increasing the number of teachers, (d) prepare in
the best implementation of teaching factory and adding infrastructure of teaching factory, (e)
elect a teaching factory capable of carrying out their duties properly.
Keywords : Contribution, Teaching Factory, Student SMK