Family Planning - New Innovations

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Title or Current Testosterone Transdermal Gel for Male Contraception

Trend #1:
Date or year of It is still under a clinical trial funded by National Institute of
implementation: Health and sponsored by Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development which
began enrolling couples in 2018 and expected to enroll 240
couples in 2019. But in some countries like United States
already approved and marketed a gel form of contraceptive.
Brief Description: It is a contraceptive gel for men that can be applied daily and
absorbed through the skin in the shoulders or upper arms. It
contains Nestorone which suppress the creation of sperm in
men, and it also contains testosterone. It is a reversible
contraceptive method controlled by men.

The progress in this innovation is:

According to the website Population Council, early research
findings show that the Nestorone®/Testosterone gel is well
tolerated with no serious adverse events. A Phase 2 study is
planned to demonstrate the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of
the gel when used by men in preventing pregnancy among
couples in seven countries around the world. The trial, which
began enrolling couples in 2018, and is expected to enroll 420
couples in 2019, and is sponsored by the Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (NICHD).
Implication to Most of the contraceptives are for female because male
Nursing practice: contraceptives are very limited to vasectomy and condoms, it
is very relevant to inform some couples about this new
innovation since it is painless, no need for operation and it is a
male contraceptive. It is very beneficial also for females who
cannot use contraceptives and avoids the side effects like
alteration in their weight.
Reference/Source: Population Council: Nestorone®/Testosterone Transdermal
Gel for Male Contraception. (November 2019). Retrieved from:

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