Bogie-Platform For Electric Locomotives

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SF 4

Bogie-platform for electric locomotives

The wheelset guidance is carried out
with triangle rods for an optimized
adjustment between longitudinal and
transversdal stiffness of the wheelset
guidance. This design allows the small-
est possible forces between wheel and
The SF 4 bogie-platform was devel- The bogie frame consists of sealed
oped for use in the Vectron high-per- welded box profiles. Its main compo- The locomotive is designed to travel
formance locomotive. The SF 4 is nents are two longitudinal supports, on track levels as defined in EN
suitable for all types of the Vectron a central cross strut and two end 14363:2005/UIC 518:2009 QN2. The
electric locomotive. supports. minimum track curve radius to be
travelled during commercial operation
The bogie is configurable according The wheelset consists of two rolled
is 150 m.
the requirements of the operator the mono-block wheel disks and a forged
operation area. Thus the bogie is hollow shaft. The SF 4 bogie platform meets the
prepared for the mounting of different highest technical and economical
The transfer of the tractive and
packages of European train control require-ments and is desiged accord-
braking forces from the bogie to the
antennas, sanding and wheelflange- ing the latest state of the art.
locomotive frame involves a square
lubrication is possi-ble on each wheel. Nevertheless the bogie is based on
bogie pin. The bogie pin is welded to
Also different types and configurations proven design principles and service
the under-frame of the locomotive
of brake release handles are possible. proven components.
The SF 4 bogie platform is character- Good accessibility to the areas to be
The locomotive body is supported
ized by the following features: checked during the maintenance
on each bogie using four flexi coil
periods is provided by the design.
• Modular design with various springs. These secondary springs
Wear and tear components are also
optional equipment are arranged in pairs perpendicular
easily accessible.
to the direction of travel.
• Robust, fully welded bogie frame
• Reduced stiffness of axle box linkage
to provide good curve and running
• Tractive force transfer by means
of low level traction linkage with
a pivot to the central support strut
of the bogie frame
• Secondary suspension stage
support points (flexi coil springs)
• Hollow pinion shaft drive
• Wheel disk brakes
Technical data
Bogie SF 4
Running Speed Max. 200 km/h
Axle load Max. 22.5 t
Max. starting tractive effort per wheelset 75 kN
Max. power per wheelset 1600 kW
Wheelbase 3000 mm
Track gauge 1435 mm
Wheel diameter new/worn 1250/1160 mm
Smallest radius of curvature in operation/depot in service/workshop 150/100 m
Weight Approx. 18 t

Vectron / Siemens VLL 1
Vectron / Siemens VLL 2
Vectron / Railpool Europe
Vectron / DB Schenker
Vectron / Fuori Mori
Vectron / MRCE
Vectron / Paribus Rail Portfolios
Vectron / boxXpress
Vectron / Cargo Serv

Siemens Mobility Austria GmbH

Eggenberger Straße 31
A-8020 Graz
Article No. MORS-B10023-00-7600
© Siemens Mobility GmbH 05/2020

The information given in this document

contains general descriptions of technical
possibilities which may not always be
available in a particular case. The requested
performance characteristics have therefore
to be defined in the event of contract ward
for the particular case in question.

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