WL 07539 de en
WL 07539 de en
WL 07539 de en
AGC regional train built by Bombardier Transportation, France Photo: Bombardier Transportation
Bombardier Transportation will be trains can run on either diesel fuel, The AGC offers operators greater
building 500 new regional express electricity or a combination of the operating flexibility as well as short
trains of type AGC (Autorail Grande two. Moreover, the seating capacity idle times and passengers greater
Capacité) for the SNCF by the end can be varied by combining two to freedom of movement and a high
of 2007. four cars. level of comfort.
In accordance with the wishes of In spite of the many versions, main-
the French National Railways, the tenance and repair of the trains are FAG Kugelfischer AG supplies ready-
AGC trains, which are available in enormously simplified by their mod- to-mount tapered roller bearings
several versions, will be adapted to ular design which uses numerous and wheelset bearing housings for
the requirements of the various identical components. all versions of the AGC.
French regions. For example, AGC
A Member of the
Schaeffler Group
Technical data Rolling bearings
Wheelset Gear
FAG Kugelfischer AG
Product line Railway
Postfach 1260
D-97419 Schweinfurt/Germany
Tel.: +49 9721 913978
Fax: +49 9721 913788
E-mail: rail_transport@fag.de