FALL 2010
Administrative notes:
1. please turn off your cell phone before class, do not bring cell phones, blackberry devices,
or pagers to the examinations (you may leave your bookbags with these inactivated items in
the front of the classroom during the exam if necessary).
2. randomized exam seating will be assigned at the beginning of each examination.
Examinations will focus on material presented in class, and from the supplemental assigned
The final grade will be based on two hour-long exams (30% each), and the final examination
grade (40%). Exam coverage is listed in the class schedule below.
violation, and shall be subject to the sanctions and other remedies described in The Student
Semester Schedule
Date Topic Readings
8/31 Introduction, overview of course
A. Organization of the course
1. content: lecture with associated primary literature readings
(references are noted in outline)
2. additional resource materials: assigned text readings/note additional textbook
features, websites
3. course format: lectures and discussions during class: feel free to ask
in class; you may tape the lectures if you wish.
4. examination format and content
B. Historical roots of the study of Immunology
1. Immunology is a relatively young science
a. 1798 Jenner: cowpox immunization
b. 1891 Koch: DTH vs tuberculin Ag
c. 1895 Bordet: C' + Ab + bacteria = lysis
d. 1901 Landsteiner: ABO blood groups
e. 1914 Little: genetic theory of tumor transplantation
f. 1936 Gorer: identification of MHC antigens
g. 1939 Kabat and Tselius: Antibodies as gamma globulins
C. Basic components of immunological system activation
1. Signal molecule • receptor molecule • information processing•
tolerance or response
2. signal molecule = antigen; smallest unit that is recognized as non-self
3. Characteristics of the immune response
a. specificity
b. memory
D. Current trends in immunological research
1. manipulation of the response to disease
b. cancer
c. autoimmunity
d. tissue transplantation; stem cell biology
2. antibodies as enzymes (“abzymes”)
3. antibodies as probes of biochemical/cellular structure
4. psychoneuroimmunology
5. cytokine immunotherapies
6. xenogeneic transplants of humanized tissues
7. diseases with newly recognized immunological components
8. therapeutic manipulations of disease with novel antibody constructs (single
chain, etc.)
E. Lynes laboratory research interests (
1. mechanisms of immunotoxicity/role of metallothionein in stress mediated
2. automated measurements of chemotaxis
3. Grating-coupled surface plasmon resonance imaging (GCSPRI) and surface
plasmon enhanced fluorescence protein microarray platform applications
a. use of the GCSPRI platform for immune function characterization
arthritis and type 1 diabetes
b. GCSPRI pathogen and toxin biosensors
c. Cytometer on a chip
d. vaccine assessment in human and agricultural pathogen
e. other optical configuration variants of GCSPRI
b. radiation induced immunodeficiency
3. transgenic animals, targeted gene disruptions, chimeric animals
*****sample questions that can be used to prepare for the first examination will be posted
online at the course website*****answers to the questions will be posted after an interval
10/5 Cell biology of the MHC/protein biology of the MHC; antigen processing and
presentation Immunobiology
Ch 5
A. Mechanisms of antigen association with MHC molecules
1. endocytic pathway (exogenous antigen)
2. cytosolic pathway (endogenous antigen)
B. Interactions of antigen/MHC with the T cell antigen receptor
B. Bacterial
C. Protozoan
D. Invertebrate parasites
11/9 •••••••• SECOND EXAM ••••••••• will focus on material from 9/28 through 11/4, and
will depend on material from the first section of the course. Note that you are
responsible for material in the required primary literature readings that are available on
the MCB 4211 homepage and from the e-journal site at the UConn library website.
p 672-687
A. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis Primary Literature
Reference #4
B. Natural immune responses to neoplasia
C. Immunological diagnosis of neoplastic disease
1. tumor antigens
D. Immunotherapies for neoplasia
1. “magic bullets”: immune conjugates
a. antibody/drug conjugates
b. antibody/radionuclide conjugates
2. anti-idiotypic antibodies
3. irradiation and transplantation to reconstitute immunity
4. TILs, LAKs
5. Gene therapies
12/2 The immune response to cancer (continued)
12/13-12/18 FINAL EXAM PERIOD; the preliminary date for the final exam is Dec 14 1-3 pm.
You can find the entire preliminary exam schedule at
••••••••• the final exam will emphasize material from 11/11 through 12/9, and will cover
material from the entire course. Remember that you are responsible for material in the
required primary literature readings as well as the material covered in class•••••••••
********** added at the request of the Office of Student Services and Advocacy************
Final exam week for Fall 2010 takes place from Monday, December 13th through Saturday,
December 18th. Students are required to be available for their exam during the stated time.
If you have a conflict with this time you must visit the Office of Student Services and
Advocacy to discuss the possibility of rescheduling this exam.
Please note that vacations, previously purchased tickets or reservations, graduations,
social events, misreading the exam schedule and over-sleeping are not viable excuses for
missing a final exam. If you think that your situation warrants permission to reschedule,
please contact the Office of Student Services and Advocacy with any questions. Thank you
in advance for your cooperation.
1. Kohler, G. and Milstein, C., Continuous cultures of fused cells secreting antibody of predefined
specificity. Nature, 1975. 256: p. 495-7.
2. Rennard, B.O., et al., Chicken soup inhibits neutrophil chemotaxis in vitro. Chest, 2000. 118(4): p.
3. Youn, J., et al., Metallothionein suppresses collagen-induced arthritis via induction of TGF-beta and
down-regulation of proinflammatory mediators. Clin Exp Immunol, 2002. 129(2): p. 232-9.
4. Dolk, E., M. van der Vaart, et al. (2005). "Isolation of llama antibody fragments for prevention of
dandruff by phage display in shampoo." Appl Environ Microbiol 71(1): 442-50.
6. Schaller, M., Miller,G.E., Gervais,W.M., Yager,S., and Chen,E., (2010) Mere Visual Perception of
Others' Disease Symptoms Facilitates a More Aggressive Immune Response Psychological Sciences
doi: 10.1177/0956797610368064
1. You can obtain a free subscription to “Immunology in the News” published by the Dana Foundation at this
website: You can also sign up for an email alert when a
new issue posts. To set up an account go to
Immunology techniques, biological materials, and instrumentation websites
1. {a list of worldwide flow cytometry
2. {a manufacturers guide to
3. {a home page for a flow cytometer manufacturer}
4. {American Type Culture Collection; a source of cell lines and genetic
5. {a resource of inbred mouse strains, transgenic and knockout mice}
6. {a webpage listing for infectious disease sites on the
7. {technical tips for molecular
Immunology databases
1. {a site that shows structural features of
CD molecules}
2. {an HIV database hosted by Roche
2.{the office of rare diseases at NIH; for autoimmune
diseases like Lupus, arthritis}
Genome databases
1. {mouse genome information}
2.{online mendelian inheritance in man}
also a
subsidiary of Becton Dickinson, a flow cytometry company}
Other Links:
1. Check out these great animations!
a. Mechanisms of RNAi
b. Robert Olen Butler's book "Severance"
c. The brain that wouldn’t die