The New Style To Scan
The New Style To Scan
The New Style To Scan
Unpack, switch on, get started How to plug’n’scan automatically straightened by the software
Historical books, new books, magazines, Simply unpack the device, plug it in, put in the Perfect Book 3.0, as are original documents
files, ring binders, contracts, balance sheets original document and off you go. The zeta that are positi-oned crookedly. You can pre-
or land-use plans – there is almost nothing delivers high-quality data with the highest view each scan on the high resolution touch
that you cannot digitize or copy with the zeta. resolution in no time flat. You have free choice screen display in full-HD-resolution (1920 x
But it doesn’t just deliver excellent image and for data output. You can check, print or mail 1080 px). Faulty scans are a thing of the past.
data, it also looks pretty good and is incredibly your data, save it on the USB stick, send it You have a choice of the zeta with or without
easy to operate. That makes the zeta the to your Follow-me application, provide it for convenient book cradle.
ideal multifunctional system for digitizing and download via FTP, or save it in the cloud.
copying in libraries, archives, universities and This is how you save paper and help protect The zeta is available as a standalone model
schools. But authorities, copy shops, banks, the environment today. with a separate TFT monitor or as a compact
insurance companies, legal offices and media version with built-in TFT monitor – both with
companies also quickly appreciate the perfor- Perfectly straight, not crooked or askew the same features and the same quality.
mance of this compact office aid. The perfect The book is on its back with zeta and is
completion of an up-to-date office. scanned very carefully from the top. Simply But don’t just listen to us – discover the zeta
turn the page after every scan. Distorted for yourself. Because scanners never looked
letters in the book fold or bent plots are better. Neither did your scans.
Product advantages Additional Options and Interfaces
compact, functional and revolutionary design Software module Office Kit Software module scan resolution
easy installation thanks to plug’n’scan for easy scanning of stapled and pasted 600 ppi zeta
convenient operation documents, ring binders and direct scanning A minimum resolution of> 300 ppi is guaran-
independent of ambient light due to white from the folder, including Scan-to-E-Mail and teed. Du to this optional software module
reference check. Test and adaptation is Scan-to-Network the system has a resolution of 600 x 600.
done automatically The resolution is adjustable from 150 - 600 ppi
no glare for users Software module zeta2mobile (in defined steps).
touch panel (21,5") with multi-touch for storage of scans on tablet or smartphone
technology (for IOS and Android). The user is able to Software module Scan-to-cloud
full HD resolution (1920 × 1080 px) transfer his scanned documents directly to his (eg Dropbox)
brilliant color rendering mobile device. The APP can be setup on the In addition to the storage on a USB stick, it
high scanning speed phone/tablet ealily and quick by a QR code. is also possible to upload the scans to the
short scanning cycles The data are transmitted via WLAN router or Dropbox.
high depth focus integration into the in-house WLAN network.
high quality output data During extended periods of inactivity, connect- Software module for delivery service
preview function for quality control ed APP users are automatically disconnected incl. software module barcode and scan-to-
follow-me solutions from the scanner WLAN. network
multilingual user menu
flexible interfaces Software module Output of highly
Perfect Book 3.0 – scan technology for a compressed PDF
perfect book curve correction With this feature, the amount of data stored
remote maintenance and remote in PDFs is minimized without loss of quality.
energy efficiency – in line with Energy Star Additional software modules:
OCR (searchable pdf), scan-to-network,
Footswitch USB for starting the scan
Book holder Kit 140° - 90°
Hard-disk SSD
Output File Format TIFF, Multipage TIFF, PDF, Multipage PDF, JPEG, PNG
Weight approx. 25 kg
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