Session 6: Speaking Part 2 Interview and Individual Long Turn
Session 6: Speaking Part 2 Interview and Individual Long Turn
Session 6: Speaking Part 2 Interview and Individual Long Turn
Exercise 1: Work with one or two other students to talk about the following topic. You can make
a few notes before you begin. Try to speak for one or two minutes without interruption. Refer
to the language in the Useful language box.
Describe a visit you can remember to one of the following places and explain what you
remember especially about it
museum cinema historic building art gallery theatre concert hall
The thing I remember most (about it/ the film, etc.) was…
What I liked (most) (about it/ the day, etc.) was…
The (best/ most beautiful/ worst, etc.) (about it) was….
It was the (best/ worst/ most beautiful, etc)… I’ve ever…. (seen/ been to/ heard, etc.)
Exercise 2
In part 2 of the Speaking Module, you may be asked to talk about a place you know. This could
be somewhere you remember from the past or somewhere that is special to you for other
2.1. Analyzing the task TIPS
Answer all the questions. You needn’t
Read the candidate task card below and answer the questions answer them in order and you needn’t
1. Is the topic about and urban or rural place? spend an equal amount of time in each
question. You may have more to say
2. What tense/tenses will you use to talk about 1-4? about some questions than others.
3. At what point do you have to give reasons?
4. What place would you choose to describe?
Describe a place you know that has beautiful natural environment.
You should say:
(1) where it is located
(2) what it looks like
(3) when you first went there
and explain (4) why you find this place especially beautiful.
Number in order the expressions used by the speaker to signal the different parts of the
talk. Then listen again and check.
Well, the place I’d like to talk about is….
And the reason why….
The first time I went there was when…
What attracted me to this place was….
2.3 Spend one minute making notes for your own talk on the task in 2.1, using a list or a
mindmap. Use your notes to talk for two minutes on the topic. Time and record yourself.
Read the card
Make notes of the key points/key vocabulary
Talk about the topic in the card, answer ALL questions. What you say doesn’t have to be
completely true and you don’t need any special knowledge
Try to avoid pausing
Stop when the examiner tells you to
At the end of Part 2, the examiner may ask you one or two “rounding-off” questions about your
topic. Although long answers are NOT required for these, you can give fluent, idiomatic short
3.1 Look at the short answer below. Which would you choose for each question?
1. Do you often go to this place? No, I’ve only been once before
No, but I wish I could
Yes, as often as I can
2. Would you recommend this place to other people? No, that would spoil it.
Yes, definitely!
I suppose so.
3. Do you think you’ll go to this place again? Probably not, it’s too hard to get there
I’ll certainly try.
I hope so.
3.2 Listen to the exchanges on the recording. Underline the words in the answers which are
stressed. Then practice saying these short responses as fluently as you can.
Rounding-off questions:
Do you think you will live where you re now for the rest of your life?
Where would you like to live if you could move home?
What kind of house would you like to own?
2. Practice at home and record yourself
A. Describe a café you know. You B. Describe a town or city you really like.
should say: You should say:
• where this café is which town or city it is
• what type of drinks/food the café where it is
serves when you went there
• how often you go to this café and explain why you like it so much
and explain why you would
3 English Language Skills Development Division – F.O.E. – H.N.U.E.