TU-3023-2024 Tender Documents

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No. Proc: TU-3023-2024

Smoke Detector
Sealed bids are invited from reputable firms/ distributor/ suppliers for procurement of the following.
S.No Description Qty Unit

1 Intelligent addressable smoke detectors with base & accessories supply and 140 No’s
fixing compete in all respect (Honeywell) FSP-851 or Equivalent
Heat Detector Intelligent addressable heat detectors with base & accessories
2 60 No’s
supply and fixing complete in all respect (Honeywell) FST-851 or Equivalent
Intelligent addressable pull station Intelligent addressable pull station base and
3 20 No’s
accessories complete in all respect (Honeywell) or Equivalent
4 Horn Strobe with flusher Horn Strobe with flusher Honeywell or equivalent 10 No’s
Fire Point One heat detector point, smoke detector point, manual pull station
5 point and horn strobe point, Wiring with single core 1mm fire proof cable in 260 No’s
concealed conduit PVC duct, stove enameled, supply and fixing.
FACP, Model NFS2-640/E Intelligent Fire Panel, FACP, Model NFS2-640/S
Intelligent Fire Panel, Electrical ratings 240 V 50/60 Hz primary power source
6 1 No
and 24 V DC Battery (Stand by Power Source). Made by Honeywell , Notifier
or Equivalent

Notice: Tender Procedure: Single Stage Two Envelop Basis.

 Delivery FOR Haripur.
 Bidders can also drop the bids in the Tender Box Placed near the entrance of NRTC.
 Bidders must submit their bids as per tender requirement i.e clearly marked as financial and
technical proposals. Complete technical literature along with technical bid.
 Price inclusive and exclusive of taxes need to be mentioned separately. (Supplier must be active
tax payer otherwise bid will be treated as cancelled).
 Rs-100,000/- as a bid security in shape of Pay Order/Demand Draft in favor of NRTC Haripur
be attached with technical bid in a separate Envelope. Otherwise bid will not be entertained.
 Bids complete in all respect as per tender/bidding documents and properly filled check list will
be considered acceptable.
 Financial health of the firm must be attached (Ref Form # 4) tender documents attached.
 Price must be quoted in PKR.
 Bid Validity: 90 days.
 Warranty: Standard warranty

NRTC reserves the right to accept or reject at any time prior to the acceptance of any or all the tenders /

Bids complete in all respect should reach the office of the under signed up to 15 July, 2024 till 1030
hours and Bids will be opened at 1100 hours on same day.

Tel: 0995-666584, 0995-666657 Fax: 0995-610933
Email: proc.local@nrtc.com.pk,
Web Site: www.nrtc.com.pk
Tender Document
Supply and Installation of Fire
Fighting System
No.Proc: TU-3023-2024

Tel: 0995-666584 / 0995-666657

Page 2
Tender Notice
Supply and Installation of Fire Fighting System
No.Proc: TU-3023-2024
1. National Radio Telecommunication Corporation, Haripur, invites tender from renowned
firms/companies registered with Income Tax/Sales Tax Departments and are on Active Tax
Payer List of FBR (I.T & GST), for Supply and installation of firefighting system.
2. Tender procedure will base upon “Single Stage-Two Envelope” bidding method as
prescribed under PPRA rules.
3. The Technical Bid must be accompanied with the earnest money @ 100,000/- as bid
security in the shape of Pay Order /Demand Draft (refundable) drawn in favor of
National Radio Telecommunication Corporation, Haripur ( NTN: 0009815-9).
4. Tender documents are available online for the interested firms/parties on PPRA website as
well as NRTC website which can be downloaded. Interested firms/bidders are required to
submit their bids proposals .
5. Sealed tenders/bids (prepared in ac 15 July ,2024 at 1100 hrs .(closing Time)
6. Only Technical Bids will be opened in on the same day half hour after the closing time in the
Office of HOD (Procurement), National Radio Telecommunication Corporation, Haripur.

Tel:0995-666584,0995-666657 Fax: 0995-610933
Email: Proc.local@nrtc.com.pk
Website: www.nrtc.com.pk

Page 3
Eligibility & Qualification

Detail Criteria Envelope

1. Technical Compliance sheet (Form 1-A) Mandatory
2. GST and NTN Registered Mandatory
3. Active Tax Payer List (ATL) of FBR
Status as “Active”.
4. Proof of Non-Blacklisting:
Affidavit on legal paper of appropriate value (duly attested from notary
public)/letterhead that the firm/company is neither black listed nor in
litigation with any of its public sector client

5. Warranty/Guarantee Terms
As per manufacture warranty required for serial no 1 of BOQ
6. Authorized Dealer/Re- Seller
The bidder must provide authorized dealership/re-seller certificate of Mandatory
the brand if any
7. Declaration Form (Form No.2) Mandatory Technical Bid

8. Draft of Earnest Money Mandatory

9. Brochure
Detail of equipment, brands, country of origin with complete specification

10. Professional Experience (Form No. 3 (Table-3-A)

i. List of executed/ similar contracts in public sector/ government
offices/Embassies etc since establishment.
(List 03 contracts). Each valid contract = 5 Marks each
Total Marks = 15
Copies of contract agreement/work order etc are mandatory
12. Clientele List (Form No. 3 (Table 3-B)
List 05 different clients of similar nature contracts.
Total Marks = 15 Marks (3 Marks per client)
Copies of contract agreement/work order etc are mandatory

13. Bid /Quotation (Form No.1-B) In Financial

(Strictly as per pattern)
Mandatory Bid

Bids Evaluation Criteria:

 Bids will be evaluated in fair, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. For the purpose of
determining the lowest evaluated bid, the above criteria shall be taken into consideration of bids.

 To be qualified, securing at least 75% Passing Marks. ( Evaluation criteria enclosed Form #4 )
Page 4
 After evaluation/marking of bidders in technical evaluation process, financial bids of technically
qualified bidders will be only opened later on prior notice.

General Terms & Conditions

1. The Terms & Conditions are as under:

No tender will be considered if: ‐
a) Received without required documentation or found incomplete.
b) Received later than the date and time fixed for Tender submission.
c) The Tender is unsigned/ unstamped.
d) The Tender is singed/stamped by the unauthorized agent of the Firm/company.
e) The Tender is from a firm which is black listed or in litigation of some sort with any Public-
Sector Organization.
f) The Tender is received by telephone/telex/fax/telegram.
g) Tenders received without earnest money.
h) In contradiction with the specification given by the NRTC.

2. Suppliers, who are on Active Taxpayers List (ATL) of FBR, both GST and Income Tax are eligible to
3. Bidders will have to produce the proof of being a Tax Filer with FBR.
4. Income tax as applicable and announced by the Govt. of Pakistan will be deducted at source.
5. The payment will be made after successful completion of all items and job, for the items accepted by
6. The tender must accompany earnest money as mentioned in the tender notice, of the total value of the
bid in the form of Call Deposit Receipt (CDR) (refundable) drawn in favor of National Radio
Telecommunication Corporation, Haripur.
7. The rates must be quoted as per pattern and in PKR.
8. Prices should be valid for 90 days.

9. Any attempt by a bidder to influence in the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post qualification
of the Bids or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its bid.

10. NRTC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders as per PPRA Rules 33.

11. No advance payment will be permissible.

12. The Work will be given to lowest evaluated bidder on the basis of lowest evaluated bid. In case the
successful bidder(s) refuse to supply the item(s), the earnest money will be forfeited AND a ban from
business with NRTC for a period of ONE YEAR will be imposed.

13. The Supply will be made from the date of work Order. Ready stock will be given preference

14. In case of delay in delivery, penalty will be imposed as per NRTC PO/Contract.

Page 5
15. In cases lowest bidder refuses or fails to supply the item(s) within the deadline(s), the Work Order may
be offered to the next lowest bidder and same principle for 3rd, 4th lowest bidders and so on risk and
expense of the supplier.

16. In case of defects/non-compatibility/sub-standard at any stage (from supply till validity of warranty
period), NRTC will inform the bidder within 15 days-time and the bidder will arrange for replacement of
the item(s) within 15 days’ time. In case of non-compliance, NRTC will arrange the equipment OR
part(s) from alternate source(s) and the charges/expense incurred on the equipment/part(s) will be
deducted from the earnest money/Invoice/performance Guarantee of the vendor.

17. Applicable Income tax and GST will be deducted at source/as per rules. In case of exemption,
please mention and attach the proper documentation duly verified from the concerned tax
authorities/FBR; however, if NRTC will be final authority to accept or reject the exemption
certificate and the vendor may claim refund from Tax Authorities/FBR.
18. In case of any holiday is announced by the Govt. OR any other unforeseeable circumstances that
prevent the tender from being opened on the date announced (Force Majure), the tenders will be
opened on the VERY NEXT WORKING DAY. Time and venue of the tender will remain as
mentioned in the tender notice.
19. In case of Tie in rates, the bidder securing highest technical score in the criteria will be awarded
the contract. In case of tie in technical Score, the bidder having the most valued work orders
(work orders provided against relevant experience) will be awarded the Work Order.
20. The documents prepared by the Bidder as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the Bid
shall be in English only.
21. The currency of the quotation would be in Pakistan Rupees only.
22. In case of calculation error, the unit price will be considered as valid.
23. Any proposal/tender received by NRTC after the deadline will be returned unopened to bidder
concerned. Delays in the mail or courier, delays of person in transit, or delivery of a proposal to the
wrong office shall not be accepted as an excuse for failure to deliver a proposal at the proper place and
time. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to determine the manner in which timely delivery of his
proposal will be accomplished either in person, by messenger or by mail to the concerned office. .
24. In case a firm/company submits two bids/options against our tender; the bid with the highest
value/amount will be considered.
25. Payment will be made as per actual quantity provided/supplied & accepted.
26. NRTC is authorized to vary quantities at the time of establishing the contract or as decided
latterly according to its requirement and budget as per PPRA rules.
27. Do not submit any other document other than demanded.
28. No request for correction will be entertained after opening of the bid.

Page 6
Form 1(A)
[Letterhead of the Firm]

Ref No: NTN:

Date: GST:

Technical Compliance Performa

Supply and Installation of Fire Fighting System
S.N Brand Higher Specs
Detail of Specifications Compliance complianc
Offered If any
Smoke Detector
Intelligent addressable smoke detectors with base
& accessories supply and fixing compete in all
respect (Honeywell) FSP-851 or Equivalent
Heat Detector Intelligent addressable heat detectors
with base & accessories supply and fixing
complete in all respect (Honeywell) FST-851 or
Intelligent addressable pull station Intelligent
3 addressable pull station base and accessories
complete in all respect (Honeywell) or Equivalent
Horn Strobe with flusher Horn Strobe with flusher
Honeywell or equivalent
Fire Point One heat detector point, smoke detector
point, manual pull station point and horn strobe
5 point, Wiring with single core 1mm fire proof
cable in concealed conduit PVC duct, stove
enameled, supply and fixing.
FACP, Model NFS2-640/E Intelligent Fire Panel,
FACP, Model NFS2-640/S Intelligent Fire Panel,
Electrical ratings 240 V 50/60 Hz primary power
source and 24 V DC Battery (Stand by Power
Source). Made by Honeywell , Notifier or

Warranty as per standard

Bid Valid as per given in the terms & conditions.

Signature: _________________
Name: _________________
Contact Information: ______________
Official Stamp: _________________

Page 7
Form 1(B)

[Letterhead of the Firm]

Ref No: NTN:

Date: GST:

Financial Bid
Supply and Installation of Fire Fighting System
Unit Price Total Cost
Unit Price GST
S.N Detail of Specifications Qty (GST including all
(GST Excl) Amount
INCL)) taxes
Smoke Detector
Intelligent addressable smoke detectors with base &
1 140
accessories supply and fixing compete in all respect
(Honeywell) FSP-851 or Equivalent
Heat Detector Intelligent addressable heat detectors
2 with base & accessories supply and fixing complete 60
in all respect (Honeywell) FST-851 or Equivalent
Intelligent addressable pull station Intelligent
3 addressable pull station base and accessories 20
complete in all respect (Honeywell) or Equivalent
Horn Strobe with flusher Horn Strobe with flusher
4 10
Honeywell or equivalent
Fire Point One heat detector point, smoke detector
point, manual pull station point and horn strobe
5 point, Wiring with single core 1mm fire proof cable 260
in concealed conduit PVC duct, stove enameled,
supply and fixing.
FACP, Model NFS2-640/E Intelligent Fire Panel,
FACP, Model NFS2-640/S Intelligent Fire Panel,
Electrical ratings 240 V 50/60 Hz primary power
6 1
source and 24 V DC Battery (Stand by Power
Source). Made by Honeywell , Notifier or
Warranty as per standard

Bid Valid as per given in the terms & conditions.

Signature: _________________
Name: _________________
Contact Information: ______________

Official Stamp: _________________

Page 8
Form 2
Declaration Form
(This form is to be provided with the Bid. Non-provision of this form will disqualify the bidder from the bidding

All the terms & conditions have been carefully read and understood and are hereby unconditionally accepted
and it is declared that
I understand that by inserting any condition in my bid consciously or unconsciously will AUTOMATICALLY
disqualify me from the bidding process.
All the information furnished by me/us here-in is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I/we have no objection if enquiries are made about the work listed by me/us in the accompanying annexure.
I / We agree that the decision of committee in selection will be final and binding to me/us.
I / We have read the instructions appended to the proforma and I / we understand that if any false information
is found at any stage, the committee is at liberty to act in a manner it feels deemed fit, which includes, but not
limited to, confiscation of Security/Earnest Money AND/OR imposing a bar/restriction from future business with
CUI AND/OR blacklisting.

Tender No.

Name of Firm/ Company

Year of Establishment

Name of Owner/Authorized agent

Office Address



Valid Telephone No.

Valid E-mail
(For Official Correspondence)

Signature & Stamp

(Authorized Representative)

Page 9
Form 3
Table 3-A

Detail of Work Executed since establishment

SN Organization & Address Duration Amount/Cost














Page 10
Form 3
Table 3-B

Detail of Clients

Year of work
SN Organization & Address Contact Information















Attach Work Order/Contract Agreement for each of the above in above order as proof.
Bid will be rejected in case of non-provision of proof.
Filling of all fields are mandatory.

Page 11
S.No Assessment Parameters Marks Qualifying Marks

Financial Soundness of the firm

1 (1) Financial Bank Soundness Certificate up to 05

04 million
(2) Financial Bank Soundness Certificate up to 10
06 million
(1) Sole Distributer. 15
(2) Authorized Distributer. 10
(3) Other. 05
3 Technical scrutiny 40

4 (1) After Sales Support + Warranty 02 years 15

(2) After Sales Support + Warranty 03 years 20

Affidavit on legal that firm is not blacklisted and

5 05
contractor in owner on proprietor of the firm


 Supplier will submit experience report of

6 the similar items & also share after-sales 05
services feedback including. Satisfactory
performance certificate from previous

List of customers/ completed contractor in last 3-5

7 05

Form # 4

Evaluation Criteria

Page 12
Total Marks: 100

Passing Marks: 75

Check List (To be filled by Bidder)

Please submit your proposal in the order as below with

Proper separators/Proper Binding/Plastic Cover/Staple

Bid Yes No
Detail Status
Envelope  
1. ALL Pages signed and Stamped by Bidder

2. Technical Compliance sheet (Form 1-A)

Mandatory Technical
1. Draft of Earnest Money
3. Bid (Form 1)
4. Declaration Form (Form 2)

Page 13
5. GST and NTN Registered
6. Active Tax Payer List (ATL) of FBR

7. Proof of Non-Blacklisting:
8. Warranty / Guarantee Terms

9. Authorized Dealer/ Re- Seller

10. Draft of Earnest Money
11. Brochure
12. Professional Experience Form No.3 (Table-3-A)
13. Clientele list Form No.3 (Table-3-B)

14. Technical Resources & Services Support

15. Bid /Quotation (Form No.1-B) Financial

Page 14

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