Energy Resources Activity 2

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LectureActivity No.66
Geothermal and
and Hydroelectric
Hydroelectric Energy



Geothermal energy has been used for thousands of years in some countries for cooking
and heating. It is simply power derived from the Earth’s internal heat. This thermal energy is
contained in the rock and fluids beneath Earth’s crust. It can be found from shallow ground to
several miles below the surface, and even farther down to the extremely hot molten rock
called magma. These underground reservoirs of steam and hot water can be tapped to generate
electricity or to heat and cool buildings directly. A geothermal heat pump system  can take
advantage of the constant temperature of the upper ten feet (three meters) of the Earth’s surface
to heat a home in the winter, while extracting heat from the building and transferring it back to
the relatively cooler ground in the summer. Geothermal water from deeper in the Earth can be
used directly for heating homes and offices, or for growing plants in greenhouses. Source:
Aside from the heat harnessed from the earth’s interior as one of the primary sources of
renewable energy, water and gravity can also generate energy. Moving water due to gravity is
a powerful source of energy.  The power harnessed from moving bodies of water is called
hydroelectric power.  The Philippines make use of two methods in order to harness power; dam
storage or impoundment, and run-of-river.  While impoundment makes use of man-made dams
in order to store water, run-of-river relies on flowing bodies of water like waterfalls.  Both
methods turn a turbine in order to generate power.  Hydroelectric power plants in the
Philippines are located in Pangasinan, Benguet, Laguna, Isabela, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Ilocos
Sur, Bohol, Lanao del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Bukidnon, Davao del Sur, and Misamis Oriental.


At the end of this activity, students will be able to:

1. Explain how heat from inside the earth is tapped as a source of energy (geothermal) for human
2. Determine the three major types of geothermal power plants.
Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
3. Describe how energy (hydroelectric) is harnessed from flowing water
4. Recognize the classification of hydroelectric power plants based on the specific characteristics
of water origin.
5. Cite the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal and hydroelectric energy


Direction: Briefly define or describe the following terms:

Useful Terms Definition/Description

1. Geothermal The geothermal gradient is the amount that the Earth’s temperature
gradient increases with depth. It indicates heat flowing from the Earth’s warm
interior to its surface.
2. Low temperature Low-temperature geothermal energy is defined as heat obtained from
geothermal energy the geothermal fluid in the ground at temperatures of 300°F (150°C)
or less.
3. Medium Geothermal water at temperatures of 90 to 160°C can be used in
temperature liquid form to generate power.
geothermal energy
4. High temperature If the geothermal water is hotter than 160°C, it can be used directly in
geothermal energy the form of steam to drive turbines and generate power
5. Geothermal A geothermal reservoir is that part of the Earth's crust from which
reservoir internal energy content can be recovered with the help of some
reservoir fluid: steam, hot water, or a mixture of both.
Hydropower uses a fuel water that is not reduced or used up in the
6. Hydropower process. Because the water cycle is an endless, constantly recharging
system, hydropower is considered a renewable energy. When flowing
water is captured and turned into electricity.
7. Run-of-river hydroelectric systems that harvest the energy from flowing water to
hydropower plant generate electricity in the absence of a large dam and reservoir—
which is how they differ from conventional impoundment
hydroelectric facilities
8. Off-stream
hydropower plant
9. Pumped storage a type of hydroelectric energy storage. It is a configuration of two
hydropower plant water reservoirs at different elevations that can generate power
(discharge) as water moves down through a turbine; this draws power
as it pumps water (recharge) to the upper reservoir.
a renewable energy powered by the natural rise and fall of ocean tides
10. Tidal power and currents. Some of these technologies include turbines and

Science, Technology, and Society GUIDE QUESTIONS
Lecture FOR
Activity 6 Geothermal andDISCUSSION
Hydroelectric Energy
Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How does the Philippines perform in the production and use of geothermal and
hydroelectric energy?
 The Philippines currently has seven geothermal fields which supply about 12 percent
of the nation’s energy, with a long-term plan to nearly double capacity by 2040.
 The Philippines has a total installed capacity connected to its three grids of about 22
728 MW, comprising 3627 MW of hydropower.
2. How is the power of flowing waters converted into electricity?
 The flowing water turn the turbines and it is converted to electricity no waste and
no pollution produced
3. Describe how geothermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants are classified.
 There are three types of geothermal power plants: dry steam, flash steam, and
binary cycle. Dry steam power plants draw from underground resources of steam.
Flash steam power plants are the most common. They use geothermal reservoirs
of water with temperatures greater than 360°F (182°C). Binary cycle power plants
operate on water at lower temperatures of about 225°-360°F (107°-182°C).
 There are three types of hydropower facilities: impoundment, diversion, and
pumped storage. An impoundment facility, typically a large hydropower system,
uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir. An impoundment facility, typically
a large hydropower system, uses a dam to store river water in a reservoir. Another
type of hydropower called pumped storage works like a battery, storing the
electricity generated by other power sources like solar, wind, and nuclear for later
4. Explain how tidal range and change can be tapped to generate renewable energy.


Part 1. Construction of Geothermal Power plant and Hydroelectric power plant

Make a simple illustration on how geothermal power plants generate electricity. Compare this
process by which a typical hydroelectric power plant produces electricity.

A. Mechanism of Geothermal Power Plant

Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
B. Mechanism of Hydroelectric Power Plant

Based on the illustrations above, what can you infer on the similarities and differences by which
electricity is generated from geothermal and hydroelectric power plants?

Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
in geothermal it comes from steam and go to the turbine and generator going to cooling
water lastly to the injection well while on hydroelectric it comes from the water in the dam
pasing by the penstock going to the turbine then downstream outlet and generator and power
house to the transformer going to power transmission cables

Part 2. Effects of Utilizing Geothermal and Hydro Energy. List the advantages and
disadvantages of using geothermal energy and hydro energy (hydroelectric) in providing humans
with consumable electricity. Write your answers in the following table:

A. Advantages
Parameters Geothermal Energy Hydro Energy
Geothermal provides a reliable Hydroelectricity makes it
1. Sustainability source of energy as compared to possible to utilize other
other renewable resources such renewable sources. The
as wind and solar power. flexibility and storage capacity
of hydroelectric power plants
make them more economical in
supporting the use of
intermittent sources of
renewable energy, such as solar
2. Land use and Geothermal energy is more Hydroelectricity promotes
Environmental Impact environmentally friendly than guaranteed energy and price
conventional fuel sources such stability. River water is a
as coal and other fossil fuels. domestic resource which, unlike
fuel or natural gas, is not subject
to market fluctuations.
One of the most important the majority of the hydroelectric
3. Economic Impact economic plants supply to public
aspects of geothermal energy is electricity networks
that it is
generated using indigenous
which reduces our nation’s
dependence on
imported energy, thereby
reducing trade
Energy generated from this Hydropower is a flexible source
4. Energy production resource is easy to calculate of electricity as hydro plants can
since it does not fluctuate in the be scaled up and down quickly
same way as other energy to meet the changing energy
sources, such as solar and wind. demands.
This means we can predict the
power output from a geothermal
plant with a high degree of
Geothermal installations require Hydropower plants require low
5. Cost of Construction minimal maintenance compared cost of maintenance and
Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
to conventional power plants. As operation. Since they have few
a result, they are reliable and parts, the plants need minimal
cheap in operation. replacements.
6. Effect on geological the amount of greenhouse gas The creation of hydroelectricity
and atmospheric cycle from geothermal power plants is does not release emissions into
only 5% in the contrary with the atmosphere. This is, of
coal-fired power plants. course, the biggest appeal of any
renewable energy source.

B. Disadvantages

Parameters Geothermal Energy Hydro Energy

In order to maintain the Hydroelectricity is hydrology
1. Sustainability sustainability of geothermal dependent. The system depends
energy fluid needs to be pumped on precipitation levels, which
back into the underground can fluctuate from year to year,
reservoirs faster than it is causing instability.
2. Land use and The largest single disadvantage Hydropower is non-polluting,
Environmental Impact of geothermal energy is that it is but does have environmental
location specific. Geothermal impacts. Hydropower facilities
plants need to be built in places can affect land use, homes, and
where the energy is accessible, natural habitats in the dam area.
which means that some areas are Reservoirs may cover people’s
not able to exploit this resource. homes, important natural areas,
agricultural land, and
archaeological sites.
the high initial investment cost Building a dam and reservoir to
3. Economic Impact in constructing the facilities and support hydroelectric power
infrastructure and the high risk takes a lot of money, time, and
of proving the resources construction, and most of the
suitable sports to locate hydro
plants have already been taken.
the chances are that specific Electricity generation and
4. Energy production locations might cool down after energy prices are directly related
time, making it impossible to to how much water is available.
harvest more geothermal energy A drought could potentially
in future. affect this.
Geothermal energy is an While no power plant is easy to
5. Cost of Construction expensive resource to tap into, build, hydro plants do require
with price tags ranging from you to build a dam to stop
around $2-$7 million for a plant running water. As a result, they
with a 1 megawatt capacity. cost more than similarly sized
fossil fuel plants.
6. Effect on geological High environmental While the actual electricity
and atmospheric cycle consumption of fresh water can generation in the plant does not
be a loss for the environment, produce emissions, there are
which will ultimately lead to its emissions from the reservoirs

Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
deficit. they create. Plants that are at the
bottom of a reservoir begin to
decompose. And when plants
die, they release large quantities
of carbon and methane.

Part 4. Assessing Geothermal Energy and Hydropower Potential in the Philippines. Based
on the available geological maps of our country you can simply identify and analyze the
geological features and properties of several areas such as volcanic landforms, mountain terrains,
fault lines, active tectonics and hydrological features. With the help of this simple survey, list at
least five provinces or municipalities in our country that show huge potential in producing
geothermal energy. Write your data in Table A for the geothermal energy potential and Table B
for the hydropower potential in our country.

Table A. Survey of Geothermal Energy Potential

Candidate Features/Characteristics of the Reason/s for commissioning a
Province/Municipality Area geothermal power plant
Mount balungao with hot The volcano is inactive with a
Pangasinan spring and cold spring nearby hot spring nearby that can be
ideal for a geothermal power

Table B. Survey of Hydropower Potential

Geological or Geographical
Candidate Features/Characteristics of the Reason/s for commissioning a
Province/Municipality Area hydroelectric power plant

Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy

1. Why is geothermal energy not always a renewable energy source?

 geothermal sources may not always be truly sustainable. If a geothermal power
plant uses heated water more quickly than groundwater is replaced, the plant will
eventually run out of water. In addition, the water of many hot springs contains
chemicals that dam- age equipment and add to pollution.

2. What savings, in both electricity and pesos, could a geothermal and hydropower system
provide to your community?

In can product cost effective electricity and also having government owned plants
can also help in regulating the market of this electricity.


In case you have won 20 million pesos in a lottery and planning to build a more sustainable
house. With the goal of maximizing energy deficiency consider the following questions in
building your dream house:

1. What type of house would you build?

It will be a house that has 3 floors and is powered by solar panels.
2. How large would it be?
Roughly 100 meters
3. Where would you locate it?
Locations near the city but not within.
4. What types of materials would you use?
I want to have a house made of either steel or concrete
5. How would you heat and cool the house?
Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy
Since there is no winter I think I won’t be needing heat but for cooling I want to use a
energy saving central aircon and some electric fans for rooms
6. What types of lighting, stove refrigerator, washer, and dryer would you use?
I want to save by using led type of lights and also energy saving electric appliances

Science, Technology, and Society Lecture Activity 6 Geothermal and Hydroelectric Energy

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