Deed of Sale of Motorcycle: Know All Men by These Presents
Deed of Sale of Motorcycle: Know All Men by These Presents
Deed of Sale of Motorcycle: Know All Men by These Presents
BEN C. LADEN, of legal age, married, Filipino citizen and with residence address
at #88 Mary St. Maria Makiling, Quezon City, is the lawful owner of a certain motor
vehicle which is more particularly described as follows:
That for and in consideration of the sum of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE
THOUSAND PESOS (Php 165,000.00), receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged to my
entire satisfaction, I hereby sell unto MARWAN U. MAUTE of legal age, Filipino citizen
and with residence address at 9966 Nuebe De Pebrero, Mandaluyong City, the above
described motor vehicle, I further state that the said vehicle is free from all liens and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands, this 08 March 2021,
in Quezon City, Philippines.
In Quezon City, Philippines, this 8 th day of March 2021, before me, in and for the said
city, personally appeared BEN C. LADEN and MARWAN U. MAUTE with SSS ID No.
17593450-14 and PAG-IBIG ID No. 124856742791, respectively, known to me and to
me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of Sale of
Motorcycle, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free
and voluntary act and deed, after having the same fully explained to them and realizing
the effects to all the parties referred to therein, of all the matters and things dealt with in
said instrument; that the same was executed and signed by them without any
persuasion, promise, threat, force, duress, fraud, or representation of any kind by any
person whomsoever and that they understood the full contents thereof as well as the
effects thereof.
WITNESS MY HAND, this 8th day of March 2021, in Quezon City, Philippines.