Chattel Mortgage: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Have Signed This Instrument On 17 June

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Republic of the Philippines )

Quezon City ) s.s.



That I, Miranda T. Man, of legal age, single, and resident of Quezon

City, for and in consideration of the loan of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P200,000.00), granted to me by David Ryan S. Chua, also of legal age,
single, and resident of #65 Herrera St. Sta. Cruz, Manila, to be paid one year
(1) year from date hereof, have transferred and conveyed by way of chattel
mortgage unto said Toyota Corolla 1994, his heirs, successors and assigns,
free from all liens and encumbrances that certain motor vehicle, at present
in my possession at my address, more particularly described as:

Model/Make No./Color : Toyota Corolla 1994 Red;

Chassis No. : 3283628vdv;
Engine No. : 1972949364;

of which I am the true and absolute owner by title thereto, being

evidenced by Registration Certificate of Motor Vehicle No. 12736 issued in
my name by the Land Transportation Office on 02 June 2000.

This chattel mortgage has been executed in order to secure the full
and faithful payment of my obligation to David Ryan S. Chua in accordance
with the terms and conditions of this instrument; Upon payment, this
contract shall become null and void; otherwise, it shall continue in full force
and effect and may be foreclosed in accordance with law.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed this instrument on 17 June

2021 at Quezon City, Philippines.

Miranda T. Man

Signed in the presence of:

Juan Paolo Bediones Evelyn Chua

Republic of the Philippines )
Quezon City )S.S.


In Quezon City, Philippines, this 17 th day of June 2021, before

me, in and for the said city, personally appeared MIRANDA T. MAN
with SSS ID No. 03-588367-06, known to me and to me known to be
the same person who executed the foregoing Chattel Mortgage, and
she acknowledged to me that she executed the same as her free and
voluntary act and deed, after having the same fully explained to her
and realizing the effects thereof and, of all the matters and things
dealt with in said instrument; that the same was executed and signed
by her without any persuasion, promise, threat, force, duress, fraud,
or representation of any kind by any person whomsoever and that he
understood the full contents thereof as well as the effects thereof.

WITNESS MY HAND, this 17th day of June, in Quezon City,


Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2021.

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