Abaqus To MS Word
Abaqus To MS Word
Abaqus To MS Word
General steps of Abaqus/CAE for solving the problem
1. Creating part
2. Creating material
3. Defining the assembly/Instant
4. Configuring analysis
5. Applying boundary conditions and loads to the model
6. Meshing the model
7. Creating an analysis job
8. Checking the model
9. Running the analysis
10. Postprocessing with Abaqus/CAE
1. Part
a. Renaming model name: model 1
b. Create part:
a. Piled raft:
Name: piled raft
Modeling space: 3D
Type: deformable
Base feature: 1) shape: solid
2) type: extrusion
Approximate size: 50
Edit base extrusion:
End condition
Type: blind
Depth: 0.5
1. Solid extrude – 1 (raft part)
Section sketch
3. Partition cell – 1
Section assignment:
edit section assignment
region: the raft part
section: concrete
type: solid homogeneous
material: concrete
b. Name: soil
Modeling space: 3D
Type: deformable
Base feature: 1) shape: solid
2) type: extrusion
Approximate size: 100
Edit base extrusion
End condition: type: blind
Depth: 20
Generally, under soil part seven features are defined.
1. solid extrude – 1
2. Material
Name: concrete
Material behaviors
• Uniform mass distribution of density 2400 is used.
• Elastic behavior
o Isotropic type
o Long term moduli time scale
o Young’s modulus E = 20590000000
o Poison’s ratio v = 0.2
Name: sand
Material behaviours
• Uniform mass distribution of density 1600 is used.
• Elastic behavior
o Isotropic type
o Long-term moduli time scale
o Young’s modulus E = 45 MPa
o Poison’s ratio v = 0.35
• Mohr-Coulomb plasticity
o Plasticity
▪ Friction angle 𝜑 = 30°
▪ Dilation angle = 20°
o Cohesion
▪ Cohesion yield stress = 1
▪ Absolute plastic strain = 0
3. Section
Name: concrete
Type: solid, homogeneous
Name: sand
Type: solid homogeneous
Section assignment
3. Assembly/Instant
Table 2.1 Instance Table
Instance Name Color # Elements # Nodes Element type (# elements)
SOIL-1 31750 35394 C3D8R : (31750),
piled raft-1 7658 10356 C3D8R : (7658),
Figures Containing Instance SOIL-1 Bottom view Figures Containing Instance SOIL-1 Front view
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Figures Containing Instance piled raft-1 Bottom view Figures Containing Instance piled raft-1 Front view
5. Mesh
a. Element Type: select the regions to be assigned element type then click done
b. Mesh control: select the regions to be assigned mesh control then click done
c. Seed: select the part instances to be assigned global seeds then click done
d. Mesh: select the part of instances to be meshed then click done
Creating mesh
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Finally after meshing the assembled model looks like the figure below.
6. Configuring analysis
a. Master
b. Slave
7. Step
8. Constraint
a. Constraint Master
b. Constraint Slave
9. Boundary Condition
a. Settlement
b. Rough Base
c. BC's Left
d. BC's Right
e. BC's Bottom
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10. Job
a. Create Job
b. Data Check
c. Monitor
d. Submit
e. Result
Output Results
The analysis results of the given problem using the finite element-based software ABAQUS
2017 are shown below.
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11. Transfer the result data to MATLAB/excel data
17 | P a g e
14 -292179 -97391.9 -292179 -0.00049486 0.030698 0
15 -284092 -94740.4 -284107 -0.000272523 0.033139 0
16 -285235 -96027.6 -285253 -8.44E-05 0.035864 0
17 -287414 -98079.1 -287425 -4.62E-05 0.038456 0
18 -288507 -100144 -288520 -1.56E-05 0.041624 0
19 -289080 -103617 -289089 -4.02E-06 0.044681 0
20 -287720 -108899 -287728 0 0.048205 0
21 -284421 -116143 -284427 0 0.051583 0
22 -277572 -124310 -277575 0 0.055177 0
23 -267325 -130961 -267326 0 0.058556 0
24 -256236 -134559 -256238 0 0.061945 0
25 -250877 -135795 -250880 0 0.065265 0
25 -297048 1.04E+06 2.98E+05 0.065483 0
25 -346662 325049 -753443 0.065489 0
25 -396277 -394536 1.21E+06 0.065488 0
The graphical representation of some of the analysis output (stress in z direction, principal stress
variations and displacements) are shown below.
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stress variation in depth
Stress (N/m )
0 5 10 15 20 25
Depth (m)
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maximum principal stress variation with depth
maximum principal stress (N/m )
0 5 10 15 20 25
depth (m)
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minimum principal stress variation in depth
minimum principal stress (N/m )
0 5 10 15 20 25
depth (m)
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displacement variation in depth
displacement (m)
0 5 10 15 20 25
depth (m)
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