Ranganathan'S Theory OF Facet Analysis and Knowledge Representation
Ranganathan'S Theory OF Facet Analysis and Knowledge Representation
Ranganathan'S Theory OF Facet Analysis and Knowledge Representation
Presents the basis of than's theory ofFaeetAnalysis and
identifies its application to the analysis of knowledge. Discusses
its value in knowledge representation in different contexts.
knowledge. He identified his studies on Subject'; with each basic subject, several
the way knowledge gets embodied in entities. their properties, and actions
books, periodical articles. and other can be studied in relation to space and
rendered material; and based it on the time. Based on this analysis he identified
way in which the seekers approach a scheme for classification. he postu-
knowledge. Further, his analysis of con- lated categories that gave generalised
ceptual a s p e c t s of a n information abstractions. In each instance, a subject
storage and retrieval system would pro- may have the presence of one or more of
vide for achieving the following aspects : these categories. These categories are
stated a s follows :
(a) Providing better access to contents
of documents; % T h e : The pervasive temporal
aspects of the world such as day.
(b) Narrowing down and broadening the night. year, century. etc.
4: Space: Geo a n d o t h e r s p a t i a l
(c) P r o v i d i n g a l t e r n a t i v e s e a r c h concepts in the relational system
patterns; such as India, USA. USSR etc.
(d) Distinguishing between no matches Energy: Actions of various varieties
due to search error, and no matches s u c h as r u n n i n g , m a n a g i n g ,
between t h e i t e m s n o t i n t h e communicating, modelling, etc.
1 Matter: The properties and other
However, this analysis of information attributes of our object, such a s
retrieval should be backed u p by the name, valency. mobility, viscosity.
ability to analyse and synthese texts in etc.
a variety of ways. His postulates on
1 Personality: T h e o b j e c t s , t h e i r
analysis lead to facet analytic approach.
instantial variations, s u c h a s
Ranganathan said on the role of clas-
automobiles, passenger cars, sports
sification thus : 'A traveller will be helped
car, etc.
muck more, saved many wrong turns
and attracted to the home more easily, if * Basic subject: Chunk of a field of
the light put up by the host is a search knowledge, convenient a s a field of
light, which not only acts as a beacon but activity; such as 'Vehicle Engineering,
also lights u p the region through which Land Vehicle Engineering and Motor
he has to walk.Then there will not mere- Vehicle Engineering.'
ly the goal be glimmering but every inch This is a core model from which one
of the way will be illuminated. The for- can derive any number of representations
mula of facets and phases of a well- of knowledge embodied in documents and
other kinds of materials.
designed analytico-synthetic scheme of
classification will serve the purpose of
such a light'(see reference 1).
4. E x a F ,,, D i
Database For Public Finance
3. Facet-analytic Approach Example 1 Economic and politicd
concept modelling t h r o u g h foundations of tax structure. (Published
analytico-synthetic approach, we can i n American Economic Review. 1988,
adopt Ranganathan's approch (see refer- 78(4), 701-12).
ence 2). In his model, he proposed a Analysis:
universe of discourse, called 'Basic Time : 1988
7. Conclusion References
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in which concept modelling can proceed 2. ganathan, S.R. Prolegomena to
towards developing the basic taxonomy
library classification, Ed 3, Asia
for information processing and modell-
Publication House, New Deihi, 196'9.
ing for use in information retrieval sys-
tems. With the hardware development 3. Brachman, R.J. & Schmolze, J. An
for compact storage, faster retrieval and overview of the KL-ONE hawledge
search processes are to be made efficienr representation system. Cognitive
and effective. The software in the form of Science. 1985, 9, 171-216,