Assignment of Uloom Ul Quran For Ph-1

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Assignment of Uloom ul Quran for

Ph.D in Islamic Studies

An Introduction to Tafseer al Quran al

Kareen interpreted by Hafiz Abdus Salam

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Ibtisam Elahi Zaheer Dr Asim Naeem
Roll No.20

Institute of Islamic Studies


University of the Punjab

Introduction to Hafiz Abdus Salam Bhuttavi:

Hafiz Abdul Salam bin Muhammad is a Pakistani religious scholar

famous for his research work especially commentary on the Qur'an
named Tafseer ul Quran al Kraeem1 He has been associated with
the teaching profession for more than fifty years. He is also the
author and translator of several religious books2. He is the founding
Incharge of the Taiba Institute of Islamic stuides in Muridkay 3 and
supervise more than fifty religious schools across the country which
are associated with Taiba Institue of Islamic studies.

Early Life:
Hafiz Abdul Salam bin Muhammad was born on 27th August 1946
one year before the independence of Pakistan in Gohar Chak,
Pattoki where his maternal family was residing .His date of birth
according to Islamic calendar is 29th Ramadan 1365 AH .His village
is Bhatta Mohabbat, which is located in Depalpur Tehsil, Okara
District4. That is why he is called Bhuttavi. His father Hafiz
Muhammad Abu Al-Qasim Bhutto was also a religious scholar.


. Bin Muhammad,Hafiz Abdus salam,Tafseer al Quran Al Kareem.
. Bin Muhammad,Hafiz Abdus Salam,Tafseer al Quran Al Kareem.
. Zad al Mujahid , p.42, Markaz Tayyabah Muridkay,2003.
. Alvi,Farhat Naseem,A comparative study of translation of Quran by Molana Jona Gadhi
and Hafiz Abdus salam, University of Sargodha
Hafiz Abdul Salam bin Muhammad completed his religious
education after matriculation and memorization of Quran from
Jamia Muhammadiyah Okara and Jamiah Salafiyyah Faisalabad.
He holds certificate of Fazil in Arabic, Persian and Tibb with
specialization in theory of single organs.

Teaching Experience:
Hafiz Abdul Salam bin Muhammad started his career as a teacher
from Jamiah Muhammadiyyah Gujranwala. He was associated with
this famous institute of Islamic learning for 27 years from 1966 to
1992. During this time he also taught for one year at Jamiah
Tadrees ul Quran wal Hadith Rawalpindi. In 1992, he permanently
moved to Muridkay in district Sheikhupura and laid the foundation of
Taiba Institute for Islamic Studies. He is the founding in charge of
the Institute and a teacher to thousands of students who have
completed their education from this institute. Among his students
there are many well-known scholars5.

Experience as an Orator lectures and Muftee:

Hafiz Abdul Salam bin Muhammad is also known in Pakistan for his
Friday sermons, lectures on Quran and Hadith and detailed and
research based fatwas. He started his career as speaker in 1966 at
Jamia Masjid Bilal Satellite Town Gujranwala on instruction of
Maulana Muhammad Ismail Salafi (may Allah have mercy on him).

. Alvi,Farhat Naseem,A comparative study of translation of Quran by Molana Jona Gadhi
and Hafiz Abdus salam, University of Sargodha.
Later, on the instruction of Shaykh-ul-Hadeeth Maulana Abdullah
(may Allah have mercy on him), he continued to give Friday
sermons for one year at Jamiah Tadrees ul Quran wal Hadith
Rawalpindi. He also taught Sahih Bukhari and other books at this
institute. After returning to Gujranwala, he continued to deliver
Friday sermons at Jamia Masjid Ahle Hadith Wahdat Colony.
Shortly afterwards, he started delivering Friday sermons at Jamia
Masjid Al-Fatah of the People's Colony on instruction of Maulana
Abdullah (may Allah have mercy on him). He has been permanently
delivering Friday and Eid sermons there since 1988. There is a big
gathering here on these two occasions6.

Experience as a writer:
Hafiz Abdul Salam bin Muhammad has a passion for teaching,
oratory, medicine and wisdom as well as writing and research. In
addition to translating the Qur'an into easy-to-understand Urdu, he
has also written a four-volume commentary on the Qur'an called
Tafsir-ul-Quran al Kareem which has gained fame due to its high
standard and benefit for masses.
Some of his well-known writings and translations besides Tafseer ul
Quran al Kareem are7
1.Sharh Kitab al-Jami 'min Balugh al-Maram
2 Sharh Kitab al-Taharah min Balugh al-Maram
3. Maqalaat Tayyaba

.Bin Muhammad,Hafiz Abdus Salam,Mukhtasir Tafseer Al Quran.,p.12,Darul Andulus,2017
4.Ahkam Zakat wa Ushr
5. Translation of Islamic Aqeedah
6. Translation of Hasan al-Muslim
7.Why are we doing jihad?
8.Fitnah e Takfeer
9. Hindu customs and traditions among Muslims
10. Halal and haraam business in the light of Shariah
11. One deen four religions.

Introduction to Tafseer al Quran Al Kareem:

Holy Quran is a book of guidance for the humanity and it has the
honor for being the most read book in the world. The leader of the
humanity prophet Muhammad salall laho aliehi waslaam has
declared those who recite it as the best people of the societ.
Moreover he has also told the people of his Ummah that Allah
Almighty rewards for each and every letter for reciting it. Numerous
scholars from the time of the Companions of Holy prophet salal laho
aliehi wasalam to the present have rendered outstanding services
in understanding, translating and interpreting it. The Imams of
Hadiths have established chapters of Tafsir in the books of hadith.
Many valuable commentaries have been written since the time Ibne
Jareer. These commentaries are great source of knowledge and
Muslims have been getting benefits from the work of great
interpreters. Many of these commentaries have been translated into

In the recent past, scholars of all schools of thought in the Indian
subcontinent have rendered valuable services in writing Urdu
commentaries on the Holy Quran.
Some of the famous interpretations of Quran in this era are :
1.Tafheem ul Quran by Molana Abul Aala Mudoodi
2.Tadabbur ul Quran by Molana Ameen Ahsam Islahi
3.Tayseer ul Quran by Molana Abdur Rehman Kilanee
4.Ahsan Ul Bayan by Hafiz Salah ud din Yusuaf
5.Tafseer Sanna ee by Molana Sana ullah Amratsaree
The interpretation of Quran by Molana Abdus salam Bhuttavi is
indeed a great addition to the literature of Tafseer .It is continuation
of the work of great scholars of Subcontinent.
Molana Abdus salam has spent his life in promotion of knowledge
and Allah Subhana Wa Taala has blessed him with great wisdom
and knowledge which is being reflected in his work of Tafseer ul
Quran .
It is a detailed interpretation of Quran and many scholars are
amazed with the excellent detailed presentation of Quran and a
common reader feel that it is a source of extreme knowledge and
some times he thinks that the work of an institution has been done
by a single Man.
When we read minutely the Tafseer written by Hafiz Abdus salam
we feel that this interpretation is actually Tafseer bil Masoor and
personal opinion without evidences are rarely seen or observed in
this interpretation.

Focus on authentic sources and getting away from
In his commentary, he has focused on the authentic hadiths, the
statements and interpretations of the Companions and the
methodology of the Salaf. Therefore his interpretation can be taken
as Tafseer Bil Masoor.
The trend of Tafseer Bil Masoor was initiated by Imam Muhammad
ibne jaree Tabri8and later on Imam Imad ud din Ibne Kaseer
rahimahullah also followed the same trend9 .Tafseer durrul Mansoor
of Allama Jalal ud din Suyutee is also taken as Tafseer bil Masoor.
This trend was later on replaced by other trends and many
interpretations were written on grammatical and logical grounds.
Where as some others were opinion based and were included in
category of Tafseer bir Ra ay .
The majority of the interpretations written in 20 th and 21st century
were not included in Tafseer bil Masoor. Some of the interpreters
were quoting from Quran and Hadith but there was less focus on
authenticity of hadith where as most of the interpreters were quoting
Israelites while describing the events of prophets and ancient tribes
and groups.
The effort of Hafiz Abdus salam is unique in this regard and he was
not influenced by the prevailing trends .And unlike the general
commentators of his era, the Israelites and non-authentic traditions

Tabri,Muhammd Ibne Jareer, Jamay ul bayan an Taweel ul Quranʿ.
Ibne Kaseer,Amad ud dinn,Tafseer ul Quran al Azeem,Maktaba Quddusia Lahore.
have been completely avoided in describing the circumstances
biographies and events of the Prophets and the previous nations. It
can be observed from his work that he feels details found in Quran
and authentic hadiths are sufficient for us. So there is no need to
take from the sources whose authenticity is doubtful.
When a person reads his interpretation he is not confused about the
authenticity of the events quoted by him.
In addition, he has given a very good and useful explanation of the
difficult places of the Qur'an and he addresses complex topics in
depth so that masses can get complete awareness and knowledge
about these topics.His style is really fluent simple and detailed and
it resolves the confusions and conflicts faced by students of
knowledge during their study of Quran.
Furthermore, in some places, the meanings of difficult words of the
Qur'an have been explained literally and figuratively. This adds to
the knowledge of those who are interested in the Arabic language
and grammar of Quran .
The salient feature of this commentary is that the translation of the
Qur'an is also by Hafiz Sahib. Therefore we can observe great
harmony and integration in the work of the Hafiz Abdus salam
contrary to those works where there is a conflict between the ideas
of translator and interpreters.
The translation of Hafiz Abdus Salam is simple fluent and heart
touching and it generates interest and gain attention of the reader.

We can also observe that there is a reflection of Ashraf ul Hawashi
written by Molana Abduhu10 in this interpretation with the difference
that style of Molana Abduhu was compact and precise where as
style of Hafiz Abdus salam is really detailed and comprehensive.
We can trace the reason behind it is that Molana has spent his life
as teacher and a teacher always tries to explain the difficult parts of
the literature for their students.
We can conclude after reading this tafseer that This commentary,
with its distinguished and amazing features, is reflection of Hafiz
Sahib's educational services, teaching experience and careful study
over a period of more than 45 years.

. Abduhu,Muhammad ,Ashraf ul Hawashee,Mahtab Company.
1.Abduhu,Muhammad ,Ashraf ul Hawashee, Mahtab Company.
2. Alvi,Farhat Naseem,A comparative study of translation of Quran by
Molana Jona Gadhi and Hafiz Abdus salam, University of Sargodha.
3. Bin Muhammad,Hafiz Abdus Salam,Mukhtasir Tafseer Al
Quran.,p.12,Darul Andulus,2017
4. Bin Muhammad,Hafiz Abdus salam,Tafseer al Quran Al Kareem.
5. Ibne Kaseer,Amad ud dinn,Tafseer ul Quran al Azeem,Maktaba
Quddusia Lahore.
6. Tabri,Muhammd Ibne Jareer, Jamay ul bayan an Taweel ul Quranʿ.
7. Zad al Mujahid , p.42, Markaz Tayyabah Muridkay,2003.

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