Flair Data Analytics Tutorial
Flair Data Analytics Tutorial
Flair Data Analytics Tutorial
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✦ R – Introduction
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide
✦ R – Master Guide
✦ R – Features
✦ R – Pros and Cons Data Analytics Tutorial for Beginners – From Beginner to Pro in 10
✦ R – Why Learn R
✦ R – Future Scope
✦ R – Applications Data Science and Data Analytics are two most trending terminologies of today’s time. Presently, data is more than oil to the industries.
Data is collected into raw form and processed according to the requirement of a company and then this data is utilized for the decision
✦ R – Projects
making purpose. This process helps the businesses to grow & expand their operations in the market. But, the main question arises –
✦ R – Installation
What is the process called? Data Analytics is the answer here. And, Data Analyst and Data Scientist are the ones who perform this
✦ R – Hadoop Integration
✦ R – Data Types
This Data Analytics tutorial by DataFlair is specially designed for beginners, to provide complete information about Data Analytics from
✦ R – OLS Regression
✦ R – RStudio
✦ R – Data Structures
✦ R – Vectors
✦ R – Lists
✦ R – Matrix
R Projects +
R Interview Questions +
R Quiz +
Data Mining is a popular type of data analysis technique to carry out data modeling as well as knowledge discovery that is geared
towards predictive purposes. Business Intelligence operations provide various data analysis capabilities that rely on data aggregation as
well as focus on the domain expertise of businesses. In Statistical applications, business analytics can be divided into Exploratory Data
Analysis (EDA) and Confirmatory Data Analysis (CDA).
EDA focuses on discovering new features in the data and CDA focuses on confirming or falsifying existing hypotheses. Predictive
Analytics does forecasting or classification by focusing on statistical or structural models while in text analytics, statistical, linguistic
and structural techniques are applied to extract and classify information from textual sources, a species of unstructured data. All these
are varieties of data analysis.
The revolutionising data wave has brought improvements to the overall functionalities in many different ways. There are various
emerging requirements for applying advanced analytical techniques to the Big Data spectrum. Now experts can make more accurate and
profitable decisions.
In the next section of the Data Analytics tutorial, we are going to see the difference between Data Analysis and Data Reporting.
Time to master Data Mining with this ultimate Data Mining Tutorial Series
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outputs are then printed in the desired form. Reporting refers to the process of organizing and summarizing data in an easily readable
✦ R – Data Analytics Tutorial
format to communicate important information. Reports help organizations in monitoring different areas of performance and improving
✦ R – Introduction
customer satisfaction. One can also consider the conversion of raw data into useful information as a part of reporting, whereas, the same
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide
can be thought for analysis which transforms the information into key usable insights.
✦ R – Master Guide
Difference between Data Analysis and Data Reporting
✦ R – Features
✦ R – Pros and Cons A report will show the user what had happened in the past to avoid inferences and help to get a feel for the data while analysis
provides answers to any question or issue. An analysis process takes any steps needed to get the answers to those questions.
✦ R – Why Learn R
Reporting just provides the data that is asked for while analysis provides the information or the answer that is needed actually.
✦ R – Future Scope
We perform the reporting in a standardized way, but we can customize the analysis. There are fixed standard formats for reporting
✦ R – Applications
while we perform the analysis as per the requirement; we customize it as needed.
✦ R – Projects We can perform reporting using a tool and it generally does not involve any person in the analysis. Whereas, a person is there for
✦ R – Installation doing analysis and leading the complete analysis process.
✦ R – Hadoop Integration
Reporting is inflexible while analysis is flexible. Reporting provides no or limited context about what’s happening in the data and
hence is inflexible while analysis emphasizes data points that are significant, unique, or special, and it explains why they are
✦ R – Data Types
important to the business.
✦ R – OLS Regression
✦ R – RStudio
Take a deep dive into Features and Applications of Business Intelligence
✦ R – Data Structures
Data Analysis Process
✦ R – Vectors
✦ R – Lists Now in the Data Analytics tutorial, we are going to see how data is analyzed step by step.
✦ R – Matrix
R Projects +
R Interview Questions +
R Quiz +
1. Business Understanding
Whenever any requirement occurs, firstly we need to determine the business objective, assess the situation, determine data mining goals
and then produce the project plan as per the requirement. Business objectives are defined in this phase.
2. Data Exploration
For the further process, we need to gather initial data, describe and explore data and lastly verify data quality to ensure it contains the
data we require. Data collected from the various sources is described in terms of its application and the need for the project in this phase.
This is also known as data exploration. This is necessary to verify the quality of data collected.
3. Data Preparation
R Tutorials From the data collected in the last step, we need to select data as per the need, clean it, construct it to get useful information and then
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integrate it all. Finally, we need to format the data to get the appropriate data. Data is selected, cleaned, and integrated into the format
✦ R – Data Analytics Tutorial
finalized for the analysis in this phase.
✦ R – Introduction
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide
✦ R – Master Guide
✦ R – Features
✦ R – RStudio
✦ R – Data Structures
✦ R – Vectors
✦ R – Lists
✦ R – Matrix
R Projects +
R Interview Questions +
R Quiz +
6. Deployment
We need to plan the deployment, monitoring and maintenance and produce a final report and review the project. In this phase, we deploy
the results of the analysis. This is also known as reviewing the project.
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✦ R – Introduction
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide
✦ R – Master Guide
✦ R – Features
✦ R – Why Learn R
✦ R – Future Scope
✦ R – Applications
✦ R – Projects
✦ R – Installation
✦ R – Hadoop Integration
✦ R – Data Types
✦ R – OLS Regression
✦ R – RStudio
✦ R – Data Structures
✦ R – Vectors
✦ R – Lists
✦ R – Matrix
R Projects +
R Interview Questions +
R Quiz +
1. Descriptive Analysis
With the help of descriptive analysis, we analyze and describe the features of a data. It deals with the summarization of information.
Descriptive analysis, when coupled with visual analysis provides us with a comprehensive structure of data.
In the descriptive analysis, we deal with the past data to draw conclusions and present our data in the form of dashboards. In businesses,
descriptive analysis is used for determining the Key Performance Indicator or KPI to evaluate the performance of the business.
2. Predictive Analysis
With the help of predictive analysis, we determine the future outcome. Based on the analysis of the historical data, we are able to
forecast the future. It makes use of descriptive analysis to generate predictions about the future. With the help of technological
advancements and machine learning, we are able to obtain predictive insights about the future.
Predictive analytics is a complex field that requires a large amount of data, skilled implementation of predictive models and its tuning to
obtain accurate predictions. This requires a skilled workforce that is well versed in machine learning to develop effective models.
3. Diagnostic Analysis
At times, businesses are required to think critically about the nature of data and understand the descriptive analysis in depth. In order to
find issues in the data, we need to find anomalous patterns that might contribute towards the poor performance of our model.
With diagnostic analysis, you are able to diagnose various problems that are exhibited through your data. Businesses use this technique
to reduce their losses and optimize their performances. Some of the examples where businesses use diagnostic analysis are:
Businesses implement diagnostic analysis to reduce latency in logistics and optimize their production process.
With the help of diagnostic analysis in the sales domain, one can update the marketing strategies which would otherwise attenuate
the total revenue.
4. Prescriptive Analysis
Prescriptive analysis combines insights from all of the above analytical techniques. It is referred to as the final frontier of data analytics.
Prescriptive analytics allows companies to make decisions based on them. It makes heavy usage of Artificial Intelligence in order to
facilitate companies into making careful business decisions.
Major industrial players like Facebook, Netflix, Amazon, and Google are using prescriptive analytics to make key business decisions.
Furthermore, financial institutions are gradually leveraging the power of this technique to increase their revenue.
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✦ R – Data Analytics Tutorial Data mining also called data or knowledge discovery means analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful
✦ R – Introduction information – information that we can use to make important decisions. It is the technique of exploring, analyzing, and detecting
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide patterns in large amounts of data. The goal of data mining is either data classification or data prediction. In classification, we sort the
✦ R – Master Guide
data into groups while in prediction, we predict the value of a continuous variable.
✦ R – Features
✦ R – Why Learn R
✦ R – Future Scope In today’s world, data mining is used in several sectors like Retail, Sales Analytics, Financial, Communication, Marketing
✦ R – Applications
Organizations, etc. For example – a marketer may want to find who responded and who did not to a promotion. In prediction, the idea
is to predict the value of a continuous (ie non-discrete) variable; for example, a marketer may be interested in finding who will respond
✦ R – Projects
to a promotion.
✦ R – Installation
✦ R – Data Types
1. Classification of Trees
✦ R – OLS Regression
The various tree-shaped structures denote the set of executable decisions.
✦ R – RStudio
5. Anomaly Detection
The identification of items, events and other observations that do not observe a standard pattern in the dataset.
In this Data Analytics Tutorial, let us now explore the characteristics of data analysis which make it different from traditional kind of
1. Programmatic
There might be a need to write a program for data analysis by using code to manipulate it or do any kind of exploration because of the
scale of the data.
2. Data-driven
A lot of data scientists depend on a hypothesis-driven approach to data analysis. For appropriate data analysis, one can also avail the data
to foster analysis. This can be of significant advantage when there is a large amount of data. For example – machine learning
approaches can be used in place of hypothetical analysis.
Get to know about the Top Data Science Skills for becoming a Data Scientist
R Tutorials 3. Attributes usage
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✦ R – Data Analytics Tutorial For proper and accurate analysis of data, it can use a lot of attributes. In the past, analysts dealt with hundreds of attributes or
✦ R – Introduction characteristics of the data source. With Big Data, there are now thousands of attributes and millions of observations.
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide
4. Iterative
✦ R – Master Guide
As whole data is broken into samples and samples are then analyzed, therefore data analytics can be iterative in nature. Better compute
✦ R – Features
power enables iteration of the models until data analysts are satisfied. This has led to the development of new applications designed for
✦ R – Pros and Cons
addressing analysis requirements and time frames.
✦ R – Why Learn R
✦ R – Hadoop Integration
In banking, data analytics is heavily utilized for analyzing anomalous transaction and customer details. Banks also use data analytics to
analyze loan defaulters and credit scores for their customers in order to minimize losses and prevent frauds.
✦ R – Data Types
✦ R – OLS Regression
✦ R – RStudio
✦ R – Data Structures
✦ R – Vectors
2. Optimizing Transport Routes
✦ R – Lists Companies like Uber and Ola are heavily dependent on data analytics to optimize routes and fare for their customers. They use an
✦ R – Matrix analytical platform that analyzes the best route and calculates percentage rise and drop in taxi fares based on several parameters.
R Projects +
3. Providing Better Healthcare
R Interview Questions +
With the help of data analytics, hospitals and healthcare centres are able to predict early onset of chronic diseases. They are able to
R Quiz + predict diseases that might occur in the future and help the patients to take early action that would help them to reduce medical
6. Optimization of Logistics
Various companies are relying on Big Data Analytics to analyse supply chains and reduce latency in logistics. Amazon is making use of
consumer analytics to analyze the customer requirements and direct them the products without creating any form of delay.
The framing of a problem means ensuring that you are asking important questions and laying out critical assumptions. For example – Is
the goal of a new initiative focussed to drive more revenue or more profit? The choice leads to a huge difference in the analysis and
actions that follow. Is all the data is required available, or is it necessary to collect some more data? Without framing the problem, the
rest of the work is useless.
For performing proper analysis, we can format the problem precisely. So, this includes assessing the data correctly, developing a solid
analysis plan, and taking into account the various technical and practical considerations.
1. Statistical Significance
It states how is the problem statistically important for decision making. Statistical significance testing takes some assumptions and
determines the probability of happening of results if the assumptions are correct.
2. Business Importance
It means how the problem is related to business and its importance. We will assign the results in the business context as part of the final
process of validation.
R Tutorials Skills required to become aBlog
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✦ R – Pros and Cons To be a successful analyst, a professional requires expertise on the various data analytical tools like R & SAS. He should be able to use
✦ R – Why Learn R
these business analytics tools properly and gather the required details. He should also be able to take decisions which are both
statistically significant and important to the business.
✦ R – Future Scope
✦ R – Applications Wait! Have you checked the complete series of tutorials on SAS
✦ R – Projects
✦ R – Installation
✦ R – Hadoop Integration
✦ R – Data Types Even if you know how to use a data analysis tool of any type, you also need to have the right skills, experience and perspective to use it.
✦ R – OLS Regression An analytics tool may save a user from some programming part but he/ she still needs to understand the analytics that occurs. Then only
✦ R – RStudio
we can call a person as a successful data analyst.
✦ R – Data Structures
Business people with no analytical expertise may want to leverage analytics, but they do not need to do the actual heavy lifting. The job
✦ R – Vectors of the analytics team is to enable business people to drive analytics through the organization. Let business people spend their time selling
✦ R – Lists the power of analytics upstream and changing the business processes they manage to make use of analytics. If analytics teams and
✦ R – Matrix
business teams do what they do best, it will be a winning combination.
R Projects +
Technical & Business Skills for Data Analytics
R Interview Questions +
In this part of data analytics tutorial, we will discuss the required technical and business skills.
R Quiz +
Technical skills for data analytics:
However, with the advancements in technology and a massive increase in the computational capabilities contributed by High-
Performance Computing, industries are able to expand their domain of knowledge. What comprised of a few gigabytes in the past is now
in the size of quintillions. This is contributed by the massive expanse in mobile phones, IoT devices and other internet services. To make
sense of this, industries have resorted to Big Data Analytics.
A Big Data Analytics platform is a comprehensive platform that provides both the analytical capabilities as well as massive storage
capacity. Some popular Big Data tools like Hadoop, Spark, Flink and Kafka have the capability to not only store massive bulk of data
but also perform analysis on the data. As a result, they provide comprehensive solutions to companies with their big data needs.
We discussed all the aspects of Data Analytics in this tutorial. Moreover, we looked at the difference between data analysis and data
reporting with Data Analysis process, its types, characteristics and applications. Also, we understood the skills required to become a data
analyst and Big Data analytics in detail. Now, its time to master R Programming with R Tutorial for Beginners
R Tutorials Still, if you have any question related to Data Analytics Tutorial, ask in the comment section.
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Tags: business analysis business analytics data analyst skills Data Analytics Tutorial Data Mining
✦ R – Features
✦ R – Why Learn R
✦ R – Future Scope
✦ R – Applications
✦ R – Projects
✦ R – Installation
✦ R – Hadoop Integration
✦ R – Data Types
✦ R – RStudio
Aman Verma November 22, 2018 at 11:35 am
✦ R – Data Structures
I am new to big data. your tutorials help understand the basics in simple way. Thank you !!!
✦ R – Vectors
✦ R – Lists
DataFlair Team November 22, 2018 at 2:29 pm
✦ R – Matrix Hi Aman
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Ravi July 19, 2020 at 2:26 am
✦ R – Data Analytics Tutorial
Hi Divya Kumari, I am with the exact replica of your Profession. A Math Graduate worked as Sr Exec in Accounts, working only and only on excel with
✦ R – Introduction
no technical expertise for past 15 years, with no progress in my life. Neither promotion nor a decent Salary Growth. Since 2 years Big Data is dragging
✦ R – Comprehensive Guide my mind like anything. Because of the various Analytical workings which I did in excel for years, it helped me to understand the entire concepts in Big
✦ R – Master Guide
Data almost easily. As an answer to your question, (I am not deep into your domain) but I bet the kind of expertise you used for years to do analysis in
Excel would be 100% enough, but with little effort. And Java will not have much role to play in R Programming. Because once you are through with R,
✦ R – Features
probably you are more than half way to Java. And Once you master in Big Data, sql will remain nothing. I am sure with this information as i am more
✦ R – Pros and Cons than half way in mastering data science.
✦ R – Applications Reading and learning from Philippines. Great materials to start for data analytics. What a great help. Thank you so much!!
✦ R – Projects
✦ R – Lists Dear Admin, The blog is simply superbbbbbb…….. Your Descriptive Analysis (the way you described) is the best of All those who tried to explain. Kudos to you
and your blogs.
✦ R – Matrix
R Projects +
Ravi July 19, 2020 at 2:36 am
R Interview Questions +
Dear Admin, The blog is simply superbbbbbb…….. Your Descriptive Analysis (the way you described) is the best of All those who tried to explain. Kudos to you
R Quiz + and your blogs. Your Hardwork behind this is marvellous.
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