SCL 2 (Maintaining A Discussion, Stress and Intonation)

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Name : Nur Anisah binti Aspian

Matric No. : S29985
Group : 104
Due date : 15 November 2020

Exercise 1

Complete the table below by matching the skills in maintaining a discussion with the correct
language expressions given.

That’s a good idea but it raises a different Does anyone have anything to add?
issue from what we’re currently discussing.
Can we come back to that later?

Rashdan do you have anything to We’ve have considered the economic

add/comment? implications of the economic crisis. How
about discussing the social implications?
Sorry to interrupt, but... Excuse me, could you explain further on
your opinion just now?
I hear your saying … I see things a bit differently.

I agree completely. In other words, you’re saying that …

What I am saying is that… Excuse me, may I add something here?

Could you be more specific? What I mean is…

I think we need to go back to our discussion I feel that the comment about the effects of
topic. cyberbullying have not been explored in
much details. Shall we spend some time
talking about it now?

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Skills In Maintaining A
No. Language Expressions

Expressing agreement/  I see things a bit differently.

disagreement  I agree completely.

 Excuse me, could you explain further on your

2. Asking for clarifications opinion just now?
 Could you be more specific?

 What I am saying is that…

3. Giving clarifications
 What I mean is…

 I hear your saying …

4. Paraphrasing
 In other words, you’re saying that …

 Sorry to interrupt, but...

5. Interrupting
 Excuse me, may I add something here?

 That’s a good idea but it raises a different issue

Keeping discussions on from what we’re currently discussing. Can we
track come back to that later?
 I think we need to go back to our discussion topic.

Encouraging  Does anyone have anything to add?

participation  Rashdan do you have anything to add/comment?

 We’ve have considered the economic

implications of the economic crisis. How about
discussing the social implications?
Facilitating in-depth
discussion  I feel that the comment about the effects of
cyberbullying have not been explored in much
details. Shall we spend some time talking about it

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Exercise 2

Determine the meanings emphasised in the sentences below based on the bolded words.


Sentence Meanings Emphasised

1. The professor will be teaching String The professor is the one who will be
Theory to his students today. teaching String Theory today not someone

2. The professor will be teaching String The topic that the professor is going to teach
Theory to his students today. today is String Theory not any other topics.

3. The professor will be teaching String The professor will be teaching String Theory
Theory to his students today. to his students today not presenting or
conducting research on the topic.

Sentence Meanings Emphasised

1. The team is going to the Antarctica to The team is the one who is going to the
conduct a research on global warming Antartica to conduct a research on global
next year. warning next year and not someone else.
2. The team is going to the Antarctica to The team is going to Antartica to conduct a
conduct a research on global warming research on global warming next year and
next year. not somewhere else.
3. The team is going to the Antarctica to The team is going to Antartica to conduct a
conduct a research on global warming research on global warming next year and
next year. not presenting or teaching it.
4. The team is going to the Antarctica to The team is going to Antartica to conduct a
conduct a research on global warming research on global warming next year and
next year. not other topic.
5. The team is going to the Antarctica to The team is going to Antartica to conduct a
conduct a research on global warming research on global warming next year and
next year. not this year.

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Exercise 3

Read the dialogue below. Use the arrows shown to indicate the rising and falling intonation
in the dialogue below.

 Rising intonation

 Falling intonation

Mr. Danial : Well Iman, I heard from your best friend, Elaine that you are taking
part in the public speaking competition. (  )

Iman : Yes, sir, and I came to ask you for some tips on public speaking. ()

Mr. Danial : With pleasure, Iman. I hope you’ve prepared your speech. Do you
know what you have to do next? ( )

Iman : I’m not sure, sir. Perhaps I should start practising and memorising my
speech by heart? (  )

Mr. Danial : Oh! That’s a big mistake. (  ) You must always carefully prepare
what you want to say, but never learn it off by heart.

Iman : If I don’t read my notes and memorise it, how can I remember what I
want to say? (  )

Mr. Danial : At first, you may bring with you small cards containing notes or main
points to your speech. However, when you get used to speaking in
public, it is best to do it without notes. ( )

Iman : But, I feel so nervous when I have to speak without notes. What
should I do to overcome this, sir? ( )

Mr. Danial : First, think about what you want to say, plan your outline, prepare
your notes and learn the main points to your speech. ( )Then, when
you begin to speak, the words will come to you naturally.

Iman : Thank you, sir, for the useful tips. (  ) I will definitely apply them
during my practice.

Mr. Danial : You’re welcome. Certainly, you will get on to your feet with frequent

Submit the completed Exercise 1, 2 and 3 in PDF format.

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