Colour Coded Zonning Maps (CCZM) : AAI Has Developed The Colour Coded Zonning
Colour Coded Zonning Maps (CCZM) : AAI Has Developed The Colour Coded Zonning
Colour Coded Zonning Maps (CCZM) : AAI Has Developed The Colour Coded Zonning
1. Introduction
1.1 Airports Authority of India has developed online application system viz. “No Objection
Certificate Application System (NOCAS) for issuance of NOC. NOCAS accepts NOC
applications for Height Clearance for structures such as Buildings, Masts, Chimney, and
Transmission Lines etc.
2. Colour Coded Zonning Maps (CCZM): AAI has developed the Colour Coded Zonning
Maps (CCZM) for the major airports in India. The CCZM depicts the Permissible Top
Elevation (PTE) for a grid in a particular coloured zone. The cities for which CCZMs have
been prepared can be viewed in the NOCAS website under the tab CCZM. The purpose of
CCZM is to empower local bodies to clear the building proposals requesting top elevation
below CCZM elevation, without referring to AAI. The maximum Elevation that can be
approved through CCZM is up to 150m, and where the requested top elevation is above
150m, an applicant must apply online on NOCAS.
4. NOC for the height clearance of fixed wireless communication Mast (SACFA-Mast
Cases): For effective implementation of Single Window clearance and to avoid duplicate
filing of applications by the telecom operators and wireless users, the SACFA and NOCAS
Servers have been integrated. The applicants are required to apply to SACFA
Secretariat, WPC wing (DOT) only. Applicants are not required to apply to AAI
separately. The requisite data, is fetched from SACFA to NOCAS automatically. After
processing, AAI issues online NOC for height clearance to SACFA. The individual
SACFA application at the SACFA server is also automatically updated with NOC height
data as cleared by AAI. In case the NOC for height clearance has been obtained for the
mast, then AAI has no objection in case multiple antennas are affixed to this mast subject
to the height remains within the limit specified in NOC.
5. Approximate Top Elevation: An applicant can check the approximate top elevation for his
plot for planning purpose without logging in to the system. The applicant is required to
select “check approximate top elevation button” and thereafter feed the WGS Co-ordinates
of his site. He will get the approximate top elevation corresponding to the coordinates
Height (Above Ground Level) = Approximate top elevation – Site Elevation
The height thus derived is indicative only. The actual permissible height may vary
depending upon various factors.
6. View Issued NOC: NOCAS also provides public access to all NOCs (issued and rejected).
NOC’s can be sorted out station wise, date wise etc. In case the applicant wants to view NOC
issued in respect of application filed, he/she needs to login to the system.
7. Auto Settled:
7.1 On receipt of the online NOC application in NOCAS, the application will be checked for
the following auto settle criteria:
a) Whether the location of the proposed structure is beyond 20 km from VFR airports or
beyond 56 km from the IFR airports and requested height of proposed structure is less
than 150 m AGL; or
b) For airports/cities where Colour Coded Zoning Map (CCZM) have been issued by AAI,
if the top elevation of proposed structure is equal to or below the elevation permitted
in CCZM.
c) SACFA mast cases will be auto settled if -
the mast is beyond 7 km from the airport ARP and proposed top elevation is up to
40 m above the Aerodrome elevation; or
the site lies beyond 10 km from nearest VFR airport and requested top elevation is
less than 100 + Runway End Elevation /ARP Elevation.
the mast is beyond 20 km from the IFR airport ARP and proposed top elevation is
up to 100 m above the Aerodrome elevation.
d) The criterion followed is displayed by the system automatically. Applicant can view
all auto settled cases by clicking ‘View Auto Settle’ button on home page. In case the
applicant wants to know only his/her auto settled cases he/she must log on to the system
and click the ‘auto settled’ case button on his/her Dashboard.
8.1 The applicant can refer to or download CCZM which are available on the home page of
NOCAS site. Interactive CCZM has been provided so that grid map could be
superimposed with ESRI maps (default map of NOCAS) to locate the site and thus know
Permissible Top Elevation (PTE) for planning purpose.
8.2 NOCAS carries out calculations for Permissible Top Elevation based on the site/Plot/
Building/location coordinates and Site elevation provided by the applicant. Therefore, it
is mandatory for the applicant to provide site coordinates in W GS-84 datum.
8.3 All NOC calculations shall be done purely on the basis of W GS 84 Coordinates and site
elevation provided by the applicant. If however at any stage it is established that the
actual data is different from the one provided by the applicant, the NOC, so issued, will
be null and void.
8.4 It is mandatory for the applicant to enter the site coordinates in WGS-84 and site elevation
in meters AMSL in NOCAS Application. If the plot size is more than 300 Square Meters
then WGS84 Coordinates and Site Elevation of all corners, including coordinates of
nearest point from the airport, of the site/plot or the structure, as the case may be,
encompassing all the CTS/plot/survey numbers are required. If the plot has only three
corners i.e. triangular plot, even then minimum four coordinates are required. The fourth
co-ordinate should be on the side of the plot towards airport and shall be different from
the three co-ordinates. However, if the plot size is 300 square meters or less, then a single
WGS 84 co-ordinate of the nearest point on the plot with respect to airport is required to
be given. The maximum Site elevation of the plot will be taken into consideration for the
issue of NOC, hence site elevation of the highest point should also be entered if it is
higher than the site elevation of the corners of the plot. It may be noted that for a single
NOC application a maximum of ten coordinates are allowed in NOCAS.
8.5 In case of Power Transmission Lines and Windmills a maximum of 20 coordinates are
allowed in NOCAS for a single NOC application by giving nearest WGS-84 coordinates
from the airport and site elevation of the highest point of the plot.
8.6 The accuracy requirement for site elevation is 0.5 m AMSL. The accuracy requirement for
WGS-84 Coordinates is 1/10th of a second in the format of DD MM SS.s and position
accuracy should be within 3 meters.
8.7 Coordinates and site elevation Certificates can be clubbed together. A Standard Format is
available on NOCAS website for this purpose which should be self-attested by the
8.8 The surveyed site coordinates and site elevation may be obtained from Survey of India.
Alternatively, the certificate in standard format (available in NOCAS website) may be
obtained from Government departments like CPWD/State PWD or Govt. approved
Department/Agency authorized for the purpose/ Railways/MES. Aerodrome Operators for
their respective cities {e.g. Delhi International Airport Limited (DIAL), Mumbai
International Airport Limited (MIAL), Bengaluru International Airport Limited, and
Hyderabad International Airport Limited}, Urban Local Body authorized/licensed
Surveyors/Architects/Engineers or AAI Empaneled Surveyors may also issue certificate if
they are authorized for this purpose
9.1 Step 1: Applicant has to visit AAI website and open NOCAS link or
alternatively visit NOCAS site Before filing Application for
NOC the owner/lessee/consultant/applicant must register themselves by clicking on
register button on home page. Applicant must input all mandatory fields. The email
address of the applicant becomes his/her user id. The applicant is required to frame
password. The password should be from 8 to 12 characters including at least one capital
letter, special character and a numeral. Once the registration form is successfully
submitted, the applicant will get an activation link in his/her email. The applicant
should access his email and activate the link. Applicant will get alerts via email and via
sms on the cell phone number provided in the registration form.
9.2 Step 2: The registered user after login is directed to applicant’s dash board where he /she
can apply for NOC, check status of his/her earlier filed application, view settled
cases, apply for review, revalidation and appeal.
9.2.1 Application for NOC for height clearance in respect of a new case can be filed by
selecting ‘Apply NOC’ button provided in applicant’s dashboard. The applicant should
fill-in all the information correctly, in accordance with the certificates and documents.
The site co-ordinates, elevation (reduced level) and the desired top elevation, including all
installations such as radio/television aerial/mast, lightning arrester, vent pipes, overhead
water tanks and attachments on superstructure of any description shall be as per the
submitted certificates. The applicant should fill all mandatory fields. The applicant
shall mandatorily confirm location of his site on the map.
9.2.2 In case there are more than one structure on the plot, a separate application is desirable
for each individual structure. Otherwise, the system will restrict the height of the whole
cluster to the minimum permissible height within the plot. Filing the coordinates of the
corners of the proposed structures through multiple applications may result in higher
individual permissible height than the height permissible for the whole plot.
9.2.3 Applicant shall upload scanned copy of all the required documents in pdf. The size of
each document shall not exceed 500 kb. The applicant should be fully satisfied with
the accuracy of data filed as he/she will not be able to alter any of the data filed once the
application is submitted. The list of documents is provided in Para 10.
9.2.4 The application shall be filed in the name of the owner/lessee, by the owner/lessee himself,
or his/her authorized representative. In case the application is filed by a person other than
owner or lessee, he/she has to upload scanned copy of authorization letter. The applicant
need not go to nearest airport for submission of hard copies of the application or
documents. Applicant need not submit hardcopy unless he has been specifically advised in
this regard.
9.2.5 Only one NOC application shall be filed in NOCAS for the same set of coordinates.
Duplicate applications will not be processed.
9.3 Step 3: After submission of the online application, a unique NOCAS ID for the application
will be issued. The NOCAS ID will be required for tracking the status of application
either on Home Page or Applicants Dashboard.
9.4 Once NOCAS ID is issued, the application will be processed by checking the uploaded
documents with data fed in the application. After scrutinizing the application, it will either
be accepted, if the data matches with documents uploaded, or reject if found otherwise. If
rejected, the applicant will get email and sms in this regard with reasons thereof. If an
application is accepted, it will be processed within a time frame of 15 working days.
Applicants can check the progress by viewing their dashboard. NOC issued or rejected
will be updated in the dashboard. Additionally, an email and sms will also be sent to that
10. List of documents (Scanned copies) to be uploaded in the application (except for
SACFA - Mast)
10.1 Certificates for Site elevation and site coordinate conforming to specifications mentioned
in Para 8.6 and issued by authorities mentioned in Para 8.8 above.
10.2 Undertaking 1A on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10 for Building and smoke emitting
industrial unit/chimneys Applications.
10.6 Approval from Airport Operator in case the site falls within Airport premises.
11. Validity of NOC: The validity of NOC shall be Eight years from the date of issue.
12.1 An applicant may file review application with the designated officer once only, with
Undertaking 1D in the following circumstances:
The applicant does not get the requested height for his proposed structure or due to the
change in the plan, applicant wishes to apply for more height in case construction has
not started.
NOC was issued for the requested/restricted height and the construction has been
started/completed but, the applicant desires higher height.
12.2 The applicant may be asked to submit architectural drawings of building such as the site
plan, section and elevation drawing, indicating scale and north direction in case detailed
examination is required w.r.t. Radar for Review Applications. The sectional and elevation
drawings should include all installations planned above the structure such as radio/television
aerial/mast, lightning arrester, vent pipes, overhead water tanks and attachments on
superstructure of any description.
13.1 Applicant may apply for one time revalidation of NOC if the construction work has
commenced, Provided that such request is made within the validity period of the NOC and
the delay is due to circumstances which are beyond the control of the developer. The NOC
shall be revalidated for such a period as requested by the applicant and approved by
the designated officer from the date of initial issue. An undertaking 1C shall be
submitted by the applicant, along with revalidation application.
13.2 If the construction has not commenced within the validity period, NOC validity will not be
extended. The applicant shall apply for fresh NOC and the permissible top elevation will
be re-assessed by the concerned Designated Officer.
13.3 Revalidation of NOC where height has been granted after an Aeronautical Study shall be
processed by the office of Executive Director (ASM), AAI CHQ. Designated Officers
of Regional/Station level NOC Cell may forward such cases to AAI CHQ, along with
the recommendation for the revalidation, for the approval of ED (ASM).
13.3.1 Online revalidation can be filed for the cases that have been issued NOC through NOCAS
on or after 1st Jan 2016.
14. Appeal
14.1 If any applicant or Local Municipal or Town Planning and Development authorities or any
airport operator is aggrieved with the decision of the Designated Officer, such applicant or
entity may appeal to Appellate Committee for redressal of their grievances with respect
to the permissible height under the GSR 751 (E).
14.2 Application for Appeal addressed to the Chairman Appellate Committee may be made by
the owner/lessee of the plot/proposed building along with an appeal fee of Rupees two lakhs
(Rs.200,000/-) plus GST (non-refundable), through demand draft in favour of Airports
Authority of India payable at New Delhi. Information with respect to GST may be provided
as per attached Annexure A. Appeal application along with demand draft and other relevant
documents shall be submitted to:
The General Manager (ATM-NOC)
Airports Authority of India
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Block-A,
Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi-110 003
14.3 In case the applicant is different from the original applicant of the NOC, the authorization
letter on a Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- shall be submitted as per attached
Annexure B.
14.4 The cases for reference to the Appellate Committee, as specified above, shall be processed
by the corporate office at the headquarters of the Airports Authority of India in New Delhi.
iii) Justification letter from Architect clearly mentioning the Rules/Act of State
Government/Local Body under which requested height is permissible.
iv) Contact details such as E-mail id, Contact Number/Mobile Number of the applicant.
14.6.1 Applicants can also apply for Appeal online in case NOC for height clearance has been
obtained online from AAI on or after 1st Jan 2016.
14.6.2 All the required documents shall be scanned and uploaded in NOCAS. The hard copies shall
be simultaneously forwarded to AAI, CHQ for record.
14.6.3 The application along with uploaded documents will be verified at CHQ vis-a-vis hard
copies received at CHQ from the applicants. If any discrepancy is found in the application
with respect to the information furnished in the application vis-a-vis documents submitted
as well as uploaded online, then the applicant will be informed accordingly.
14.6.4 Once the application is verified and accepted at CHQ, an email will be sent to the
applicant, and the payment gateway link will be activated on his/her dashboard.
Applicant shall deposit the appeal fees using the link within a period of seven days. If the
applicant fails to make the full payment within the specified period, the payment gateway
link will be deactivated and application summarily rejected.
a) In case shielding benefit is claimed, an applicant must file appeal to the Appellate
Committee as per the appeal procedures, by paying the requisite appeal fee along with
applicable GST.
b) Map certified by Local bodies, representing location of the natural terrain from
which shielding benefit is requested and location of the site where the proposed
structure is planned (shielded) with respect to the airport and the terrain.
c) The cases pertaining to Shielding will be processed through Appeal. Other documents
required to be submitted will be same as in Appeal cases.
State Name of Applicant GSTIN PAN TAN No.* Address Email Phone
* TAN No. is mandatory in case of deduction of TDS
Authorization letter
(To be filled on Non‐ Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/‐)
I/We ………………………………having registered office/residence at
………………………………………….the applicant(s) for the proposed construction at
……………………………(site address)
Do here by authorize
Mr./Mrs. .………………………. having communication address‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ mobile No………………
email id………………… (Hereinafter referred to as applicant) whose signature is attested below
to file appeal for height clearance for the site mentioned above on my behalf for the purpose
of obtaining NOC for height clearance from Airports Authority of India as per the provisions
of GSR 751(E).
1. I shall be fully responsible for the authenticity of the data/information furnished by the
aforesaid applicant Mr. /Mrs. …………………….. to AAI in all respect including online
NOCAS application.
2. I hereby authorize the aforesaid applicant to accept the terms and conditions on my
behalf and the same shall be binding on me in all respect.
3. I shall also be accountable for any legal implication for the data so furnished.
4. I indemnify Airports Authority of India against any losses incurred because of incorrect
data/information furnished in the NOC/appeal application.
Signature of the person authorised
Name and Signature of the Owner/Lessee
or any Person(s)/Entity Legally Authorised
Signature, Name and Address of witnesses: