Directorate of Air Traffic Management Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi 110003
Directorate of Air Traffic Management Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi 110003
Directorate of Air Traffic Management Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi 110003
1. Introduction
1.1 No Objection Certificate (NOC) for height clearance is issued by Airports Authority
of India as per the Govt. of India, Ministry of Civil Aviation Gazette Notification No.
GSR751 (E), dated 30th September 2015 and amendments thereto. These
provisions are aimed at safeguarding the airspace in and around aerodromes to
permit safe and regular aircraft operations and to prevent the aerodromes from
becoming unusable due to growth of obstacles around the aerodromes.
1.2 NOC in respect of civil aerodromes is issued by the Designated Officer (DO) of
Airports Authority of India (AAI) on behalf of the Central Government. Also, in
case of State owned and private aerodromes, licensed by the Directorate General
of Civil Aviation, NOC shall be issued by the Designated Officers of AAI.
2. Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this ATMC is to standardize the procedure for issuance of NOC for
height clearances for safeguarding the airspace in and around the Aerodromes.
This ATMC also details procedures to be followed for processing of Review,
Revalidation and Appeal cases.
3. Scope
3.1 This ATMC is applicable to those AAI personnel who are responsible for
processing and issue of NOC for height clearance.
3.2 This ATMC is also applicable to all the personnel of Joint Venture Airports,
Licensed State Government and Private Airports for which AAI issues NOC for
height clearance.
5.2 REDs /GM‐CICs/APDs are the Designated Officers in nine NOC Offices. In order to
maintain day to day smooth functioning of the NOC Office, GM (ATM) Region at
Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Guwahati; GM (ATM) at Hyderabad and
Bengaluru; ATM In‐charge/Jt. GM (ATM) at Ahmedabad and Nagpur shall be in‐
charge of NOC Office and shall monitor the functioning of the NOC Office. All
officials shall report to the in‐charge of NOC Section during their posting to NOC
6. No Objection Certificate Application System (NOCAS)
6.1.1 The application for issuance of No Objection Certificate in respect of civil
aerodromes (including licensed state owned and private aerodromes) shall be
made by the applicant to the designated officer through the No Objection
Certificate Application System (NOCAS), accessible on the website of the Airports
Authority of India at with the link: An
applicant has to register first. On registration, email address will be verified. After
the successful registration, online NOC application can be filed. Applying for NOC
is a complete paperless process.
6.1.2 No hard copy is required from the applicant as they are only required to upload
the scanned copies of the required documents and undertakings. NOC letters are
sent via email to the applicant. Applicants are informed electronically at all stages
during the NOC process through SMS and emails.
6.1.3 Till the time digital signatures are available, the NOC letters shall be issued with
manual signature. Signed NOC letters are to be scanned and uploaded by NOC
6.1.4 Applicants can also view the NOC, once issued, in their dash board and take a print
out of the NOC if required. Local Body or general public can view the NOC from the
NOCAS website home page under the link ‘View issued NOC’.
6.1.5 NOCAS carries out automated calculations for the Permissible Top Elevation
(PTE) based on AGA, CNS and PANS‐OPS criteria using the site coordinates
provided by the applicant.
6.1.6 NOCAS has a map feature which is available to the applicant as well as the AAI
user. AAI users will be able to analyze the proposed sites with respect to the
airports and various protection surfaces with the help of GIS tools available in
NOCAS. These maps are downloaded from ESRI online map service, therefore high
speed internet connectivity is mandatory.
6.1.7 Check Approximate Top Elevation/Interactive CCZM: These tools in NOCAS allows
the prospective NOC applicants to check the approximate top elevation for a
particular set of coordinates. Approximate Top Elevation admissible at a
particular point in interactive CCZM can be found out by moving cursor over the
map grid. These top elevations are indicative and for planning purpose only.
6.1.8 Auto Settle: On receipt of the online NOC application in NOCAS, the application will
be checked for the following auto settle criteria:
a) Whether the location of the proposed structure is beyond 20 km from VFR
airports or beyond 56 km from the IFR airports and requested height of
proposed structure is less than 150 m AGL; or
b) For airports/cities where Colour Coded Zoning Map (CCZM) have been issued
by AAI, if the top elevation of proposed structure is equal to or below the
elevation permitted in CCZM.
c) SACFA mast cases will be auto settled if ‐
the mast is beyond 7 km from the airport ARP and proposed top elevation
is up to 40 m above the Aerodrome elevation; or
the site lies beyond 10 km from nearest VFR airport and requested top
elevation is less than 100 + Runway End Elevation /ARP Elevation.
the mast is beyond 20 km from the IFR airport ARP and proposed top
elevation is up to 100 m above the Aerodrome elevation.
6.1.9 For auto settled case, system generated letter without signature, stating that “NOC
from AAI is not required” will be issued automatically.
7. Procedure for NOCAS Users
7.1 NOCC Member AGA, CNS, and FPD shall log in as AGA user, CNS user and FPD user
in NOCAS for application of AGA, CNS, and FPD criteria. There may be multiple
officers assigned for AGA, CNS and PANS‐OPS depending upon the work load. A
record of posting of such officer shall be maintained by the NOC office till role
management module is implemented in NOCAS.
7.2 If considered necessary, physical verification of the site may be carried out by
Airport Operator in the given time frame as specified in Para 17.1. Member
AO shall ensure that no unauthorized construction takes place on the airport land
and the aerodrome data displayed in NOCAS on AO dashboard is correct and
approved future expansion plans are included. In case of any discrepancy, the
same shall be brought to the notice of AAI CHQ.
7.3 Online Cases: The NOC application after verification is accepted by AGA user. It is
then distributed simultaneously to all the NOCC members. AGA, CNS and PANS‐
OPS user shall then check the automated calculations of NOCAS w.r.t. to AGA, CNS
and PANS‐ OPS criteria respectively for correctness. Wrong calculations by the
system shall be brought to the notice of AAI CHQ NOC office for proper analysis
and resolution in NOCAS. Those provisions of GSR 751 (E), which are not included
in NOCAS, shall also be accounted for by these users. NOCC members (including
Member AO), if satisfied with the respective calculations/observations, shall press
agree button. If all the members of NOCC agree, the application is sent to the
Designated Officer's dashboard for issue of NOC. System generated NOC letter,
which is non editable, is issued by DO or his/her representative.
7.4 Offline Cases in case of disagreement with NOCAS calculation: Cases, wherein any
member of NOCC disagrees with the calculation of NOCAS, will be treated as offline
cases. The reason of disagreement with online NOCC process shall be written
clearly in the comment box along with the permissible top elevation as per his/her
revised calculation. In such cases, the permissible top elevation in the system
generated NOC letters may be suitably edited by the Designated Officer (DO)
before issuing NOC letter through the system. The lowest elevation determined
based on the AGA, CNS & PANS‐OPS criteria, shall be the permissible top elevation
of the proposed structure.
7.5 Other offline cases: Calculation for permissible top elevation with respect to
airports for which AAI is responsible for issuance of NOC and which have not been
included in NOCAS shall be done manually by AGA, CNS and FPD user. In such
cases, manual NOC letter or suitably edited system generated NOC letters may be
issued by the Designated Officer (DO). The lowest elevation determined based on
the AGA, CNS & PANS‐OPS criteria, shall be the permissible top elevation of the
proposed structure.
7.6 Regional/Station Level NOC Committee shall be competent to issue NOC for
permissible heights, in all cases, both within the applicable Obstacles Limitation
Surfaces (OLS) as well as beyond the lateral limits of OLS. NOCs for essential
navigational aids or Airport Weather Observation Systems (AWOS), which are
required to be installed in operational area are to be assessed by following
instructions issued by CHQ for such facilities from time to time using Grid map and
manual calculations. Such cases should not be referred to CHQ as it causes undue
delay for installation of vital equipment.
7.7 For mobile obstructions viz. rail and road following allowance shall be made:
i) Rail track : 7.62 meters
ii) Road : 5.00 meters
7.8 Record of structures having height of 150 M AGL or more located beyond 20 km
from VFR airport or beyond 56 km from IFR airport will be kept and provided to
Directorate of Airspace Management for reviewing the Minimum Flight Altitudes
on ATS Routes.
8. Document Required to be Uploaded
8.1 For buildings, chimneys, flyovers, flag posts hoardings, masts etc. an applicant
needs to upload the scanned copies of the following documents:
a) Certified site co‐ordinates in WGS 84
b) Certified site elevation in metres Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)
c) Undertaking 1A
d) Authorization letter from the owner/lessee, in case the application is filed
by a person other than owner/lessee
8.2 For Power Transmission Lines an applicant needs to upload the scanned copies of
the following documents:
a) Certified site co‐ordinates in WGS 84
b) Certified site elevation in metres Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL)
c) Undertaking 1B
d) Authorization letter from the owner/lessee, in case the application is filed by
a person other than owner/lessee
Note1: Installation of Extra High Tension/High Tension Power lines above ground
is not permitted within 1500 meters of the Inner edge of the approach and take‐off
climb surface.
8.3 Permission letter from the concerned airport operator if the proposed structure
lies within the airport premises.
Note2: Undertaking 1A and Authorisation Letter, has been clubbed together.
Note3: Scanned copies of the documents are required to be uploaded in pdf/jpg form
with maximum size of 500 kilo byte each.
9. Site Elevation and Site Coordinates
9.1 It is mandatory for the applicant to enter the site coordinates in WGS‐84 and site
elevation in meters AMSL in NOCAS Application.
9.2 If the plot size is more than 300 Square Meters, WGS‐84 Co‐ordinates and Site
Elevation of all corners, including coordinates of nearest point from the airport, of
the site/plot or the structure, as the case may be, encompassing all the
CTS/plot/survey numbers are required.
9.3 If the plot size is 300 square meters or less, a single WGS 84 co‐ordinate of the
nearest point on the plot with respect to airport is required to be given.
9.4 If the plot has only three corners i.e. triangular plot; even then minimum four
coordinates are required. The fourth co‐ordinate should be on the side of the plot
towards airport and shall be different from the three co‐ordinates.
9.5 The maximum Site elevation of the plot will be taken into consideration for the
issue of NOC, hence site elevation of the highest point should also be entered if it
is higher than the site elevation of the corners of the plot.
9.6 Coordinates and site elevation certificates can be clubbed together. A Standard
Format is available on the NOCAS website for this purpose which should be self‐
attested by the applicant.
9.7 The Site coordinates and Site elevation certificate may be obtained from Survey of
India, CPWD/State PWD, Govt. approved Department/Agency authorized for this
purpose, Railways/MES, Aerodrome Operators for their respective cities, Urban
Local Body authorized licensed Surveyors/Architects/Engineers. AAI Empaneled
Surveyors may also issue certificate if authorized.
10. Accuracy requirement
10.1 The accuracy requirement for site elevation is 0.5 m AMSL. The accuracy
requirement for WGS‐84 Coordinates is 1/10th of a second in the format of DD MM
SS.s and position accuracy should be within 3 meters.
10.2 Accuracy requirement for top elevation of structures/buildings shall be same as
site elevation i.e. 0.5 m AMSL.
11. Integration of NOCAS with Local Urban Bodies (ULBs) website
11.1 NOCAS has been integrated with web service of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) of
Delhi and Mumbai. Integration with other local bodies will be done in a phased
manner. Where Urban Local Bodies websites have been integrated with NOCAS,
an applicant need not register or apply separately in NOCAS website of AAI. The
application will be made through Common Application Form (CAF) of Urban Local
Body and NOC or rejection from AAI in turn will be issued to the respective ULBs.
Standard Operating Procedures in this regard are available on NOCAS website. A
similar arrangement of integration is in place for SACFA Mast cases in which NOC
is issued to SACFA by AAI.
11.2 Wherever integration has been done, NOC for height or rejection, as applicable,
shall be intimated to local bodies within a period of 15 working days, failing which
NOC for the requested height will be deemed to have been issued by AAI.
12. NOC Format
12.1 No Objection Certificate (NOC), rejection or the auto settle statement shall be
issued in the standardised format generated through NOCAS.
12.2 Applicant/Municipal Corporation/Committee of the City/Town and the Airport
Operator may download the NOC letters from the NOCAS website from "View Issued NOC" or "View Auto Settle NOC"
links. NOCs may be sent through email if a request for the same is received at AAI
CHQ on email id:
13. Validity & Revalidation of NOC
13.1 The validity of NOC shall be 8 years from the date of issue. One time revalidation
without assessment may be allowed, provided construction work has
commenced, subject to the condition that such request shall be made within the
validity period of the NOC and the delay is due to circumstances which are beyond
the control of the developer.
13.2 If the construction has not started within the validity period, the applicant shall
apply for fresh NOC and NOC for permissible top elevation will only be issued after
13.3 An undertaking on Form 1C (Annexure‐1C), available at shall be submitted by the applicant along with
revalidation application.
13.4 Revalidation of NOC where height has been cleared after an Appeal/aeronautical
study/ shielding study shall be processed by the NOC Section at AAI CHQ.
13.5 In case of transfer of property to new owner/lessee, NOC for height clearance is
deemed transferred to the new Owner/Lessee. The new owner/lessee is bound
by the all the terms and condition of the NOC.
14.2 NOC Review cases shall be dealt by the concerned NOCC. NOCC shall discuss and
resolve such review cases expeditiously.
15. Appeal to the Appellate Committee
15.1 If an applicant is not satisfied with the height granted by the Designated Officer,
he/she may appeal to the Appellate Committee for higher height within NOC
validity period.
15.2 Appeal cases for which validity of NOC has expired, will not be considered.
15.3 Appeal cases shall be received and processed by NOC Section at the corporate
headquarter of the Airports Authority of India in New Delhi.
15.4 Application for Appeal shall be made by the owner or any entity legally authorised,
and shall be addressed to the Chairman, Appellate Committee clearly mentioning
the site/proposed building.
15.5 For Appeal, a fee of Rupees two lakh plus GST through payment gateway provided
on\nocas in case of online application and in case of manual
appeal, a demand draft in favour of Airports Authority of India payable at New
15.6 In case of aeronautical study, applicant shall be asked to pay an aeronautical Study
fee of Rupees twenty Lakh plus GST to the Airports Authority of India only after
the Aeronautical Study is approved by the competent authority. Fees shall be paid
online at AAI website through the payment gateway in case of online application.
For manual application, fees shall be paid by DD in favour of Airports Authority of
India payable at New Delhi.
15.7 Following documents may be submitted for Appeal:
i) Undertaking on Form 1D on a non‐judicial stamp paper of Rs.10 (sample of
1D is available in AAI website).
ii) Copy of the NOC issued by the Designated Officer, if issued before 01.01.2016
along with surveyed site elevation and WGS‐84 coordinates of all corners of
the site as provided in the initial NOC application.
iii) Justification letter from Architect clearly mentioning the Rules/Act of State
Government/Local body under which requested height is permissible.
iv) Proposed location plan/elevation plan/layout plan consisting WGS‐84 Co‐
ordinates of all corners of the site as well as co‐ordinates of all buildings.
15.8 Appeal application along with demand draft and other relevant documents shall
be submitted to:
The General Manager (ATM‐NOC)
Airports Authority of India
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Block‐A,
Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi‐110 003
15.9 AAI shall carry out Aeronautical Study as per the Aeronautical Study Guidelines
available on AAI website with the link\nocas and guidelines
on allowable penetration of Inner Horizontal Surface and Conical surface dated
26th March 2015 as amended from time to time.
15.10 An undertaking for the Aeronautical Study in form 1E shall also be submitted by
the applicant.
15.11 On completion of the aeronautical/Shielding study, a report shall be submitted by
AAI CHQ NOC section to the Appellate Committee. Decision of the Appellate
Committee shall be communicated to the Designated Officer (DO) of AAI. A revised
NOC letter shall be issued by DO based on the decision of the Appellate Committee.
15.12 The copy of the NOC letter issued to applicant after aeronautical/Shielding study
shall also be sent by the NOC processing station to concerned Aerodrome
Operator and concerned Local body for effective monitoring of obstacles around
15.13 The validity of the revised NOC issued after aeronautical/Shielding study shall be
8 years from the date of issue of revised NOC by DO.
16. Savings Clause
16.1 Once a height has been granted through a NOC it shall not be reduced on review
and appeal until the validity period of the NOC.
17. Timeline
17.1 Following timelines shall be strictly adhered to by all concerned for issue of NOC
or rejection letter as the case may be:
Verification of uploaded Three working days for acceptance or
documents by the AGA user rejection. In case of rejection, applicant must
be intimated with reasons for rejection.
Clearance by online NOCC Within four working days from the date of
members (AGA, PANS‐OPS, CNS receipt of verified application.
and AO wherever applicable).
Issuance of NOC to the applicant Within five working days in case application
is agreed by all NOCC members.
Issuance of NOC for offline cases Within five working days from the date when
the application has been referred to NOCC.
Maximum time for settlement of 15 working days from the date when the
NOC application application has been received in NOCAS
18. Queries
18.1 Any queries or further guidance required on the contents of this ATMC should be
addressed to:
Executive Director [ASM]
Airports Authority of India
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan
Safdarjung Airport
New Delhi‐110003
19. Validity
19.1 This ATMC supersedes ATMC 9 of 2016 and is effective from the date of issue and
shall remain in force until further notice.
(To be filled on Non- Judicial stamp paper of Bs 10 along with NOC application for height clearance
for all structures except the communication masts and transmission lines)
1. That I/We am /are the Owner/ Lessee or any Person(s)/Entity Legally Authorised of the above plot.
2. That, the details submitted in the application, including the site elevation and the co- ordinates, are correct.
The site co-ordinates, provided in the online NOC application encompass all the CTS/plot/survey numbers
included in the NOC application. I am also aware that the NOC will be null and void in case it is established
at any stage that the details submitted are different from the actual.
3(a).That 1/we have not received any No Objection Certificate from Airports Authority of India against an
application for NOC for the same set of coordinates earlier.
4(a).That I/We will not commence the proposed construction before grant of NOC by Airports Authority of
4(b).l have constructed the building up to a height of ……………. mts(AMSL) as it is within
permissible top elevation by Colour Coded Zoning map corresponding to my building location.
4(c).l have constructed building up to a height of... ... mts(AMSL) against the permissible top elevation of
earlier NOC issued {as given in para3{b)}.
5. Not to complain/claim c o m p e n s a t i o n against aircraft noise, vibrations, damages etc. to me/us or to the
occupants of the proposed building due to aircraft operations at or in the vicinity of the airport.
6. That, no radio/television aerial, mast, lightning arresters, vent pipes, overhead water tanks or any
such attachments wiII project above the permissible top elevation mentioned in the NOC issued by AAI.
7.That, I /we will only use oil fired, electric furnace or any other type of fuel in my factory I industrial l
unit, located within 8KM from the airport, so as not to cause smoke hazard, detrimental to
flight operations.(Strike off if not applicable)
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AND (if applicable)
Do hereby authorize
1. I shall be fully responsible for the authenticity of the data/information furnished by the aforesaid
applicant Mr. /Mrs. …………………….. to AAI in all respect including online NOCAS application.
2. I authorize the aforesaid applicant to accept the online terms and conditions on my behalf and
the same shall be binding on me in all respect.
3. I shall also be accountable for any legal implication for the data so furnished.
4. I indemnify Airports Authority of India against any losses incurred because of incorrect
data/information furnished in the online NOC application.
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(To be filled along with application of NOC for Power Transmission lines)
1. That, the details submitted in the application, including the site elevation and the
co- ordinates, is correct. I am also aware that the NOC will be null and void in case
it is established at any stage that the details submitted are different from the actual.
2. T ha t I have examined all the pole location with respect to the AAI list of IFR /
VFR airports, available at A A I website.
3. That the poles listed below lie beyond 56 km / 20km from the ARP of the nearest
IFR/VFR airports and therefore have not been submitted in the NOCAS.
4. That, I have submitted the NOC application in NOCAS for all the poles lying within
56 km / 20 km from the ARP of the nearest IFR/VFR airports.
5. That, I/W e will abide by all the terms and conditions, mentioned in the NOC issued
by AAI.
1. That, I am seeking one time revalidation of NOC for period of from last
date of validity of NOC issued.
3. That, the construction work is in progress and the said building has been constructed up
to an elevation of M (AMSL) which is meter above
ground level
4. That, I/W e will abide by all the terms and conditions, mentioned in the NOC.
(To be filled on Non- Judicial stamp paper of Rs 10 along with application for Review/Appeal of
1. That, the construction work is yet to start / in progress / completed. (Strike out whichever is
not applicable).
3. That, I/W e will abide by all the terms and conditions & mitigation measures mentioned in
the NOC letter.
(To be filled and submitted on Rs. 100 stamp paper along with other
relevant documents prior to conduct of Aeronautical Study)
5.1 I/We are aware that the Aeronautical Study fee payable to AAI shall
be Rs.20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lakhs only), plus all applicable
Taxes including Service Tax and I/We shall not claim to refund it.
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5.2 The Aeronautical Study Fee plus all applicable Taxes including
Service Tax is deposited vide Banker’s Cheque /Demand Draft /Direct
Bank online transfer through NEFT in favour of Airports Authority of
India, payable at New Delhi or will be deposited within 15 days of this
6. I/We understand that the funding for the Aeronautical Study by the
……(applicant’s name/short name, if any)……………. shall be in
the form of 100% deposit. Any increase in the cost arising out of
increase in scope of work, deviation/extra substitute item/items of
work, and contractual obligations like price escalation/litigation shall
be borne and accepted by the ……(applicant’s name/short name, if
any)……………. and such increase in cost shall also be undertaken on
the basis of 100% deposit by the ……(applicant’s name/short name, if
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Date :
1) Signature/Name/Address
2)) Signature/Name/Address
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