Sped 242
Sped 242
Sped 242
SPED 242: Inclusive Education in the Philippine Setting
Professor: Rose Aligada PhD
Curriculum Planning
B. Teachers Competencies
Teachers of children with special needs should have an organized
special training to provide competencies needed on working with children
with special needs. They should have sufficient knowledge and
information not only special teaching but also preventive work, of
detection and assessment procedures, of medical treatment since very
often the teacher will be working in an area where he has no specialist to
turn for help and advice.
C. Curriculum Planning
According to DepEd the ultimate goal of special education shall be
the integration or mainstreaming of learners with special needs into the
regular school system and eventually in the community.
Special education shall aim to develop the maximum potential of
the child with special needs to enable him to become self-reliant and shall
be geared towards providing him with the opportunities for a full and
happy life.
The specific objectives of special education shall be the development
and maximization of learning competencies, as well as the inculcation of
values to make the learners with special needs a useful and effective
member of society.
Curriculum planning of every school should aligned according to
standard-based competencies set by DepEd. However curriculum planning
for students with special needs in the inclusion should always considerd
the following:
- Physical needs – this can include the need for meal assistance,
eating, drinking skills, physical mobility, gross and fine motor skill
development, game playing, operating in an indoor or outdoor PE
environment, and toileting support.
The above model in Inclusion to be better is just only a suggestion. I know there
were many models or approaches that we can use for the betterment of our Special
Education Programs especially the Inclusion. The whole system of education in the
Philippines should always inculcate positive values of citizenship leading to the agenda
of national thinking. Inclusion is a perspective of hope.
Thank you.
Alpha Z. Cristobal