Training Programmes On Mushroom Cultivation Technology

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Training programmes on mushroom cultivation technology.


Course Title Duration Dates Registration fee

Sr.No. Level of Participants/ Nos. of
1. Training on mushroom Cultivation Entrepreneurs should understand 10 days 21-30th April Rs.10000.00 per trainee
Technology for Entrepreneurs-I English – 30 Nos. 2016
2. Training on mushroom Cultivation Entrepreneurs should understand 10 days 21-30th Rs.10000.00 per trainee
Technology for Entrepreneurs-II English – 30 Nos. November, 2016
3. Training on Mushroom Cultivation Farmers should understand Hindi 7 days 12-18th May, Rs.2000.00 per trainee
for Small/Marginal Farmers/Growers- – 50 Nos. 2016
4. Training on Mushroom Cultivation Scientists/SMS/Technical Staff of 7 days 14-20th July, No Fee, TA & DA is to
for KVK staff KVKs and SAUs –30 Nos 2016 be borne by the parent
5. Training on Mushroom Cultivation Farmers should understand Hindi 7 days 22-28 Rs.2000.00 per trainee
for Small/Marginal Farmers/Growers- – 50 Nos. September, 2016
6. Training on mushroom cultivation for Only for people of North-Eastern 4 days 7-10th No Fees
North eastern hill region at DMR, States (Assam, Meghalaya, September, 2016
Solan Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram,
Nagaland and Sikkim)
7. Training on mushroom cultivation for Only for people of North-Eastern 3 days 6-8 December, No Fees
North eastern hill region at Nagaland States 2016
8. Training under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) Only for those belonging to 3-5 days To be decided No fees
scheduled tribes later
9 Individual hands on training on spawn Minimum As per demand 1000.00 per day per
production/ Compost analysis/ Post three days trainee
harvest technology and value addition
How to apply:
 Apply in advance in the prescribed form along with DD of required amount to the Director, Directorate of Mushroom
Research, Chambaghat, Solan-173213.
 Selection is done on the basis of first come first serve. DD should be drawn in favour of ICAR-UNIT NRCM, payable at
SBP, Solan (H.P). DD of non selected candidates will be returned after selection of trainees.
 Application must reach us one month before the commencement of the respective training.
 The applicants can also deposit the amount by cash in the office one month prior to respective training
 No online transaction of the money is entertained.

 No boarding/lodging and travel expenses will be paid to the trainees.
 Fee is non-refundable.
 Shared rooms in the DMR farmers hostel will be provided to trainees @ Rs 50 per day per trainee subject to availability
(Max 35 trainees)
 No accompanying members will be given accommodation in the hostel.
 Trainees can avail canteen facility in the DMR at nominal rates.
 DMR Hostel phone number: 01792-230358

Journey And Accommodation

The trainees themselveswill have to pay for their to & fro journey and make their own stay arrangement during the training. There
are numerous hotels in and around Chambaghat/ Solan ranging between Rs.500.00 to Rs.2500.00 per night. However, limited
accommodation at nominal rates is also available at DMR hostel, the allotment for which will be made by the course Director and course
Coordinator. Registration fee does not include the cost of travel, stay and food etc. However, it covers the cost of training material to be
provided to the participants. DMR, Solan is located on Kalka - Shimla National Highway-22 at a distance of about 75 km from Chandigarh
Bus Stand, 45 KM from Shimla Bus Stand and 40 km from Kalka Railway Station. It is well connected by rail and road route from Delhi,
Chandigarh, Kalka and Shimla. The season during April to October will be pleasant and light jackets/pullovers will be required in the
Training Details

The Cultivation Technology of following types of Mushroom will be covered during the training course with special emphasis on

 Cultivation Technology of White button mushroom - Agaricus bisporus and A.bitorquis.

 Cultivation Technology of Oyster mushroom - Pleurotus spp.
 Cultivation Technology of Paddy straw mushroom - Volvariella spp.
 Cultivation technology of Specialty mushrooms - Shiitake (Lentinula edodes), Black ear (Auricularia spp.) and Milky white
(Calocybe indica).
The Cultivation Technology of above mushrooms will cover following aspects in details:
 Nutritional / Medicinal value of mushrooms and - its relevance in healthy food
 Seeds/spawn preparation technique for mushrooms
 Substrate preparation technique for mushrooms
 Infrastructure requirement for setting up of a composite mushroom farm
 Crop raising of all above mushrooms including crop management
 Pest/diseases management in mushrooms
 Post harvest handling/value addition of mushrooms

Apart from above aspects of cultivation technology, the other important related aspects viz; economics of mushrooms cultivation,
marketing, financing, management of spent compost etc. will also be covered during the training course. In order to develop confidence
among trainees, a visit to mushroom growing unit will also be conducted.

Format for Application form

Name and complete postal address

e- mail address:
Age and Sex:


Have you undergone any training in mushroom cultivation?

Have you cultivated any mushrooms?

Are you involved any mushroom related business/ Activities?

(Entrepreneurs Training)

1) Mushrooms- An agri business

2) Nutritional and medicinal value of mushrooms
3) Culture preparation and preservation techniques in mushrooms
4) Spawn production technology
5) Quality traits in cultivated mushroom strains and consumer acceptability
6) Formulations and recent advances in compost production for button mushroom
7) Post composting supplementations for high yield of button mushroom
8) Recent advances in crop management of white button mushroom
9) Farm-design and infrastructure for a commercial mushroom growing unit
10) Economics of button mushroom cultivation under controlled conditions
11) Cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus spp.)
12) Infrastructure requirement and economics of oyster mushroom
13) Cultivation & economics of paddy straw mushroom, (Volvariella spp.)

14) Cultivation & economics of milky mushroom ( Calocybe indica )

15) Cultivation of Shiitake and other specialty Mushrooms
16) Cultivation of medicinal mushrooms
17) Competitor moulds/fungal and viral diseases of mushrooms
18) Bacterial diseases and abiotic disorders of mushrooms
19) Insect, pests & nematodes of mushrooms and their management
20) Uses and/or disposal of spent mushroom substrate
21) Post harvest handling, value-addition and marketing of mushrooms
22) Round the year cultivation of mushrooms
23) Financial assistance from Banks for mushroom project
24) Sources of information for various inputs and guidance on mushroom cultivation.

1. Culture preparation
2. Spawn production
3. Compost preparation for white button mushroom
4. Substrate preparation for oyster mushrooms
5. Substrate preparation for paddy straw mushroom
6. Substrate preparation for Shiitake & Auricularia
7. Substrate preparation for Calocybe
8. Substrate preparation for Reishi mushroom
9. Casing and crop management in button mushrooms
10. Diseases /mould/insect pests, field identification and their management
11. Post-harvest handling for value addition including dehydration of mushrooms
12. Farm visit
13. Video film on mushroom cultivation/ harvesting/ processing
14 Visit to the mushroom farm

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