Entrepreneur Developed by KVK
Entrepreneur Developed by KVK
Entrepreneur Developed by KVK
bedspawn through capacity building programme of the KVK. A Rural Laboratory was
established in his farm household under the aegis of the DBT-GOI funded project on
rural youth empowerment in the followup programme. His active role in tissue culture of
mushroom, and from it mother and bedspawn production enabled year round production
of the milky mushroom. A Society under the banner “Ezhil Milky Mushroom Growers
Association” was established in the later part of 2009 under the Societies Act, 1976.
2. Trainings
i. Trainings Undertaken
The entrepreneur underwent series of trainings in the district and higher learning
at NRCM, Solan. The details are furnished below.
3. Demonstrations
Demonstrations of cultivation of oyster mushroom, milky mushroom and mother
and bed spawn productions were given to his group during the training programme.
Preparation of mother spawn
Preparation of bed spawn
Paddy straw sterilization
Preparation of mushroom beds
Construction and maintenance of spawn running room and cropping room
Preparation of casing mixture and casing of mushroom beds
Harvesting, packing and post harvest techniques
Preparation of Potato Dextrose Agar medium and PDA slants
i. Raw materials
Substrate for the production involving paddy straw, casing soil, mushrooms
spawn etc in prefabricated mushroom shed of standard size as per the prescription of
TNAU, Coimbatore
Cultivation techniques
Milky mushroom is being cultivated on cellulosic substrates namely, paddy straw.
Half cooked sorghum grains are mixed with 2 per cent calcium carbonate and
filled in empty glucose bottles or in polypropylene bags. They are autoclaved at 1.4-
kg/cm2 pressure for 1.5 to 2.0 h. The bottles/bags are aseptically inoculated and
incubated at room temperature (28±2°C). The spawn run will be completed in 10-12
days and these bottles/bags serve as mother cultures. From each bottle of mother
culture 25-30 additional spawn bottles can be multiplied aseptically and used.
Cultivation Chamber
Beds after preparation may be kept under normal room temperature (25-35°C)
for spawn run. After completion of spawn run and after casing, the beds are to be
incubated over racks in a partially sunken chamber lined with blue coloured high-density
polythene sheet as roofing material. Inside the chamber the temperature should be
around 30-35°C and the relative humidity more than 85 per cent. Light intensity of about
1600-3200 lux is essential in the cropping room. Proper ventilation for gaseous
exchange is also essential.
Mushroom Bed Preparation
Polythene bags of 60 x 30 cm or 75 x 45 cm size are used for mushroom bed
preparation. Chaffed paddy straw bits of 3-5 cm in length are soaked in cold water for 4
hours. After draining the excess water, the straw bits are treated in hot water at about
80°C for 60 min. in a separate drum. Aerated Steam treatment of substrate at a
temperature of about 80°C for 60 min. may also be followed. The chemical substrate
treatment with carbendazim 75 ppm + formalin 500 ppm (soaked for 16 h) is also used
for preparation of substrate.
After substrate treatment they are shade dried to remove excess moisture and
used for bed preparation. At the time of bed preparation the substrate should contain
around 60 per cent moisture (can be tested by squeeze method). Sorghum grain spawn
may be used and cylindrical beds are prepared following layer method of spawning as is
generally done in case of oyster mushroom. With each bottle of spawn 2-3 cylindrical
beds can be prepared. The beds are then incubated for spawn run under semi-dark
condition in a clean room. Spawn run will be completed in 10-12 days.
Milky mushroom production involves an additional process called casing. After
the completion of spawn run the cylindrical beds are cut horizontally into two equal
halves. Over the each half cut bed casing soil is applied to a height of 1-2 cm. For
casing steamed (for 1 h) garden soil (clay loam, pH around 8.0) is useful. Sometimes
clay mixed red soil added with calcium carbonate (2 per cent).
Beds after casing are kept in cultivation chambers and sprayed regularly with
water to maintain 50-60 per cent moisture level in the casing medium. Pinheads appear
in 8-10 days after casing and the first harvest can be made in 6-8 days after pinhead
formation. After obtaining the first harvest the casing medium is gently ruffled, slightly
compacted back and sprayed regularly with water. Second and third harvest may be
obtained within 45-50 days of bed preparation. Then the beds are removed and fresh
beds may be kept for cropping.
iv. Package and handling: The products are packed in the food grade quality poly
bags and sealed
6. Status of entrepreneur before and after the enterprise
Mr. Chandrasekaran had an ancestral property of 3.5 acres of land in
Melmavilangai, Olakkur Block of Villupuram District. The whole family was engaged in
cultivation of paddy, sugarcane, groundnut, different gourds and brinjal in this piece of
land besides an area of 2.5 acres leased in by his father. This continues to be their first
occupation even today.
After entering into mushroom enterprise, the number of crops stood at an
average of 7 per year from the baseline of 2 crops per year following the intervention of
KVK. The spawn production at inception was 400 packets/month during 2009.
Currently, it has risen to 4000 packets/month with 100% commercial consumption. The
enterprise is providing employment to three rural persons besides his family. The
mushrooms are sold in local and regional trade methods. The entrepreneur as a
resource person in attachment programmes of periods one to two months has offered
trainings to graduate students of Loyola College, Chennai during 2010-2013. He turned
out to be a good consultant and established mushroom production units in Valajabad
(1), Chennai (7), Gudiyatham (5), Villupuram (3), Arani (2), Aruppukottai (2),
Sethiathoppu (3), and Bodinaicaknur (3). Totally he laid out 26 custom designed Units
with production capacity of 72.8 tonnes of milky mushroom/year.
8. Horizontal spread of enterprise
The entrepreneur as a resource person in attachment programmes of periods
one to two months has offered trainings to graduate students of Loyola College,
Chennai during 2010-2013. He turned out to be a good consultant and established
mushroom production units in Valajabad (1), Chennai (7), Gudiyatham (5), Villupuram
(3), Arani (2), Aruppukottai (2), Sethiathoppu (3), and Bodinaicaknur (3). Totally he laid
out 26 custom designed Units with production capacity of 72.8 tonnes of milky
Spawn production in Chandrasekar’s Lab
Laboratory was established in his farm household during 2008 under the aegis of the
DBT-GOI funded project on rural youth empowerment in the followup programme.
Technical backstopping in his place and the techniques were provided by the experts of
the KVK. Through KVK intervention he instituted “Bismi Milky Mushroom Growers
Association” under the Societies Act, 1976 in 2009 with 22 members. He has bought
two vehicles for his own purpose. The technical skill in the production of Milky and
Oyster mushroom has been improved and he is marketing the fresh mushrooms in
networking mode through five different groups who are successfully cultivating
mushroom (Mr. Sekar from Kadapakkam, Mr. Babu from Nolambur, Mr. Ponnusamy
from Nemili, Mr. Jayaraman from Dadapuram and Mr. Babu from Panruti). Presently
due to cultivation of Milky and Oyster mushroom, spawn production and value addition
of mushroom, his standard of living has raised and he is earning Rs. 30,000-40,000 per
b. Trainings:
i. Trainings Undertaken:
The following are the some of the important trainings he undertook at the major centres
in the State. These skill development programmes have enabled his group to practice
the value chain management in mushroom on scientific basis.
6-9.11.2012 Mushroom cultivation Technologies Vocational training
iii. Demonstrations
Demonstrations of cultivation of oyster mushroom, milky mushroom and mother and
bed spawn productions were given to his group during the training programmes
This group also demonstrated the value of mushroom in several platforms. Notable
among them are the demonstrations held during the visit of the Deputy Director General
(AE) during 2009, Technology Week 2010, Quinquennial Review Team Visit during
2011, State level Exhibition in Namakkal during 2010 and Salem during 2013.
a. Publicity
At Village/Town level: The District Administration is organizing a seven day exhibition
for the general public as part of the celebrations of Chitrai Festival at Tindivanam from
April 14- April 20 every year. Since 2009, Mr. Akbar under the Banner ‘Bismi Milky
Mushroom Growers Association’ has been participating in the weeklong event and
exhibiting the products to promote healthy mushrooms and gain publicity for the
venture. Packaged and ready to serve products are displayed on commercial
dimensions in this annual exhibition. Publicity materials such as leaflets and recipes are
distributed to the general public and consumers during the event regularly by the group.
At District level: The District Industrial Centre enabled platform for Mr. Akbar to display
the fresh mushrooms as part of the Entrepreneurship promotional initiative of the district
during 2007-2008.
At State level: He has displayed his products in Farmers Day conducted during every
year at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore and CODISSIA at
Coimbatore. Since 2009 he had attended eight events in total at the State Level
Programmes on different concepts. He was part of the exhibitors at the State Level
programme on ‘Attracting Rural Youth in Agriculture’ held at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University on 30.12.2011. The products displayed received highest commendations of
the social activists of the country. The success story of mushroom cultivation in his farm
was broadcast in AIR, Pondicherry on 17.9.2012, Makkal TV, Podigai TV,
Doodardashan (DD), and published different daily tamil magazines at different periods
during 2010-13.
At National level: The success story of mushroom enterprise promoted by the Krishi
Vigyan Kendra, Villupuram had been documented earlier by the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research, New Delhi in 2010. The success of the entrepreneur had been
presented in it. The latest one to showcase fresh and value added mushrooms products
was at Salem in the Mushroom Mela hosted by National Research Centre for
Mushroom, Solan and the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore on
22.03.2013. The Bismi Milky Mushroom Growers Association displayed participated in
the First Global Conference for Women in Agriculture at New Delhi during 13th -15th
March, 2012 exhibited mushroom products in the Forum. This was the first international
appearance and received appreciation for participation.
b. Marketing
Bismi Milky Mushroom Growers Association has commercialized the edible mushrooms
like milky mushroom, oyster mushroom mass produced. This group also has been a
liaison for the button mushroom produced in the Nilgris, Tamil Nadu. The fresh
mushroom products are marketed in the name Bismi Food products- BFP heath Healthy
Mushrooms adhering to the principles of packaging fresh and value added mushrooms.
In all the cases the products are sold with information on nutritional properties printed
on the package and supporting information brochures containing recipes. Since, the
mushroom have low shelf life the producers group with expertise is marketing
processed forms and their products for general consumers. The value added products
are marketed in the brand name BFP Healthy mushroom pickle, BFP Healthy Chilli
mushroom powder, BFP Healthy Mot laddu, BFP Healthy dry mushroom, BFP Healthy
dry mushroom stem, BFP Healthy Mushroom Idli powder etc. Apart from the above
recipes he is taking bulk orders for ready to serve preparations and snacks viz.,
mushroom soup, mushroom samosa, mushroom biriyani, mushroom gravy,
mushroom chilli, mushroom chapatis, mushroom pav Baji, mushroom manchurian
for family functions, marriages etc.
i. Raw materials
Substrate for production involving paddy straw, casing soil, mushroom spawn, calcium
chloride etc for multiplication under controlled conditions in prefabricated mushroom
shed of standard size as per the prescription of the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University.
2 Oyster mushroom 1:1.6
3 Spawn 1:2.0
4 Mushroom pickle 1:1.75
5 Mushroom mot laddu 1:1.5
6 Dry mushroom 1:1.5
7 Dry Mushroom stem 1:1.42
8 Mushroom chilli powder 1:1.66
9 Mushroom idli powder 1:1.5
10 Mushroom briyani 1:1.6
11 mushroom chilli 1:1.71
12 mushroom soup 1:1.87
13 mushroom samosa 1:1.25
14 mushroom chapattis 1:1.66
Vidayalaya, Molachoor and to interested candidates who has approached him on free of
cost basis. Through him the mushroom enterprise has been taken up by four rural youth
in the District.
The cultivation of milky mushroom in Akbar’s facility
2. Trainings
1. Trainings Undertaken
Mr. Karthikeyan underwent several oncampus trainings organized by the Kendra
in his native place and surrounding villages. Besides, he attended some of the
oncampus programme given below.
3. Demonstrations
The technology demonstration exercises were carried out in his field on several
occasions during the exposure visits organized by the KVK.
and Muskmelon
21.2.2013 Harvesting of Watermelon Field day Alangkuppam
1.3.2013 Ethrel spray in watermelon Field day Alangkuppam
Raw materials
Drip unit, Mulching sheet, vegetables (watermelon, muskmelon and brinjal)
Process (methodology)
The methodologies followed for cultivation of vegetables are as per the
horticulture guide developed by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
Man power involvement: Family labours 4 members and hired labourers as per
7. Status of entrepreneur before and after the enterprise
The area under drip fertigation and mulching in growing vegetable crops viz.
watermelon, melon and brinjal has increased to an extent of 5 ha during 2010 to 38 ha
during 2013. Presently, the Kendra under village saturation model is bringing in
additionally 80 hectares under precision farming.
His farm has been identified as a learning ground for precision farming
technology and many farmers have visited his farm during their exposure visit in
Precision farming.
2. Trainings
1. Trainings Undertaken
The farmer attended several trainings under the scheme in which skill imparting
exercises were carried out by the experts of the KrishiVigyan Kendra and Oilseeds
Research Station, Tindivanam. These trainings provided him the needed technologies
for adoption.
Date Topic Training type
4.11.2011 SSI Technology On campus training
22.2.2012 SSI Technology On campus training
23.12.2012 SSI Technology On campus training
23.2.2013 SSI Nursery On campus training
3. Demonstrations
The entrepreneur was instrumental in demonstrating the technologies on several
occasions. It included the preparation of cocopeat media, chipbud preparations,
planting, maintenance etc. To groups of farmers visiting his nursery he has been
demonstrating the technology in sugarcane seedling rising. Since 2011-12 he had
demonstrated the methodology to more than 700 farmers of the district.
The farmer initially confined the sales of the seedlings to the fellow farmers in his
own and neighbouring villages. As he began to surface as an entrepreneur, the
sugarcane factories in the District offered the platform. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra
utilized him fully in the capacity building programmes, group discussions, scientific
gatherings etc. in which his venture was discussed during 2011-13. These acted as
curtain raiser for the venture by the entrepreneur. During this period, the success story
of sugarcane seedling production in commercial began appearing in Tamil Newspapers
and the mass media Pudhiyathalaimurai recorded his interview.
The entrepreneur sells 25 day old seedlings directly to the farmers who are
shifting from the conventional to SSI. The Sugarcane factories have supported the
nursery. The market for Vanitha Nursery once confined to his native village has spread
to nearby Districts viz., Thiruvannamalai, Cuddalore and Kanchipuram besides the
Union Territory of Pudhucherry.
i. Raw materials
Sugarcane chip buds, Protrays, vermicompost, Cocopeat, plant growth regulator,
inorganic fertilizers and shade net facilities
9. Horizontal spread of enterprise
He is invited as resource person for the sponsored SSI-Nursery technology
training conducted by the KVK regularly. He also master trainer for the erecting shade
net and nurseries within the district. The farmer is spreading the cause of the SSI in the
district and through his efforts in production of 17,00,000 seedlings since 2012
effectively, an area of 340 ha has been brought under SSI in the region.