Liebherr Crawler Lattice Boom Cranes p386 00 E09 2015

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Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Cranes with all the power you need

Efficient operations
with outstanding crane designs

2 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Liebherr cranes are used all over the
world, wherever very heavy loads need
to be moved safely and economically.
The cranes offer outstanding lifting ca-
pacities and load moments as well as
enormous hoist heights and radii.

• Extremely variable boom systems for a

particular wide range of applications
• The perfect boom combination to meet
every challenge
• Maximum mobility and economy due to
compact dimensions and optimised
component weights for easy transportation
• Derrick systems with suspended counterweight
tray or ballast wagon increase the cranes’
• Special boom systems for the efficient
assembly of wind turbines

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 3

Crawler crane specialists
The very latest design and production

4 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Long term experience High production quality
Liebherr started designing lattice boom cranes on crawl- The assembly shop for heavy duty cranes is specially designed
er chassis in Ehingen at the end of the seventies. Today for the assembly of crawler cranes and their specific require-
Liebherr develops and manufactures crawler cranes with ments. Modern production technologies and procedures en-
lifting capacities of over 300 tonnes / 360 US-tons at its Ehin- hance both quality and flexibility to meet rising customer ex-
gen site. Liebherr builds crawler cranes with lifting capacities pectations. Quality management takes place continuously
up to 300 tonnes / 360 US-tons in Nenzing, Austria. throughout the production process. In addition, every single
crane undergoes intense testing in the test yard.
Practical crane design
Liebherr cranes are developed using the very latest design
methods. Our engineers ensure that the design is as practi-
cal as possible. Powerful, economical developments and ef-
ficient detail solutions make our crawler cranes functional tools.
Liebherr also invests in research into even higher strength
structural steel and new materials. The company also focuses
its design on ensuring maximum safety during crane operation.

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 5

Pioneering innovation
Increasing lifting capacity with PowerBoom

6 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Enormous increase in lifting capacity Powerful luffing jib with PowerBoom
The parallel “PowerBoom” increases the lifting capacity of large Operating with a luffing jib also allows massive lifting capacity
crawler cranes by up to more than 50 percent. The award- increases to be achieved since the maximum permitted tor-
winning technology delivers excellent value for money. sional moment is increased by the PowerBoom. This drasti-
The bottom sections of the lattice boom feature lattice sec- cally extends the range of use of the crane. The increase in
tions mounted parallel next to each other. This massively in- lifting capacity has proved to be extremely effective on the
creases stability both in the direction of the load and also to the LR 11000 and LR 13000 cranes. Components from the luff-
side. The PowerBoom increases lifting capacity enormously, ing jib are used for the PowerBoom in this case. This enables
particularly on long boom systems. sections of the main boom to be used to form a particularly
powerful luffing jib.
Economic, flexible solution
The system is simple to retrofit – all crane owners require are
two additional adapters. Standard intermediate lattice sections
are used to form the parallel boom. The lattice sections in-
stalled in parallel are merged near the turntable using the lower
P adapter and bolted to the crane. The upper P adapter recon-
nects the parallel boom. This enables the crane to achieve ex-
tremely efficient lifting capacities in the next higher crane class.

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 7

On the move all over the world
Practical transport logistics

8 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Compact dimensions and optimised weights Professional load securing
During the design phase Liebherr engineers focus on variable Liebherr's competence for international transport logistics is
possible means of transport for the crane components. The di- based on many years of experience and expertise in the indus-
mensions and weights of crawler cranes are designed to allow try. Contacts in the heavy haulage industry and constructive
them to be transported practically and economically. Short set- collaboration with shipping companies ensure that Liebherr
up times can be achieved with designed erection procedures. cranes are designed for safe transport.
A wide range of transport versions provide scope for adjusting The components feature a whole host of lashing points. The
to a wide range of requirements for using the cranes in other appropriate documentation and suitable lashing equipment
countries and continents. This ensures low cost transportation can also be supplied. In addition, Liebherr can provide support
even in countries with restricted weight stipulations. for transport process planning.

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 9

LR 1350/1
Compact and powerful

10 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Top lifting capacities in all working ranges LR 1350/1
The LR 1350/1 delivers high lifting capacities in all working ranges due to its standard 350 t /
reinforced S2 main boom. A special S3HS boom system is available for wind turbines max 400 US-t
with a tower height of up to 100 m / 330 ft.
4,272 tm /
tm 31,012,150
Compact design lbs-ft
The LR 1350/1 is the most compact crane in its class and delivers great flexibility in 156 m /
constricted working environments. It can also be transported at low cost. Its dimen- A 512 ft
sions and weights are perfect for transportation. The whole basic machine weighs
270 kW
just 40 tonnes / 88.185 lbs. 367 HP
7.2 m /
Lightweight version
24 ft
The 350-tonne / 400 US-ton crawler crane is also available in a lightweight LN
version. The complete set of equipment can be transported in standard trucks. 125 t /
276,000 lbs
38 t /
84,000 lbs
max. 210 t
x 15 m /
B BW 463,000 lbs
x 49 ft

Efficient transport
• The entire crane can be self-erected • The whole basic machine weighs just 40 tonnes / 88,185 lbs
• Ballasting device is also available as an option • Width: 3 m / 9.8 ft

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LR 1400/2
The most successful crane in its class

12 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Flexible boom system LR 1400/2
The multi-functional boom system on the LR 1400/2 is suitable for a wide range of
400 t /
applications. It can be chosen both for industrial work and for erecting wind turbines. max 440 US-ton
Special configurations make the crawler crane ideal for erecting wind turbines with a
5,044 tm /
hub height of up to 100 m / 330 ft. tm 37,202,634
Variable derrick system 168 m /
A variable derrick system is available for the LR 1400/2. The derrick ballast weighing A 552 ft
up to 260 tonnes / 573,000 lbs can be used as suspended counterweight tray or as
300 kW
ballast wagon to achieve a maximum radius of 15 m / 49 ft. The counterweight tray is 408 HP
adjustable by using a hydraulically telescoping guide.
7.5 m /
25 ft 
Highly manoeuvrable
As an option the LR 1400/2 can be fitted with 1.5 m / 4.9 ft crawler plates to reduce 155 t /
341,750 lbs
its ground pressure. The four-way crawler drive unit ensures excellent manoeuvring
and steering. 43 t /
94,800 lbs
max. 260 t
x 15 m /
B BW 573,000 lbs
x 49 ft

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LR 1600/2
Flexible crawler crane for all types of use

14 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

High lifting capacities and reinforced boom systems LR 1600/2
A wide range of boom systems makes the LR 1600/2 suitable for any type of use.
600 t /
Reinforced boom configurations with H-kit enable it to achieve high load capaci- max 660 US-tons
ties. Extended boom systems can be used to erect wind turbines efficiently. The
8,690 tm
SL13DFB system enables the LR 1600/2 to achieve unrivalled lifting capacities in the tm 64,094,150
600-tonne / 660 US-ton class with a hook height of 187 m / 614 ft. lbs-ft

B 192 m /
Variable derrick system A 630 ft
Variable derrick systems are available for the LR 1600/2. The derrick ballast weighing
400 kW
up to 350 tonnes / 771,600 pounds can be adjusted when fully loaded up to a radius 544 HP
of 18 m / 59 feet using either the suspended counterweight tray without guidance or
8.4 m /
a ballast wagon. With the B2 guiding frame the suspended ballast can achieve radii
28 ft
of 15 m, 17.5 m and 20 m / 49.2 ft, 57.4 ft and 65.6 ft.
190 t /
418,950 lbs
Low cost transport logistics
The weights and dimensions of the LR 1600/2 have been perfected to ensure low 65 t /
143,300 lbs
cost transport. The weight of the basic machine can be reduced to 57 tonnes /
125,665 lbs by removing the SA frame. The SA frame is a transport unit which is easy max. 350 t
to remove. x 18 m /
B BW 771,600 lbs
High safety standards x 59 ft
Safety ropes, a number of ladders and walkways are available for working at height.
max. 350 t
x 20 m /
771,600 lbs
x 65.6 ft

Powerful Increased load capacity

SL13 boom system with ballast trailer
• Long main boom systems with a • Max. 350 tonnes / 771,600 pounds of derrick ballast
fixed jib are perfect for the wind mill erection on the ballast wagon
• Using the same lattice sections and the • Infinitely variable radii between 13 m and 18 m / 42.7 ft
S head section the main boom can be used with and 59 ft possible
very high loads as the SL14 heavy duty boom.

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 15

LR 1600/2-W
Efficient operations in wind farms

16 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

On narrow tracks through wind farms LR 1600/2-W
The LR 1600/2-W narrow track crawler crane is particularly efficient for use in wind
600 t /
farms since it can travel over narrow paths whilst fully equipped. The overall width of max 660 US-tons
the crawler chassis is just 5.8 m / 19 ft.
8,118 tm /
The LR 1600/2-W is fitted as standard with 2 m / 6.6 ft crawler plates to reduce its tm 59,875,295
ground pressure. The four-way crawler drive unit ensures excellent manoeuvring and lbs-ft
steering. 168 m /
A 551 ft
Safety for travelling and operations
370 kW
The support plates are carried close to the ground during travelling and can be tai- 503 HP
lored individually to the available track width. They thus provide a high level of safety.
5.8 m /
The crane supports deliver high stability for hoisting work.
19 ft

Enhanced for wind turbine erection 190 t /

419,000 lbs
The boom systems for the LR 1600/2-W are designed for erecting wind
turbines. Without a derrick system the crawler crane is ideal for use on turbines with 65 t /
143,300 lbs
a tower height of up to 105 m / 345 ft, with the derrick system for heights of up to
140 m / 460 ft. max. 350 t
x 18 m /
Travelling by remote control B BW 771,600 lbs
The travel and support functions can be controlled particularly conveniently and safe- x 59 ft
ly using a remote control.

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 17

LR 1750/2
Sequel of the success story

18 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Wide range of equipment LR 1750/2
With its multi-functional boom system, the lifting capacity increasing derrick system,
750 t /
and various support versions, the LR 1750/2 is suitable for universal use. max 825 US-tons
The 750-tonne / 825 US-ton crane can be used both with a mobile crawler chassis
9,864 tm /
and with swing-out supports as a stationary "pedestal crane". tm 72,753,000
High lifting capacities 196 m /
Without a derrick system the LR 1750/2 can achieve massive increases in lifting A 643 ft
capacity using the superstructure extension and crane supports.
455 kW
618 HP
With „H boom“: LR 1750/2
8.8 m /
With a reinforced main boom and modified derrick system the lifting capacities can
29 ft
be increased by up to 30 % compared to the LR 1750.
245 t /
540,000 ft

95 t /
209,200 lbs
max. 400 t
x 20 m /
B BW 881,850 lbs
x 65.6 ft

Upgrade to the Stationary

LR 1750/2 „pedestal crane“
• Equipment of LR 1750 can be used, extended derrick • Increase support base measuring 12 m x 16 m / 39 ft x 52.5 ft
and reinforced main boom • Up to 50 % higher load capacity compared to mobile
• Enhanced crawler chassis, ballast trailer with power unit, crawler chassis model
walkways and railings

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 19

LG 1750
Maximum mobility and enormous lifting capacity

20 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

The most powerful lattice boom mobile crane in the world LG 1750
The LG 1750 combines the benefits of the high mobility of an all-terrain crane with the
750 t /
enormous lifting capacity of a lattice boom crane. It is the most powerful lattice boom max 850 US-tons
mobile crane in the world.
9,864 tm /
tm 72,753,000
Functional boom systems lbs-ft
A wide range of boom systems for the most diverse applications is available for the 196 m /
LG 1750. The S6 main boom is perfect for use with a luffing jib. Without a derrick sys- A 643 ft
tem the LG 1750 can achieve massive increases in lifting capacity using the super-
505 kW
structure extension. With the derrick system it can achieve maximum hoist heights 686 HP
and lifting capacities.
400 kW
Most of the equipment for the LG 1750 is compatible with the LR 1750 crawler crane.
544 HP

Special solutions for wind power 80 km/h /

50 mph
There is a large selection of boom configurations for the LG 1750 which have been
specially enhanced for use in the wind industry. The latest generation of wind turbines 245 t /
with hub heights of up to 150 m / 490 ft can be erected using the SL12D2FB system.
max. 400 t
Design perfected for transport x 20 m /
The basic machine travels on the road with an axle load of up to 12 tonnes / 26,400 B 881,850 lbs
pounds. The folding beams can be removed as standard to achieve a reduced trans- x 65.6 ft
port weight of 48 tonnes / 105,600 pounds.
16 m x 16 m /
52.5 ft x
High safety standards 52.5 ft
Safety ropes, a number of ladders and walkways are available for working at height.

All-terrain chassis SL12-boom

150 m / 490 ft

• Latest travel gear technology

• Active rear wheel steering
• Variable steering programs

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 21

LR 11000
Powerful, flexible and compact

22 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Outstanding lifting capacity values LR 11000
The powerful LR 11000 features outstanding lifting capacities over its entire working 1,000 t /
range. The heavy duty crane can achieve enormous increases in lifting capacity using 1,200 US-
the parallel “PowerBoom” system. tons
15,171 tm /
Extensive boom systems tm 112,000,000
With a variety of boom versions, including derrick systems and special wind power lbs-ft
equipment, this Liebherr crawler crane flexibly covers a wide range of applications. B 222 m /
The standard equipment comprising the S main boom and W luffing jib enables the A 728 ft
crane to achieve various boom systems, including a powerful PowerBoom with a 500 kW
heavy duty luffing jib. 680 HP
9.2 m
Compact dimensions 30 ft
The LR 11000 has been designed so that it can be used in constricted areas, for
250 t /
example in refineries. The basic crane is extremely compact and has a track width 551,250 lbs
of just 9.2 m / 30 ft. The suspended counterweight tray can be placed within 12 m / 
90 t /
20 ft of the basic machine. 198,450 lbs
max. 450 t
Enhanced transport and erection concept x 30 m /
The LR 11000 is designed for a transport width of 3.5 m / 12 ft and a transport height of max.992,000
3.2 m / 10.5 ft. Individual weights can be reduced to 45 t / 99,200 lbs. The central lbs x 82 ft
crawler section including the slewing ring and bottom section of the slewing platform
forms one transport unit only and can be connected to the slewing platform quickly
using just four bolts.

High safety standards

Safety access ladders, railings and walkways are available for working at height. The
360° platform provides convenient, safe access to the turntable and crane cabine.


Derrick ballast dimensions

• Infinitely adjustable radius from 12 m to 20 m / 39 ft to 66 ft,
up to 30 m / 82 ft with guide frame
• Safe access ladders and railings

R = 12 m / 39'4"
R = 20 m / 65'7"

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 23

LR 11350
The standard in the heavy duty crane class

24 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Excellent lifting capacity values – variable boom systems LR 11350
The LR 11350 features excellent lifting capacity values over its entire working range. 1,350 t
The PowerBoom enables it to achieve enormous increases in lifting capacity. 1,500 US-
Enhanced for transport 22,748 tm
A thoroughly thought-out transport concept ensures maximum economy. Not a sin- tm 167,780,600
gle component of the LR 11350 exceeds a transport width of 3.5 m / 12 ft or a trans- lbs-ft
port weight of 45 tonnes / 99,200 pounds. B 198 m /
The bottom section of the turntable, the slewing platform and the central crawler A 649 ft
section form one transport unit only. This means that there is no need for a quick 641 kW
connection which drastically reduces the erection time. 872 HP
11 m /
Compact dimensions 36 ft
The LR 11350 features compact dimensions. The suspended counterweight tray can
340 t /
be placed within 15 m / 49 ft of the basic machine. 749,500 lbs
30 t /
Variable derrick system 66,100 lbs
The crane can be operated with and without a derrick boom. The derrick system can
max. 600 t x
be infinitely adjusted between 15 m and 25 m / 49 ft and 82 ft under load. The sus-
30 m /
pended counterweight tray radius can be extended to 30 m / 98 ft with a guide frame. max.
B BW 1,322,700
High safety standards lbs x 98 ft
Safe access ladders, railings and walkways area available for working at height. The
360° platform provides convenient, safe access to the turntable and crane cab.

Ballast trailer Crane cabine
• Various travel programs such as circling and haul drive • Large and clearly designed, excellent all-round visibility
• 15 m to 30 m / 49 ft to 98 ft radius • Three LICCON monitors with work planner
• Monitors for monitoring the winches
• Air-conditioning system with external power pack

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 25

LR 13000
The largest conventional crawler crane in the world

26 Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr

Universal boom system LR 13000
The boom system on the LR 13000 delivers maximum flexibility. Various boom sys- 3,000 t /
tems can be combined from the main boom and luffing jib depending on the require- 3.300 US-
ments for the specific job. tons
65,000 tm /
Variable derrick system tm 479,415,397
The LR 13000 from Liebherr is the only crawler crane in this class which can also lbs-ft
operate without derrick ballast. This is made possible by a slewing ring which B 246 m /
Liebherr develops and manufactures in-house and features an extreme lifting capac- A 807 ft
ity. The standard turntable ballast is increased to 750 tonnes / 1,653,400 pounds to 1,000 kW
achieve maximum lifting capacities without derrick ballast. 1,360 HP
The suspended ballast can be infinitely adjusted by the derrick boom within a bal- 14 m /
last radius of up to 30 m / 98 ft without guidance. The standard range of suspended 46 ft
ballast is combined with heavy duty self-propelled modular transporters (SPMTs) to 750 t /
form the ballast wagon. 1,653,400
Practical transport logistics 150 t /
During the design of this large crane a great deal of value was attached to 330,700 lbs
ensuring practical transport logistics. No single part exceeds a transport weight of max. 1500 t
70 tonnes / 154,300 pounds. Most of the components can be transported with a x 30 m /
height of 3.6 m / 12 ft and a width of 4 m / 13 ft. max.
B 3,307,000
lbs x 98 ft
Powerful drive units
The LR 13000 is powered by two Liebherr V8 diesel engines which develop a com-
bined power output of 1,000 kW / 1,360 HP. They have a redundant design to in-
crease the crane's availability.

R 13000 Titel
Maximum lifting capacities LR 13000 Titel
Flexible in use
With derrick ballast and 400 tonnes / 881,850 pounds • Without derrick ballast for constricted working environments
S2503 S2503
886 880 08 9886 880 08

of superstructure ballast • 750 tonne / 1,653,400 pounds turntable ballast

Crawler and lattice boom cranes from Liebherr 27

Mobile and crawler cranes from
Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH develops and manufactures the primary focus from development to service. The objec-
highly modern telescopic and lattice boom cranes on mobile tive is to set standards in quality, functionality and safety and
and crawler chassis. Its services also include the design and ensure that the machines are highly reliable in use. Liebherr-Werk
project completion of large parasols. The company is the global Ehingen GmbH is part of the global Liebherr Group of Compa-
market leader in mobile cranes. The keys to this success are nies. This family-run company is one of the largest manufactur-
its innovative products, high quality and committed workforce. ers of construction machinery in the world and is also renowned
As the company attaches a great deal of value to high techno- as a supplier of technically advanced, user-focussed products
logical standards, Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH invests heavily and services in many other industries.
in research and development. The needs of the customer are

LTM mobile cranes LTC compact cranes LTF telescopic truck-mounted cranes

The pictures contain also accessories and special equipment not included in the standard scope of delivery. Subject to modification
LG lattice boom mobile cranes LTR telescopic crawler cranes LR crawler cranes

LTM mobile cranes LG lattice boom mobile cranes

The range of LTM cranes extends from the twin-axle LG mobile cranes with lattice booms can handle particularly
35-tonne model to a heavy duty crane with a load capacity of heavy loads, enormous working heights and radii.
1,200 tonnes. The all-terrain chassis is ideal for combined LTR telescopic crawler cranes
on-road and off-road use. The powerful, long telescopic Telescopic cranes on crawler chassis deliver short set-up

Printed in Germany by Tauss (1) BK P386.00.E09.2015

booms can reach great working heights quickly and easily. times and excellent off-road manoeuvrability. They are particu-
LTC compact cranes larly flexible to use.
Compact cranes are all-terrain cranes with a particularly LR crawler cranes
compact design. They are ideal for use on extremely constrict- LR crawler cranes are used all over the world, wherever very
ed sites. heavy loads need to be moved safely and economically. With
LTF telescopic truck-mounted cranes extremely variable boom systems and lifting capacities of up to
LTF truck-mounted cranes are a low cost alternative in the taxi 3,000 tonnes they can cover a particularly wide range of uses.
crane class. Mounted on standard truck chassis, they cost
very little to drive around to jobs.

Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Postfach 1361, 89582 Ehingen, Germany
 +49 7391 502-0, Fax +49 7391 502-3399, E-Mail:

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