Worklog Internship Capstone

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YEAR 2019-2020

Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Mahidol University
(คณะเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล)

October 15 - 18, 2019 from 15.30 - 18.00
October 21-22, 2019 from 9.00 - 17.00
October 24-25, 2019 from 9.00 -17.00
October 28 - 31, 2019 from 15.30 - 18.00
(48 hours)

Teerothai Pranglaor (1110)

Date Contents Place

Day 1: October 15, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Overview of what we will do MUICT

- Learn about web application

Day 2: October 16, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Learn about basic HTML MUICT

- Start creating the program

Day 3: October 17, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Learn about Cascading Styles Sheets MUICT

(CSS) and bootstrap

Day 4: October 18, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Learn about JavaScript MUICT

- Creating a web page

Day 5: October 21, 2019

9.00 - 17.00 - Download MATLAB MUICT

- Uses MATLAB to complete tasks

Day 6: October 22, 2019

9.00 - 17.00 - Learn about database and SQL MUICT

Day 7: October 24, 2019

9.00 - 17.00 - Uses MATLAB to complete tasks MUICT

Day 8: October 25, 2019

9.00 - 17.00 - Learn about PHP and use it to connect MUICT
with different programs to create a web

Day 9: October 28, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Learn about PHP and use it to connect MUICT

with different programs to create a web

Day 10: October 29, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Use PHP to connect with different MUICT

programs to create a web page.

Day 11: October 30, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Use PHP to connect with different MUICT

programs to create a web page.

Day 12: October 31, 2019

15.30 - 18.00 - Use PHP to connect with different MUICT

programs to create a web page.

Day 13: November 11, 2019

8.00 - 10.00 - Presentation MUICT

Day1 October 15, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas

The first day we were being introduced to the ICT department which were about

computers and technology. We walked through each section to know what are the roles for each

of them. Then we went back to the room where we have to create the program and being

introduced to Mr. Atthapan. He told us about what we will be covered for the entire period that

we intern there. So, the first day we were thinking about how to design the application which

will also apply to different devices. Therefore, we need to program it to fit in each device. We

also design the feature of the app and its basic function that we will have to create. Basically, we

create the app from zero percent.

Day 2 October 16, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas

Today we learned about HTML. It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is

used for creating web pages by using different tags. Before we code we need to finish the design

we sketched yesterday first and used the tag to identify each column or row. We used

NotePad++ for doing this. Different tags used to determine the functions and to separate column

and row to make the feature of the web application look organized. We program it to respond to

the input that the user will type in. Although there is a limit if the user types something that does

not fit into the password then nothing will happen.

Day 3 October 17, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas
Today we learned about CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. CSS is a way to decorate the

webpage. CSS has three types to decorate which are inline, internal, and external. These three

types are a way to code the CSS in different places. We can access through CSS by using

Bootstrap which is a free website. We organized the web page by using the table and seperate

column and rows. We also fill the color into the web page. The main reason that we used CSS is

because the web page can adapt to any devices when open.
Day 4 October 18, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas
Today, our purpose is to make the web page respond to the input more. The first topic that

we learned today is javascript. We applied the java into the head tags of HTML which will be

loaded when the web page loaded. We also put the java in the body tags which will be loaded

when the web page pop up or another word finishes loading. So, before we start coding, we have

to draw an outline of what we will do first so that it will be easier for us to code and don’t forget

about what we are doing. The outline helps us to keep track of our work. Javascript helps us

create buttons to mark the time for patients and also to link one page to another.
Day 5 October 21, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Dr. Chomtip Polpanomchai

Today we downloaded the MATLAB program which can be used to calculate numbers.

Today we study about how to download the program and read the tools about it. There are

problems that Dr. Chomtip has given us to complete by using the MATLAB program. We use

MATLAB as a calculator and also as a graph plotter.

Day 6 October 22, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas

As we create the web application, we also need the database in order to pull the

information about patients. This is because with databases this program will work more

efficiently. The program that we use to create databases is MySQL. We used a function called

SQL to create the database and structure it properly. We also need to build the relationship

between each data so that it can link together and can use that data to support the patients.
Day 7 October 24, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Dr. Chomtip Polpanomchai

Today we learned with Dr. Chomtip and continue with the MATLAB program. We uses

this program to create a calculator which can really calculate the number out. The fundamental

system that creates the calculator is MATLAB GUI. GUI stands for graphic user interface. There

are four steps of it which are design, create, programming GUI, and running the final GUI. So,

first we set up each button and have different functions for each one and then put it into the

position we want. Lastly, we need to check whether the GUI is working or not. If any error is

detected, then we need to fix it and run the final prototype until it is working effectively.
Day 8-11 October 25, 2019 and October 28, 2019 MUICT
Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas

The last four days we spend a lot more time coding because the code is getting more

confused as we combine all the code systems together and the part that links the database to the

application is very hard because there are many variables. Last time we learned about databases,

so we will use a program that gives us an ability to access the database and use that data in our

application. Basically, link the database to the app. PHP is the server side script that gives us

permission to do that. The file name from .html needs to be changed to .php to make them link

together. The reason we used PHP is also because it makes the application more secure. We can

determine the form that we sent to the users into two methods which are Post and Get. Post

made the users invisible from the data however, Get made the information visible for everyone.

Then we take another step that would make our application work faster by using AJAX. It stands

for Asynchronous JavaScript which basically means that the web page will be loaded while

sending the information to the server. Another benefit about AJAX is that the whole web page

will not reload when there is new data update.

Day 12 MUICT Supervisor: Mr. Atthapan Daramas
Present about the prototype of the program that we have created

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