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Dear Respondents,

I am a student of Master in Business Studies (MBS) at Faculty of Management, Mid-Western

University. I am conducting my thesis on the topic- Factors Influencing Investment
Decision in the Case of Individual Investor at Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE). The study
for the topic requires the respondents on the investor who invest in Nepalese Capital Market.
The information provided by you will be kept confidential and solely be used for academic
purpose only. I appreciate for your valuable time that you spent in my questionnaire and
thank you very much for your kind cooperation.

PART I: Respondent Profile

Name (optional) ………………………………………………………….........

Address: ……………………………………………………………...........…......

Please tick (√) one for each criteria group.

Gender Marital Age Occupation Annual Income Education

status Level (Rs.)
Male[ ] Married [ ] Below 30 Business [ ] less than 350000 Intermediate
[ ] (+2) and
[ ]
Female Unmarried[ ] Housewife [ ] [ ]
[ ] 30 to 55[ ]
1000000 [ ]
Separated[ ] Student [ ] Bachelor
Other Above 55 [ ]
[ ]
[ ] Service [ ] 1000000 [ ]
Master and
Other [ ] above
[ ]
PART II: Investment Strategy

Q1. In which of the following market, do you prefer to buy the share from. (Select only one)

a) Primary market [ ] b) Secondary Market [ ] c) Both Market [ ]

Q 2. Do you analyze the companies before investing in share?

a) Yes [ ] b) No [ ] c) Don’t know [ ]

Q 3.. Define yourself as a type of investor you are? (Select only one)

a)Risk averse [ ] b) Neutral [ ] c) Risk Taker [ ]

Q 4. How long have you been investing in shares?

a) Less than 2 years [ ] b) 2-5 years [ ]

c) 5-10 years [ ] d) More than 10 years [ ]

Q 5. Are you familiar with current provision of stock market? (Select more than one)

a) DMAT [ ] b) CASBA [ ] c) Online trading [ ] d)Margin lending [ ]

Q 6. How often do you monitor your investment? (Select only one)

a) Daily [ ] b) Monthly [ ] c) Occasionally [ ]

Q 7. What is your most useful source of information to make investment in share market?
Please rank in order of their effectiveness by assigning 1 to most important one and so

a) Family and friends [ ]

b) Newspapers [ ]
c) Companies annual report and prospectus [ ]
d) Brokerage house [ ]
e) Electronic media [ ]

Q 8. In which sector do you prefer to invest your money? Please rank in order of their
effectiveness by assigning 1 to most important one and so on.

a) Commercial Banks [ ]
b) Insurance companies [ ]
c) Finance Companies & Development Banks [ ]
d) Hydropower & [ ]
e) Manufacturing Companies & Trading Companies [ ]
f) Other companies [ ]

Q 9. Why do you invest in share? Please rank in order of their effectiveness by assigning 1 to
most important one and so on.

a) Dividend income [ ]
b) Expected Bonus and Right share [ ]
c) Share price increment in long–term [ ]
d) Share price increment in short-term [ ]
e) No opportunities in other sectors [ ]
f) Fun and excitement in investing [ ]
PART III: This section examines your attitude towards the f actors influencing
investment decision in the case of individual investor at Nepal Stock Exchange
(NEPSE). How far are you influenced by the following observations on investors behavior
related to investment decision in stock market? (Please make a tick-mark at the appropriate
number as per following scheme: 1 = Least Influence; 2 = Influence; 3 = Neutral; 4 =
Significantly Influence, and 5 = Most significantly Influence)

1. Self-Image

No Statement 1 2 3 4 5
1. To get rich quicker
2. Religious reason
3. Perception toward firm's products
and services
4. Firm's status in industry
5. Market reputation of the firm
2. Advocate Recommendation

1. Family member's opinions

2. Relative's recommendations

3. Friend's or co-worker's
4. Broker's recommendations

5. Expert's recommendations

3. Personal Financial Needs

1. Liquidity of the stock

2. Diversification needs
3. Ease of obtaining borrowed
4. Minimizing risk
5. Maximizing return
4. Market Information
1. Financial information of the
2. Information of stock market
3. Exchange listing
4. Price level of other stock in
the market
5. Information of dividend

Any other comment or suggestion:




Signature of the Respondent

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