How We Express Ourselves - Cultures G4
How We Express Ourselves - Cultures G4
How We Express Ourselves - Cultures G4
School: Shanghai United International School - Hongqiao Campus School code: 003160
Title: How we express ourselves: Cultures 2016-2017
Karen Mathieson, Narcy He, Charlotte Xia, John Paul McCarthy, Julia Xu, Jason Hepokoski, Kirsty
Booth, Hardeep Virdee, Laura Casserley, Yan Yan (Ada) Wang, Emily Jiang, William Anderson, Stella Ni,
Dean Nielson, Linda van Zyl, Jade Zang, Ciaran McCallan, Sally Li, Nathan Wale, Paul GIBLIN, Aiden PYP planner
Date: W4 November
Proposed duration: 6 weeks
• Students will conduct research on a particular culture by creating questions, and then searching for answers
• Students will then turn that research into a travel guide
• Scanned examples of travel guides
• to see examples of travel guides and to spark interest in particular places
Students will answer four questions at the very beginning of the unit, and then the same four questions at the end of the unit, then they
will reflect on how their answers have changed (PE)
Art -
• What characteristics would you put on a mask?
• How would you create those forms and textures?
• What makes good research?
• How can you make sure something you find on the Internet is true?
• What countries would you like to visit?
What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we
look for?
• How different cultures express beliefs in different ways
• How religions shape festivals
• The similarities among cultures and festivals
• How movement is related to culture (PE)
Additional Notes:
Teachers will use a range of ongoing formative assessment strategies to assess pupils’ skills, knowledge and progress throughout the
unit. The lines of inquiry will be the focal point of the unit, and will provide a reference point during every lesson. Teachers will assess
student learning using various strategies including:
• Exit notes
• Brainstorming activities
• Use of graphic organizers to record information
• Creating tables and charts to present findings
• Observation in lessons
• Group discussions
• Research project and how the pupils present their findings
• Use of dance and drama to demonstrate understanding of some elements of a festival.
• writing festival poems.
• Cultural stories myths, legends, sagas, poems, folk tales etc.
• Formative assessments (53 ways)
Class discussion; Video of their final performance; Reflection Sheet & Questions (PE)
Art -
• Knowledge and understanding will be shown in each student’s sketchbook and on their individual final art project.
• Evidence:
• Students plan a mask in their sketchbook.
• The forms and textures on the masks follow their plan and are created neatly and properly.
• Students can make connections between festivals and their causes in their travel guides
• Students research questions are about the reasons and causes for festivals, cuisines and customs
Tuning In: Use of movement composition videos to engage and get studen't interest (Shadow Dance). Students retell the story after
Finding Out: Students find out about the use of dance in other cultures and how to self teach themselves through the use of online
• Recording thoughts on what makes quality research
• Creating questions to guide research
• Creating a Travel guide about another country
What opportunities will occur for transdisciplinary skills development and for the development of the attributes of the
learner profile?
Learner Profiles:
Knowledgeable: This unit will improve the children’s knowledge and understanding of festivals, religions, cultures, countries, geography,
historical origins of festivals and the similarities between different cultures and festivals.
Open-minded: By becoming more knowledgeable about different religions and cultures, pupils should become more open-minded
through their understanding of the similarities and differences between different groups of people. Pupils should have an opportunity to
observe the many beautiful customs that are celebrated by all cultures, and learn to value and respect them.
Social Skills
Respecting others - the pupils gained a greater understanding of various religions and a deeper respect of people from very different
backgrounds to them.
Cooperating - The pupils had to work in a large group and complete their roles effectively and be part of a bigger project for the
summative assessment.
Group decision making - Listening to others, discussing ideas and obtaining consensus to create a festival for the summative
assessment task.
Communication Skills
Listening - Listening to other ideas and finding a consensus.
Speaking - Sharing their culture and backrounds through performance, poetry, sharing artifacts.
Reading Reading a variety of sources to research various festivals and religions.
Writing - writing a range of poetry using festivals as a central theme.
Self-management skills
Organization Planning and carrying out the final summative assessment as a group.
Time management – effectively using their time to meet deadlines.
Codes of behaviour – Essential Agreement for all class members for carrying out the final summative assessment task.
Research skills
Added by Stella Ni on January 17, 2017
Learning Experiences
Useful site that gives resources on diwali
Added by Stella Ni on January 17, 2017
Excellent website that details Islam in child-friendly language. Great research site.
Symmetry in Symbols
pptx • 2.35 MB
Added by Stella Ni on January 17, 2017
Scope & Sequence
Connected learning task for maths/UOI connecting symmetry and symbols from festivals.
ICT Resources
Added by Nathan Wale on January 12, 2017
iWork pages to create the travel guide
9. Teacher Notes