Chapter 15: Flight Instruments: General

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Primary flight instrumentation is provided by two Attitude Heading and Reference
Systems (AHRS) and two Air Data Systems (ADS). Information from these
systems is displayed on the PFDs and MFDs.
Backup instrumentation is provided by a magnetic compass and either
electromechanical flight instruments or an Integrated Standby Instrument System
Aside from the conventional primary and backup flight instruments, the aircraft is
also equipped with two Radio Altimeter (RA) systems and two chronometers.

Air Data System (ADS)

Air Data Sensors
The air data sensors consist of two pitot tubes, four
static ports, one pitot/static tube, and two Total Air
Temperature (TAT) probes. The pitot tube on the left
side of the aircraft (pitot tube 1) supplies total air
pressure to Air Data Computer (ADC) 1. The pitot
tube on the right side of the aircraft (pitot tube 2)
supplies total air pressure to ADC 2. Two static ports
are located on each side of the aircraft. Each ADC
receives static pressure from both sides of the
aircraft. The pitot/static tube supplies total air
pressure and static pressure to the standby
instruments. The pitot/static tube also supplies static
pressure to the Cabin Pressure Acquisition Module
(CPAM). The two TAT probes supply temperature
information to numerous aircraft systems.


P S1 S2


S1 S2

S3 S4

Pitot Tube/Static Port Sensor Schematic Pitot/Static Tube Schematic

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Air Data Computers (ADC)

Two Air Data Computers (ADC 1 and 2) provide airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed information to the flight
display screens. ADC 1 receives information from pitot tube 1, static ports 1 and 4, and TAT probe 1. ADC 2
receives information from pitot tube 2, static ports 2 and 3, and TAT probe 2.
The ADCs provide these systems with the following air data information:
§ The IC-600 computers 1 and 2: ADC 1 and 2 (respectively) provide pressure altitude, barometrically
corrected altitude, true airspeed, calibrated airspeed, vertical speed, Mach number, Static Air Temperature
(SAT), VMO, and Total Air Temperature (TAT).
§ FADECs 1A and 2A: ADC 1 provides total pressure, Mach number, and TAT.
§ FADECs 1B and 2B: ADC 2 provides total pressure, Mach number, and TAT.
§ Horizontal Stabilizer Control Unit (HSCU): ADC 1 and 2 provide calibrated airspeed.
§ Transponder 1: ADC 1 provides pressure altitude.
§ Transponder 2: ADC 2 provides pressure altitude.
§ Attitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS) AH-900: ADC 1 and 2 provide true airspeed.
§ FMS: ADC 1 provides true airspeed.
§ Weather radar: ADC 2 provides altitude.
§ Stall Protection System (SPS): ADC 1 and 2 provide Mach number.
§ EGPWS: ADC 1 provides true air speed, calibrated airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed.
§ Cabin Pressure Control System (CPCS): ADC 1 and 2 provide pressure altitude, barometric correction,
and rate of altitude change.
§ Ice protection system: ADC 1 and 2 provide altitude.
§ Rudder system: ADC 1 and 2 provide calibrated airspeed.
§ Aural Warning Unit (AWU): ADC 1 and 2 provide overspeed warning.

Air Data System Schematic

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Attitude Heading and Reference System (AHRS)

The AHRS provides attitude, heading, vertical acceleration, and dead reckoning information. ExpressJet uses
two different AHRS models: the AH-800 AHRS and the AH-900 AHRS. Each aircraft is configured with two
identical independent AHRS (AHRS 1 and 2).
Each AHRS receives airspeed information from their respective ADC. This information along with attitude and
heading information is used to provide the FMS(s) with dead reckoning information in case satellite and radio
navigation is not able to provide accurate position information. In addition to the FMS(s), the AHRS provide
these systems with the following information:

§ The IC-600 computers 1 and 2: AHRS 1 and 2 (respectively) provide attitude and heading information.
§ Stall Protection System (SPS): AHRS 1 and 2 provide attitude and vertical acceleration information.
§ Autopilot system: AHRS 1 provides attitude and acceleration information via IC-600 1.
§ RMU 1 and 2: AHRS 1 provides heading information.
§ EGPWS: AHRS 1 provides attitude and heading information.
§ Windshear detection and escape guidance system: AHRS 1 provides attitude and vertical acceleration
§ FDR: AHRS 1 provides attitude and heading information.
§ Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS): AHRS 1 provides heading information.
§ Weather radar: AHRS 2 provides attitude information.

Each AH-800 is composed of an Attitude and Heading Computer (AHC), Magnetic Flux Detector Unit
(MFDU), memory module, and AHRS control panel. AHC 1 is powered by essential DC bus 1 and AHC 2
is powered by DC bus 2. Both AHCs have backup power sources in case the primary power sources fail.
Each AHC contains three single axis Interferometer
Fiber Optic Gyros (IFOG). The IFOGs measure the
angular motion of the aircraft. Because the IFOGs are
fixed to the local axes of the aircraft, any measured
angular motion can be processed to infer the attitude of
the aircraft. Each MFDU is mounted in a wingtip and
senses the magnetic field of the earth. The memory
modules store the mounting alignment coefficients and
flux valve compensation coefficients to allow the AHC to
convert raw magnetic flux information into magnetic
heading information. The AHRS control panels are used MFDU
to switch the heading mode between the Directional
Gyro (DG) and the Slaved (SLVD) modes.
Normally, the SLVD mode is used. In this mode, heading information is provided by the MFDU. In the DG
mode, the flight crew selects the initial heading and the IFOGs are then used to sense changes from that
initial heading. In the DG mode, the heading indicator acts as a free non-slaved gyro instrument, so
therefore, precision occurs. The DG mode is used if the SLVD mode fails or if the aircraft is in an area
where the local magnetic field is disrupted, such as when at certain gates.

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The AH-9000 differs from the AH-800 in that it has ring laser gyros and accelerometers instead of IFOGs
and it does not use an MFDU to determine heading, so therefore, does not need the control panel to
switch between the DG and SLVD modes. Instead, an Attitude and Heading Reference Unit (AHRU) uses
accelerometers to determine the heading of the aircraft. AHRU 1 is powered by essential DC bus 1 and
AHRU 2 is powered by DC bus 2. Both AHRUs have backup power sources in case the primary power
sources fail.
The AHRU has three ring laser gyros and three accelerometers mounted to the three local axes of the
aircraft to measure inertial motion. When an AHRU is first powered up, it must align. During alignment, the
aircraft must remain stationary. First, the AHRU compares the local vertical axis of the aircraft against the
force of gravity to determine the attitude of the aircraft. Then, the AHRU senses the rotation of the earth
and compares the angle of rotation against the known longitudinal axis of the aircraft to determine the true
heading. Each AHRU needs the approximate GPS coordinates to apply local magnetic variation to get the
magnetic heading of the aircraft. Once the AHRU unit has determined the orientation of the aircraft at rest,
all aircraft movement from that initial point is determined by measuring the changes in angular and linear
acceleration using the ring laser gyros and accelerometers.
The alignment time varies between five
and 17 minutes depending on the latitude
of the aircraft. At lower latitudes, the
relative rotational speed of the earth is fast
making it easier for the AHRUs to measure
the rotation of the earth. At higher latitudes,
the relative rotational speed of the earth is
slower making it harder for the AHRUs to
measure the rotation of the earth. At high
enough latitudes (northern and southern
latitude cutouts), the AHRUs cannot

NORTHERN LATITUDE CUTOUT SOUTHERN LATITUDE CUTOUT effectively measure the rotation of the earth
and alignment is not possible.
The alignment mode is indicated by the AHRS 1-2 ALN advisory message on the EICAS. During this process,
the aircraft must not be moved. The present position must be confirmed on the CDU(s) before GPS data is
sent to the AHRUs to convert true heading to magnetic heading. When the aircraft is first powered up, the
CDU(s) will show the last known position of the aircraft. If the CDU(s) are inoperative, then the latitude and
longitude of the aircraft can be entered manually via MFD 1. The procedure to accomplish this is located in
the MEL book.
AH-900 Alignment Time Graph

NOTE: On AH-900 equipped aircraft, do not start the APU until the AHRS 1-2 ALN
advisory message appears on the EICAS. When the battery switches are first moved
to AUTO, the AH-900 units conduct self tests to ensure that battery 1 is able to
power both AHRSs in the event of momentary power interruptions. Because battery
1 disconnects from the electrical system during an APU start, the AH-900 self tests
will fail causing the AHRS 1 (2) FAIL caution message to appear on the EICAS.

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Fiber Optic Gyros (FOGs), Ring Laser Gyros, and Accelerometers

A FOG is a tightly coiled fiber optic tube. Two beams of light

are sent in opposite directions around the tube. When the
fiber optic tube is stationary, the two beams produce a
constant combined frequency interference pattern. If the fiber
optic tube is rotated, one beam has to travel further than the
other. This causes a change in the interference pattern. By
measuring both the change and the rate of change, the
angular rotation and angular speed of the aircraft in the plane
the FOG is mounted on can be determined.

A ring laser gyro operates according to the same principles as

a FOG. Instead of a fiber optic loop, a ring laser gyro has
three or four mirrors arranged in a triangular or square pattern
(respectively). Two beams of light are sent in opposite
directions and reflect off each mirror to produce opposing
patterns. When the ring laser gyro is at rest, the frequencies
of the opposing laser beams are equal. When the ring laser
gyro is rotated, one beam will have to travel further than the
other beam causing a change in frequency. The change in
frequency is converted to angular acceleration. Although ring
laser gyros cost more to manufacture, are heavier, and
require more power than FOGs, they are more accurate.

An accelerometer contains an accurately measured mass

(called a proof mass) and some type of device to resist the
movement of the proof mass (a spring or magnetic field).
When an accelerometer is moved, the proof mass initially CAPACITIVE
remains stationary as the accelerometer housing moves TORQUE COIL
around it. The spring/magnetic field then moves the proof CAPACITIVE

mass to keep the proof mass in the center of the PICKOFF

accelerometer. The amount of force applied to the proof mass THIN FILM
is used to determine the amount of force being applied to the PROOF MASS
entire accelerometer.


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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Flight Instruments
Airspeed Indication

An independent airspeed indicator is displayed on the left side of each PFD. PFD 1
receives airspeed information from ADC 1 and PFD 2 receives airspeed information from
ADC 2. The airspeed is displayed in a vertical tape format with the exact speed indicated
in a box in the middle of the tape. A bug linked to the Flight Guidance Control Panel
(FGCP) and four MFD reference speed bugs can be displayed on the airspeed
indicators. A trend vector extends next to the airspeed indicators to indicate what the
airspeed will be in 10 seconds at the current rate of acceleration.
Colors are used at the lower and upper ends of the speed tape to indicate aerodynamic

limitations. A red bar at the upper end of the airspeed indicator indicates VMO/MMO. When
the trend vector exceeds VMO/MMO, the airspeed display turns amber. When the actual
airspeed exceeds VMO/MMO, the airspeed display turns red and the aural overspeed
warning is triggered shortly after. The low airspeed awareness area includes three color
ranges to indicate airspeeds approaching a stall. White indicates speeds from 1.23 VS to
1.13 VS. Amber indicates speeds from 1.13 VS to VS (stick shaker is activated
somewhere in this range). Red indicates airspeeds at VS and below (the stick pusher is
The Mach number is displayed below the airspeed indicator. It appears when 0.45 M is
0.45 exceeded and remains displayed until decelerating below 0.05 M. At VMO/MMO, the
display turns amber and above VMO/MMO, the display turns red.

Speed Bugs
There is one FGCP airspeed/Mach target bug and five MFD speed bugs. The airspeed/Mach target bug is
used for the speed/Mach hold flight director mode (SPD). The bug is adjusted with the vertical speed
control knob on the FGCP. By pressing the vertical speed control knob, the bug can be changed between
an airspeed target bug and a Mach target bug.

The MFD has four bugs used to mark takeoff and landing speeds. The bugs are accessed using the
associated MFD line select keys and scroll knob. For takeoff, the V1 bug is used to indicate V1, the VR bug
is used to indicate VR, the V2 bug is used to indicate V2, and the AP bug is used to indicate VFS. For
landing, the V1 bug is used to indicate VFS, the VR bug is used to indicated VREF, the V2 bug is used to
indicated VGA9, and the AP bug is used to indicate VAPP. The bugs are removed when accelerating through
V2+42 KIAS.

Altitude Indication
An independent altimeter is displayed on the right side of each PFD. PFD 1 receives
altitude information from ADC 1 and PFD 2 receives altitude information from ADC 2. The
altitude is displayed in a vertical tape format with the aircraft altitude indicated in a box in
the middle of the tape. The FGCP altitude bug is also displayed on the altimeters. A trend
vector extends next to the altimeter to indicate what the altitude will be in six seconds at
the current vertical speed. The altitude tape uses radio altitude information to display
terrain elevation in brown.
display. This indicates the
Below the altitude tape is the barometric altitude correction
current barometric setting in inHg or hPa. The barometric setting is adjusted with a knob
located on the bottom right corner of the PFD. To the left of the knob is the STD button
used to set 29.92 inHg. The IN/HPA button to the left of the slip/skid indicator changes
the barometric setting units between inHg and hPa.

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Vertical Speed Indication

An independent vertical speed indicator is displayed on the bottom right of each PFD. PFD 1
receives vertical speed information from ADC 1 and PFD 2 receives vertical speed information from
ADC 2. The vertical speed is displayed in both analog and digital formats. The digital display only
appears when the vertical speed is at or above 500 fpm in either direction. The FGCP vertical
speed target bug is also displayed on the vertical speed indicator. The TCAS sends vertical speed
instructions to the vertical speed indicators to indicate desired and undesired vertical speeds to
remain clear of traffic.

Attitude Indication

An independent attitude indicator is located in the center of each PFD. PFD 1

receives attitude information from AHRS 1 and PFD 2 receives attitude
information from AHRS 2. The roll scale has markers for 10°, 20°, 30°, and 60°.
Fixed roll pointers are located at 0° and 45° of bank. The pitch scale has
10°, 15°, 20°, 25°, 30°, 40°, 60°, and 90°. The pitch
positive markers for 0°, 5°,
scale has negative markers for 5°, 10°, 15° 20°, 25°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°. The
horizon is indicated by a line separating the positive pitch scale (blue) and the
negative pitch scale (brown). When the horizon is out of view, a reference
eyebrow is displayed to indicate the location of the horizon.

Attitude Declutter
When the aircraft is in an extreme attitude (bank greater than 65°, pitch greater than 30° nose up, or pitch
greater than 20° nose down), certain indications are removed to declutter the PFD to allow the flight crew
to focus on restoring the aircraft to a normal attitude. In the declutter mode, the following indications are
§ Flight Director (FD) coupled arrow
§ Low bank limit arc
§ FD command bar
§ Vertical deviation scale
§ Radio Altitude (RA) indicator
§ Marker beacon indicator
§ Decision Height (DH) indicator
§ Vertical speed indicator
§ Altitude bug, indicator, and box
§ Heading, LOC, GS, and ILS comparison monitor messages

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Heading Indications
Heading indicators are located on the bottom of each PFD and at the top
of each MFD. PFD 1 and MFD 1 receive heading information from AHRS
1. PFD 2 and MFD 2 receive heading information from AHRS 2. The PFD
heading display can be set to a full HSI format or an arc format using the
display format selector button on the respective Display Control Panel
MFD Heading Indicator

Full HSI Format ARC HSI Format

Mechanical Standby Instruments

A magnetic compass, standby airspeed indicator, standby altimeter, and standby attitude
indicator comprise the mechanical standby instruments.
The magnetic compass contains two calibration cards. One card is for normal operating
conditions (pitot heat on and windshield heat off) and the other card is for operations in
essential electric power. The standby airspeed indicator is an analog gauge that receives
dynamic and static pressure from pitot/static tube 3. The altimeter is an analog gauge that

receives static pressure information from pitot/static tube 3. A knob on the lower left corner of
the standby altimeter is used to adjust the barometric setting. The standby attitude indicator is
a conventional electrical gyro powered by essential DC bus 2. When operating is essential
electric power, the standby attitude indicator will be powered for 40 minutes (45 minutes with
pitot/static system 3 heat off), but the gyro will continue to provide useful attitude information for
nine minutes after all power is lost. The standby attitude indicator should be un-caged after the
electrical system is powered and caged before the electrical system is depowered.
NOTE: The standby altimeter may differ from the primary altimeters by up to 750 feet at FL370.

Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS)
All EMB-145XRs and some EMB-145LRs have an ISIS instead of a standby airspeed
indicator, standby altimeter, and standby attitude indicator. The ISIS is a small display that
shows attitude, airspeed, altitude, skid/slip, and heading information. On EMB-145LRs, the
ISIS is powered by essential DC bus 2. This will allow the ISIS to operate for 40 minutes (45
minutes with pitot/static system 3 heat off) when operating in essential electric power. On the
EMB-145XR, the ISIS is powered by the backup hot bus. This allows the ISIS to operate for
240 minutes when operating in essential electric power. Because of this, the ISIS on EMB-
145XRs turns off when the battery knobs are OFF while onboard generators or a GPU is
powering the aircraft. When first powered up, the ISIS takes 90 seconds to align. During this
process, the “INIT 90 s” flag is displayed and the aircraft must not be moved.
Internal sensors provide attitude information. Altitude information is provided by static information form
pitot/static tube 3. The altitude is displayed in a vertical tape format on the right side of the ISIS. A knob on the
bottom right corner is used to adjust the barometric setting. On the top right corner of the ISIS is the STD
button used to set the ISIS altimeter to 29.92 inHg. Airspeed information is provided by dynamic and static
pressure from pitot/static tube 3. The airspeed is displayed in a vertical tape format on the left side of the ISIS.
Magnetic heading information is obtained from AHRS 1, so when operating in essential electric power, the
magnetic compass must be used. The ISIS also computes the Mach number, VMO, and skid/slip information.
NOTE: The ISIS altimeter may differ from the primary altimeters by up to 750 feet at FL370.

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Comparison Monitors
The primary airspeed indicators, attitude indicators, and
heading indicators incorporate a comparison monitor feature.
This feature monitors each set of instruments and indicates
when there is a discrepancy between the two sides.
When the airspeed indicator on PFD 1 differs from the
airspeed indicator on PFD 2 by 5 KIAS of more, an amber
IAS message is presented on both airspeed indicator tapes.
When roll information differs more than 6° between PFD 1
and 2, an amber ROL message is presented on both attitude
indicators. When pitch information differs more than 5°

between PFD 1 and 2, an amber PIT message is presented
on both attitude indicators. When both roll and pitch
comparison monitors are activated, an amber ATT message
is presented on both attitude indicators. When heading
information differs more than 6° in level flight and 12° in a
bank between PFD 1 and 2, an amber HDG message is
presented above both heading indicators. When a
comparison monitor is activated, the crew should follow the
applicable QRH procedure to determine which instruments
are providing valid information and how to configure the
reversionary panel accordingly.

Radio Altimeter (RA) System

Radar Altimeter
The EMB-145 is equipped with a high-resolution, short-pulse radio altitude indicator
designed for continuous operation. One radio altimeter transceiver is connected to two
flush-mounted antennas (RA 1 and 2). RA information is displayed in a box on the
bottom of each attitude indicator when the associated antenna indicates the aircraft is
within 2,500 feet of the ground. Above 200 feet, the RA display has a resolution of 10
feet and below 200 feet, the RA display has a resolution of five feet. When there is a
difference between RA 1 and 2 that exceeds the limits (the limits vary with altitude), an
amber RA message is presented to the left of the attitude indicators. The RA system
provides information to the Aural Warning Unit (AWU) for the Decision Height (DH)
NOTE: The EGPWS and windshear detection system
require RA 1 while the TCAS requires both RA 1 and RA 2.

Decision Height (DH) Feature
The DH feature uses the RA system to activate visual and auditory signals during
an approach. The DH for the approach is set using the decision height setting
knob on the respective Display Control Panel (DSP). The selected DH is shown
below and to the right of the associated attitude indicator. The DH can be set in
five foot increments up to 200 feet and 10 foot increments up to 999 feet. When
the RA is within 100 feet of the DH, a black box appears on the bottom right side
Aural Warning Unit (AWU) broadcasts,
of the attitude indicator and the
“Approaching minimums.” When the RA equals the DH, a MIN message flashes
for 10 seconds and then becomes steady and the AWU broadcasts, “Minimums.”
NOTE: If the exact DH cannot be set, round up to the nearest DH value.

NOTE: Because the aural warnings associated with the DH feature are
based on radio altimeter readings, the DH should only be set on approaches
that require it (CAT II). Using this feature on any other type of approach may
cause erroneous callouts due to terrain outside the runway environment.

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Each aircraft has two chronometers. The chronometers provide each
pilot with the current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), local time (LOC),
Elapsed Time (ET), chrono time (CHR), date, and flight number. The
elapsed time function is triggered by air/ground logic. The chrono
time is triggered by pilot action using either the chronometer button
mounted on the chronometer or by the button mounted on the control
yoke. The flight number is manually entered in each unit by the crew.
The captain’s chronometer is linked to the FDR for time and flight
number information. The chronometers are powered by the aircraft
electrical system but also have internal batteries so the clocks can
continue to run while the aircraft is depowered.

NOTE: The flight number should always be entered in the captain’s chronometer to aid in
FOQA data recovery because the FDR only takes information from the captain’s chronometer.

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Controls and Indications

AHRS Control Panel (AH-800)
1. AHRS mode selector switch
DG: Selects the Directional Gyro (DG) mode. In this mode, the crew uses the slewing switch to set the
heading indicator to the magnetic compass heading. Then information from the IFOGs is used to indicate
changes from that initial heading. Just like a conventional gyro, gyroscopic precession will require the
heading indicator be set to the magnetic compass at regular intervals. This mode is commonly used in
ground operations and departure from airports that have large metical structures that interfere with the
SLVD: Slaves the heading indicator to the MFDU. This is the normal operating mode that provides
continuous magnetic heading information.
2. Slewing switch

CW: When the DG mode is selected, holding the slewing switch in the CW position moves the heading
indicator in the clockwise direction.
CCW: When the DG mode is selected, holding the slewing switch in the CCW position moves the heading
indicator in the counter-clockwise direction.

1 2

Display Control Panel (DSP)

1. Display format selector button – This allows the PFD radar display to be turned on or off. Normally, a full
HSI is displayed on the PFDs. When this button is selected, it changes the full HSI to an arc format (half HSI)
with a radar display inside the arc on the associated PFD. Pressing the button again returns the HSI to the full
format without a radar display.
2. Decision Height (DH) setting knob – When rotated, the DH can be set on the PFD. For values below 200
feet, the DH can be set in five foot increments. For DH values above 200 feet, the DH can be set in 10 foot
NOTE: If the exact DH cannot be set, round up to the nearest DH value that can be set.

NOTE: Because the aural warnings associated with the DH feature are based on radio
altimeter readings, the DH should only be set on approaches that require it (CAT II).
Using this feature on any other type of approach may cause erroneous callouts due to
terrain outside the runway environment.

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1. Mach number indication – This indication appears when accelerating above 0.45 M and remains
displayed until decelerating below 0.05 M. When at VMO/MMO, the indication turns amber. When above
VMO/MMO, the indication turns red.
2. Low airspeed awareness tape – This indicates airspeeds near the critical angle of attack for the current
aircraft configuration and g-load. The white area represents airspeeds from 1.23 VS to 1.13 VS. The amber
area represents airspeeds from 1.13 VS to VS. The stick shaker may activate in the amber range. The red area
represents airspeeds at VS and below. The stick pusher will activate at VS.
NOTE: The minimum speed during approach (until 50 feet over the runway) is 1.23 VS.
Since the low airspeed awareness tape continuously indicates 1.23 V S, never let the
airspeed get into the white portion of the low airspeed awareness tape during an approach.

3. Reference speed bugs (V1, VR, V2, AP) – When set and selected to be displayed, these speed bugs
appear on the airspeed indicators. When accelerating above V2+42 KIAS, the speed bugs are removed from
the airspeed indicator. If the airspeed is reduced below 230 KIAS and then increases above 230 KIAS, any
selected reference speed bugs may be removed.
4. Current airspeed display – This indicates the current airspeed of the aircraft. When the airspeed trend
vector exceeds VMO/MMO, the current airspeed display turns amber. When the current airspeed is at or above
VMO/MMO, the current airspeed display turns red and an aural warning is soon triggered.
5. Airspeed/Mach target bug – This bug is set with the vertical speed control knob on the Flight Guidance
Control Panel (FGCP).
6. Airspeed trend vector – This magenta bar indicates what the airspeed will be in 10 seconds if the current

rate of acceleration is maintained. The airspeed trend vector is disabled during takeoff.
7. Overspeed indication bar – A red bar appears at V MO/MMO and above. When the airspeed trend vector
exceeds VMO/MMO, the current airspeed display turns amber. When the current airspeed reaches VMO/MMO, the
current airspeed display turns red and an aural warning is soon triggered.
8. Current Altitude display – Indicates the current altitude.
9. Altitude trend vector – This magenta bar indicates what the altitude will be in six seconds if the current
vertical speed is maintained.
10. Low altitude awareness tape – Radio altimeter data is used to display the terrain elevation on the altitude
11. Barometric altitude correction display – Indicates the current barometric setting.
12. Radio Altimeter (RA) indicator – When the associated RA detects terrain within 2,500 feet, the RA
indicator appears. Above 200 feet, the resolution is 10 feet and below 200 feet, the resolution is five feet.
13. Digital vertical speed indication – When the vertical speed exceeds 500 fpm in either direction, the
digital indication appears and displays the current vertical speed in 50-foot increments.
14. Analog vertical speed indicator – This indicates the current vertical speed of the aircraft. The indicator
has a range of -3,000 fpm to 3,000 fpm. The scale is non-linear so more detail is provided at lower vertical
speeds than higher vertical speeds.
15. Baro knob – Allows the barometric setting to be adjusted.
16. Standard button – Sets the barometric setting to standard (29.92 inHg/1013.25 hPa).
17. IN/HPA button – Changes the barometric pressure units between inches of mercury (inHg) and
hectopascals (hPa).

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PFD (Continued)

4 8

3 9


1 11





17 16

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

1. Static Air Temperature (SAT) indicator – Displays the outside SAT derived from the TAT probes.
2. Total Air Temperature (TAT) indicator – Displays the outside TAT.
3. True airspeed indicator – Displays the TAS. 1

Integrated Standby Instrument System (ISIS)

1. Brightness adjustment buttons – The button with

a “+” symbol increases the brightness of the ISIS and
3 4 the button with a “-“ symbol decreases the brightness
of the ISIS.
2. Airspeed indicator – The airspeed is displayed in a
vertical tape format with the current speed in the
5 center of the tape next to an amber arrow in the middle
29 of the ISIS. A red band on the airspeed indicator tape
represents VMO/MMO.
1 6
3. Attitude indicator – Beyond 30° of pitch in either
direction, red chevrons appear to indicate the location
2 7 of the horizon.
4. STD button – Sets the barometric setting to
standard atmospheric pressure.
5. Barometric altitude correction display – Indicates
the current barometric setting.
6. Lateral acceleration indicator – This indicates
when the aircraft is slipping or skidding. When the bar
under the roll pointer is to the left, left rudder is
required and when the bar is to the right, right rudder is
11 10 9 required.

7. Altitude indicator – The altitude is displayed in a vertical tape format with the current altitude displayed in
the center of the tape.
8. Baro knob – Allows the barometric setting to be adjusted.
9. Magnetic heading indicator – This displays magnetic heading information from AHRS 1. If AHRS 1 is
inoperative, magnetic heading information is not displayed on the ISIS and the magnetic compass must be
10. CAGE button – When the ATT: CAGE message appears on the ISIS, the aircraft must be held in level
flight at a constant airspeed while this button is held for two seconds. This will calibrate the ISIS to display the
current aircraft attitude as level.
11. Mach number indication – This indication appears when accelerating above 0.45 M and remains
displayed until decelerating below 0.40 M. When at or above VMO/MMO, the indication turns red.

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

1. Chronometer (CHR) button – When first pressed, the chronometer pointer starts moving, the Elapsed
Time (ET) display is replaced by the chronometer timer display, and the chronometer display starts indicating
the time passed by the chronometer pointer. A second press causes the chronometer to pause the current
running timer. A third press returns the chronometer pointer and display to zero and causes the ET display to
NOTE: The chronometer button on the control yoke has the same function.

2. GMT, LOC, date, and flight number display – Depending on where the function selector is placed, this
area displays the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the local time (LOC), the date, or the flight number. When the
date is displayed, the display cycles every second between the current month/day and the current year.
3. Chronometer pointer – When the chronometer function is enabled, this hand begins to move in one
second intervals.
4. Elapsed Time (ET) and chronometer display – This area normally displays the ET of the flight. The ET is
triggered by air/ground logic and can only be reset when the aircraft is on the ground. The chronometer timer is
displayed when the chronometer is triggered by either chronometer button.
5. Elapsed Time (ET) button – On the ground,
the successive pressing of this button will first
cause the ET to be displayed, then the ET to be
reset, and finally the chronometer timer to be
displayed. In flight, this button alternates the ET
and chronometer display between the ET and the
chronometer timer.
6. Function selector
SET: This allows the GMT, LOC, and date to
be changed. When the function selector is in 1
the SET position, the ET button can be
pressed to cycle between GMT minutes, GMT
hours, LOC minutes, LOC hours, days, 2
months, and years. The CHR button is used to
change the displayed digits.
GMT: Selects the GMT to be displayed. 4
LOC: Selects the LOC to be displayed. 6
DATE: Selects the date to be displayed.
FLT NR: Selects the flight number to be
displayed. The flight number can also be set
when the function selector is in this position.
The ET button cycles between each of the 5
four flight number digits and the CHR button
changes the selected digit.
NOTE: The flight number should always
be entered in the captain’s chronometer
to aid in FOQA data recovery because
the FDR only takes information from the
captain’s chronometer.

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Control Yoke
1. Chronometer (CHR) button – When first pressed, the
chronometer pointer starts moving, the Elapsed Time (ET)
display is replaced by the chronometer timer display, and
the chronometer display starts indicating the time passed
by the chronometer pointer. A second press causes the
1 chronometer to pause the current running timer. A third
returns the chronometer pointer and display to zero
and causes the ET display to reappear.

NOTE: The chronometer button on the chronometer has the same function.

268 06.05.2014
EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments

Flight Instruments
§ The aircraft must not be moved during AHRS initialization.
§ Do not cage the standby attitude indicator or ISIS during turning flight.
§ The ISIS on the EMB-135LR, EMB-145EP, and EMB-145LR can last up to 40 minutes when operating in
essential power mode. That can be extended to 45 minutes if not in icing conditions and the pitot/static
system 3 heat is off.
o Because the ISIS on the EMB-145XR is powered by the backup hot bus, it will last for 240 minutes.

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EMB-145/EMB-135 SSG Chapter 15: Flight Instruments


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