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Are You Properly Seated?

Are You Properly

The best position for a pilot to fly is not left to chance.
It is the result of detailed analysis and design that provides
the optimum seating position for both the Pilot Flying (PF)
and the Pilot Monitoring (PM) to safely and comfortably
operate their aircraft.

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It may be surprising that something as simple as the pilot’s seat
positioning can play a key role in the safe flying of an aircraft. This
is why it is important to pay close attention to the seat adjustment
phase during the “Before pushback and start” part of the Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP). This article will describe the principle
of Eye Reference Point and how this is pivotal in the design of an
Airbus aircraft’s cockpit. It will also illustrate how a pilot seated in
the correct position will avoid the potential consequences from
operating the aircraft with a poorly adjusted seating position.


align themselves with
Regulations require that the aircraft manufacturer provides a means which will aid the the eye reference
pilots to position themselves with precision and allowing them to have the best point
of view from their seat. This is defined by the EASA CS 25.773 and FAA FAR 25.773.
point, they will have
adopted the optimum
A pilot who is between 1.58 m (5ft 2 inches) to 1·91 m (6ft 3 inches) tall shall have position to operate
easy access to all of the aircraft’s controls in the cockpit and this is stipulated by EASA
CS 25.777. This requirement ensures that the design fits to the vast majority of pilots. the aircraft.
These requirements are taken into account when a reference point is provided for
the design of any cockpit. It is often referred to as the design eye position and also
called eye reference point.


Modern aircraft cockpits are built around the eye reference point. It is used to
size the cockpit windows and define the location of all the controls, displays and

When the pilots align themselves with the eye reference point, they will have
adopted the optimum position to operate the aircraft.

An optimized field of view

The cockpit is designed so that when the pilot has aligned themselves to the eye
reference point; all of the instruments and displays on the front panel are in their
field of view (fig.1).
Eye Reference Point

Aircraft Reference Axis

Cut-off Angle


Eye reference point principle

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Are You Properly Seated?

A pilot needs to have good situational awareness during a flight. Alignment using
the eye reference point enables the pilots to have an optimal field of view through
the cockpit’s windows to see what is around them outside the aircraft. The eye
reference point position ensures the pilot can maintain the best cut-off angle that
(fig.2) will provide the longest visual segment (fig.2). This is especially important to get
Cut-off angle visual references during Low Visibility Operations (LVO).

Aircraft Referenc
e Axis


nge (S
a l Ra Blind Area
t Visu

Visual Segment
Runway Visual Range (RVR)

A consistent viewpoint
Having a consistent viewpoint gives several operational advantages such as easing
the handling of the aircraft by providing pilots with a consistent visual reference,
repeatable at every flight. This is especially useful during final approach to be
familiarized with the final approach path angle and also for the flare phase.

Since the A300 Airbus has provided an eye reference indicator on the centre
structure of the windshield in all Airbus aircraft (fig.3). It enables flight crew to
adjust their seat position so that their eyes position matches the eye reference
point. The indicator is a device that is fitted with 3 balls painted red or white. To
achieve a correct seating position, pilots must align the red and white ball meaning
that the white ball is hidden when in the correct position.
Example of the eye reference
indicator in the A350

Using Head Up Display (HUD)

HUD symbols are fully visible when the pilot’s eyes are closest to the eye reference
point. An “eye box” is defined as an area around the eye reference point that gives
a position tolerance range (fig.4). Hence the pilot correctly sees indications on
the HUD when their eyes are positioned inside this virtual box. The HUD eye box
area extends further aft than forward to allow HUD readability when seated in a
more reclined position for comfort.

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HUD eyebox principle

An optimized access to aircraft controls

A pilot properly seated with their seat harness fastened is able to reach and operate
all of the aircraft’s controls through their full range of motion or deflection as it is
defined by the design certification requirements (fig.5).
3D model to visualize the access
to flight controls

What if seated too low? In flight, if pilots

position themselves
A pilot seated in a position that is too low may have difficulties to reach all of
the system controls located on overhead panel. too low, during
final approach their
On ground, if seated too low while taxiing the aircraft, the pilots’ situational
awareness can be impaired to an extent where it may increase the risk of collision
with airbridges, buildings, ground support vehicles or other aircraft on the ramp. of the flight path
angle may be
In flight, if pilots position themselves too low, during final approach their perception
of the flight path angle may be inaccurate. inaccurate.
Eye Reference Point

Aircraft Reference Axis

Cut-off Angle
Impact of a too low seating position

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Are You Properly Seated?

Being seated too low can also create a blind area due to the glareshield, reducing
the cut-off angle and thus limiting the visual segment (fig.6 and 7). Such reduced
visual segment during approaches with poor visibility conditions, including Low
(fig.7) Visibility Operations (LVO), impairs the ability of the flight crew to obtain the proper
Cut-off angle when seated too low visual references for landing, increasing the likelihood of a go-around.
Aircraft Referenc
e Axis

Cut-off Angle

nge (S
ua l Ra Blind Area
t Vis

Segment Runway Visual Range (RVR)

Towards the end of a flight, especially for long sectors, the pilot’s position may
change due to muscle fatigue often causing them to adopt a position that is
lower than at the beginning of the flight. Before commencing the approach,
it is recommended to re-adjust the seating position to make to reconfirm that
their visual reference is aligned with eye reference point and their position is
adjusted accordingly.

What if seated too high?

If the pilot has adjusted their seat to a position that is too high, then the same effect
can be experienced as for a pilot who has positioned themselves too low. During
final approach, the perception of the flight path angle may also be inaccurate.

If the pilots’ eye level is above the eye reference point, then the glareshield impairs
their view of the instrument panel and in some cases, hides the upper PFD and
ND from view (fig.8).

(fig.8) Additionally, operating the rudder pedals through their full range would be more
Impaired view on the instrument panel difficult.
when seated too high
Eye Reference Point
Aircraft Reference Axis
Top of PFD and
ND are hidden

Blind area

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During the cruise flight phase where the pilots’ eye level alignment is not as
critical, for increased comfort, it is common practice for the pilots to adjust
their seat to be out of the eye reference point position. However, and to be
prompt to face any unexpected situation, the pilots should still ensure that
they can reach all of the flight controls and their view of the control panels is
not impaired.

The flight crew must adjust their seating position before the aircraft moves, typically
before the pushback or engine start according to the FCOM SOP.

How does a pilot adjust their seat to position themselves correctly?

Step 1: Adjust the seat longitudinal and vertical position to align your eye-level
with the eye reference indicator and also check that the glareshield does not
obstruct the view the upper PFD and ND (fig.9).

Correct seat adjustment
The white ball is completely
hidden behind red ball

Top of PFD and

ND not hidden

Step 2: Adjust the armrest to a position where your hand can grip the sidestick
naturally without stretching the forearm and with a straight wrist. If the armrest is
correctly adjusted, your forearm should rest comfortably on the armrest and you
will only need to move your hand and fingers to give the appropriate inputs to the
sidestick (fig.10).

Correct armrest adjustment

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Are You Properly Seated?

Step 3: Adjust the Pedals position using the adjustment lever. Ensure the pedals
can be moved through their full range of motion with your feet they can be fully
deflected and that full manual braking can be applied.

Tip: Take a note of the positions of both the armrest and pedals on their associated
position indicators when your adjustment settings are correct and comfortable to
save time when making seat adjustments for your next flights (fig.11).

Armrest position indicator

An armrest The importance of armrest and pedals adjustment

that is not properly  correct armrest adjustment for a comfortable and
adjusted makes precise manual flying
it more difficult to The hand is the most dexterous part of the body that is most capable to perform
make the appropriate the movements of the sidestick with the most precision. When the pilot’s armrest
inputs during manual is adjusted correctly, their hand is in a comfortable position without any strain
on the wrist, allowing for accurate inputs on the sidestick. An armrest that is not
flying. properly adjusted makes it more difficult to make the appropriate inputs during
manual flying and a pilot can be more prone to overreaction and make excessive
command inputs on the sidestick.

In addition, in turbulent conditions, the armrest stabilizes the pilot’s arm to avoid
involuntary sidestick inputs due to vibrations.

 n incorrect rudder pedals adjustment can have strong impact in some
phases of flight

The ability to move the rudder pedal through their full range of motion is especially
The ability to crucial during the takeoff roll and initial climb after lift-off in the case of an engine
failure or strong crosswinds. It is also a critical control input that is necessary
move the rudder during the flare and roll out in engine out or in crosswind landing conditions.
pedal through their
When on the ground, the pilots’ seat and pedals positions must enable the pilot
full range of motion to apply maximum manual braking if it is required following a rejected takeoff roll
is crucial. or should it be required after landing.

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Adjusting the seat position may be sometimes seen as an
CONTRIBUTORS: inconsequential step in the SOP. However, a poorly adjusted seating
Maurice GARNIER position can have significant effect on the pilot’s capability to make
Displays/Warning/ appropriate control inputs when flying or taxiing the aircraft.
HUD Systems
Engineering Adjusting the seat to be correctly positioned with the pilots’ eyes
Gilles MARQUET level aligned with the Eye Reference Point ensures that all of the
Cockpit Design aircraft flight controls and systems control panels can be reached
Engineering and operated properly. It is also crucial to ensure full visibility of all the
Vincent SIBELLE instruments or displays in the cockpit. Finally, it provides the optimum
Expert Pilot position for the pilot’s field of view from the aircraft to enhance their
Flight Operations Support situational awareness and have a correct perception of the flight path
angle during approach.

Flight crew should keep in mind that a seating adjustment done at

the right time ensures comfort and accurate aircraft handling in the
critical phases of flight.

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Safety first
The Airbus magazine contributing to the enhancement
Safety first,#25 January, 2018. Safety fi rst of the safety of aircraft operations by increasing knowledge
is published by Airbus S.A.S. - 1, rond point
Maurice Bellonte - 31707 Blagnac Cedex/France.
and communication on safety related topics.
Publisher and Editor: Yannick Malinge,
Chief Product Safety Offi cer.
Concept Design by Airbus Multi Media Support
20172357. Reference: X00D16031905 Issue 25.
Photos by Airbus, A. Tchaikovski, S. Ramadier,
P. Masclet, Lindner Fotografi e, P. Pigeyre,
Safety first is published by the Product Safety department.
JB. Accariez, A. Doumenjou. It is a source of specialist safety information for the use
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