6 Regular Expressions

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6 Regular Expressions

1) Describe in English, as briefly as possible, the language defined by each of these regular expressions:
a) (b ∪ ba) (b ∪ a)* (ab ∪ b).

The set of strings over the alphabet {a, b} that start and end with b.

b) (((a*b*)*ab) ∪ ((a*b*)*ba))(b ∪ a)*.

The set of strings over the alphabet {a, b} that contain at least one occurrence of ab or ba.

2) Write a regular expression to describe each of the following languages:

a) {w ∈ {a, b}* : every a in w is immediately preceded and followed by b}.

(b ∪ bab)*

b) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w does not end in ba}.

ε ∪ a ∪ (a ∪ b)* (b ∪ aa)

c) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : ∃y ∈ {0, 1}* (|xy| is even)}.

(0 ∪ 1)*

d) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : w corresponds to the binary encoding, without leading 0’s, of natural numbers that are
evenly divisible by 4}.

(1(0 ∪ 1)* 00) ∪ 0

e) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : w corresponds to the binary encoding, without leading 0’s, of natural numbers that are
powers of 4}.


f) {w ∈ {0-9}* : w corresponds to the decimal encoding, without leading 0’s, of an odd natural number}.

(ε ∪ ((1-9)(0-9)*))(1 ∪ 3 ∪ 5 ∪ 7 ∪ 9)

g) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : w has 001 as a substring}.

(0 ∪ 1)* 001 (0 ∪ 1)*

h) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : w does not have 001 as a substring}.

(1 ∪ 01)* 0*

i) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w has bba as a substring}.

(a ∪ b)* bba (a ∪ b)*

Chapter 6 23
j) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w has both aa and bb as substrings}.

(a ∪ b)* aa (a ∪ b)* bb (a ∪ b)* ∪ (a ∪ b)* bb (a ∪ b)* aa (a ∪ b)*

k) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w has both aa and aba as substrings}.

(a ∪ b)* aa (a ∪ b)* aba (a ∪ b)* ∪

(a ∪ b)* aba (a ∪ b)* aa (a ∪ b)* ∪
(a ∪ b)* aaba (a ∪ b)* ∪
(a ∪ b)* abaa (a ∪ b)*

l) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains at least two b’s that are not followed by an a}.

(a ∪ b)* bb ∪ (a ∪ b)* bbb (a ∪ b)*

m) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : w has at most one pair of consecutive 0’s and at most one pair of consecutive 1’s}.

(ε ∪ 1)(01)*(ε ∪ 1) (01)* (ε ∪ (00 (ε ∪ (1 (01)* (ε ∪ 0))))) /* 11 comes first.

(ε ∪ 0) (10)* (ε ∪ 0) (10)* (ε ∪ (11 (ε ∪ (0 (10)* (ε ∪ 1))))) /* 00 comes first.

n) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : none of the prefixes of w ends in 0}.


o) {w ∈ {a, b}* : #a(w) ≡3 0}.


p) {w ∈ {a, b}* : #a(w) ≤ 3}.

b* (a ∪ ε) b* (a ∪ ε) b* (a ∪ ε) b*

q) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains exactly two occurrences of the substring aa}.

(b ∪ ab)*aaa(b ∪ ba)* ∪ (b ∪ ab)*aab(b ∪ ab)*aa(b ∪ ba)* (Either the two occurrences are
contiguous, producing aaa, or they’re not.)

r) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains no more than two occurrences of the substring aa}.

(b ∪ ab)*(a ∪ ε) /* 0 occurrences of the substring aa

(b ∪ ab)*aa(b ∪ ba)* /* 1 occurrence of the substring aa

(b ∪ ab)*aaa(b ∪ ba)* ∪ (b ∪ ab)*aab(b ∪ ab)*aa(b ∪ ba)*
/* 2 occurrences of the substring aa

s) {w ∈ {a, b}* - L}, where L = {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains bba as a substring}.

(a ∪ ba)* (ε ∪ b ∪ bbb*) = (a ∪ ba)*b*

Chapter 6 24
t) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : every odd length string in L begins with 11}.

((0 ∪ 1)(0 ∪ 1))* ∪ 11(0 ∪ 1)*

u) {w ∈ {0-9}* : w represents the decimal encoding of an odd natural number without leading 0’s.

(ε ∪ ((1-9)(0-9)*))(1 ∪ 3 ∪ 5 ∪ 7 ∪ 9)

v) L1 – L2, where L1 = a*b*c* and L2 = c*b*a*.

a+b+c* ∪ a+b*c+ ∪ a*b+c+ (The only strings that are in both L1 and L2 are strings composed of no more
than one different letter. So those are the strings that we need to remove from L1 to form the difference.
What we’re left with is strings that contain two or more distinct letters.)

w) The set of legal United States zipcodes .

x) The set of strings that correspond to domestic telephone numbers in your country.

3) Simplify each of the following regular expressions:

a) (a ∪ b)* (a ∪ ε) b*.

(a ∪ b)*.

b) (∅* ∪ b) b*.


c) (a ∪ b)*a* ∪ b.

(a ∪ b)*.

d) ((a ∪ b)*)*.

(a ∪ b)*.

e) ((a ∪ b)+)*.

(a ∪ b)*.

f) a ( (a ∪ b)(b ∪ a) )* ∪ a ( (a ∪ b) a )* ∪ a ( (b ∪ a) b )*.

a ( (a ∪ b)(b ∪ a) )*.

4) For each of the following expressions E, answer the following three questions and prove your answer:
(i) Is E a regular expression?
(ii) If E is a regular expression, give a simpler regular expression.
(iii) Does E describe a regular language?
a) ((a ∪ b) ∪ (ab))*.

E is a regular expression. A simpler one is (a ∪ b)*. The language is regular.

Chapter 6 25
b) (a+ anbn).

E is not a regular expression. The language is not regular. It is {ambn : m > n}.

c) ((ab)* ∅).

E is a regular expression. A simpler one is ∅. The language is regular.

d) (((ab) ∪ c)* ∩ (b ∪ c*)).

E is not a regular expression because it contains ∩. But it does describe a regular language (c*) because
the regular languages are closed under intersection.

e) (∅* ∪ (bb*)).

E is a regular expression. A (slightly) simpler one is (ε ∪ (bb*)). The language is regular.

5) Let L = {anbn : 0 ≤ n ≤ 4}.

a) Show a regular expression for L.

(ε ∪ ab ∪ aabb ∪ aaabbb ∪ aaaabbbb)

b) Show an FSM that accepts L.

a a a a

b b b b b a

b b b

a,b a a a


6) Let L = {w ∈ {1, 2}* : for all prefixes p of w, if |p| > 0 and |p| is even, then the last character of p is 1}.
a) Write a regular expression for L.

((1 ∪ 2)1)* (1 ∪ 2 ∪ ε)

b) Show an FSM that accepts L.

1, 2

7) Use the algorithm presented in the proof of Kleene’s theorem to construct an FSM to accept the languages
generated by the following regular expressions:

Chapter 6 26
a) (b(b ∪ ε)b)*.
b) bab ∪ a*.

8) Let L be the language accepted by the following finite state machine:

q0 a q1 q2


Indicate, for each of the following regular expressions, whether it correctly describes L:
a) (a ∪ ba)bb*a.
b) (ε ∪ b)a(bb*a)*.
c) ba∪ ab*a.
d) (a ∪ ba)(bb*a)*.

a) no; b) yes; c) no; d) yes.

9) Consider the following FSM M:

The first printing of the book has two mistakes in this figure: The transition from q2 back to q0 should be
labeled a, and state q3 should not be accepting. We’ll give answers for the printed version (in which we’ll
simply ignore the unlabeled transition from q2 to q0) and the correct version.

a) Show a regular expression for L(M).

Printed version: a* ∪ a*bb* ∪ a*bb*a ∪ a*bb*ab (a ∪ b)*

Correct version: (a ∪ bb*aa)* (ε ∪ bb*(a ∪ ε)).

b) Describe L(M) in English.

Printed version: No obvious concise description.

Correct version: All strings in {a, b}* that contain no occurrence of bab.

10) Consider the FSM M of Example 5.3. Use fsmtoregexheuristic to construct a regular expression that describes

11) Consider the FSM M of Example 6.9. Apply fsmtoregex to M and show the regular expression that results.

12) Consider the FSM M of Example 6.8. Apply fsmtoregex to M and show the regular expression that results.
(Hint: this one is exceedingly tedious, but it can be done.)

13) Show a possibly nondeterministic FSM to accept the language defined by each of the following regular

Chapter 6 27
a) (((a ∪ ba) b ∪ aa)*.
b) (b ∪ ε)(ab)*(a ∪ ε).
c) (babb* ∪ a)*.
d) (ba ∪ ((a ∪ bb) a*b)).

1 b 2 a 3

b a

4 b 5 b 6

e) (a ∪ b)* aa (b ∪ aa) bb (a ∪ b)*.

a,b a,b

a a a a a a

14) Show a DFSM to accept the language defined by each of the following regular expressions:
a) (aba ∪ aabaa)*

a a,b
b b

b b
a a

a,b b

Chapter 6 28
b) (ab)*(aab)*

a a
b a b

15) Consider the following FSM M:

The first printing of the book has a mistake in this figure: There should not be an a labeling the transition
from q1 to q3.

a) Write a regular expression that describes L(M).

Printed version: ε ∪ ((a ∪ ba)(ba)*b ∪ a)

Correct version: ε ∪ ((a ∪ ba)(ba)*b).

b) Show a DFSM that accepts ¬L(M).

This is for the correct version (without the extra label a):

{1} {2, 3}
{0} a b
b a

{2} ∅ a,b

Chapter 6 29
16) Given the following DFSM M, write a regular expression that describes ¬L(M):

Give a regular expression for ¬L(M).

We first construct a deterministic FSM M* equivalent to M. M* =

({{q0}, {q0, q1}, {q0, q2}, {q0, q1, q2}}, {0, 1}, δ*, {q0}, {{q0, q2}, {q0, q1, q2}}), where δ* =
{({q0}, 0, {q0, q1}),
({q0}, 1, {q0}),
({q0, q1}, 0, {q0, q1}),
({q0, q1}, 1, {q0, q2}),
({q0, q2}, 0, {q0, q1, q2}),
({q0, q2}, 1, {q0}),
({q0, q1, q2}, 0, {q0, q1, q2}),
({q0, q1, q2}, 1, {q0, q2})}

From M*, we flip accepting and nonaccepting states to build M**, which accepts ¬L(M). M** = M*
except that A** = {}.

So a regular expression that accepts L(M**) is ∅.

17) Add the keyword able to the set in Example 6.13 and show the FSM that will be built by buildkeywordFSM
from the expanded keyword set.

18) Let Σ = {a, b}. Let L = {ε, a, b}. Let R be a relation defined on Σ* as follows: ∀xy (xRy iff y = xb). Let R′ be
the reflexive, transitive closure of R. Let L′ = {x : ∃y ∈ L (yR′x)}. Write a regular expression for L′.

R′ = {(ε, ε), (ε, b), (ε, bb), (ε, bbb), … (a, a), (a, ab), (a, abb), … (b, b), (b, bb), (b, bbb), …}.

So a regular expression for L′ is: (ε ∪ a ∪ b)b*.

19) In Appendix O, we summarize the main features of the regular expression language in Perl. What feature of
that regular expression language makes it possible to write regular expressions that describe languages that
aren’t regular?

The ability to store strings of arbitrary length in variables and then require that those variables match later
in the string.

20) For each of the following statements, state whether it is True or False. Prove your answer.
a) (ab)*a = a(ba)*.


b) (a ∪ b)* b (a ∪ b)* = a* b (a ∪ b)*.


Chapter 6 30
c) (a ∪ b)* b (a ∪ b)* ∪ (a ∪ b)* a (a ∪ b)* = (a ∪ b)*.


d) (a ∪ b)* b (a ∪ b)* ∪ (a ∪ b)* a (a ∪ b)* = (a ∪ b)+.


e) (a ∪ b)* b a (a ∪ b)* ∪ a*b* = (a ∪ b)*.


f) a* b (a ∪ b)* = (a ∪ b)* b (a ∪ b)*.


g) If α and β are any two regular expressions, then (α ∪ β)* = α(βα ∪ α).


h) If α and β are any two regular expressions, then (αβ)*α = α(βα)*.


Chapter 6 31
7 Regular Gramamars
1) Show a regular grammar for each of the following languages:
a) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains an odd number of a’s and an odd number of b’s}.

G = ({EE, EO, OE, OO, a, b}, {a, b}, EE, R), where R =
EE → a OE EO → ε
EE → b EO EO → a OO
OE → b OO EO → b EE
OE → a EE OO → a EO
OO → b OE

b) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w does not end in aa}.

S → aA | bB | ε
A → aC | bB | ε
B → aA | bB | ε
C → aC | bB

c) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains the substring abb}.

d) {w ∈ {a, b}* : if w contains the substring aa then |w| is odd}.

It helps to begin by rewriting this as:

{w ∈ {a, b}* : w does not contain the substring aa or |w| is odd}

The easiest way to design this grammar is to build an FSM first. The FSM has seven states:

• S, the start state, is never reentered after the first character is read.
• T1: No aa yet; even length; last character was a.
• T2: No aa yet; odd length; last character was a.
• T3: No aa yet; even length; last character was b.
• T4: No aa yet; odd length; last character was b.
• T5: aa seen; even length.
• T6: aa seen; odd length.

Now we build a regular grammar whose nonterminals correspond to those states. So we have:

S → aT2 | bT4
T1 → aT6 | bT4 | ε
T2 → aT5 | bT3 | ε
T3 → aT2 | bT4 | ε
T4 → aT1 | bT3 | ε
T5 → aT6 | bT6
T6 → aT5 | bT5 | ε

Chapter 7 33
e) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w does not contain the substring aabb}.

S → aA A → aB B → aB C → aA
S → bS A → bS B → bC C→ε
S→ε A→ε B→ε

2) Consider the following regular grammar G:

S → aT
T → bT
T → aW
W → aT
a) Write a regular expression that generates L(G).

a (b ∪ aa) a

b) Use grammartofsm to generate an FSM M that accepts L(G).

S a T

3) Consider again the FSM M shown in Exercise 5.1. Show a regular grammar that generates L(M).

4) Show by construction that, for every FSM M there exists a regular grammar G such that L(G) = L(M).

1. Make M deterministic (to get rid of ε-transitions).

2. Create a nonterminal for each state in the new M.
3. The start state becomes the starting nonterminal
4. For each transition δ(T, a) = U, make a rule of the form T → aU.
5. For each accepting state T, make a rule of the form T → ε.

5) Let L = {w ∈ {a, b}* : every a in w is immediately followed by at least one b}.

a) Write a regular expression that describes L.

(ab ∪ b)*

b) Write a regular grammar that generates L.

S → bS
S → aT
T → bS

Chapter 7 34
c) Construct an FSM that accepts L.


Chapter 7 35
8 Regular and Nonregular Languages
1) For each of the following languages L, state whether or not L is regular. Prove your answer:
a) {aibj : i, j ≥ 0 and i + j = 5}.

Regular. A simple FSM with five states just counts the total number of characters.

b) {aibj : i, j ≥ 0 and i - j = 5}.

Not regular. L consists of all strings of the form a*b* where the number of a’s is five more than the
number of b’s. We can show that L is not regular by pumping. Let w = ak+5bk. Since |xy| ≤ k, y must equal
ap for some p > 0. We can pump y out once, which will generate the string ak+5-pbk, which is not in L
because the number of a’s is is less than 5 more than the number of b’s.

c) {aibj : i, j ≥ 0 and |i – j| ≡5 0}.

Regular. Note that i – j ≡5 0 iff i ≡5 j. L can be accepted by a straightforward FSM that counts a’s (mod 5).
Then it counts b’s (mod 5) and accepts iff the two counts are equal.

d) {w ∈ {0, 1, #}* : w = x#y, where x, y ∈ {0, 1}* and |x|⋅|y| ≡5 0}. (Let ⋅ mean integer multiplication).

Regular. For |x| ⋅ |y| to be divisible by 5, either |x| or |y| (or both) must be divisible by 5. So L is defined by
the following regular expression:
((0 ∪ 1)5)*#(0 ∪ 1)* ∪ (0 ∪ 1)*#((0 ∪ 1)5)*, where (0 ∪ 1)5 is simply a shorthand for writing (0 ∪ 1)
five times in a row.

e) {aibj : 0 ≤ i < j < 2000}.

Regular. Finite.

f) {w ∈ {Y, N}* : w contains at least two Y’s and at most two N’s}.

Regular. L can be accepted by an FSM that keeps track of the count (up to 2) of Y’s and N’s.

g) {w = xy : x, y ∈ {a, b}* and |x| = |y| and #a(x) ≥ #a(y)}.

Not regular, which we’ll show by pumping. Let w = akbbak. y must occur in the first a region and be
equal to ap for some nonzero p. Let q = 0. If p is odd, then the resulting string is not in L because all
strings in L have even length. If p is even it is at least 2. So both b’s are now in the first half of the string.
That means that the number of a’s in the second half is greater than the number in the first half. So
resulting string, ak-pbbak, is not in L.

h) {w = xyzyRx : x, y, z ∈ {a, b}*}.

Regular. Note that L = (a ∪ b)*. Why? Take any string s in (a ∪ b)*. Let x and y be ε. Then s = z. So
the string can be written in the required form. Moral: Don’t jump too fast when you see the nonregular
“triggers”, like ww or wwR. The entire context matters.

Chapter 8 37
i) {w = xyzy : x, y, z ∈ {0, 1}+}.

Regular. Any string w in {0, 1}+ is in L iff:

• the last letter of w occurs in at least one other place in the string,
• that place is not the next to the last character,
• nor is it the first character, and
• w contains least 4 letters.

Either the last character is 0 or 1. So:

L = ((0 ∪ 1)+ 0 (0 ∪ 1)+ 0) ∪ ((0 ∪ 1)+ 1 (0 ∪ 1)+ 1).

j) {w ∈ {0, 1}* : #0(w) ≠ #1(w)}.

Not regular. This one is quite hard to prove by pumping. Since so many strings are in L, it’s hard to show
how to pump and get a string that is guaranteed not to be in L. Generally, with problems like this, you want
to turn them into problems involving more restrictive languages to which it is easier to apply pumping. So:
if L were regular, then the complement of L, L′ would also be regular.

L′ = {w ∈ {0, 1}* : #0(w) = #1(w)}.

It is easy to show, using pumping, that L′ is not regular: Let w = 0k1k. y must occur in the initial string of
0’s, since |xy| ≤ k. So y = 0i for some i ≥ 1. Let q of the pumping theorem equal 2 (i.e., we will pump in
one extra copy of y). We now have a string that has more 0’s than 1’s and is thus not in L′. Thus L′ is not
regular. So neither is L. Another way to prove that L′ isn’t regular is to observe that, if it were, L′′ = L′ ∩
0*1* would also have to be regular. But L′′ is 0n1n, which we already know is not regular.

k) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w = wR}.

Not regular, which we show by pumping. Let w = akbkbkak. So y must be ap for some nonzero p. Pump in
once. Reading w forward there are more a’s before any b’s than there are when w is read in reverse. So
the resulting string is not in L.

l) {w ∈ {a, b}* : ∃x ∈ {a, b}+ (w = x xR x)}.

Not regular, which we show by pumping: Let w = akbbakakb. y must occur in the initial string of a’s,
since |xy| ≤ k. So y = ai for some i ≥ 1. Let q of the pumping theorem equal 2 (i.e., we will pump in one
extra copy of y). That generates the string ak+ibbakakb. If this string is in L, then we must be able to
divide it into thirds so that it is of the form x xR x. Since its total length is 3k + 3 + i, one third of that
(which must be the length of x) is k + 1 + i/3. If i is not a multiple of 3, then we cannot carve it up into
three equal parts. If i is a multiple of 3, we can carve it up. But then the right boundary of x will shift two
characters to the left for every three a’s in y. So, if i is just 3, the boundary will shift so that x no longer
contains any b’s If i is more than 3, the boundary will shift even farther away from the first b. But there
are b’s in the string. Thus the resulting string cannot be in L. Thus L is not regular.

m) {w ∈ {a, b}* : the number of occurrences of the substring ab equals the number of occurrences of the
substring ba}.

Regular. The idea is that it’s never possible for the two counts to be off by more than 1. For example, as
soon as there’s an ab, there can be nothing but b’s without producing the first ba. Then the two counts are
equal and will stay equal until the next b. Then they’re off by 1 until the next a, when they’re equal again.
L = a*∪ a+b+a+(b+a+)* ∪ b* ∪ b+a+b+(a+b+)*.

Chapter 8 38
n) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains exactly two more b’s than a’s}.

Not regular, which we’ll show by pumping. Let w = akbk+2. y must equal ap for some p > 0. Set q to 0
(i.e., pump out once). The number of a’s changes, but the number of b’s does not. So there are no longer
exactly 2 more b’s than a’s.

o) {w ∈ {a, b}* : w = xyz, |x| = |y| = |z|, and z = x with every a replaced by b and every b replaced by a}.
Example: abbbabbaa ∈ L, with x = abb, y = bab, and z = baa.

Not regular, which we’ll show by pumping. Let w = akakbk. This string is in L since x = ak, y = ak, and z =
bk. y (from the pumping theorem) = ap for some nonzero p. Let q = 2 (i.e., we pump in once). If p is not
divisible by 3, then the resulting string is not in L because it cannot be divided into three equal length
segments. If p = 3i for integer i, then, when we divide the resulting string into three segments of equal
length, each segment gets longer by i characters. The first segment is still all a’s, so the last segment must
remain all b’s. But it doesn’t. It grows by absorbing a’s from the second segment. Thus z no longer = x
with every a replaced by b and every b replaced by a. So the resulting string is not in L.

p) {w: w ∈ {a – z}* and the letters of w appear in reverse alphabetical order}. For example, spoonfeed ∈

Regular. L can be recognized by a straightforward 26-state FSM.

q) {w: w ∈ {a - z}* every letter in w appears at least twice}. For example, unprosperousness∈ L.

Regular. L can be recognized by an FSM with 263 states.

r) {w : w is the decimal encoding of a natural number in which the digits appear in a non-decreasing order
without leading zeros}.

Regular. L can be recognized by an FSM with 10 states that checks that the digits appear in the correct
order. Or it can be described by the regular expression: 0*1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*.

s) {w of the form: <integer1>+<integer2>=<integer3>, where each of the substrings <integer1>, <integer2>,

and <integer3> is an element of {0 - 9}* and integer3 is the sum of integer1 and integer2}. For example,
124+5=129 ∈ L.

Not regular.

t) L0*, where L0 = {baibjak, j ≥ 0, 0 ≤ i ≤ k}.

Regular. Both i and j can be 0. So L = (b+a*)*.

Regular. Both i and j can be 0. So L = (b+a*)*.

u) {w : w is the encoding (in the scheme we describe next) of a date that occurs in a year that is a prime
number}. A date will be encoded as a string of the form mm/dd/yyyy, where each m, d, and y is drawn from

Regular. Finite.

v) {w ∈ {1}* : w is, for some n ≥ 1, the unary encoding of 10n}. (So L = {1111111111, 1100, 11000, …}.)

Not regular, which we can prove by pumping. Let w = 1t, where t is the smallest integer that is a power of
ten and is greater than k. y must be 1p for some nonzero p. Clearly, p can be at most t. Let q = 2 (i.e.,

Chapter 8 39
pump in once). The length of the resulting string s is at most 2t. But the next power of 10 is 10t. Thus s
cannot be in L.

2) For each of the following languages L, state whether L is regular or not and prove your answer:
a) {w ∈ {a, b, c}* : in each prefix x of w, #a(x) = #b(x) = #c(x))}.

Regular. L = {ε}.

b) {w ∈ {a, b, c}* : ∃ some prefix x of w (#a(x) = #b(x) = #c(x))}.

Regular. L = Σ*, since every string has ε as a prefix.

c) {w ∈ {a, b, c}* : ∃ some prefix x of w (x ≠ ε and #a(x) = #b(x) = #c(x))}.

Not regular, which we prove by pumping. Let w = a2kba2k.

3) Define the following two languages:

La = {w ∈ {a, b}* : in each prefix x of w, #a(x) ≥ #b(x)}.
Lb = {w ∈ {a, b}* : in each prefix x of w, #b(x) ≥ #a(x)}.
a) Let L1 = La ∩ Lb. Is L1 regular? Prove your answer.

Regular. L1 = {ε}.

b) Let L2 = La ∪ Lb. Is L2 regular? Prove your answer.

Not regular. First, we observe that L2 = {ε} ∪ {w: the first character of w is an a and w ∈ La}
∪ {w: the first character of w is a b and w ∈ Lb}

We can show that L2 is not regular by pumping. Let w = a2kb2k. y must be ap for some 0 < p ≤ k. Pump
out. The resulting string w′ = a2k-pb2k. Note that w′ is a prefix of itself. But it is not in L2 because it is not
ε, nor is it in La (because it has more b’s than a’s) or in Lb (because it has a as a prefix).

4) For each of the following languages L, state whether L is regular or not and prove your answer:
a) {uwwRv : u, v, w ∈ {a, b}+}.

Regular. Every string in L has at least 4 characters. Let w have length 1. Then wwR is simply two identical
characters next to each other. So L consists of exactly those strings of at least four characters such that
there’s a repeated character that is not either the first or last. Any such string can be rewritten as u (all the
characters up to the first repeated character) w (the first repeated character) wR (the second repeated
character) v (all the rest of the characters). So L = (a ∪ b)+ (aa ∪ bb) (a ∪ b)+.

Chapter 8 40
b) {xyzyRx : x, y, z ∈ {a, b}+}.

Not regular, which we show by pumping. Let w = akbabaakb. Note that w is in L because, using the
letters from the language definition, x = akb, y = a, and z =b. Then y (from the Pumping Theorem) must
occur in the first a region. It is ap for some nonzero p. Set q to 2 (i.e., pump in once). The resulting string
is ak+pbabaakb. This string cannot be in L. Since its initial x (from the language definition) region starts
with a, there must be a final x region that starts with a. Since the final x region ends with a b, the initial x
region must also end with a b. So, thinking about the beginning of the string, the shortest x region is ak+pb.
But there is no such region at the end of the string unless p is 1. But even in that case, we can’t call the
final aakb string x because that would leave only the middle substring ab to be carved up into yzyR. But
since both y and z must be nonempty, yzyR must have at least three characters. So the resulting string
cannot be carved up into xyzyRx and so is not in L.

5) Use the Pumping Theorem to complete the proof, given in L.3.1, that English isn’t regular.

6) Prove by construction that the regular languages are closed under:

a) intersection.
b) set difference.

7) Prove that the regular languages are closed under each of the following operations:
a) pref(L) = {w: ∃x ∈ Σ* (wx ∈ L)}.

By construction. Let M = (K, Σ, δ, s, A) be any FSM that accepts L:

Construct M′ = (K′, Σ′, δ′, s′, A′) to accept pref(L) from M:
1) Initially, let M′ be M.
2) Determine the set X of states in M′ from which there exists at least one path to some accepting state:
a) Let n be the number of states in M′.
b) Initialize X to {}.
c) For each state q in M′ do:
For each string w in Σ∗ where 0 ≤ w ≤ n-1 do:
Starting in state q, read the characters of w one at a time and make the appropriate
transition in M′.
If this process ever lands in an accepting state of M′, add q to X and quit processing w.
3) AM′ = X.

Comments on this algorithm: The only trick here is to find all the states from which there exists some
continuation string that could eventually lead to an accepting state. To accept pref(L), that continuation
does not have to be present. But we need to know when there could exist one. This can be done by trying
continuation strings. But there is an infinite number of them. We can’t try them all. True, but we don’t
have to. If there is a path to an accepting state, then there must be a path that does not require going
through a loop. The maximum length of such a path is n-1. So we simply try all strings of length up to n-1.

Chapter 8 41
b) suff(L) = {w: ∃x ∈ Σ* (xw ∈ L)}.

By construction. Let M = (K, Σ, δ, s, A) be any FSM that accepts L. Construct M′ = (K′, Σ′, δ′, s′, A′) to
accept suf(L) from M:

1) Initially, let M′ be M.
2) Determine the set X of states that are reachable from s:
a) Let n be the number of states in M′.
b) Initialize X to {s}. .
c) For i = 1 to n - 1 do:
i. For every state q in X do:
a. For every character c in Σ ∪ {ε} do:
i. For every transition (q, c, q′) in M′ do:
a. X = X ∪ {q′}
3) Add to M′ a new start state s′. Create an ε-transition from s′ to s.
4) Add to M′ an ε-transition from s′ to every element of X.

Comments on this algorithm: The basic idea is that we want to accept the end of any string in L. Another
way of thinking of this is that M′′ must act as though it had seen the beginning of the string without having
actually seen it. So we want to skip from the start state to anyplace that the beginning of any string could
have taken us. But we can’t necessarily skip to all states of M′, since there may be some that aren’t
reachable from s by any input string. So we must first find the reachable strings.

To find the reachable strings, we must follow all possible paths from s. We need only try strings of length
up to n-1 where n is the number of states of M, since any longer strings must simply follow loops and thus
cannot get anywhere that some shorter string could not have reached.

We must also be careful that we only skip the beginning of a string. We do not want to be able to skip
pieces out of the middle. If the original start state had any transitions into it, we might do that if we allow
ε-jumps from it. So we create a new start state s' that functions solely as the start state. We then create the
ε-transitions from it to all the states that were marked as reachable.

c) reverse(L) = {x ∈ Σ* : x = wR for some w ∈ L}.

By construction. Let M = (K, Σ, δ, s, A) be any FSM that accepts L. M must be written out completely,
without an implied dead state. Then construct M′ = (K′, Σ′, δ′, s′, A′) to accept reverse(L) from M:

1) Initially, let M′ be M.
2) Reverse the direction of every transition in M′.
3) Construct a new state q. Make it the start state of M′. Create an ε-transition from q to every state that
was an accepting state in M.
4) M′ has a single accepting state, the start state of M.

Chapter 8 42
d) letter substitution (as defined in Section 8.3).

Let sub be any function from Σ1 to Σ2*. Let letsub be a letter substitution function from L1 to L2. So
letsub(L1) = {w ∈ Σ2* : ∃y ∈ L1 and w = y except that every character c of y has been replaced by sub(c)}.
There are two ways to prove by construction that the regular languages are closed under letter substitution:

First, we can do it with FSMs: if L is regular, then it is accepted by some DFSM M = (K, Σ, δ, s, A). From
M we construct a machine M' = (K′, Σ′, δ′, s′, A′) to accept letsub(L). Initially, let M' = M. Now change M'
as follows. For each arc in M' labelled x, for any x, change the label to sub(x). M' will accept exactly the
strings accepted by M except that, if M accepted some character x, M' will accept s(x).

Or we can do it with regular expressions: If L is a regular language, then it is generated by some regular
expression α. We generate a new regular expression α′ that generates letsub(L). α′ = α, except that, for
every character c in Σ1, we replace every occurrence of c in α by sub(c).

8) Using the defintions of maxstring and mix given in Section 8.6, give a precise definition of each of the
following languages:
a) maxstring(AnBn).

maxstring(AnBn) = {anbn : n>0}. (Note: ε ∉ maxstring(AnBn) because each element of AnBn can be
concatenated to ε to generate a string in AnBn. But, given any other string in AnBn (e.g., aabb), there is
nothing except ε that can be added to make a string in AnBn.)

b) maxstring(aibjck, 1 ≤ k ≤ j ≤ i).

maxstring(aibjck, 1 ≤ k ≤ j ≤ i) = {aibjcj, 1 ≤ j ≤ i}.

c) maxstring(L1L2), where L1 = {w ∈ {a, b}* : w contains exactly one a} and L2 = {a}.

L1L2 = b*ab*a. So maxstring(L1L2) = b*ab*a.

d) mix((aba)*).

mix((aba)*) = (abaaba)*.

e) mix(a*b*).

This one is tricky. To come up with the answer, consider the following elements of a*b* and ask what
elements they generate in mix(a*b*):

• aaa: nothing, since only even length strings can contribute.

• aaaa: aaaa. Every even length string of all a’s just contributes itself.
• bbb: nothing, since only even length strings can contribute.
• bbbbbb: bbbbbb. Every even length string of all b’s just contributes itself.
• aaabbb: aaabbb. If the original string has even length and the number a’s is the same as the
number of b’s, the string contributes itself.
• aab: nothing, since only even length strings can contribute.
• aabbbb: aabbbb. If the original string has even length and the number a’s is less than the number
of b’s, the string contributes itself since the second half is all b’s and is thus unchanged by being
• aaaabb: aaabba. If the original string has even length and the number a’s is greater than the
number of b’s, then the second half starts with a’s. Thus reversing the second half creates a substring
that starts with b’s and ends with a’s.

Chapter 8 43
This analysis tells us that mix(a*b*) = (aa)* ∪ (bb)* ∪ {aibj, i ≤ j and i + j is even} ∪ {w : |w| = n, n is
even, w = aibjak, i = n/2}. But this can be simplified, since the case of all a’s is a special case of more a’s
than b’s and the case of all b’s is a special case of more b’s than a’s. So we have:

mix(a*b*) = {aibj, i ≤ j and i + j is even} ∪ {w : |w| = n, n is even, w = aibjak, i = n/2}.

9) Prove that the regular languages are not closed under mix.

Let L = (ab)*. Then mix((ab)*) = L′ = {(ab)2n+1, n ≥ 0} ∪ {(ab)n(ba)n, n ≥ 0}. L′ is not regular. If it

were, then L′′ = L′ ∩ (ab)+(ba)+ = {(ab)n(ba)n, n ≥ 1} would also be regular. But it isn’t, which we can
show by pumping. Let w = (ab)N(ba)N. y must occur in the (ab)N region. We consider each possibility:
• |y| is odd. Let q = 2. The resulting string has odd length. But all strings in L have even length, so
it is not in L.
• |y| is even and y = (ab)p for some p. Let q = 2. The resulting string has more (ab) pairs than (ba)
pairs, and so is not in L.
• |y| is even and y = (ba)p for some p. Let q = 2. The resulting string has more (ba) pairs than (ab)
pairs, and so is not in L.

10) Recall that maxstring(L) = {w: w ∈ L and ∀z∈Σ* (z ≠ ε → wz ∉ L)}.

a) Prove that the regular languages are closed under maxstring.

The proof is by construction. If L is regular, then it is accepted by some DFSA M = (K, Σ, ∆, s, A). We
construct a new DFSM M* = (K*, Σ*, ∆*, s*, A*), such that L(M*) = maxstring(L). The idea is that M*
will operate exactly as M would have except that A* will include only states that are accepting states in M
and from which there exists no path of at least one character to any accepting state (back to itself or to any
other). So an algorithm to construct M* is:

1. Initially, let M* = M.
/* Check each accepting state in M to see whether there are paths from it to some accepting state.
2. For each state q in A do:
2.1. Follow all paths out of q for |K| steps or until the path reaches an element of A or some
state it has already visited.
2.2. If the path reached an element of A, then q is not an element of A*.
2.3. If the path ended without reaching an element of A, then q is an element of A*.

Comments on this algorithm:

1. Why do we need to start with a deterministic machine? Suppose L is ba*a.
maxstring(L) = {}. But suppose that M were:

q0 b q1 a q2

If we executed our algorithm with this machine, we would accept ba*a rather than {}.
2. Your initial thought may be that the accepting states of M* should be simply the accepting
states of M that have no transitions out of them. But there could be transitions that themselves
lead no where, in which case they don’t affect the computation of maxstring. So we must start
by finding exactly those accepting states of M such that there is no continuation (other than ε)
that leads again to an accepting state.

Chapter 8 44
b) If maxstring(L) is regular, must L also be regular? Prove your answer.

No. Consider Primea = {an : n is prime}. Primea is not regular. But maxstring(Primea) = ∅, which is

11) Let midchar be a function on languages. Define:

midchar(L) = {c : ∃w∈L (w = ycz, c ∈ Σ, y ∈ Σ*, z ∈ Σ*, |y| = |z|}
a) Are the regular languages closed under midchar? Prove your answer.

Yes. For any language L, midchar(L) must be finite and thus regular.

b) Are the nonregular languages closed under midchar? Prove your answer.

No. AnBn is not regular, but midchar(AnBn) = ∅, which is regular.

12) Define the function twice(L) = {w : ∃x ∈ L (x can be written as c1c2 …cn, for some n ≥ 1, where each ci ∈ ΣL,
and w = c1c1c2c2 …cncn)}.
a) Let L = (1 ∪ 0)*1. Write a regular expression for twice(L).

(11 ∪ 00)*11.

b) Are the regular languages closed under twice? Prove your answer.

Yes, by construction. If L is regular, then there is some DFSM M that accepts it. We build an FSM M’ that
accepts twice(L):

1. Initially, let M′ be M.
2. Modify M′ as follows: For every transition in M from some state p to some state q with label c, do:
2.1. Remove the transition from M′.
2.2. Create a new state p′.
2.3. Add to M′ two transitions: ((p, c), p′) and (p′, c), q).
3. Make the start state of M′ be the same as the start state of M.
4. Make every accepting state in M also be an accepting state in M′.

13) Define the function shuffle(L) = {w : ∃x ∈ L (w is some permutation of x)}. For example, if L = {ab, abc},
then shuffle(L) = {ab, abc, ba, acb, bac, bca, cab, cba}. Are the regular languages closed under shuffle?
Prove your answer.

No. Let L = (ab)*. Then shuffle(L) = {w ∈ {a, b}* : #a(w) = #b(w)}, which is not regular.

14) Define the function copyandreverse(L) = {w : ∃x ∈ L (w = xxR)}. Are the regular languages closed under
copyandreverse? Prove your answer.

No. Let L = (a ∪ b)*. Then copyandreverse(L) = WWR, which is not regular.

15) Let L1 and L2 be regular languages. Let L be the language consisting of strings that are contained in exactly one
of L1 and L2. Prove that L is regular.

We prove this by construction of an FSM that accepts L. Let M1 be a DFSM that accepts L1 and let M2 be a
DFSM that accepts L2. The idea is that we’ll build a machine M′ that simulates the parallel execution of M1
and M2. The states of M′ will correspond to ordered pairs of the states of M1 and M2. The accepting states
of M′ will be the ones that correspond to ordered pairs of states that are accepting in their original

Chapter 8 45
16) Define two integers i and j to be twin primes  iff both i and j are prime and |j - i| = 2.
a) Let L = {w ∈ {1}* : w is the unary notation for a natural number n such that there exists a pair p and q of
twin primes, both > n.} Is L regular?

Regular. We don’t know how to build an FSM for L. We can, however, prove that it is regular by
considering the following two possibilities:
(1) There is an infinite number of twin primes. In this case, for every n, there exists a pair of twin
primes greater than n. Thus L = 1*, which is clearly regular.
(2) There is not an infinite number of twin primes. In this case, there is some largest pair. There is
thus also a largest n that has a pair greater than it. Thus the set of such n’s is finite and so is L
(since it contains exactly the unary encodings of those values of n). Since L is finite, it is regular.
It is unknown which of these is true.

b) Let L = {x, y : x is the decimal encoding of a positive integer i, y is the decimal encoding of a positive
integer j, and i and j are twin primes}. Is L regular?

It is unknown whether the number of pairs of twin primes is finite. If it is, then L is regular. If it is not,
then L is probably not regular.

17) Consider any function f(L1) = L2, where L1 and L2 are both languages over the alphabet Σ = {0,1}. We say that
function f is nice iff L2 is regular iff L1 is regular. For each of the following functions, state whether or not it is
nice and prove your answer:
a) f(L) = LR.

Nice. The regular languages are closed under reverse.

b) f(L) = {w: w is formed by taking a string in L and replacing all 1’s with 0’s and leaving the 0’s

Not nice. Let L be {0n1n: n ≥ 0}, which is not regular. Then f(L) = (00)*, which is regular.

c) f(L) = L ∪ 0*

Not nice. Let L be {0p: p is prime}, which is not regular. Then f(L) = 0*, which is regular.

d) f(L) = {w: w is formed by taking a string in L and replacing all 1’s with 0’s and all 0’s with 1’s

Nice. The regular languages are closed under letter substitution.

e) f(L) = {w: ∃x ∈ L ( w = x00)}.

Nice. If L is regular, then f(L) is the concatenation of two regular languages and so is regular. If f(L) is
regular, then there is some FSM M that accepts it. From M, we construct a new FSM M′ that accepts L′,
defined to be the set of strings with the property that if 00 is concatenated onto them they are in f(L). To
build M′, we begin by letting it be M. Then we start at each accepting state of M and trace backwards along
arcs labeled 0. The set of states that can be reached by following exactly two steps in that way become the
accepting states of M′. Since there is an FSM that accepts L′, it is regular. Finally, we note that L′ = L.

f) f(L) = {w: w is formed by taking a string in L and removing the last character}.

Not nice. Let L be {apb: p is prime} ∪ {apc: p is a positive integer and is not prime}, which is not regular.
Then f(L) = a+, which is regular.

Chapter 8 46
18) We’ll say that a language L over an alphabet Σ is splitable iff the following property holds: Let w be any string
in L that can be written as c1c2 …c2n, for some n ≥ 1, where each ci ∈ Σ. Then x = c1c3 …c2n-1 is also in L.
a) Give an example of a splitable regular language.

Two simple examples are (a ∪ b)* and a*.

b) Is every regular language splitable?

No. L = (ab)* is regular. Let w = abab. Then w ∈ L. The split version of w is aa, which is not in L. So
L isn’t splitable. An even simpler example is L = {ab}.

c) Does there exist a nonregular language that is splitable?

Yes. One example is L = AnBnCn = {anbncn : n ≥ 0}. Only even length strings in L have an impact on
whether or not L is splitable. So consider any string w in {a2nb2nc2n : n ≥ 0}. The split version of any such
string is anbncn, which is also in L.

Another example is L = {an : n > 2 and n is prime}. Since L contains no even length strings, it is trivially

19) Define the class IR to be the class of languages that are both infinite and regular. Is the class IR closed under:
a) union.

Yes. Let L3 = L1 ∪ L2. If L1 and L2 are in IR, then L3 must be. First we observe that L3 must be infinite
because every element of L1 is in L3. Next we observe that L3 must be regular because the regular
languages are closed under union.

b) intersection.

No. Let L1 = a*. Let L2 = b*. Both L1 and L2 are infinite and regular. But L3 = L1 ∩ L2 = {ε}, which is

c) Kleene star.

Yes. Let L2 = L1*. If L1 is in IR, then L2 must be. First we observe that L2 must be infinite because every
element of L1 is in L2. Next we observe that L2 must be regular because the regular languages are closed
under Kleene star.

20) Consider the language L = {x0ny1nz : n ≥ 0, x ∈ P, y ∈ Q, z ∈ R}, where P, Q, and R are nonempty sets over the
alphabet {0, 1}. Can you find regular languages P, Q, and R such that L is not regular? Can you find regular
languages P, Q, and R such that L is regular?

Let P, Q, R = {ε}. Then L = 0n1n, and so is not regular. On the other hand, let P = 0*, Q = {ε} and let R =
1*. Now L = 0*1*, which is regular.

21) For each of the following claims, state whether it is True or False. Prove your answer.:
a) There are uncountably many non-regular languages over Σ = {a, b}.

True. There are uncountably many languages over Σ = {a, b}. Only a countably infinite number of those
are regular.

Chapter 8 47
b) The union of an infinite number of regular languages must be regular.

False. Let L = ∪ ({ε}, {ab}, {aabb}, {aaabbb}, …) Each of these languages is finite and thus regular.
But the infinite union of them is {anbn , n ≥ 0}, which is not regular.

c) The union of an infinite number of regular languages is never regular.

Nothing says the languages that are being unioned have to be different. So, Let L = ∪ (a*, a*, a*, …),
which is a*, which is regular.

d) If L1 and L2 are not regular languages, then L1 ∪ L2 is not regular.

False. Let L1 = {ap : p is prime}. Let L2 = {ap : p is greater than 0 and not prime}. Neither L1 nor L2 is
regular. But L1 ∪ L2 = a+, which is regular.

e) If L1 and L2 are regular languages, then L1 ⊗ L2 = {w : w ∈ (L1 - L2) or w ∈ (L2 - L1)} is regular.

True. The regular languages are closed under union and set difference.

f) If L1 and L2 are regular languages and L1 ⊆ L ⊆ L2, then L must be regular.

False. Let L1 = ∅. Let L2 = {a ∪ b)*. Let L = {anbn : n ≥ 0}, which is not regular.

g) The intersection of a regular language and a nonregular language must be regular.

False. Let L1 = (a ∪ b)*, which is regular. Let L2 = {anbn , n ≥ 0}, which is not regular. Then L1 ∩ L2 =
{anbn , n ≥ 0}, which is not regular. A simpler example is: Let L1 = a*, which is regular. Let L2 = {ap: p
is prime}, which is not regular. L1 ∩ L2 = L2.

h) The intersection of a regular language and a nonregular language must not be regular.

False. Let L1 = {ab} (regular). Let L2 = {anbn , n ≥ 0} (not regular). L1 ∩ L2 = {ab}, which is regular.

i) The intersection of two nonregular languages must not be regular.

False. Let L1 = {ap: p is prime}, which is not regular.. Let L2 ={bp: p is prime}, which is also not regular..
L1 ∩ L2 = ∅, which is regular.

j) The intersection of a finite number of nonregular languages must not be regular.

False. Since two is a finite number, we can used the same counterexample that we used above in part i.
Let L1 = {ap: p is prime}, which is not regular.. Let L2 ={bp: p is prime}, which is also not regular.. L1 ∩
L2 = ∅, which is regular.

k) The intersection of an infinite number of regular languages must be regular.

False. Let x1, x2, x3, …be the sequence 0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, … of nonprime, nonnegative integers. Let axi be a
string of xi a’s. Let Li be the language a* - {axi}.

Now consider L = the infinite intersection of the sequence of languages L1, L2, … Note that L = {ap, where
p is prime}. We have proved that L is not regular.

Chapter 8 48
l) It is possible that the concatenation of two nonregular languages is regular.

True. To prove this, we need one example: Let L1 = {aibj, i, j ≥ 0 and i ≠ j}. Let L2 = {bnam, n, m ≥ 0 and
n ≠ m. L1L2 = {aibjak such that:
• If i and k are both 0 then j ≥ 2.
• If i = 0 and k ≠ 0 then j ≥ 1.
• If i ≠ 0 and k = 0 then j ≥ 1.
• If i and k are both 1 then j ≠ 1.
• Otherwise, j ≥ 0}.
In other words, L1L2 is almost a*b*a*, with a small number of exceptions that can be checked for by a
finite state machine.

m) It is possible that the union of a regular language and a nonregular language is regular.

True. Let L1 = a*, which is regular. Let L2 = {ap: 2 ≤ p and p is prime}, which is not regular. L1 ∪ L2 =
a*, which is regular.

n) Every nonregular language can be described as the intersection of an infinite number of regular languages.

True. Note first that every nonregular language is countably infinite. (Because every finite language is
regular and no language contains more strings than Σ*.)

Let L be a non-regular language, and consider the following infinite set of languages:

S = {Li | Li is the language Σ* - wi}

where wi is the i-th string in Σ* in lexicographical order. For example, suppose Σ= {a,b} and the words are
ordered as follows: ε, a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb, aaa, ...Then, L1=Σ*-{ε}, L2 = Σ*-{a}, L3=Σ*-{b}, L4=Σ*-
{aa}, etc. Obviously, each Li is a regular language (since it's the complement of the regular language that
contains only one string, namely the i-th string m, which is regular).

Now, consider the following set of languages: T = {Li | the i-th string in Σ* is not in L }, i.e., T is the set of
all Li's where the i-th string (the one that defines Li) is not in L. For example, suppose L = {anbn : n ≥ 0}.
Since Σ = {a,b}, the Li’s are as mentioned above. T = {Σ*- a, Σ*- b, Σ*- aa, Σ*- ba, Σ*- bb, Σ*- aaa,

Return now to our original, nonregular language L. We observe that it is simply the intersection of all of
the languages in T. What we are effectively doing is subtracting out, one at a time, all the strings that
should be excluded from L.

Note that T is infinite (i.e., it contains an infinite number of languages). Why? Recall that L = Σ* - one
string for each element of T. If T were finite, that would mean that L were equal to Σ* - L′, where L′
contains only some finite number of strings. But then L′ would be regular, since it would be finite. If L′
were regular, then its complement, Σ* - L′, would also be regular. But L is precisely the complement of L′
and, by hypothesis, L is not regular.

This result may seem a bit counterintuitive. After all, we have proven that the regular languages are closed
under intersection. But what we proved is that the regular languages are closed under finite intersection. It
is true that if you intersect any finite number of regular languages, the result must be regular. We can
prove that by induction on the number of times we apply the intersection operator, starting with the base
case, that we proved by construction, in which we intersect any two regular languages and must get a result
that is regular. But the induction proof technique only applies to finite values of n. To see this, consider a
more straightforward case. We can prove, by induction, that the sum of the integers from 1 to N is
N∗(N+1)/2. So, for any value of N, we can determine the sum. But what is the sum of all the integers? In

Chapter 8 49
other words, what is the answer if we sum an infinite number of integers. The answer is that it is not an
integer. There exists no value N such that the answer is N∗(N+1)/2.

o) If L is a language that is not regular, then L* is not regular.

Let L = Primea = {an : n is prime}. L is not regular.
L* = {ε} ∪ {an : 1 < n}. L* is regular.

p) If L* is regular, then L is regular.

Let L = Primea = {an : n is prime}. L is not regular.
L* = {ε} ∪ {an : 1 < n}. L* is regular.

q) The nonregular languages are closed under intersection.

Let L1 = {anbn, where n is even}. L1 is not regular.
Let L2 = {anbn, where n is odd}. L2 is not regular.
L = L1 ∩ L2 = ∅, which is regular.

r) Every subset of a regular language is regular.

Let L = a*, which is regular.
Let L' = ap, where p is prime. L' is not regular, but it is a subset of L.

s) Let L4 = L1L2L3. If L1 and L2 are regular and L3 is not regular, it is possible that L4 is regular.

True. Example:
Let L1 = {ε}. L1 is regular.
Let L2 = a*. L2 is regular.
Let L3 = ap, where p is prime. L3 is not regular.
L4 = ak, where k ≥ 2 L4 is regular, because it is defined by aaa*.

t) If L is regular, then so is {xy : x ∈ L and y ∉ L}.

True. {xy : x ∈ L and y ∉ L} can also be described as the concatenation of L and ¬L. Since the regular
languages are closed under complement, this means that it is the concatenation of two regular languages.
The regular languages are closed under complement.

u) Every infinite regular language properly contains another infinite regular language.

True. Let L be an infinite regular language and let w be a string in L. Then L - {w} is also both infinite and

Chapter 8 50

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